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Jewish college students -- New York (State) -- New York in subject 
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 Title:  Masmid Yearbooks  
 Dates:  1929-2024, with gaps 
 Call No:  YU.1990.099 
 Abstract:  The collection consists of volumes of Masmid, the yearbook of Yeshiva College, the first college of liberal arts and sciences under Jewish auspices, established in 1928. It is presently an undergraduate college for men of Yeshiva University. Beginning in 1988, the yearbook Included students from the University's Sy Syms School of Business, established in 1987. 
 Size:  11.75 Linear feet 
 Subjects:  College yearbooks -- New York (State) -- New York | Jewish college students -- New York (State) -- New York 
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 Title:  Commentator  
 Dates:  March 1, 1935 - 2024 
 Call No:  YU.1985.099 
 Abstract:  The collection consists of copies of The Commentator, an independent undergraduate student newspaper of Yeshiva College and the Sy Syms School of Business, beginning with the first issue published on March 1, 1935 through the present (with gaps). 
 Size:  43.5 Linear feet 
 Subjects:  College student newspapers and periodicals -- New York (State) -- New York | Jewish college students -- New York (State) -- New York | New York (N.Y.) -- Newspapers