Guide to the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry Records 1956-2010, 2017

Guide to the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry Records
1956-2010, 2017

Exodus March for Soviet Jewry, New York City. April, 1970
Exodus March for Soviet Jewry, New York City. April, 1970

© Copyright 2008.  Yeshiva University
Yeshiva University Archives | Mendel Gottesman Library | 500 W. 185th St., New York, NY 10033 | Phone: (646) 592-4058 | Email:

Collection Overview

Creator: Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry
Title:Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry Records
Inclusive Dates:1956-2010, 2017
Bulk Dates:1964-1991
Size:Approximately 266 linear feet (351 manuscript boxes, 10 record cartons, 1 map box, 17 flat storage boxes, 13 exhibit panels, and 42 artifact boxes.)
Abstract:Grassroots national student organization formed by Jacob Birnbaum in 1964 to oppose the persecution of Soviet Jews and promote their right to emigrate freely from the Soviet Union. Collection contains correspondence, questionnaires and statistical information on refuseniks, administrative and financial records, press releases and publicity material, newsletters, clippings, photographs, publications, reports, reel-to-reel tapes, audiocassettes, videotapes, CDs, and buttons, bumper stickers, posters, uniforms and other ephemera.
Language: The records are mostly in English, with some material in Russian, Hebrew, and Yiddish.
Call No:1993.099

About This Guide

Finding aid written by Archives staff members in 2008 from box lists created by various processors during prior arrangement of the collection.

Finding aid encoded March, 2008

Encoding is in English.

Historical Note

May 1, 1964, was a red-letter date in the history of the Soviet Jewry movement. Only four days earlier, on April 27, 1964, Jacob Birnbaum organized a meeting at Columbia University to address the Soviet Union's anti-Semitic policies. The gathering generated a call for a mass demonstration on May 1 at the Soviet Mission to the United States. About a thousand students from New York area high schools and colleges came to the rally, despite the scant few days available to plan the protest. The event drew national press and television coverage, and thus the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ) was formed.

The announcement of the April 27 meeting, entitled "College Students' Struggle for Soviet Jewry," outlined key principles of the SSSJ. The invitation appealed to a post-Holocaust generation of young people: "We, who condemn silence and inaction during the Nazi holocaust, dare we keep silent now?" The letter called for action and justice, invoking the civil rights movement: "Just as we, as human beings and as Jews, are conscious of the wrongs suffered by the Negro and we fight for his betterment, so must we come to feel in ourselves the silent, strangulated pain of so many of our Russian brethren." The statement rejected the quiet Jewish diplomacy of shtadlanus, the behind-the-scenes negotiating with governments, characteristic of much of Jewish history: "There is a time to be passive and a time to act. We believe most emphatically that this is not a time for quietism. We believe that a bold, well-planned campaign, to include some very active measures can create a climate of opinion, a moral power, which will soon become a force to be reckoned with." The signatories were Jacob Birnbaum, Bernard Caplan, Moses Stambler, and James Torczyner, with a notice to contact J. Birnbaum for further information. In 1965, Jacob Birnbaum founded the Center for Russian Jewry, an adult adjunct of the SSSJ.

The emergence of the SSSJ was one of the first concrete, communal steps in the awakening of American Jews to the plight of their brethren in the Soviet Union. Prior to 1963, the American Jewish community had taken little public interest in or action regarding the condition or fate of Soviet Jewry. The situation changed after a resurgence of virulent anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union in 1963. Soviet Jews could not practice or study Judaism or Jewish culture, and were not permitted to emigrate. The civil rights movement in the United States came to maturity during the early 1960s and made open protest and civil disobedience accepted tactics for trying to induce change. In addition, the equal rights agenda of the civil rights movement increased sensitivity and concern for human rights in other parts of the world. The lessons of the civil rights movement in conjunction with growing oppression in the Soviet Union led to Jacob Birnbaum's decision to found the SSSJ. Birnbaum had recently arrived in the United States from England, where he had been active in Jewish communal issues. He had also worked with Moroccan Jewish refugees in North Africa and France. Based on these experiences, Birnbaum said he believed that students were more likely to respond to calls to action than their elders. He hoped that the creation of a grass-roots movement of students would exert effective pressure on the established Jewish leadership. Birnbaum moved to Amsterdam Avenue in Washington Heights, New York, near Yeshiva University, which he hoped to use as a base to mobilize students on behalf of Soviet Jewry.

For many years the SSSJ was the only organization with a full-time staff (Jacob Birnbaum and Glenn Richter) devoted exclusively to Soviet Jewry. In contrast to the major Jewish organizations which sponsored one or two drives a year on behalf of Soviet Jewry, the SSSJ tried to hold weekly, and sometimes even daily, events and to provide a steady flow of information and press releases to the media and to other organizations. The organization formed chapters across the United States which sponsored their own local activities. SSSJ viewed its mission in historic terms and adapted its slogan, "Let My People Go!" from the Book of Exodus. Its rallies utilized biblical and religious imagery and symbolism. The Jericho, Geulah, and Exodus marches, where participants blew shofrot (rams horns) and carried Torah scrolls in the streets of New York and Washington, D.C., were peaceful manifestations of Jewish pride and a message to the US and to the Soviet Union that the Jewish community would not remain silent. The chief objectives of these activities were to pressure the Soviet government directly, to move the United States government to intervene with the Soviet government, and to boost the morale of Soviet Jews.

After Israel's victory in the Six Day War in 1967, the desire of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel was strengthened. In addition to the goals mentioned earlier, the SSSJ also focused its energy on securing permission for Jews to emigrate. Individuals began to request exit visas and the Soviet Union's refusal to honor their requests created the "refusenik." SSSJ sponsored rallies and campaigns focused on individual "refuseniks", since it was easier for people to identify with individuals than with Soviet Jewry as a whole. These activities continued on a large scale and contributed to unlocking the iron doors of the Soviet Union. Natan Sharansky stated that "students and housewives" helped free him. These "students and housewives" were the backbone of the SSSJ.

The SSSJ also tried to help find appropriate employment for Soviet Jews who came to the United States.

The SSSJ ceased its public activities in the United States with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, although Jacob Birnbaum continues to aid individuals and communities in the former Soviet Union through the Center for Russian Jewry, which he founded in 1965 as an adjunct to the SSSJ.

Appelbaum, Paul S. "The Soviet Jewry Movement in the United States." Jewish American Voluntary Organizations. Ed. Michael Dobkowski. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. 613-638.

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of the institutional records of the Center for Russian Jewry/Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, founded to advocate for the rights of Soviet Jews and their freedom to emigrate from the Soviet Union, and contains materials dating from the organization's formation in 1964 throughout its existence. It contains detailed records of SSSJ's public activities on behalf of Soviet Jewry, methods used to increase awareness and participation among American Jews, Jewish and human rights organizations, and the United States government in Soviet Jewry advocacy, as well as documentation of how SSSJ's day-to-day operations were managed. Additionally, the collection contains significant material on individual refuseniks as well as information on overall conditions for Jews in the Soviet Union.

Highlights of the collection include audio and video footage and photographs of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing "Am Yisrael Hai" which became the movement's "theme song", for the first time at the 1965 Jericho Rally, figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Golda Meir, Elie Wiesel, Jacob Javits, Alan Dershowitz, Avraham Burg, and refuseniks such as Anatoly Shcharansky, Yosef Begun and Yosef Mendelevich.

The collection is valuable to researchers studying the Soviet Jewry movement in the United States in general, and among college students in particular, as well as those interested in civil rights protest organizations, student activism, information on specific Soviet refuseniks, conditions and treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union, and challenges and experiences of Russian emigres to the United States and Israel. It also provides information on U.S. legislative action, on the American Jewish establishment, and on coverage of Soviet Jewry issues in the American Jewish press.

The collection consists of administrative records, case files, correspondence, ephemera, essays, financial records, memoranda, newsletters, newspaper clippings, notes, pamphlets, photographs, press releases, publications, reports, and sound and video recordings.


The collection is arranged in the following series:

Index Terms

This collection has been indexed under the following terms:

Begun, Yosif, 1932-
Birnbaum, Jacob, 1926-
Burg, Avraham
Carlebach, Shlomo
Dershowitz, Alan M.
Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Kappel), 1904-1986
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
Meir, Golda, 1898-1978
Mendelevich, Josif
Richter, Glenn
Shcharansky, Anatoly
Wiesel, Elie, 1928-
American League for Russian Jews
Center for Russian Jewry
Jews -- Soviet Union -- Migrations -- History -- 20th century
Jews -- Persecutions -- Soviet Union
Student movements -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th century -- Case studies
Students -- New York (State) -- New York -- Political activity -- History -- 20th century -- Case studies
Soviet Union -- Emigration and immigration
Document Types:
Administrative records
Case Files
Financial records
Membership lists
Phonograph records
Physical objects
Press releases
Printed ephemera
Short films
Sound Recordings
Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter

Related Material

Related Manuscripts and Archival Collections at Yeshiva University:

Other Related Manuscripts and Archival Collections:
American Soviet Jewish Movement Archives, American Jewish Historical Society, New York, NY
Leonard Schroeter Papers, University of Washington Special Collections, Seattle, WA

Online Sites with Related Content:
Website of former refusenik Yuli Kosharovsky (includes an extensive history of the movement within the Soviet Union)
Freedom25 (educational site commemorating the 25th anniversary of the 1987 Freedom Sunday March on Washington)


Acquisition Information

The collection was donated to Yeshiva University Archives by Jacob Birnbaum in 1993.

Processing Note

Collection Processing

This large collection was arranged over a period of several years by various Archives staff members, and box lists were created. These box lists appear to have replicated the folder titles from the original SSSJ files and audio/video labels, which contained numerous abbreviations, many of which are non-standard and may be difficult to interpret. The series descriptions and notes were written at a later time.


Arrangement and microfilming of the collection was achieved with the help of grant funding from the National Foundation for Jewish Culture and the New York State Discretionary Grant Funding Program.

Conditions Governing Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access

Available to researchers deemed to be qualified by the Archivist.

Conditions Governing Use

Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of materials in this collection. Please contact the Curator of Special Collections for information regarding Yeshiva University's reproduction policies and fees.

Alternative Form Available

The bulk of the documentary material in the collection is available on microfilm. Users may be requested to view microfilm instead of handling original materials.

Access copies have been made of most audio and video materials.

Fully searchable digital versions of Boxes 1-37 in Series I (SSSJ Events) can be viewed here.

Digital versions of most posters in Series IX (Ephemera) can be viewed here.

Preferred Citation

A suggested form for the citation is: Description of Item, Date (if known), Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry Records, Box Number, Folder Number, Yeshiva University Archives, Mendel Gottesman Library, New York, NY.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Series I: SSSJ Events, 1964-1991. Boxes 1-51 and Oversized Boxes 197 & 385

Series Description: Note: Fully searchable digital versions of Boxes 1-37 in this series can be viewed here.

This series contains materials on events organized by SSSJ or in which SSSJ members participated, such as demonstrations, rallies, meetings, conferences and dinners, as well as ongoing initiatives such as letter writing campaigns and programs to send parcels to Soviet refuseniks. It includes records from the organization's founding event in April, 1964, until it ceased its public operations in 1991. The majority of the events represented in the series were held in the New York area, with a number held in Washington, DC. However, the series does contain files of SSSJ participation in events held in locations abroad including Israel, Montreal, Brussels, and Vienna.

The breadth and variety of events organized by SSSJ provide evidence of the strategies it used to achieve its objectives, which included programs aimed at arousing American Jewry and the Jewish establishment to the issue, at pressuring the Soviet government and the United States government, and at boosting the morale of Soviet Jews.

SSSJ's creative use of biblical and other Jewish themes in their programs is demonstrated by events such as the Chanukah "Flames of Freedom" demonstration and the Passover "Exodus March". As part of its objective to damage the Soviet government's standing in the international arena, the organization also regularly conducted protests at Soviet cultural and political events, such as holding a "Circus of Horrors" demonstration at the opening of the Moscow Circus, and a "Fly Me to Freedom" rally at Aeroflot, the Soviet national airline. While most of the events represented in these files are of this nature, designed to attract broad publicity, the series also documents SSSJ's arrangement of and participation in numerous more low-profile yet equally influential events, such as congressional lobbying and briefings, involvement with conferences and symposia, and arrangement of speaking tours for former refuseniks.

The organization's strategy of personalizing the connection American Jews felt toward their Soviet brethren is demonstrated by the files on Adopt-a-Family Program, Bar and Bat Mitzvah Twinnings, Letters to the USSR campaigns, Prisoner of Conscience bracelets and other ongoing initiatives.

The series consists of correspondence, press releases, clippings, memoranda, reports and flyers. Many of the files contain photographs. Sound recordings of a number of the events may be found in Series X, Audio Recordings

Arrangement: The files in Boxes 1-37 are arranged chronologically by event date, with undated material at the end. The remaining files, which are primarily ongoing initiatives, are arranged alphabetically.
11SSSJ - Founding Meeting, 04/27/1964
2SSSJ - May Day Demonstration, 05/01/1964
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Fast-In at Soviet United Nations (UN) Mission, 06/09/1964-06/14/1964
(includes photos of all-faith service at culmination of week-long fast)
1971SSSJ - Fast-In at Soviet United Nations (UN) Mission - Photos, 06/09/1964-06/14/1964
14SSSJ - Atlantic City, Democratic Convention, 08/25/1964
5SSSJ - Raduga Dancers Picket at Philharmonic Hall, 10/07/1964
6SSSJ - Straus Square Rally, 10/18/1964
(includes photos, some of Shlomo Carlebach)
7New York Conference on Soviet Jewry (at Hunter College) 10/28/64
(includes text of telegram from Lyndon Johnson to Robert F. Kennedy, read by RFK)
8SSSJ - New Jersey March (Washington's Birthday), 02/22/1965
(includes some material from a United Synagogue Youth march, 4/20/1965)
9American League - Queens Protest Day for SJ - Mass meeting at Forest Hills High School, 3/7/1965
(includes photo)
1972Proclamation - Queens Protest Day for SJ, 03/07/1965
110SSSJ - Jericho March (includes photos of Shlomo Carlebach et al.); UN Ceremony, 4/4/1965; 4/12/65
(includes photos; contact sheet also includes Brooklyn Menorah March [see file 2/1])
11SSSJ - Jericho Ride to Washington, 5/20/19 65
(includes photos [includes contact sheet for file 1/12)
12SSSJ - Madison Square Garden Rally, 6/3/1965
(includes photo of Robert Kennedy [contact sheet is in file 1/11])
13SSSJ - Rockaway Rally and Information Center, 08/08/1965
(includes photos of Abe Beame, John Lindsay, et al.)
14SSSJ - Menorah March and Rally, 12/19/1965
(includes letter from Robert F. Kennedy; also includes photos of Steven [Shlomo] Riskin, S. Carlebach, et al., at Rally at Riverside Plaza Hotel before Menorah March)
15Queens Council on Soviet Jewry - Formation Meeting?, 1966
(includes slides of Herschel Schachter et al., contact sheet, negatives)
21SSSJ - Brooklyn March and Rally, 2/27/1966
[contact sheet is in 4/4 & file 1/10]]
2SSSJ - All-Night Vigil at Isaiah Wall - Photos, 4/2/1966
(also includes Queens Council for SJ meeting)
3SSSJ (and New York Youth Conference for Soviet Jewry) - Passover Geulah March, 04/08/1966
(includes minutes)
4SSSJ (and New York Youth Conference for Soviet Jewry)-Passover Geulah March - Photos, 04/08/1966
(includes a negative and part of contact sheet for file 2/9)
5SSSJ - Geulah Mural - Photo and postcard, [1966?]
(includes slides)
6Queens Protest Rally for SJ at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, 05/22/1966
(includes photo)
7Leadership Conference on Jews in the Soviet Union, 05/29/1966
8SSSJ - Madison Square Garden Ukrainian Dance Company Picket, 10/16/1966
(event was called off)
9SSSJ (and Bronx Council to Aid SJ) - Demonstration on Bronx Courthouse Steps, 10/30/1966
(includes photos [one negative and part of contact sheet are in 4/8/66 file])
10SSSJ (and NY Youth Conference for SJ) - Chanukah March, 12/11/1966
(includes photo)
11Chicago Conference - Academic & Professional Committee on SJ, 01/15/1967-01/16/1967
12SSSJ Meeting at Jacob Birnbaum's house, 02/19/1967
(slide only)
13SSSJ - Brooklyn Rally, 03/1967?
(slides only)
14Center for Russian Jewry - Demonstration, 4/10/1967
15SSSJ (and New York Coordinating Committee for Soviet Jewry) Passover UN Vigil , 4/29/1967-4/30/67
16SSSJ (and New York Coordinating Committee for Soviet Jewry) -Passover UN Vigil (includes photos; also includes photos of Reading Corner on SJ, an exhibit on loan from Stern College Library) , 4/29/1967-4/30/1967
17Passover UN Vigil, 4/29/1967-4/30/1967
(includes photos, slides)
18Vigils (schedules), 4/1967
19Passover Ad Material, 1967
31Passover Ads, 1967
2Passover Ads - Published, 1967
3SSSJ - Tisha-B'av Fast-In at Soviet UN Mission, 8/15/1967
(includes photos, slides)
4Tisha B'Av Fast-In, 8/15/1967
(includes memos from J. Birnbaum and list of Steering Committee, 1966-1967)
5SSSJ (under name The Ad Hoc Committee to Protest the Murder of Charles H. Jordan) - Protest Memorial Service, Czech UN Mission, 8/27/1967
6Ad Hoc Committee to Protest Murder of Charles Jordan - Memorial, 8/27/1967
(includes photos)
7Czechoslovakia - Jordan Murder, 8/1967
8SSSJ (and NY Coordinating Committee for SJ) - Simchas Torah Solidarity Demonstration, 10/28/1967
9SSSJ (and NY Coordinating Committee for SJ) - Simchas Torah Solidarity Demonstration, 10/28/1967
(includes photos)
10SSSJ - 50th Anniversary Chain-In at Soviet UN Mission, 11/7/1967
1150th Anniversary Chain-In at Soviet UN Mission, 11/7/1967
(includes photos, slides)
12SSSJ - Demonstration for Soviet and Polish Jewry at Isaiah Peace Wall (at 43rd St. opposite UN) - Photo, 1968?
13[SSSJ?] - Dr. Allen Pollack speaking on Soviet Jewry at Queens College Hillel, Flushing, NY - Photo, 3/10/1968
(Rabbi Melvin Granatstein and Moses Birnbaum look on)
14SSSJ (and New York Association of Jewish Youth Directors) - Pre-Passover Vigil at Soviet UN Mission, 4/10/1968
(includes photos)
15SSSJ (and NY Association of Jewish Youth Directors) - Passover Delegations Project, 4/17/1968
(cancelled; includes summaries of meetings)
16Visit of Moscow Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin to US and Canada, 6/17/1968 - 7/2/1968
(includes photos)
17SSSJ - Concert, 6/25/1968-26/1968
18Center for Russian Jewry - Dedication Ceremonies, Art Exhibit, and Program, 6/26/1968
19Center for Russian Jewry - Dedication Ceremonies - Photos, 6/26/1968
41SSSJ - Tisha B'Av Fast and Action at Polish UN Mission, 8/4/1968
(includes, slides)
2[June 9th project:] Freedom Boat Ride (includes letter from Robert F. Kennedy declining invitation), 6/9/1968
[note: due to assassination of RFK, this event was postponed to 9/29/68]
3SSSJ - Freedom Boat Ride to Statue of Liberty, 9/29/1968
4SSSJ - Freedom Boat Ride to Statue of Liberty, 9/29/1968
5SSSJ - Freedom Boat Ride to Statue of Liberty - Photos, 9/29/1968?
(includes slides)
6SSSJ (and NY Coordinating Committee for SJ) - Simchas Torah Demonstration of Solidarity, 10/13/1968
(includes photos, slides)
7SSSJ - Flatbush Fund-Raising Campaign, 11/24/1968
(includes licenses)
8SSSJ - Lights of Freedom Rally for Polish and Russian Jews [postponed from 12/15/68] (includes photos of Israel Miller, et al., 12/22/1968
[may include slide from another event])
9SSSJ (and NY Coordinating Committee for SJ) - Chanukah Torchlight March and Rally, 12/26/1968
10SSSJ (with Young People's Socialist League) - Rally for Polish Jewry (probably at Polish UN Mission, 5th Ave.) - Photos, 1968 or 1969?
51SSSJ - Hagadah March to Soviet UN Mission, 3/30/1969
(includes photos)
2SSSJ - Freedom Airlift Rally, 4/7/1969
(includes photos [may include photos from another event])
3[SSSJ?] - Pre-Shavuoth "Night of Learning" - Photos, (includes Elie Wiesel, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Saul Teplitz, Wolfe Kelman); AJCSJ Meeting - Photos 5/21/1969
(includes I. Miller); SSSJ volunteer Jay Taitelman blowing a shofar (for float in Salute to Israel Parade?)[6/1969]
4SSSJ - Float in "Salute to Israel" Parade, 6/1/1969
5SSSJ at Yeshiva University Graduation - Slides only, 6/1969
6Morris Katz Art Studio - Slides only, 6/23/1969
7SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - Independence Week Vigil for Boris Kochubiyevsky, 7/1/1969-3/1969
(includes slides)
8SSSJ - Garment Center Rally, 8/12/1969
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Garment Center Rally, 8/12/69, et al., 1964-1969
(includes material for other activities)
10Demonstration against Soviet repression in Czechoslovakia (across from UN) - Photo , 8/21/1969?
(possibly in conjunction with YPSL demonstration at Tass, 8/21/1969?)
11SSSJ (and NY Conference on Soviet Jewry) - Simchat Torah Celebration for Soviet Jewry, 10/2/1969
(includes photos of Norman Lamm, J. Lindsay, S. Carlebach, Nechama Lifschitz; also includes slides, minutes)
12Welcoming Soviet Cosmonauts - Photos, 10/27/1969
13SSSJ - Let Them Out! Rally, 11/23/1969
(includes photos of Edward Koch et al.; slides; also includes mention of JDL)
14SSSJ - Float in Salute to Israel Parade - Photos, 1970
15Action in Los Angeles, CA? - Photo, 1970
("SF" on back might refer to Si Frumkin of LA, or to San Francisco)
16Proclamation on Soviet Jewry by Mayor John V. Lindsay, 1970
(includes photos of N. Lamm, et al.)
17Sit-in by "Youth in Action" at meeting of AJCSJ - Negatives only, 1970?
18SSSJ - Picket of Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra (and other cities), 1/11/1970
19SSSJ - Confrontation with Soviet Editors, Algonquin Hotel, 2/5/1970
(includes photos)
61SSSJ - "Birthday Party" for Premier Aleksei Kosygin, 2/20/1970
(includes photos, slides)
2SSSJ - Counter-exhibit at Soviet Photo Exhibit, 3/22/1970
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - National Spokesman Dennis Prager (at far right) - Photo, 4/1970?
4SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - Exodus March, 4/26/1970
(includes photos, stickers)
5SSSJ (and NYCSJ) - Exodus March, 4/26/1970, et al., 1968-1970, undated
(includes copies of SSSJ, NCRAC & NYCSJ minutes; also includes material for other activities)
6SSSJ (and NYCSJ) - Exodus March- Photos, 4/26/1970
(includes N. Lamm, S. Carlebach, Herschel Schachter, I. Miller, Jacob Javits, et al. [one contact sheet includes another event])
1973SSSJ (and NYCSJ) - Exodus March - Photos, 4/26/1970
67Robert Goldman (of New England SSSJ) speaking (at Young Israel of West Side?) - Photos, 5/1970
8Queens Council for SJ - March to and Rally at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, 5/3/1970
71SSSJ - Boris Kochubiyevsky "Guerilla Theater" at Soviet Mission , 5/13/1970
(includes photos of Paul O'Dwyer, et al.)
2SSSJ - "Leningrad 8" Rally and Vigil; B'nai B'rith Confrontation, 6/22/1970, 25-26/1970; 6/26/1970
3SSSJ - Counter-Show "Greeting" to Moiseyev Dancers, 7/7/1970
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - UN World Youth Assembly Vigil, 7/9/1970
(includes photos)
5Rally in Israel for Soviet Jewry - Slides only, 8/1970
6SSSJ - Tisha B'av Vigil at Kotel; Diamond Center Rally, 8/12/1970
(includes photo [may be from a different event])
7SSSJ (and University Community for Soviet Jewry) - Vigil-Fast at UN, 9/15/1970
8SSSJ (participation) - Worldwide Day of Solidarity, 9/20/1970
(includes photos)
9Washington Youth Demonstration, 10/11/1970-13/1970
10Simchat Torah Demonstration [Festival of Redemption for Russian Jewry], 10/18/1970
(includes photos)
11SSSJ (and NYCSJ) - Festival of Redemption for Russian Jewry and Related Correspondence, 10/18/1970, undated
(includes photos; also includes transcript of interviews with refuseniks by S. Riskin)
12SSSJ - Action at National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, 11/8/1970
13SSSJ -Paris Pledge Rally with Yeshiva High Schools, 12/3/1970
14SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Counter-Circus at Moscow Circus on Ice, 12/8/1970
15SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - Community Alert for Arrested Jews, 12/10/1970
16SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - Stop the Trials Rally and March, 12/20/1970
(includes sticker)
17National Emergency Conference on Soviet Jewry, 12/30/1970
18SSSJ - Rally at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza - Negatives only, April 4, 1971(?)
(includes S. Carlebach, Eleanor Holmes Norton)
19Building at W. 72nd Street after a fire; SSSJ office largely spared -Photos, 1971
20Leonid Rigerman's Arrival in Kennedy Airport, New York - Photos, 1971?
21Packages for Delegates to 24th Soviet Communist Party Congress(?)-Photo, 1971?
22SSSJ - "Stalin Lives Again" Rally, 1/7/71
(includes photo)
23SSSJ - Counter-Show at Opening of Siberian Omsk Dancers and Singers, Carnegie Hall, 1/28/1971
(includes photos)
24Rabbi Avi Weiss (?) wearing SSSJ Prisoner of Conscience uniform - at demonstration related to Leningrad Trials (?) - Photo, 2/1971
25SSSJ - Picket at Presidents' Conference, 2/2/1971
81Brussels Conference on Soviet Jewry I (1), 2/23/1971-25/1971
(includes photo of Haskel Lookstein)
2Brussels Conference I (2) - (duplicates), 2/23/1971-25/1971
3Brussels Conference I, 2/23/1971-25/1971
4SSSJ (and Noar Mizrachi) - 72 Hour Pre-Purim Vigil and Fast, 3/7/1971-10/1971
(includes photo; minutes; copies of [unrelated?] appeals by Soviet Jews)
5SSSJ - March 30, 1971 Confrontation with Officials of Communist Party USA, 3 - 4/1971
(includes other events)
6Passover, 1971
7SSSJ - May Day "Soviet Jewry Maypole Celebration", 4/30/1971
8SSSJ - Mother's Day Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 5/9/1971
9SSSJ - "Leningrad 9" Rally and March, 5/11/1971
(includes mention of Meir Kahane)
10SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - "Stop the Trials" Rally, 5/16/1971
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - Public Meeting with Rivka Alexandrovich, 5/23/1971
12SSSJ (and Jewish High School Alliance) - Student Strike for Soviet Jewry, 5/26/1971
13SSSJ - Interfaith Picketing of US Mission to UN Rabbinical Sit-In at US Mission, 6/3/1971
(includes photos)
14SSSJ - Chain-In at US Mission, 6/14/1971
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - Picket of Russian Art Exhibit at Brooklyn Museum, 6/15/1971
16SSSJ - Speak-Out for Soviet Jewry at Isaiah Wall, 6/29/1971 - 7/1/1971
(includes photos)
17SSSJ (and other organizations) - Slichot Rally, 9/11/1971
(includes photos of Congressman Mario Biaggi et al.; negatives also include Sukkah at UN [see 10/7/71 file])
18SSSJ (and NY Conference on SJ) - Babi Yar Memorial Rally, 9/26/1971
19SSSJ - Simchat Torah Benefit Concert at Brooklyn College, 10/6/1971
20SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Sukkah at UN, 10/7/1971
(includes photos [some negatives are in 9/11/71 file])
21SSSJ - "Welcome" of Official Delegation of Jews from USSR, 10/20/1971
22SSSJ - Picket at Macy's and Gimbels', 10/25/1971
(includes photos)
23SSSJ - Demonstration at Premiere of Fiddler on the Roof, 11/3/1971
24SSSJ (and others) - Thanksgiving Day Svoboda Rally, 11/25/1971
25SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Madison Square Garden Rally, 12/13/1971
26Madison Square Garden Rally, 12/13/1971
(includes poster, sticker)
91Madison Square Garden Rally, 12/13/1971
2Feedback on Madison Square Garden Rally (mostly negative), 12/13/1971
3SSSJ - Demonstration in Support of Prisoners' Hunger Fast, 12/24/1971
4SSSJ - Picketing of Liquor Stores Selling Russian-Made Vodka, 12/30/1971
5SSSJ - News Conference (possibly associated with a Chanuka rally)? - Photos, 1972?
(includes Jacob Javits, S. Riskin, and Leonid Rigerman?)
6SSSJ - Picketing Soviet Ice Hockey Team, Madison Square Garden, 1/6/1972
7SSSJ - "Counter-Show" at Balalaika Orchestra, 1/22/1972
8SSSJ (and National Hillel Foundations) - National Conference on Campus Action for Soviet Jewry, 1/23/1972-25/1972
9SSSJ (and Noar Mizrachi) - Pre-Purim Vigil and Fast at UN, 2/27/1972-28/1972
(includes photos; may also include another event)
10SSSJ (and Queens College and Baruch Hillels) - Prisoner Demonstrations at Queens College and Baruch College, 3/9/1972 & 23/1972
11SSSJ - Leafletting Soviet Army Song and Dance Ensemble Film, 3/18/1972
12SSSJ - Carnegie Hall Geulah Redemption Concert, 4/2/1972
(includes photos, stickers)
13SSSJ (and Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry [GNYCSJ]) - Solidarity Day March , 4/30/1972
14SSSJ (and Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry [LICSJ]) - "Chuppah" Rally for Gavriel Shapiro, 6/29/1972
15SSSJ (and LICSJ) - "Women's International Committee" Demonstration for Gavriel Shapiro, 6/29/1972
(includes photos)
16SSSJ (and Women's Leadership Conference and LICSJ) - Vigil and Confrontation at US Mission to UN for Gavriel Shapiro (Tisha B'av) , 7/20/1972
17SSSJ - Ukrainian Dance Co. Demonstration, Lincoln Center, 7/25/1972
18SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Anti-Ransom "Slave Sale" Demonstration, 8/17/1972
(includes photo)
19[SSSJ?] - Garment Center Rally against Ransom Exit Fees - Photos , 8/31/1972
20SSSJ - "Blood Ransom" Demonstrations, Opening General Assembly, 9/19/1972
21"Blood Ransom" Demonstration, Opening Beryozka Dance Co., 9/20/1972
(both include photos)
22SSSJ - Performance of Film, "Escape to the Sun", 11/5/1972
23SSSJ - Opening Night Demonstration, Moscow Circus at Felt Forum, 11/21/1972
(includes photos)
1974SSSJ - Opening Night Demonstration, Moscow Circus at Felt Forum, 11/21/1972
Photos [oversize]
924SSSJ (and Washington Heights-Inwood Council for Soviet Jewry [WHICSJ]) - Chanukah Amnesty Appeal, 12/4/1972
(includes photos)
25SSSJ - "Pepsi Party" on 59th Street Bridge, 12/28/1972
(includes photo)
26SSSJ (and Queens Students for Soviet Jewry) - Sit-in at Aeroflot, 1/29/1973
101SSSJ (and Hillel Foundations) - National Conference on Campus Action for Soviet Jewry, 2/25/1973-27/1973
2US-Soviet Conference, 2/27/1973-28/1973
3SSSJ - Hunger Strike for Sylva Zalmanson at UN, 4/10/1973-13/1973
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Solidarity Day Freedom March, 5/6/1973
(includes photo, pin, stickers)
5SSSJ - "Moscow Fouls Out" Demonstration at Madison Square Garden, 5/7/1973
6SSSJ - Counter-Exhibit for Boris Penson, 5/27/1973
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - SSSJ (and WHICSJ) at Salute to Israel Parade - Photos, 6/10/1973
8SSSJ (and National Conference on Soviet Jewry [NCSJ]) -Freedom Assembly for Soviet Jewry, 6/17/1973
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Brezhnev Week Vigil at Soviet UN Mission - Photos, 6/20/1973
10[SSSJ] - Rabbi Steven Riskin, Dr. William Korey, and Jerry Goodman discussing Soviet Jewry on WMCA's Barry Grey show during Brezhnev's visit - Photo, 6/21/1973
11SSSJ - "Let My People Go!" Counter-Show at Opening of Bolshoi Ballet at Lincoln Center, 6/26/1973
(includes photo)
12SSSJ - Jacob Birnbaum / Fabian Kolker Tel Aviv Press Conference, 8/8/1973
(includes article by J. Birnbaum)
13SSSJ - Moscow Torpedoes Demonstration, 8/18/1973
14SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Moscow University Games Protest at Soviet UN Mission, 8/23/1973
(includes photo)
15SSSJ - Confrontation with Soviet "Youth" Delegation, 8/30/1973
16SSSJ (and Oceanfront Council, etc.) - "I'm Sylva - Fly Me to Freedom" Demonstration at Aeroflot, 9/5/1973
(includes photo)
17SSSJ (and Young Israel Intercollegiates) - Jackson Amendment Rally, 9/22/1973
(includes photos)
18SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Arkady Shpilber Demonstration at UN, 9/24/1973
19SSSJ - "Kidnapped to Siberia" Demonstration, Shonau Demonstration, 9/30/1973
(includes photos)
20SSSJ (and other groups) - Shonau Demonstration, Austrian Information Office on Fifth Avenue, 10/1/1973
(includes photos)
21SSSJ - Simchat Torah Freedom Boat Ride (postponed); GNYCSJ-American Zionist Federation (AZF) Freedom-Israel Rally, 10/14/1973
22SSSJ (and GNYCSJ and other groups) - Leningrad Orchestra Walkout, 10/25/1973
(includes photos)
1975SSSJ (and GNYCSJ and other groups) - Leningrad Orchestra Walkout, 10/25/1973
Photo [oversize]
111SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Picket at Dobrynin Speech at Waldorf-Astoria, 11/12/1973
(includes photos)
2SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Alexander Feldman Namesake Demonstration, 11/27/1973
3SSSJ - Drawing of Raffle, 1/30/1974
(includes photo)
4SSSJ - Demonstration in Solidarity with Moscow Hunger Strike, 2/15/1974
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Solidarity Hunger Strike with Moscow Hunger Strike, 2/26/1974
(includes photos)
6SSSJ - "Free Vitaly Rubin" Rally, Columbia University, 2/21/1974
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Metropolitan New York Campus Action Conference on Soviet Jewry, 3/3/1974
(includes photos)
8SSSJ (and LICSJ) - Kiril Henkin Press Conference, 3/7/1974
9SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Exodus Week for Soviet Jews, 3/11/1974-15/1974
(includes photos, some of Avi Weiss teaching his Stern College for Women class at the United Nation's Isaiah Wall)
10SSSJ (and NCSJ, GNYCSJ) - Valery Panov Birthday Celebration, 3/12/1974
(includes photos)
11SSSJ (and Brooklyn Coalition for Soviet Jewry) - 10 Miles Walkathon, 3/24/1974
(includes photos)
12SSSJ (and Rutgers-Douglass Hillel) - NJ Campus Conference, 3/31/1974
(includes photos)
13SSSJ (and Bronx Council for Soviet Jewry, GNYCSJ) - Freedom Seder, Soviet Residence, 4/5/1974
(includes photos)
14SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Solidarity Day (1), 4/28/1974
(includes pins)
15SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Solidarity Day (2), 4/28/1974
16SSSJ - Maalot Demonstrations, 5/15/1974-22/1974
(includes statements written by students who were forcefully removed, many with injuries; also includes photos)
17SSSJ - Action at Performance of Strings of Bolshoi Ballet, 6/3/1974
18SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - "Message to Moscow" at Aeroflot, 6/14/1974
121SSSJ - Demonstration at Opening Night of Moiseyev Dance Co., 6/18/1974
(includes photos)
2SSSJ - "We Are One!" Concert-Rally, Forest Hills Tennis Stadium (1) , 6/24/1974
(includes photos of Steven Riskin, Yehoram Gaon, Shlomo Carlebach)
3SSSJ - "We Are One!" Concert-Rally, Forest Hills Tennis Stadium (2) , 6/24/1974
(includes photos of S. Riskin, Y. Gaon, S. Carlebach)
4SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Demonstration at US-USSR Trade Council, 6/26/1974
(includes photos)
5SSSJ Office - Photos, 7/9/1974
6SSSJ (and Jewish Athletic Club of Brooklyn [JACOB] and others) -Freedom Hunger Strike, 9/4/1974-6/1974
(includes press release re: speech by Meir Kahane; includes photos, slides)
7SSSJ - Phone Call and Demonstrations for Vitaly Rubin, 9/9/1974 & 9/11/1974
(includes photos)
8SSSJ - Demonstration at Bolshoi, Lincoln Center, 9/19/1974
(includes photos)
9SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - JFK Welcome to Sylva Zalmanson and other welcomes, 10/28/1974
(includes photos)
1976SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - JFK Welcome to Sylva Zalmanson and other welcomes, 10/28/1974
(includes photos; oversized)
1210SSSJ - Demonstration at Carnegie Hall Performance of Bella Rudenko, 10/20/1974
11SSSJ - Anti-PLO Demonstration at UN and Waldorf-Astoria, 11/11/1974-12/1974
12SSSJ - Moscow/Leningrad Trip of Glenn Richter, Morey Schapira, 11/24/1974 - 12/1/1974
(includes photos. See also Audio item 598a)
13SSSJ - Soviet Georgian Dancers - Carnegie Hall Demonstrations, 11/28/1974 & 11/30/1974
(includes Jewish Defense League clipping; includes photos)
14SSSJ - Press Conference for Marina Tiemkin and Mikhail Leviev, 12/13/1974
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - Aeroflot Demonstration for Mikhail Leviev, 12/15/1974
(includes photos [negatives are in 1/1/75 file])
16SSSJ - New Year's Demonstration for Mikhail Leviev, Mikhail Stern, 1/1/1975
(includes photos [also includes negatives for 12/15/74 file])
17SSSJ - Mikhail Leviev Demonstration at Moscow Balalaika Orchestra, Carnegie Hall, 2/8/1975
(includes photos)
18SSSJ (and organized by Betar) - UN Chain-In for Mikhail Stern, 2/17/1975
(includes photos)
131SSSJ - (participation in) Shamir Conference, Kiryat Anavim, 3/11/1975-12/1975
(includes photos, slides)
2SSSJ - Brooklyn Walkathon, 3/30/1975
(includes photo)
3SSSJ - Mark Nashpitz- Boris Tsitlonak Demonstration at Aeroflot Office, 3/31/1975
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (as Concerned Clergy for Israel's Survival) - US Mission to UN Chain-In, 4/10/1975
(includes photos)
5SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Solidarity Day, 4/13/1975
6SSSJ - Demonstration at Harvard Business School Annual Dinner, 4/18/1975
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Sympathy Fast with Vladimir Slepak Hunger Strike, 4/20/1975
(includes photos)
8SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - "Greeting" Bolshoi Ballet's Opening Night, 4/22/1975
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Columbia U. Rally for Vitaly Rubin, 4/24/1975
(includes photos)
10SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Aeroflot Demonstration Protesting Mikhail Leviev Death Sentence, 4/25/1975
11SSSJ - Pepsi Demonstration, 5/7/1975
(includes photos)
12SSSJ - Demonstration at Carnegie Hall "Detente" Rally, 5/13/1975
(includes photos)
13SSSJ - Sovam Trading Co. Demonstration, 5/22/1975
14SSSJ - Unhappy Father's Day Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 6/15/1975
15SSSJ - Project Lifeline! Phone-In, 6/22/1975-24/1975
16SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - "Welcome" of Bolshoi Opera, Lincoln Center, 6/25/1975
(includes photo)
17SSSJ (and Yavneh, Student Mobilization for Israel [SMI], Betar) Zion Square Bombing Demonstration, 7/4/1975
18SSSJ - Lev Roitburd Demo at Aeroflot, 8/22/1975
19SSSJ office ransacked, 9/1975
(negatives only)
20SSSJ - "Freedom Team" Demonstration at Madison Square Garden , 9/14/1975
141SSSJ - Soviet Art Exhibit Demonstration at Knoedler Gallery, 9/16/1975
(includes photos)
2SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike (1), 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
3SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike (2), 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike, 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
Photos - Days 4, 7, & 8?
5SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike, 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
Photos - Days 9-10
6SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike -Photos - Days 10-11 & 13-14? , 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
(includes E. Koch, I. Miller, A. Weiss)
7SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Sylva Zalmanson UN Hunger Strike -Photos - Days 15-16, 9/23/1975 - 10/8/1975
(includes S. Carlebach)
8Untitled (1) - (mailgrams, petitions), 1975
9Untitled (2) - (mailgrams, petitions), 1975
151SSSJ - Cornell University Moscow State Symphony Orchestra Demonstration, 10/21/1975
(includes photo)
2SSSJ - Columbia U. Teach-in for Vitaly Rubin, 10/28/1975
3SSSJ - (participation in) Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission for Soviet Political Prisoners, 10/30/1975
4SSSJ (and Yeshiva University [YU], Stern College for Women [SCW]) - Zionism Is Racism UN Demonstrations, 11/10/1975 & 11/13/1975
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Demonstration at Moscow State Orchestra, Carnegie Hall, 11/19/1975
6SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet-American Basketball Game, Madison Square Garden, 11/20/1975
7SSSJ - Soviet Circus Demonstration, Felt Forum, 12/21/1975
(includes photos)
8UCSJ Meeting, Washington DC - Photos, 1976
9NCSJ Meeting in Washington DC and Daily Vigil at Soviet Embassy- Photos, 1976
(includes Dr. Alexander Luntz, Ed Koch)
10SSSJ - Benefit Concert, Carnegie Hall, 1/4/1976
(includes contact sheet only; S. Carlebach, et al.)
11SSSJ - Right to Identity (RTI) Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 1/25/1976
(includes photos)
12Brussels Conference on Soviet Jewry II - Flags, 2/17/1976-19/1976
(includes article by J. Birnbaum)
13Brussels Conference II - Information, 2/17/1976-19/1976
(includes JDL material)
14Brussels Conference II - Letters, Lists, 2/17/1976-19/1976
(includes mention of Meir Kahane; also incl. notes from GNYCSJ and NCSJ meetings)
15Brussels Conference II - Newspapers, Newsletters, 2/17/1976-19/1976
(includes JDL material)
16Brussels Conference II - Photos (1), 2/17/1976-19/1976
(includes Golda Meir, protestors for M. Kahane, et al.)
17Brussels Conference II - Photos (2), 2/17/1976-19/1976
161Brussels Conference II - Photos (3), 2/17/1976-19/1976
2Brussels Conference II - Photos (4), 2/17/1976-19/1976
3Brussels Conference II - Reports, 2/17/1976-19/1976
4SSSJ (and Hillel, American Zionist Youth Foundation, Network) National Campus Action Conference on World Jewry, 2/29/1976 - 3/2/1976
5SSSJ (and Hebrew Institute of Riverdale [HIR], Bronx Council on Soviet Jewry) - "Haman Lives Here" Demonstration, 3/14/1976
(includes photos)
6SSSJ (and SCW, YU) - Scranton Demonstration at US Mission to UN, 3/25/1976
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Samuel Zalmanson Demonstration at Aeroflot, 3/26/1976
(includes photos)
8SSSJ - Walkathon, 4/11/1976
9SSSJ - Demonstration at Opening Night of Don Cossaks of Rostov, Carnegie Hall, 4/12/1976
(includes photos)
10SSSJ - "Open the Doors Freedom Seder" at Soviet Residence, 4/18/1976
(includes photo)
11SSSJ - (participation in) Central Park Jewish Youth Festival, 4/18/1976
(includes photos)
12SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Colonel Yefim Davidovich Memorial Demonstration, 4/26/1976
(includes photos)
13SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Solidarity Day, 5/2/1976
(includes photos)
14SSSJ (and Concerned Jewish Youth, Betar, Riga Ghetto Survivors) "Expel the Nazis" Demonstration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 5/5/1976
15SSSJ - "We Won't Forget!" Demonstration at Aeroflot for Prisoners of Conscience (POC's) and parcels, 6/15/1976
(includes photos)
16SSSJ - "Freedom Festival" at Russian Festival of Music and Dance, Lincoln Center, 6/28/1976
(includes photos)
171SSSJ (and JACOB, Committee for Rescue of Syrian Jews) - 3 Day Wall Street Fast, 9/8/1976-10/1976
(includes photos, slides)
2SSSJ (and Betar) - Babi Yar Support Demonstrations at Aeroflot and Columbia U., 9/29/1976
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Demonstration at President Gerald Ford appearance in Brooklyn, 10/12/1976
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (and GNYCSJ) - Aeroflot Demonstration - Protesting Moscow beatings, 10/21/1976
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Lev Blitshtein / Boris Fishkin Hunger Strike for Moscow fathers, 10/25/1976-27/1976
(includes photos)
6SSSJ - Bike-a-thon, 10/31/1976
(includes photos)
7Demonstrations for SJ in Israel - Various - Photos, 10/1976 - 12/1976
(also includes photos of Soviet Jews on El Al flight to Israel)
8SSSJ - Solidarity Demonstration with Boris Levitas Hunger Strike, 11/31/1976
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Week, 12/13/1976
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - Brezhnev "Birthday Party" at Madison Square Garden , 12/19/1976
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - Chanukah Freedom Rally at Soviet Riverdale Residence, 12/21/1976
(includes photos)
12Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Contents & Introduction, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
(Symposium on Jewish Culture in the USSR did not take place due to interference by Soviet authorities)
13Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Section I - Chronicle, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
14Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Section II, Part I - Symposium Documents, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
15Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Section II, Part II - Declarations of the Organizational Committee on the Disruption of the Symposium, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
16Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Section III - Materials from the Soviet Press, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
17Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Section IV - Personal Testimony, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
18Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Reports prepared for the Symposium (Translations of Lectures) - (1), 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
181Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Reports prepared for the Symposium (Translations of Lectures) - (2), 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
2Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Older Versions, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
3Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Duplicates (1), 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
4Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Duplicates (2), 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
5Moscow Symposium - "White Book": Book II - Russian Originals, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
6Moscow Symposium - Russian Originals - not used in "White Book", 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
191Moscow Symposium - Various, 1977, 12/21/1976-23/1976
2(and Betar) - French UN Mission Sit-in Protesting Abu Daoud Release, 1/11/1977
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Montreal SSSJ Retreat, 1/14/1977-16/1977
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - (participation in) Absorption Seminar in Israel, 1/30/1977 - 2/1/1977
(includes photos, summary of meeting [may include photos from another event])
5SSSJ - Aeroflot Demonstration for Mikhail Mager, 2/18/1977
6SSSJ - Washington Congressional Briefing, 2/23/1977
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Aeroflot Matzoh Ban Demonstration, 2/25/1977
(includes photo)
8SSSJ (and Betar, Concerned Jewish Youth) - Amtorg Matzoh Sit-In, 3/3/1977
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - National Soviet Jewry Phone-in to Soviet Offices, 3/23/1977
10SSSJ - Walkathon, 3/27/1977
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - Buffalo Shea's Theater Demonstration, 3/28/1977
12SSSJ - Washington Wednesday, 4/20/1977
(includes photos)
13SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 5/1/1977
(includes photos)
14SSSJ - Joseph Begun-Anatoly Sharansky Demonstration at Aeroflot, 6/1/1977
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - (participation in) Rabbis' Anatoly Sharansky Chain-In at Soviet UN Mission, 6/7/1977
(includes photos)
16SSSJ - (and American Jewish Congress, GNYCSJ) - Sharansky Aeroflot Demonstration, 6/10/1977
(includes photos)
17SSSJ - Hostages for Anatoly Sharansky Demonstration - Aeroflot, 6/27/1977
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - Tisha B'av for Anatoly Sharansky, Soviet UN Mission, 7/24/1977
(includes photos)
19SSSJ (and Oceanfront Council for SJ) - Joseph Mendelevich Birthday Party at Aeroflot, 8/3/1977
20SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Demonstration at Soviet Show, "Estrada", 9/20/1977
(includes photos)
21SSSJ - Babi Yar Memorial Rally, Columbia U., 9/29/1977
22SSSJ - Dr. Mikhail Stern Lecture, Columbia U. Law School, 10/18/1977
201SSSJ - "Chai" Soviet Jewry Bike-A-Thon, 10/30/1977
(includes photos [some negatives and contact sheet are in 10/31/77 file])
2SSSJ - Exorcism at Aeroflot, 10/31/1977
(includes photos [includes negatives and contact sheet for 10/30/77 file])
3SSSJ - Russian Revolution "Celebration" at Aeroflot, 11/7/1977
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - Opening Night Demonstration at Soviet Georgian Dancers at Carnegie Hall, 11/30/1977
(includes photos)
5SSSJ (and HIR) - Human Rights Day Freedom Lights Demonstration, 12/10/1977
6SSSJ (and Brooklyn Coalition and others) - Chanukah Festival of Freedom, 12/11/1977
(includes photo)
7SSSJ - "Circus of Horrors" Demonstration at Moscow Circus Opening Night, 12/20/1977
(includes photos)
8SSSJ - "New Year of Death" Demonstration for Edward Kuznetsov, Soviet Mission, 1/1/1978
(includes photo)
9SSSJ (aid, but under Herut sponsorship) - Sylva Zalmanson Press Conference, 1/16/1978
(includes photos)
10SSSJ (and Social Democrats - USA) - Demonstrations against Soviet Delegation, 2/1/1978
(includes photos)
11SSSJ (and American Jewish Congress) - Demonstration for Boris Penson at Aeroflot, 2/2/1978
(includes photos)
12SSSJ - Freedom Motorcade to UN, Soviet UN Mission, 2/19/1978
13SSSJ - (participation in) Union of Councils for Soviet Jews (UCSJ) Israel Conference, 4/4/1978-6/1978
(includes photos)
14SSSJ - Washington Wednesday, 4/5/1978
15SSSJ - Aeroflot "Parasitism" Demonstration, 4/12/1978
(includes photos)
16SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet UN Residence, 4/16/1978
(includes photos)
17SSSJ - Columbia U. Rally for Release of Refuseniks, 4/25/1978
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - High School "Washington Wednesday", 5/10/1978
(includes photos)
19SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Rally, 5/21/1978
(includes photos [contact sheet is in 5/26/78 file])
20SSSJ - "Disarm Kremlin" Vigil, Isaiah Wall, 5/26/1978
(includes photos [includes contact sheet for 5/21/78 file])
211SSSJ - International Children's Day Demonstration, Aeroflot, 6/1/1978
(includes photos)
2SSSJ (helping Concerned Jewish Youth) - "Leningrad 8" Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 6/15/1978
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - UN Vigil by Abram and Maria Balsham for son's Release from USSR, 6/15/1978 - 7/5/1978
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - (participation in) 26-Hour Vigil for Vladimir Slepak, Ida Nudel, Joseph Begun, 6/28/1978-29/1978
5SSSJ - "Declaration of Independence" for Soviet Jews, Aeroflot, 7/3/1978
(includes photo)
6SSSJ - Demonstrations for Anatoly Sharansky During His Trial; Billboard at Times Square, 7/10/1978-14/1978; 7/20/1978
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service for Anatoly Sharansky and POC's, 8/13/1978
8SSSJ - Babi Yar Memorial Rally, Columbia U., 9/28/1978
9SSSJ - "Music of Oppression" Demonstration at Lincoln Center, 10/8/1978
10SSSJ - Bike-A-Thons, 10/29/1978 & 11/5/1978
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - Exchange Anatoly Sharansky Demonstration at Soviet UN Residence, 11/2/1978
(includes photos)
12SSSJ (aiding SUNY at Albany) - Rally for Revolution, Soviet UN Mission, 11/5/1978
(includes photos)
13SSSJ - Ilyinka Demonstration at Aeroflot, 11/22/1978
(includes photos)
14SSSJ (and American Jewish Theater) - "The Cup of Fury", Play on Anatoly Sharansky, 12/7/1978-20/1978
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - "Rumanian Festival" Demonstration, Beacon Theater, 12/12/1978
(includes photos [includes contact sheet for 12/7-20/78 file])
168 Mile Chanukah Run in Miami, FL - Joel Sandberg running for Yuli Kosharovsky - Photo, 12/17/1978
17SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Action Seminar, 12/27/1978
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - Fundraising Chanukah Party, 12/30/1978
(includes photos)
19SSSJ - Demonstration at Performance of Moscow Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall, 1/31/1979
(includes photo)
20SSSJ - Demonstration at US-USSR Hockey Game, Madison Square Garden, 2/8/1979
21SSSJ - Tu B'shvat-Lincoln's Birthday - Ilyinka Demonstration at Aeroflot, 2/12/1979
(includes photos)
22SSSJ - Washington Wednesday, 2/14/1979
(includes photos)
23SSSJ - Washington Wednesday, High School , 2/28/1979
(includes photos)
24SSSJ (and UCSJ) - Visit of Avital Sharansky, 2/1979 - 3/1979
(includes photos)
221SSSJ - Passports for Jews Demonstration, Burlington House Plaza , 3/9/1979
(includes photo)
2SSSJ - Walkathon, 4/1/1979
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Demonstration at Opening Night of Festival of Russian Dance, 4/9/1979
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (and HIR) - Passover Freedom Seder, 4/15/1979
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 4/29/1979
(includes photo)
6SSSJ (and Committee to Free Marina Tiemkin) - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 5/1/1979
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Demonstration at Iranian Mission to Protest Execution of Jew, 5/10/1979
(includes photos)
8SSSJ (and North American Jewish Students' Network [a.k.a. Network]) - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission for Boris Kalendarov, 5/14/1979
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Queens Bike-A-Thon, 5/20/1979
(includes photos)
10SSSJ (and SAR Academy) - Demonstration for Joseph Mendelevich, Soviet UN Mission Residence, 5/23/1979
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - "Treasures from the Kremlin" Counter-Exhibit, 5/27/1979
(includes photos)
12SSSJ - Summit Freedom Demonstration, Aeroflot, 6/15/1979
(includes photos)
13SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky "Black Anniversary" at Aeroflot, 7/13/1979
(includes photos)
14SSSJ - Tisha B'av Demonstrations: Bolshoi Ballet, Soviet Mission, 8/1/1979-2/1979
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky "Auschwitz Prisoner" Demonstration, Aeroflot, 8/13/1979
(includes photos)
16SSSJ - "Defect" Demonstration at Moscow Pops, Carnegie Hall, 10/9/1979
17SSSJ - "Mazel Tov, But..." Demonstration for the Tufeld Family, 10/31/1979
(includes photos)
18SSSJ (and Guberman Rescue Committee) - "Free Igor Guberman" Demonstration at Soviet Union Mission, 11/4/1979
19SSSJ - "Defect" Demonstration II at Moscow Pops, Carnegie Hall, 11/18/1979
20SSSJ - "Ayatollah Brezhnev" Demonstration at the Soviet UN Mission, 11/23/1979
(includes photos)
21SSSJ - Chanukah Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 12/17/1979
(includes photos)
22SSSJ - "Kremlin-PLO Terror" Demonstration, PLO HQ and Soviet UN Mission, 1/20/1980
(includes photos)
23SSSJ - Columbia U. Rally for Professor Andrei Sakharov, 1/24/1980
24SSSJ - "Kidnapped!" Demonstration for Marina Tiemkin, at Aeroflot, 2/18/1980
(includes photos)
25SSSJ - Washington Wednesday, 2/20/1980
(includes photos)
26SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Day Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, PLO Headquarters, 3/16/1980
(includes photo)
27SSSJ (co-sponsored under UCSJ) - Israel Seminar, 3/19/1980-24/1980
(includes photo)
28SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Residence, 4/6/1980
29SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 4/27/1980
(includes photo)
30SSSJ - Congressional Forum, Washington DC, 4/28/1980
(includes photos)
31SSSJ - Call-In for Marina Tiemkin, 4/30/1980
231SSSJ - Freedom Olympics, 6/22/1980
(includes photos, sticker)
2SSSJ - Lisa Aleiner Demonstration, Aeroflot, 7/1/1980
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service and Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 7/22/1980
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - "Moscow to Jerusalem" Demonstration at Democratic National Convention, 8/11/1980
(includes photo)
5SSSJ - Shofars of Freedom Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission , 9/14/1980
6SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Soviet Jewry Freedom Marathon and J'accuse Demonstration at French UN Mission, 10/12/1980
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Avital Sharansky at Columbia U., 11/2/1980
(includes photo)
8SSSJ - Freedom Vigil at Aeroflot, 11/11/1980
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Free Dr. Victor Brailovsky Now Demonstration at Aeroflot, 11/24/1980
10SSSJ - Chanukah Rally for Joseph Mendelevich at Riverdale Residence, 12/8/1980
11SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Edward Kuznetsov Lecture, Columbia U., 12/9/1980
(includes photo)
12SSSJ (aiding Guberman Rescue Committee) - Soviet UN Mission Demonstration for Igor Guberman and Victor Brailovsky, 1/1/1981
13SSSJ (and Jewish Identity Center) - Joseph Mendelevich Demonstration at Isaiah Wall, 2/8/1981
(includes photo)
14SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Legal Seminar at Columbia U. Law School, 2/10/1981
(includes photo)
15SSSJ (and Student Coalition for SJ) - Washington Lobby Trip, 2/25/1981
(includes sourcebook, etc…)
16SSSJ - "Freedom Not Gulag!" Demonstration at Aeroflot for Anatoly Sharansky, 3/4/1981
(includes photo)
17SSSJ - "Haman Is Brezhnev" Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 3/19/1981
(includes "The Megillah of Anatoly Sharansky"; also includes photo)
18SSSJ - (aid to) Speaking Tour of Avigdor Eskin, 4/1981 - 9/1981
(includes photo; [contact sheet and negatives are in 5/1/81 file])
19SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Residence, 4/12/1981
(includes photo)
20SSSJ - Soviet Officials at Columbia U., SSSJ Meeting, 4/22/1981
21SSSJ - Unhappy Birthday Party for Marina Tiemkin and Ida Nudel at Aeroflot, 5/1/1981
[contact sheet and negatives also include 4 - 9/1981 file]
22SSSJ - Washington Congressional Briefing, 5/12/1981
23SSSJ - Joseph Mendelevich at Columbia U., 5/18/1981
24SSSJ - Soviet UN Mission Demonstration for Anatoly Sharansky, 5/24/1981
25SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 5/31/1981
(includes photos of Avital Sharansky, et al.)
26SSSJ - "Pepsi Fails Human Rights Challenge" Signs in Run, 7/5/1981
(includes photos)
27SSSJ - (aid to) Motorcades to UN and Soviet UN Mission for Anatoly Sharansky, 7/14/1981 & 8/6/1981
(includes photos)
28SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission - Photos, 8/1981
(includes Avigdor Eskin, Dr. Alexander Tiemkin)
29SSSJ - Tisha B'av for Anatoly Sharansky, Soviet UN Mission, 8/9/1981
(includes photo)
30SSSJ - (aid in) Demonstration for Igor Guberman at Soviet Mission, 8/13/1981
(includes photo)
31SSSJ - Cooper Union Forum Demonstration, 10/5/1981
32SSSJ - Simchat Torah Celebration of Solidarity, Isaiah Wall, 10/18/1981
(includes photo)
241SSSJ - Dedication of Anatoly Sharansky Stairs at Isaiah Wall, 11/1/1981
(includes photos)
2SSSJ - 2nd Annual Run for Freedom, 11/8/1981
(includes photo)
3SSSJ - Columbia U. Rally for Arseny Roginsky, 11/24/1981
4Maoz - International Day for Defense of the Rights of Man (Israel), 12/1981
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Freedom Vigil at Soviet UN Mission with Joseph Mendelevich, 12/7/1981
(includes photo)
6SSSJ - Reception for Joseph Mendelevich at Jane & Jerome Stern Home, 12/12/1981
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Birthday Demonstration at Aeroflot, 1/20/1982
(includes photo)
8SSSJ (with Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry [SCSJ]) - Washington Lobby, 2/24/1982
9SSSJ (assisting) - "Religious Motifs in Soviet Unofficial Art", 2/28/1982-4/26/1982
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - "Brezhnev Is Haman!" Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission , 3/8/1982
(includes photo)
11SSSJ (assisting) - Visit by Avigdor Eskin, 3/1982
12SSSJ - Freedom Seder at Soviet UN Mission, 4/4/1982
(includes photo)
13SSSJ - National Chess Exhibitions for Anatoly Sharansky and Boris Gulko, 4/25/1982 & 5/4/1982
(includes interview with Gulko)
14SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 5/2/1982
15SSSJ - High School Washington Lobby, 5/5/1982
(includes photo)
16SSSJ - (assistance to) Visit of Dr. Alexander Tiemkin, 6/1982
17SSSJ - "Catch-22" Demonstration for Ida Nudel; Aeroflot, 7/21/1982
(includes photo)
18SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 7/29/1982
19SSSJ (with Network, Jewish Association for College Youth [JACY]) - French Consulate Demonstration to Protest Terror Shooting in Paris, 8/10/1982
(includes photos)
20SSSJ - "Siberiade" Demonstration, 9/28/1982
(includes photo)
21SSSJ - Vigils, Demonstrations and Press Conference for Anatoly Sharansky, 10/1/1982 - 12/22/1982
(includes photos)
22SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 10/17/1982
(includes photo; letter to Glenn Richter from Joseph Brodie)
23SSSJ - Political Action Forum, 11/21/1982
24SSSJ - March to and Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, Aeroflot Demonstration for Sharansky, 1/13/1983
(includes photos)
251SSSJ (and GNYCSJ, NCSJ) - Avital Sharansky Press Conference, 1/25/1983
2SSSJ (and Betar) - Save Anatoly Sharansky Demonstration at Aeroflot, 1/27/1983
(includes photo)
3SSSJ - Fundraising Cocktail Party, 2/6/1983
4Student Coalition for SJ - International Student Solidarity Day for SJ, 2/23/1983
5SSSJ - Congressional Lobby, 2/24/1983
(includes photo; also includes sourcebook, etc…)
6SSSJ - (help to) Speaking Tour of Avigdor Eskin, 3/1983 - 4/1983
7SSSJ - Avital Sharansky Press Conference, 3/11/1983
(includes photos)
8SSSJ - (participation in) 3rd World Conference on Soviet Jews, 3/14/1983-17/1983
(includes program, addresses…)
9SSSJ - "Let My People Go" Demonstration at Aeroflot, 4/1/1983
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - Washington Post Ad, 4/27/1983
11SSSJ - High School Washington Trip, 5/10/1983
12SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 5/22/1983
(includes photos)
13SSSJ - Aeroflot Demonstration for Lev Elbert, Yuri Tarnopolsky, 5/25/1983
(includes photo)
14SSSJ (with Jewish Union of Russian Immigrants [JURI], Committee for the Absorption of Soviet Emigres [CASE], Oceanfrontfor the Absorption of Soviet Emigres [CASE], Oceanfront Council) - Counter-News Conference, 6/13/1983
15SSSJ (and JURI) - Demonstration at Soviet Performances (performances, demonstration cancelled); Senator Martin Markowitz Concert (cancelled), 7/6/1983-7/1983; 7/28/1983
261SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 7/19/1983
(includes photo)
2SSSJ - "Call to Conscience" Shofar Ceremony at Aeroflot, 9/7/1983
3SSSJ - "Protest and Prayer" Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission , 10/2/1983
(includes photo)
4SSSJ - Cocktail Fundraising Party, 11/6/1983
5SSSJ - (participation in) Rally for Joseph Begun and others, 11/9/1983
(includes photo)
6SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/13/1983
7SSSJ (and Cyrus Abbe) - "Jews in Danger" Program at Lincoln Square Synagogue (LSS), 11/13/1983
8SSSJ - (endorsement of) Motorcade at UN and Soviet Mission , 12/6/1983
9SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission; Shubert Alley Rally for Prof. Andrei Sakharov, 12/11/1983; 12/7/1983
10SSSJ (cooperation with Network) - Soviet UN Mission Rally, 12/28/1983
(includes photo)
11SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky "Unhappy Birthday" Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 1/20/1984
12SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Birthday Card to Russian UN Residence, 1/23/1984
(includes photo)
13SSSJ - Yuri Andropov's Death Prayer Service at Soviet Residence, 2/12/1984
(includes photos)
14SSSJ (aiding SCSJ) - Washington Lobby Trip, 2/22/1984
(includes photo)
15SSSJ - Visit of Joseph Mendelevich, 2/27/1984 - 3/3/1984
(includes photo)
16SSSJ (and HIR) - Soviet Jewry Shabbaton in Riverdale, 3/2/1984-3/1984
(includes photo)
17SSSJ (Philadelphia) - Joseph Begun Tribunal, 3/4/1984
(includes photo)
18SSSJ - Prayer and Study Vigil on Anatoly Sharansky Arrest Anniversary, 3/15/1984
19SSSJ - Speaking Tour of Avigdor Eskin, 3 /1984- 4/1/1984
20SSSJ - Demonstration at Syrian UN Mission re Jerusalem Terror Attack, 4/2/1984
21SSSJ - Freedom Seder at Soviet Residence, 4/15/1984
(includes photo)
22SSSJ - (participation in) Solidarity Day, 5/6/1984
23SSSJ - Mother's Day Demonstration at UN Soviet Mission, 5/13/1984
(includes photos)
24SSSJ - High School Washington Lobby (1), 5/24/1984
271SSSJ - High School Washington Lobby (2), 5/24/1984
(includes photo)
2SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky 10th Anniversary Commemoration, 7/4/1984
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - "Olympics of Hate" Demonstration for Alexander Yakir, 8/2/1984
(includes photo)
4SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 8/7/1984
(includes photo)
5SSSJ - Andrei Gromyko Demonstration at UN, 9/25/1984
(includes photo)
6SSSJ (participation) - Madison Square Garden Rally, 10/15/1984
7SSSJ - Joint Rabbinical Letter to Konstantin Chernenko, 10/25/1984
8SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/11/1984
(includes photo)
9SSSJ - Protest Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 11/20/1984
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - International Human Rights Day - a. Kremlinbuster Phone-In, b. Soviet Mission Demonstration, 12/10/1984
(includes photos)
11SSSJ - Freedom Teach-In, City Hall, 12/18/1984
(includes photo)
12SSSJ - "Lights of Freedom" Demonstration at Soviet Residence, 12/23/1984
(includes photo)
13SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 12/25/1984
(with JURI)
14SSSJ - Sit-In by Rabbis at Tass; Press Conference at Soviet Mission, 1/7/1985-8/1985
(includes photos)
15SSSJ - Operation Redemption II, Arrests at Soviet UN Mission, 1/25/1985
16SSSJ - Buffet Supper Fundraiser at LSS, 1/26/1985
17SSSJ - Operation Redemption III, Women Arrested at Soviet UN Mission, 2/3/1985
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - Participation in UCSJ Israel Conference, 2/4/1985-11/1985
(includes photos)
19SSSJ - Annual Washington Lobby, 2/28/1985
(includes photo)
20SSSJ - Operation Redemption IV, Arrests at Soviet UN Mission, 3/5/1985
(includes photo)
281SSSJ - "Konstantin Chernenko Is Dead" Demonstration and News Conference, Soviet Mission, 3/11/1985
(includes photo; mentions Avi Goldstein, who later taught at YU)
2SSSJ - Operation Redemption V, Soviet UN Mission, 3/24/1985
(includes photos)
3SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Residence, 3/31/1985
(includes photos)
4Operation Redemption VI, Soviet Residence, 4/14/1985
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Operation Redemption VII, Soviet UN Mission, 4/24/1985
(includes photos)
6SSSJ - Columbia U. Rally, 4/25/1985
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Trenton Lobby with Frisch School, 4/29/1985
8SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Operation Redemption VIII, Soviet UN Mission, 5/1/1985
(includes photo)
9Operation Redemption in Washington, DC, 1985
10SSSJ (participation) - Solidarity Day, 5/5/1985
11SSSJ - High School Washington Lobby, 5/7/1985
(includes photos)
12SSSJ - Operation Redemption IX, Elected Officials; Soviet Mission, 6/7/1985
(includes photo)
13SSSJ - "Say No to David Dragunsky" Demonstration, 6/9/1985
14SSSJ - Tisha B'av for Soviet Jews , 7/28/1985
(includes photo)
15SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Exhibit on NYC streets, 07/1985-08/1985
(contains correspondence with Archdiocese of New York)
16SSSJ - Freedom Concert at Soviet Mission, 8/1/1985
(includes photos)
17SSSJ - "Freedom Team" Demonstration at USSR-US Volleyball Match, 8/25/1985
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - Glenn Richter Arrest at Soviet Embassy, Washington, DC, 8/29/1985
(includes photo)
19SSSJ - "General Assembly of Truth" at UN, 9/24/1985
(includes photos of Avital Sharansky, et al.)
20SSSJ - Avital Sharansky's POC Breakfast at UN, 10/24/1985
(includes photos)
291SSSJ - Mendelevich News Conference at Soviet UN Mission, 11/6/1985
(contact sheet & negatives only)
2SSSJ - Petition Drive and Presentation to Senator D'Amato, 11/10/1985
(includes photos)
3SSSJ - Participation in SJ March; Avital Sharansky's Vigil at Soviet UN Mission, 11/10/1985-12/1985
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - Freedom Run from Columbia U. to Soviet UN Mission, 11/17/1985
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Operation Redemption X at Soviet UN Mission; Geneva Summit Aeroflot Sit-in, 11/19/1985
(includes photos, slides)
6SSSJ (and Student Zionist Council) - "Freedom Lights for Soviet Jewry" Demonstration, 12/10/1985
(includes photo)
7SSSJ (assistance) - Imprisonment of "Maccabee Five" Rabbis, 12/12/1985
8SSSJ - "Flames of Freedom" Demonstration for "Maccabee Five", 12/15/1985
9SSSJ - Parlor Meeting at Stone's, 12/17/1985
10SSSJ (assisting WUJS) - International Student Soviet Jewry Seminar, Beersheva, Israel, 1/2/1986-5/1986
(includes photo)
11SSSJ (support) - Habayta March to Massada, 1/8-9/1986
12SSSJ (and NY ZOA) - Stop Terrorism Now! Moveable Demonstration, 1/19/1986
13SSSJ (assistance) - Press Conference for Gulko Chess Tournament, 2/4/1986
(includes photo)
14SSSJ - "Save the Soviet Synagogue" Campaign, 2/1986
15SSSJ - Sharansky Victory Celebrations, 2/11/1986, 16/1986
(includes photos)
16SSSJ - Washington Lobby, 2/27/1986
17SSSJ (participation) - UCSJ Israel Conference, Jerusalem, 3/18/1986-22/1986
(includes photos)
18SSSJ - Dinner honoring J. Birnbaum & G. Richter, Reunion of Sharanskys, 3/29/1986
301SSSJ - Dinner, 3/29/1986
(includes photos)
2SSSJ - Dinner Journal, 3/29/1986
3SSSJ - Dinner Journal - List of Ads, 3/29/1986
4SSSJ - Dinner Journal Materials (1), 3/29/1986
5SSSJ - Dinner Journal Materials (2), 3/29/1986
6SSSJ - Dinner Journal - Proofs, 3/29/1986
7SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 4/10/1986
8SSSJ (with Columbia U. Council of Jewish Organizations) - Soviet Diplomat Victor Zvezdin at Columbia U., 4/16/1986
9SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder, 4/20/1986
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - Freedom Seder at Columbia U., 4/21/1986
11SSSJ - "Greeting" Aeroflot's First Flight - JFK Airport, 5/4/1986
(includes photo)
12SSSJ - High School Lobby, 5/8/1986
13SSSJ (and LICSJ) - Speaking Tour of the Goldsteins, 5/8/1986 - 6/23/1986
(includes photo)
14SSSJ - Anatoly Sharansky Welcome; Anatoly Sharansky at HIR; Anatoly Sharansky at YU, 5/8/1986; 5/10/1986; 5/12/1986
15SSSJ (participation) - Solidarity Day, 5/11/1986
16SSSJ (assistance) - Introduction of NYC Soviet "Disinvestment" Legislation in City Council, 5/15/1986
17SSSJ - Freedom for Ida Nudel Rally, Soviet UN Mission, 6/1/1986
(includes photo)
18SSSJ (assistance) - Unhappy Father's Day Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 6/15/1986
311SSSJ (participation) - Anti-Waldheim "Vigil of Conscience", Vienna, 7/4/1986-8/1986
2SSSJ (and others) - Boris Gulko News Conference, Manhattan Chess Club, 7/29/1986
(includes photo)
3SSSJ - Testimony before Congressional Interns for SJ Hearing, Washington, DC, 8/1/1986
4American Bar Association-Association of Soviet Lawyers, 8/11/1986-12/1986
5SSSJ - Tisha B'Av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission , 8/14/1986
(includes photo)
6SSSJ (assistance) - Camp Young Judaea Rally, Soviet UN Mission, 8/15/1986
7SSSJ - Soviet "Art" of Hate Exhibit, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 8/22/1986
(includes photo)
8Anna (Chana) Rosnosvsky, sister of Leningrad refusenik Elena Keiss-Kuna, at Alice Tully Hall, 9/1986
(Negatives only)
9SSSJ - Moiseyev Dance Company Demonstration, Lincoln Center, 9/2/1986
(includes photo)
10SSSJ - Assistance to Speaking Tour of Yasha Gorodetsky, 9/1986 - 10/1986
11SSSJ (and University Service Department [USD], Network) -"Freedom Ride" Speaking Tour of Vladimir and Chana Magarik, 9/1986 - 10/1986
(includes photo)
12SSSJ - Fundraiser with Cyrus Abbe / Diane Roskies, 9/27/1986
13SSSJ (and LICSJ) - Operation Redemption XI, Soviet Mission , 10/12/1986
14SSSJ (and LICSJ) - Mikhail Shirman News Conference, LSS, 10/17/1986
(includes photo)
15SSSJ - Leafletting at Moscow State Symphony Orchestra Performance, 10/20/1986
16SSSJ (assistance) - Demonstration of Relatives of Moscow Cancer Victims, Soviet UN Mission, 10/31/1986
(includes photo)
17SSSJ (and National Association for Jewish Poor [NAJP], SAR Academy) - Demonstration at Soviet Diplomatic Residence, 11/10/1986
18SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/16/1986
(includes photo)
321SSSJ - Demonstration at Moiseyev Felt Forum, 11/25/1986
(includes photos)
2SSSJ - Participation in World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) Conference and Other Events, Jerusalem, 12/28/1986-31/1986
(includes photos and stickers)
3SSSJ - Flames of Hope Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission, 1/1987
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - Bolshoi Counter News Conference, 1/19/1987
5SSSJ (and Coalition to Free Soviet Jews [CFSJ]) - Joseph Begun, 2/1987
6SSSJ - Natan Sharansky Vigil for Joseph Begun, Soviet UN Mission, 2/19/1987-20/1987
(includes photos)
7SSSJ - Washington Lobby, 2/26/1987
8SSSJ - Dinner, 3/1987
9SSSJ - (participation in) USSR Hunger Strike Support Demonstration, Arrests, 3/9/1987
10SSSJ - Rabbi Avi Weiss Sentencing and Jailing, Washington DC, 3/9/1987-12/1987
11SSSJ - Fast of Esther Prayer Service and Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 3/12/1987
(includes photo)
12SSSJ (and others) - Divided Families News Conference, New York University (NYU) Medical School, 3/20/1987
(includes photo)
13SSSJ (assistance) - Slepak Hunger Strike in Washington DC, 3/27/1987 - 4/13/1987
14SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Diplomatic Residence, 4/12/1987
15SSSJ (participation in) - Solidarity Day, 5/3/1987
16SSSJ - High School Washington Lobby, 5/14/1987
(includes photos)
17SSSJ (participation in) - LICSJ Israel Seminar, 5/18/1987-24/1987
18SSSJ - Demonstration at Moscow Jewish Cameo Theater Performance, 6/7/1987-8/1987
19SSSJ - Anniversary Fundraiser, West Side Institutional Synagogue (WSIS), 6/18/1987
(includes photo)
20SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Pope John Paul II-Kurt Waldheim Meeting Demonstrations in Rome, 6/24/1987-25/1987
(includes photos)
21Waldheim's Visit to the Vatican - Newspaper Clippings, 1987
22SSSJ - Bolshoi Ballet Demonstration, Lincoln Center, 6/30/1987
331SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 8/4/1987
(includes photo)
2SSSJ (assistance) - Visit of Sharanskys; UN Rally, 9/1987; 9/22/1987
3SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Miami Pope Protests, 9/9/1987-11/1987
4SSSJ - Vigil for Freedom at Soviet UN Mission, 9/23/1987
(includes photo)
5SSSJ - Leafletting of Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, 10/4/1987
6SSSJ - Leningrad State Symphony Demonstration and Leafletting, 10/29/1987 & 31, 11/1/1987
7SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/13/1987
(includes photo)
8USSR Trip, 1987
(includes correspondence)
9SSSJ (and others) - Pre-Summit and Summit Actions in Washington DC, 12/4/1987-10/1987
(includes photos)
10SSSJ - "Soviet Jewry After the Summit" Program at LSS, 12/21/1987
11SSSJ - Chanukah "Rays of Hope" Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 12/23/1987
12SSSJ - Ukrainian State Dance Co. of the USSR Demonstration, 1/12/1988
13SSSJ (co-sponsor) - "Tell the Truth" Demonstration at ABC Network, SSSJ (co-sponsor) - "I Back Israel" Rally at Israeli Consulate 1/24/1988, 2/4/1988
14SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Demonstration at American Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting, Philadelphia, 2/7/1988
(includes photo)
15SSSJ (assistance) - "Fast for Freedom" Demonstration, Soviet Mission, 2/8/1988
(includes photos)
16SSSJ - "Dignity Before Dollars" Demonstration at West- Deutsche Landesbank, 2/11/1988
(includes photo)
17SSSJ - Rap of American Jewish Congress and World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) for USSR Tours, 2/1988
(includes tour information, press release)
18SSSJ - Annual Washington Lobby, 2/25/1988
19SSSJ (and others) - PLO Mission Protest After Terror Hijack, 3/7/1988
20SSSJ - Fundraiser with Natan Sharansky at Fred and Suzanne Ehrman Home, 3/17/1988
(includes photos of Yitz Greenberg, et al.)
21Jewish Museum set up in private home (location unknown), 3/1988
22SSSJ (and UCSJ) - Demonstration at Soviet Embassy After Supreme Court Ruling, 3/23/1988
23SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Diplomatic Residence, 3/27/1988
24SSSJ - Freedom Day Rally at Soviet UN Mission, 5/1/1988
(includes photos)
341SSSJ - High School Lobby, 5/12/1988
(includes photo)
2SSSJ - Demonstrations in Helsinki; USSR Mission, during Summit IV, 5/24/1988 - 6/1/1988
(includes photos; also includes pillowcase banner (from Russia ?), photocopies of visas, essay by G. Richter)
3SSSJ - (as Coalition of Concern) Demonstrations in Vienna, Mauthausen, at Papal Visit, 6/22/1988-26/1988
(includes photos)
4SSSJ - Tisha B'av Mincha at Soviet UN Mission, 7/24/1988
(includes photos)
5SSSJ - Lincoln Center Demonstration at Soviet-American Youth Orchestra Performance, 8/7/1988
6SSSJ - Demonstration at Opening Night of Moscow Circus Radio City Music Hall, 9/14/1988
7SSSJ - Doctors' Arrest for Georgy Samuilovich, Soviet UN Mission, 9/18/1988
(includes photo)
8SSSJ - Celebration of Solidarity, Isaiah Peace Wall, 10/2/1988
(includes photos)
9SSSJ - Project Sefer, 10/30/1988
(includes correspondence from Russia)
10SSSJ (and Bnei Akiva) - Rally at Soviet UN Mission, 10/30/1988
11SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Demonstrations in Istanbul against Waldheim, 11/2/1988-3/1988
(includes photo)
12SSSJ - Parlor Meeting with Ari and Ludmila Volvovsky, Riverdale, 11/5/1988
(includes photos)
13SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Kristallnacht, Kurt Waldheim Demonstration in Vienna, 11/9/1988-10/1988
(includes photos)
14SSSJ - Leafletting of Reception for Soviet Delegation, 11/12/1988
(includes photo)
351SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/20/1988
2SSSJ - Raffle Drive Drawing, 12/5/1988
3SSSJ - Demonstrations during Mikhail Gorbachev's NY Visit, 12/6/1988-8/1988
4SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Anti-Arafat Demonstration, Geneva; US Mission to UN Demonstration, 12/12/1988-14/1988; 12/18/1988
5Cyrus Abbe, 1/1989
6SSSJ - Demonstration at Opening Night of Moiseyev Dance Co., 1/17/1989
7SSSJ (assistance) - Bnei Akiva Rally for Zev Dashevsky, 2/20/1989
8SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) and others - Anti-PLO Demonstration News Conference at Columbia U., 3/12/1989-13/1989
9SSSJ - Annual College Washington Lobby, 4/6/1989
(includes slides)
10SSSJ - Freedom Seder at Soviet Diplomatic Residence, 4/25/1989
(includes photos [also includes photos for another event])
11SSSJ (co-sponsor) - Protest at French Embassy, Consulate on Arafat Visit, 5/2/1989
12SSSJ - Freedom Day, 5/7/1989
(includes photo)
13SSSJ - Participation in Moscow & Riga Jewish Conferences, 5/16/1989-22/1989
14SSSJ - Participation in Moscow & Riga Jewish Conferences, 5/16/1989-22/1989
Photos (1) - (includes A. Weiss, Gavriel Shapiro?)
15SSSJ - Participation in Moscow & Riga Jewish Conferences, 5/16/1989-22/1989
Photos (2) - (includes A. Weiss, Gavriel Shapiro?; former Moscow officials' dacha now a yeshiva?)
16SSSJ - Participation in Moscow & Riga Jewish Conferences, 5/16/1989-22/1989
Photos (3) - (includes A. Weiss, photo of document)
17SSSJ (with LSS) - Mikhail Elbert Fundraiser, 6/26/1989
18SSSJ - Leafletting Opening Night of Kirov Ballet, Lincoln Center, 7/3/1989
19SSSJ - Tisha B'av Mincha Service at Soviet UN Mission, 8/10/1989
(includes photo)
20SSSJ (as Coalition of Concern) - Demonstration at "Days of Rage" Broadcast, 9/6/1989
(includes photos)
21SSSJ - Leafletting Boris Yeltsin Talk at Columbia U.; Leafletting Opening Night Red Army Chorus, City Center, 9/11/1989; 9/12/1989
22Riverdale Festival (?) - SSSJ Table (Henry Gerber and G. Richter selling SSSJ pins, Rosh Hashana cards, etc.)- Photos, 9/17/1989
23Anatoly Sharansky and Glenn Richter - Photo, 9/20/89
24SSSJ - Run for Freedom, 11/12/1989
25SSSJ - at Malta Summit, 12/1/1989-3/1989
(includes folder with flyers, letters, pamphlets - "Soviet Government", "Perestroika", letters, resolution, photos)
26[Untitled] Congress of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the USSR, Moscow, 12/20/1989
(includes photos)
361SSSJ - "Fly Them to Freedom" (?) Demonstration in Washington - on Ta'anit Esther (?), 1990?
2SSSJ - Leafletting at Moscow Circus Opening Night, 1/11/1990
3SSSJ - WUJS Conference and Israel, 1/1-7/1990
(includes photos)
4SSSJ (and SCSJ) - Annual Washington Lobby, 2/8/1990
5SSSJ - "Stop Soviet Antisemitism" Demonstration, Soviet UN Mission, 2/14/1990
(includes photos)
6SSSJ - "Rescue Them Now!" Rally, Soviet UN Mission, 2/25/1990
(includes photos)
7SSSJ (and others) - Freedom Express to Washington, DC, 3/8/1990
(includes photo)
8SSSJ - US Mission to UN Arrests After Solidarity Day, 4/1/1990
9SSSJ (and HIR) - Freedom Seder at Soviet Diplomatic Residence, 4/8/1990
(includes photos)
10SSSJ - Prayer and Protest at Soviet UN Mission, 4/29/1990
11SSSJ - Summit Demonstrations in Washington, 5/28/1990 & 6/1/1990
12SSSJ - Leafletting of Bolshoi Opening Night, Lincoln Center, 7/10/1990
13SSSJ - Tisha B'av Prayer Service, Soviet UN Mission, 7/31/1990
(includes photos)
14Jacob Davidson (husband of Haviva Krasner-Davidson)- Photo, 6/2/1997
15SSSJ - Demonstration - Photo, 1960s
(according to G. Richter this photo was reprinted many times, because it "told the story")
16SSSJ - Demonstration(s?) alongside E. 67th St. Armory, across from Soviet UN Mission, 1960s
17SSSJ - Menorah March (from Riverside Plaza, 253 W. 73rd St., to Soviet UN Mission, E. 67th St. & Park Ave.), 1960s
18Moshe Decter (left), Jack Bernstein (right) - Photo, 1960s
19SSSJ - Demonstration - Photo, 1960s?
20SSSJ - Early Demonstration near Soviet UN Mission (?) - Photo, mid 1960s?
21SSSJ - Demonstration (Hunger Strike?) at Soviet UN Mission -Photo, late 1960s?
22Demonstration for Jewish Establishment to get involved in Soviet Jewry Movement - Photos, late 1960s?
(UJA building, E. 59th St.; American Jewish Committee building, E. 56th St.; B'nai Brith building, E. 38th St.)
23Vigil near Soviet Embassy in Washington DC (apparently tied to President Nixon's trip to USSR), 1970s
(Photos [may include negatives from another event?])
24UCSJ Mission to Israel - Photo, 1970s?
25SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission - Photos, early 1970s?
26SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission - Photos, early 1970s
[also includes negatives for 6/29/72 event]
371SSSJ (with Betar) demonstrating at Soviet UN Mission for direct flights of Soviet Jews to Israel, 1980s?
- Photos; SSSJ - College Lobby, Washington DC - Photos
2SSSJ office at 1118 Avenue J, Brooklyn, after a fire, early 1980s
(includes photo)
3SSSJ - Demonstration at Soviet Residence in Riverdale - at Chanukah time (?), [before 1986]
(led by SSSJ chairman A. Weiss, with members of his shul, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale)
4Glenn Richter and Robert Frauenglas at SSSJ office, 210 W. 91st St, Young Israel of West Side , late '80s-early '90s?
Photos (by Henry Gerber)
5Edgar Bronfman (left) - Photo, n.d
6Cancelled Soviet Performance at Lincoln Center (?) - Photos, undated
7Demonstration at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza - "No Show Trials" (?)- Photo, undated
8Future YU and Stern Use (?) - Photo, undated
9Gathering of former refuseniks and Soviet Jewry activists, Israel (Van Leer Institute or Hebrew U., Jerusalem?), undated
10Bob Goldman (a founder of New England SSSJ) at SSSJ 72nd St. Office - Photo , undated
11Nechama Lifshitz and Dennis Prager (?) in SSSJ office - Photos, undated
(includes slides)
12LICSJ? - Prayer Service outside Soviet Residence in Glen Cove, LI? - Photo, undated
13Making signs for demonstration for Boris Kochubievsky (possibly at Stern College dormitory?)- Photos, undated
14Posters, stickers, t-shirts, flags, balloons - Photos, undated
15Proposal for Project to Place Resolution on Soviet Jewry as Platform of Major Political Parties [formerly "Organization"], undated
16Slideshow - UAHC, undated
(includes SSSJ Events 11/7/67, 7/1-3/69, et al.)
17Soviet Jewry Exhibit in Gym of Young Israel of West Side - Photo; Demonstration at Soviet UN Mission during President Reagan's Administration, undated
contact sheet & negatives only
18[SSSJ?] - At UN during Mideast Crisis (Howard Brown) - Photo, undated
19SSSJ - Campaign to send cards to ill young Soviet Jew? - Photo, undated
20SSSJ - Chanuka March through Central Park to Soviet UN Mission?- Photo, undated
21SSSJ - Confrontation (Sit-in?) at Aeroflot Office (?) - Photo, undated
22SSSJ - Demonstration at UN - Photos, 3/15/__
23SSSJ - Demonstrations (against Arab terror, et al.), undated
contact sheet only
24SSSJ - Early Demonstration at E. 67th St. Armory, across from Soviet UN Mission - Photo, undated
385SSSJ - Event photos (mounted) [oversize], various dates
1977SSSJ - Exhibit Photos (Babi Yar?) [oversize], undated
3726SSSJ - Free Valery Kukuy Demonstration - Photo, undated
27SSSJ - Labeling packages, probably for a raffle - Photo, undated
28[SSSJ?] - Rally (at UN?) during Andropov's Government - Photos, n.d
(includes Malcolm Hoenlein?)
29SSSJ - Lenore Richter speaking at a demonstration, Soviet UN Mission - Photo, undated
30SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Exhibit, undated
31[SSSJ?] - Table with books, pamphlets, information sheets, and petitions - Photo, undated
32SSSJ Washington Lobby (?) - Photos, undated
(includes Bella Abzug, Eleanora Poltinnikov, Fabian Kolker, Mark Lebwohl, Charles Sheer)
33Unidentified (four women looking at ?) - Photo, undated
34Unidentified meeting (?) - Photo, undated
35Unidentified banner, undated
36Unidentified Soviet Jewry Event - Photo, undated
1978Unidentified Soviet Jewry Event (Concert), undated
(includes photo of Shlomo Carlebach; oversized)
3737Unidentified speaker - Photo, undated
38Washington Lobby (?) - Photo, undated
39Avi Weiss and Jonathan Pollard - Negatives, contact sheets only, undated
40WUJS Conference (?) in Jerusalem, undated
(includes Natan and Avital Sharansky, Ida Milgrom (mother of N. Sharansky), Ilya Esses, Avigdor Eskin with wife and child)
41"Zionism is Racism" Demonstrations (?) at US Mission to UN and Dag Hammarskjold Plaza - Photos, undated
42 Adopt-A-Family - Instructions, Biographical Data (blank), undated
43Adopt-A-Family Program, 1973-1979
381Sonya Baevski - Documentary on Soviet Jewry, 1971-1972
(includes summary of meeting of Jewish Broadcasting and Film Committee; also includes GNYCSJ material)
2Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinnings, 1979-1989
(includes photos, profiles of children of refuseniks, pen-pal lists)
3Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinning with Soviet Jews, 1980-1989?
4Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinning with Soviet Jews, 1981-1990
5Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinning with Soviet Jews, 1982-1988
6Bar & Bat Mitzvah Twinnings - Profiles, 1982-1990
7Bills to Aid Soviet Jewish Refugees, 1972
8Bills for 30,000 US Visas, 1971
9Books Sent to USSR, 1988-1989
[includes Project Sefer]
10Brock Resolution, 1971
11Case-Fenwick Bill, 1976
391Center for Russian and East European Study, 1976-1989, undated
(includes Moscow Symposium)
2Center for Russian Jewry, 1967-1968
3Center [for Russian Jewry], 1970-1971
(includes press release re: S. Riskin interviews of refuseniks [see 10/18/70 Events file])
4[Center for Russian Jewry] - Membership Drive - Promo Material, 1982-1989
(includes Project Sefer?)
5Center for Russian Jewry - Projects, Programs, 1968
(includes N. Lamm; also includes financial material)
6Center for Russian Jewry with SSSJ, 1967, 1982-1991
(includes Jackson-Vanik)
7Demonstrations - Various, 1963-1971, undated
(includes AJCSJ, LICSJ, NYCSJ, Queens Council for SJ, JDL, et al.)
8Display for Large Bulletin Board, undated
(includes photos)
9Dollar Mailing, 1966-1967
10English Language Jewish News Service - Proposal to WEVD, 1970
11The Travels of Larry Fetterman (SSSJ Campus Projects Coordinator), 1977
(includes photo)
401Freedom Letters - Correspondence, information sheets, 1977-1979
2Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings (1), 1977
3Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings (2), 1977
4Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings (1), 1977
5Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings (2), 1977
6Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings (3), 1977
7Freedom Letters - Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1979
411Matthew Goldstein - US Postal Service, 1979-1980
2Goldsteins for Goldstein, 1985-1986
3Paula Harris - SSSJ Fieldworker, 1978-1979
4Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1976
5Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1977
6Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1977
7Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1977
8Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1978
421Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1979
2Helsinki Commission and Helsinki Agreement, 1980-1989
3Items Available from SSSJ, undated
4Jackson-Mills-Vanick Bills, 1972-1973
5Jackson-Mills-Vanick Bills, 1974
6Jackson-Mills-Vanick Bills, 1974
7Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1975
8Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1976
9Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1977
10Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1978
431Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1979
2Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1980-1983
3Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 1987-1989
4Letter-Writing Campaigns, 1961-1966
["Matzohs for Soviet Jewry"]
5Letters Returned from USSR (1), 1971-1975
(includes photo; also Project Sefer)
6Letters Returned from USSR (2), 1971-1975
7Letters Returned from USSR (3), 1971-1975
8Letters [Mail Delivery] to USSR, 1976
9Letters to the USSR, 1977
441Letters to USSR, 1978-1983
2Letters to USSR (1), 1979-1987
3Letters to USSR (2), 1979-1987
4Local Projects - Programs, 1968, undated
5McClure Amendment, 1988
6Newspaper [SOS Soviet Jewry], 1971
(includes 12/13/71 SSSJ event)
7Soviet Jewry Newspaper, 1967
8[Campaign for] Denial to Moscow of 1980 Olympics (1), 1973-78
9[Campaign for] Denial to Moscow of 1980 Olympics (2), 1973-78
(includes designs for T-shirts, statement by Andrei Sakharov, copy of certificate of incorporation for 1980 Committee for Human Rights, Inc.)
451Olympics, Moscow 1980, 1971-1980
21980 Moscow Olympics, 1979
(includes JDL clipping)
31980 Moscow Olympics, 1980
(includes photo)
41980 Olympics - SSSJ Handbook, undated
5Operation Soviet Jewry Write-In to Russian Jewish "Refuseniks" - Refusenik List, 1979-1980?
5.5Operation Soviet Jewry Write-Ins: Children of Activists; Russian Jewish Scientists, 1973-1974, 1976-1977
(with notations by Allan Miller)
6Parcels to USSR, 1976-1979
(includes letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan)
7Parcels to USSR - Intertrade Express Corp., 1968, undated
8Pepsi-Cola Boycott (1), 1971-1987
461Pepsi-Cola Boycott (2), 1971-1987
(includes account of meeting, minutes of Queens College Academic Senate meeting, stickers, posters, JDL material)
2Pepsi Co. & the Soviet Union, 1973-1977
(includes sticker)
3Pepsi Co. & the Soviet Union, 1978-1986
4Petitions, undated
5Soviet Jewry Phone-In, 1980, undated
(includes transcript of phone call with Isai Goldstein)
6Photos of Avi Weiss borrowed by Gary Rosenblatt, Baltimore Jewish Times, 1984-1989
7Postcards - Protests to US and Soviet Officials, 1976-1977, undated
(some signed)
8Prisoner of Conscience Bracelets Campaign (1), 1985
(Bracelets are in Series IX: Ephemera, Box 360)
9Prisoner of Conscience Bracelets Campaign (2), 1985
(includes photos)
10Dennis Prager, 1969-1970
11Proclamations - Various, 1968-1982
(Queens, Englewood NJ, Morton Grove IL)
12Program Material, 1964-1967
(includes play scripts, instructions for Salute to Israel Parade, etc.)
13Programs - Soviet Jewry Information, 1965-1968
(includes transcript of speech (12/11/66) and letter to editor of NY Times (1/10/65) by Martin Luther King Jr.)
14Programs - Various Organizations, 1979-1986
15Project Eyewitness, 1986
16Project Sefer, 1974-1979
(includes report on Hebrew study, list of Hebrew teachers in Moscow)
17Project Sefer, 1989, undated
18Return Receipts, 1977-1988
471Return Receipts, 1978-1983
2Return Receipts - Correspondence to Anatoly Sharansky, 12/3/1979
3[SSSJ et al.] - Rosh Hashanah Card Campaign, 1969-1980, undated
(cards with calendar of Jewish holidays printed in Russian; also includes corr. of International League for the Repatriation of Russian Jews)
4Shifrin Projects, 1976
(includes photos)
5Soviet-American Trade, undated
6Soviet-American Trade, 1974
7Soviet-American Trade, 1975
8Soviet-American Trade, 1976
9Soviet-American Trade, 1977
10Soviet-American Trade, 1978
11Soviet-American Trade, 1979
481Soviet-American Trade, 1980
2Soviet-American Trade, 1981
3Soviet-American Trade, 1982
4Soviet-American Trade, 1983-1984
5Soviet-American Trade, 1985
6Soviet-American Trade, 1986
7Soviet-American Trade, 1987
8Soviet-American Trade, 1988
9Soviet-American Trade, 1989-1990
491Soviet Jewry Freedom Bus, 1971
(includes bumper sticker, poster, stamps, pamphlets)
2Speakers Bureau - Correspondence, 1966-1967
3Speakers Bureau - Information Centers, 1964-1970
4SSSJ Speakers Bureau - Newspaper Clippings, 1965
5[Speakers Bureau] - Speaking Engagements, 1974-1989
6Special Projects, 1967-1968
(includes proposal "Project for Establishment of Radio Station Kol Am Yehudi (KAY)); also scripts "Isaac Babel: A Documentary for Radio" and "Karl Yankel")
7SSSJ Activities and Correspondence, 1966-1969, undated
(includes poster, lease for CRJ, article "The Jews of Silence" by Elie Wiesel)
8SSSJ [Activities and Correspondence], 1967-1968
(includes clipping from Yeshiva U. publication Hamevaser by David Luchins, arguing against activism for Soviet Jewry)
9SSSJ Activities and Correspondence, 1967-1970, undated
(includes taxes, budget, copy of minutes, meeting agendas)
10SSSJ Activities and Correspondence, 1969, undated
(includes Nechama Lifshitz)
11SSSJ Activities and Correspondence, 1969-1970, undated
(includes CRJ meetings)
12SSSJ Activities, 1986-1987
13SSSJ [Newspaper?], 1971
501SSSJ Scrapbook - Stern College, 1966-1967
2Summer Camps, 1970
(includes camps & other activities, Summer 1970)
3Summer Camps, 1971
4Summer Camps, 1971
5Summer Camps, 1972
6Summer Camps, 1973
(includes donations)
7Summer Camps, 1978-1986
8Telephone Calls to USSR, 1972-1989
511Travel Documents, 1979-1989
2Various, 1969-1971, undated
(includes Voice of America, postcards, seals, minutes of JCRC, et al.)
3[Soviet Jewry Video Tapes], 1973-1974
Video Tapes of TV Program "Plight of Soviet Jewry"
4Visitors [to USSR], 1968
(includes sticker)
5[Visitors] to the Soviet Union (1), 1974-1990
(includes photos of synagogues, names / addresses / bios of people to visit, language instruction sheets, maps and travel brochures)
6[Visitors] to the Soviet Union (2), 1974-1990
7Voice of America/Radio Liberty - Campaign for Yiddish and Hebrew language broadcasts to the USSR, 1971-1988

Series II: Administrative Records, 1964-1990, 1997, 2000. Boxes 52-62, and Box 379

Series Description: This series contains the administrative records of the SSSJ organization as well as miscellaneous office files.
Arrangement: The series is arranged into six series. Each subseries is arranged alphabetically by folder title.
Subseries A: Administration
Series Description: This subseries contains subject files files related to the overall administration of the SSSJ organization. It consists of mailing lists, names of board members, meeting agendas, volunteer lists, and files related to speakers and staff. The small amount of material is indicative that organization strove to function largely through volunteers and with little overhead.
521Addresses in Europe
2Addresses in US
3Addresses in US
4Addresses in US (Organizations, Universities, Offices)
5Addresses in USSR
6Advisory Experts, 1/04/1966
7Agenda - Executive Committee Meetings, 1968
8Announcements of Meetings, 1970-1971
9Jacob Birnbaum - Business Cards
10Jacob Birnbaum - 55 Years of Service to the Jewish People, 1946-2001 1986-2000
(includes photo)
11Board of Directors - Meeting Letters & Agenda (includes Norman Lamm), 1966-1967
12Boards of Directors - Members - Letters Received & Mailed, 1967
13Board of Directors and Patrons List
14Board of Directors - Special Meeting, 2/26/1990
15Boards of Directors - Thumbnail Sketches, 1967
16Business Cards
17By-Laws of Center for Russian Jewry, undated
18Center for Russian and East European Jewry, 1988-1990
19Copies of our publications forwarded, 1967-1968
20Correspondence (CRJ), 1966-1986
21Correspondence (SSSJ & CRJ), 1969-1976
22Correspondence (SSSJ & CRJ), 1971
23Correspondence - Change of Address Forms, 1985-1988
531Correspondence - Organizations, 1971
2Correspondence - Private, 1970-1971
3Correspondence - Schools (includes Network), 1971
4Correspondence - Subscription, 1967-1968
5Executive Committee (includes minutes), 1966-1968
6Form Letters - Final & Proposed / Publications, 1967
7Honorary Patrons, 1967
8List of File, undated
9Luncheon Meeting - 1st, 11/29/1966
10Luncheon Meeting - Materials, 11/29/1966
11Mailing Labels
12Mailing List
13Mailing List - Congregations
14Mailing List - Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (?)
15Mailing Lists - NY
16Mailing Lists - Press
17Material Forwarded (General)
18Meeting, 10/26/1989
Names to Be Put in Potential Donors List [oversize], 1983
19Organizational Development, undated, 1966
541Post Office and Bulk Rate Mailing, undated
2Publicity Materials (includes "Aims of Center"), 1971
3Rolodex - Addresses (1)
4Rolodex - Addresses (2)
5Rolodex - Phone Book
6Speakers, undated, 1982
7Staff, 1966-1967
10Stationery (CRJ)
11Stationery (CRJ & SSSJ)
551Stationery - Envelopes
2Stationery - Envelopes (Center for Russian & East European Jewry)
3Stationery - Envelopes (CRJ with SSSJ)
4SSSJ - Expanded Executive Meeting, 1968
5SSSJ - Mailing List - NY
6Suggestions (General)
7Things to Do Today, 1991
8Volunteers File, undated, 1967
9Volunteers - Riskin, Rabbi Steven (includes Speakers Bureau), 1967-1968
Subseries B: Legal Cases
Series Description: This subseries contains files of legal cases related to demonstrations held by SSSJ.
5510F.B.I., C.I.A. (correspondence about documents requested by Glenn Richter, copies of documents from F.B.I.), 1972-1987
11SSSJ - Motion to Vacate [Judge Isidore] Dollinger Injunction at Soviet Mission, begun 11/21/1978
561[Motion to Vacate Dollinger Injunction at Soviet UN Mission], 1977-1979
(includes photo, negatives, contact sheets)
2Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1971
3Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York - Lawsuit - Picketing in the Vicinity of East 67th Street & Lexington Ave., 1979
4United States District Court, 1972-1987
Subseries C: Papers on SSSJ & Soviet Jewry
Series Description: This subseries consists of original copies of various student papers written on SSSJ and Soviet Jewry.
565Glenn Richter - Student Term Papers, 1964-1965
"A Student Organization: Birth to Bureaucracy", 5/8/64; "Soviet Yiddish Writers and Literature: World War II to Present", 1/4/65
6Student (?) Term Papers on SSSJ, undated, 1982
7Student Term Papers on Soviet Jewry - Various, 1967-1978
8Student Term Papers on Soviet Jewry, 1973-1974
Subseries D: American League for Russian Jews
Series Description: The American League for Russian Jews was created in late 1963 by a group of Revisionist Zionists to advocate on behalf of Soviet Jewry. SSSJ acted as the American League's office staff.
569American League for Russian Jews, 1964-1967
10American League for Russian Jews, 1967
11American League for Russian Jews, 1967-1968
12[American League for Russian Jews] - Activist Group (includes minutes, financial, 1st public meeting), 1962-1964
571[American League for Russian Jews] - Organizing of Activist Group - Material and Minutes, 1963-1964
2[American League for Russian Jews - Chain Letter Campaign], 1964
3[American League for Russian Jews - General Correspondence], 1964
(includes Sen. Jacob Javits)
4[American League for Russian Jews] - Correspondence with Maoz, 1964
5American League for Russian Jews - Financial], 1964-1965
6[American League for Russian Jews] - NY Times Ad Signatures (with SSSJ), 1965
7 [American League for Russian Jews] - Printed Material, 1963-1964
(includes correspondence, minutes, photograph, NY Times Ad)
8American League for Russian Jews - 1st Public Meeting Flyers], 4/19/1964
9American League for Russian Jews - 1. Queens Rally, 2. Riverdale, 3/7/1965
10[American League for Russian Jews - Stationery], 1964-1965
11[American League for Russian Jews - Thurs. eve Meeting], 1964
Subseries E: Financial
Series Description: This subseries contains the financial records of the SSSJ organization. Of particular interest are the income tax returns (Box 59, Folders 2-5), which demonstrate the small operating budget SSSJ worked within to conduct its activities.
581Advertising (prices, description of material), undated
2Bank Information, undated
3Bank Information (bank statements, checks), 1989
5Bills, 1971
6Bills Paid, 1 - 7/1978
7Bills Paid, 7 - 12/1978
8Bills, Receipts, Statements, 1968-1971
9Bills, Statements, Income Tax Information, 1969-1970
11Delivery Receipts - Service
12Equipment and Services, 1978-1989
591Financial - Various, undated, 1969
2Income Tax, 1969-1970
3Income Tax Reports (1), 1969-1989
4Income Tax Reports (2), 1969-1989
5Income Tax Reports (3), 1969-1989
6Income Tax Reports (4), 1969-1989
7Invoices - SSSJ, 1980-1990
8Yossi Klein, undated
601Ledger (1): Cash disbursements and receipts; petty cash; payroll taxes and control and summary; cash accounts; rent security deposits; loans and exchanges; payroll taxes deducted; fund balance; contributions and allotments; program-related income; Romanian Jewish Scientist Program.
2Ledger (2) General ledger and payroll summaries
3Ledger (3) Center for Russian Jewry (file empty)
4Ledger (4) Cash receipts
5Ledger (5) Cash disbursements
6Ledger (6) SSSJ (empty)
7Ledger (7) Cash receipts
8Ledger (8) Cash disbursements
9Ledger (9) Expense analysis
10Maurice Mezoff, 1968
11Moving; Lease, 1980-1981
12Office Machines, Maintenance and Supplies
13Office Work Time Records
14Paid Bills, 1968
15Petty Cash Vouchers
16Printer - Richard Schuckman
17Printing (Miscellaneous), 1967
19SSSJ - All Bills Paid, 1- 6/1989
611Tax Exemption Forms
3Untitled (lease, et al.)
4Utilities, 1967
Subseries F: Fundraising
Series Description: This subseries contains records relating to SSSJ fundraising efforts, and includes individual donation receipts and contribution lists, as well as general appeals for funds and requests to foundations. SSSJ membership cards (Box 67, Folder 7), which cost $3.00 for students, were a source of fundraising for the organization.
615Appeals for Funds and Memberships, 1966-1968
6Bequests to SSSJ (letter about estate of Paul W. Freedman, petition authorizing sale of property re: estate of Sylvia Rosenheck, will of Nathan Darvin), 1966-1967
9Contributions, 1966-1968
10Contributions, 1968
13Donations, 1968-1969
14Donations, 1971
15Donations - Special Thank You's, 1969-1989
379Receipts for Donations Received by SSSJ, 1970; 1981
621Federations, undated, 1968-70
2Foundation Responses
3Fundraising (notes, flyer, letter), 1971
4Fundraising, correspondence, newsletter, 1964-1977
5Jewish Association for College Youth, 1971-1981
7Membership - Pledge Card - SSSJ
8Misc. Appeals for Contributions, 1967
9North American Jewish Students' Appeal, 1971-1990
10North American Jewish Students' Appeal, 1972-1990
11North American Jewish Students' Appeal, 1985-1990
12Potential Donors
13Prospective Sponsors, 1966-1967
14Sponsors (General) - Letters, 1966-1967
15Jacob Birnbaum - Business Cards

Series III: Correspondence, undated, 1963-1995, 2009-2010. Boxes 63-110

Series Description: This series contains files relating to individuals, organizations, and geographic locations either involved in the Soviet Jewry movement, or on which SSSJ found it useful to maintain information. In addition to correspondence, the files contain clippings and a significant amount of printed material from the various organizations represented. Many files contain no original correspondence, but are comprised solely of organizations' form mailings and other printed material. These files most likely contain duplicates of the files in Series VII, Printed Material, for these same organizations.

In addition to files on organizations, the series contains files on named people, and on geographic locations. These location files seem to be general groupings for material not extensive enough to require separate, named folders. However, many of them contain additional materials on various individuals, organizations, and events, and include original correspondence. Each U.S. state has at least one folder; New York has numerous folders due to extensive overall involvement in New York City, and is subdivided further by borough.

In addition to these categories, the series contains five boxes (Boxes 71-75) of files labeled "Correspondence", which seem to have been the true correspondence files of the organization. It is in these boxes, especially the ones of handwritten materials (Boxes 72-73), where most of the original correspondence in the series is concentrated.

Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically, primarily by name of organization/individual/geographic location. Correspondence from various sources is grouped under "C", so this portion of the series should be checked to make sure items from a particular organization/individual/geographic location are not missed.
631Academic Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1967-1973
2Action Central for Soviet Jewry (Dr. Louis Rosenblum), 1975
3Action to Help, 1971-1976
4Action Newsletter Materials, 1972-1974
(includes The Story of the Soviet Jews, a Guidebook for Children; Soviet Jewry video tape programs)
5Action for Soviet Jewry, 1978-1980
6Ad Hoc Committee Against the Soviet Threat to Israel, 1967
7[Address Lists], not dated
8Addresses, not dated
9Agudath Israel, 1972-1975
10Al Tidom, 1974-1979
11Alabama, 1966-1980
12Alabama Council to Save Soviet Jews, 1980
13Alaska, 1979
14America Israel Cultural Foundation (name and phone), not dated
15American Bar Association, 1978-1988
16American Federation for Soviet Jews/Research Institute on Soviet Jewry, 1967-1974
17American Jewish Committee, 1956-1976
18American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1964-1967
641American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1965-1970
2American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1968
3American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1969-1972
4[American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry], 1969-1972
5American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1970
(includes posters, bumper stickers)
6[American Jewish Conference on SJ], 1970-1972
7American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1971
8American Jewish Conference on SJ, 1971
(includes summary of meeting, poster)
9American Jewish Conference on SJ-Biennial, 4/7/1968-8/1968
651American Jewish Conference on SJ-Biennial at Waldorf-Astoria, 4/7/1968-8/1968
2American Jewish Conference on SJ-National Chanukah Protests, 12/11/1966
3American Jewish Conference on SJ-National Eternal Light Vigil, 9/19/1965
(includes posters)
4American Jewish Conference on SJ-National Leadership Conference, 10/10/1967-11/1967
(Washington DC)
5[American Jewish Conference on SJ-National Leadership Conference], 4/17/1966-18/1966
6American Jewish Conference on SJ-Seminar for Jewish Leadership on Religion and Nationality in USSR, Yeshiva University, 12/20/1969-21/1969
(includes photo, newsletters, booklets "Simchat Torah 1969", fact sheet)
7American Jewish Congress, 1964-1983
(newsletters, newspaper clippings, press releases)
8[North American Jewish Students Network], 1976-1978
9American Jewish Youth Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1964-1965
10North American Jewish Youth Council, 1965-1977
(replaces, in Soviet Jewry work, American Jewish Youth Conference on Soviet Jewry)
11North American Jewish Youth Council (includes minutes), 1971
12American Jews for Soviet Jews, 1971-1972
13American Joint Distribution Committee, 1974-1976
14American League for Russian Jews, 1965-1969
15American Zionist Federation (newsletter), 1975
661American Zionist Youth Foundation, 1976-1977
2Amnesty International, 1967-1981
3Amnesty International, 1977
(letters to the Soviet authorities)
4Appeal to Conscience Foundation, 1965
5Arizona, 1971-1987
(includes photos)
6University of Arizona, 1967
7Arkansas, 1967-1976
8The Arts, 1967
9Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, 1965
10Association of Orthodox Jewish Teachers, 1973
11Atid, 1966-1974
12Australia, 1965-1986
(includes newspaper articles/copies, newsletters)
13Bay Area Council on SJ, 1978
14Bay Area Council on SJ, 1979-1980
15Bay Area Council on SJ, 1984-1986
16Bay Area Council on SJ, 1992(?), not dated
(includes Adopt-A-Family profiles)
17Betar, 1966-1973
18B'nai B'rith, 1964-1979
(includes fact booklet, newsletters, programs, newspaper clippings, report on Soviet Jewry by Elie Wiesel)
19Bnai Yiddish Society, 1968-1969
671Board of Jewish Education, 1965-1975
(formerly Jewish Education Committee; includes poster)
2Brandeis University, 1965-1978
3Moshe Brodetzky, 1966-1968
(includes lists of people, memos from [Farbstein? J. Birnbaum?], newspaper clippings, newsletter Brief)
4Bronx, 1966
5Bronx Council to Aid SJ, 1966
6Brooklyn, 1963-1966
7California, 1964-1980
(includes summary report)
8California, 1980-1988
9California-Berkeley-Northern California Committee for Soviet Jewry; Student Committee for Soviet Jewry with SSSJ, 1965-1966
10California-Los Angeles-Student Struggle for Soviet Jews, 1963-1973
(includes photo)
681California-Los Angeles-Jewish Federation, 1974-1979
(incl. CSSJ/SCCSJ/Union of Councils for Soviet Jews)-(includes photos, bumper sticker)
2California-San Francisco-Bay Area Council on Soviet Jewry; Soviet Jewry Action Group, 1967-1982
(includes poster)
3University of California, 1969-1970
4Campaign for Soviet Student Freedom, 1978
5Canada(1), 1966-1987
6Canada (2), 1966-1987
(includes flyers, newsletters, press releases, invitations/poster, background material for Lobby Day, photos, minutes, transcripts of phone calls to USSR)
7Canada (3), 1980-1988
691Canada-Montreal-SSSJ, 1970-1979
(includes poster, bumper sticker)
2Cards, not dated
3Cards-Rosh Hashana, not dated
4Cards-Rosh Hashana, not dated
(made by students)
5Shlomo Carlebach, 1974
(includes photo, contract)
6Jimmy Carter, not dated
7Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1962-1979
(includes booklet)
8Chama, 1975-1980
(works in Israel with Russian immigrants)
9Chicago, 1967
10Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry, 1978-1990, 2009-2010
11Christian Friends, 1971
(list of names/addresses)
12Christian Groups-National Council of Churches, 1964
(includes article by Paul Anderson)
13Christian Groups-Russian Orthodox, 1964
14Civil Rights Leaders, not dated
15Civil Rights Organizations, 1964-1975
(includes newspaper clippings/copies)
16Coalition to Free Soviet Jews, not dated
17Colorado, 1970-1979
(includes board game)
18Colorado Committee of Concern for SJ, 1979-1989
(includes refusenik information)
701Columbia University-Barnard College, 1964-1987
2Columbia University Committee for Soviet Jewry, not dated
3Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1986-1988
4Committee of Concerned Scientists, 1973-1978
5Committee to Free the Paritsky Family, 1976
6Committee for United Action for Soviet Jewry (Jack Bernstein), not dated
7Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, 1967-1980
(includes posters, newsletter, report, list of organizations)
8Congress (1), 1963-1977
9Congress (2), 1963-1977
(extracts of Congressional Records-Senate, resolutions-House of Representatives, testimony delivered to Senate, press releases/Congressional Records, correspondence, resolutions, articles/fact sheets/speeches)
10Congress (3), 1977-1988
11Congress of the United States, 1964-1985
12Congress of the United States, 1986-1990
13Congress of the United States, 1974
(Congressman Norman F. Lent)
711Congressmen, not dated
2Connecticut, 1965-1986
3Consulate General of Israel, 1989-1992
4Cornell University (includes photos, poster), 1976-1986
5Correspondence, 1965-1973
6Correspondence, 1968
7Correspondence, 1970
8Correspondence, 1971
9Correspondence, 1972
10Correspondence, 1974
11Correspondence, 1975
12Correspondence, 1977
13Correspondence-A-K, 1978
14Correspondence-A-I, 1979
15Correspondence-J-P, 1979
16Correspondence-R-Z, 1979
17Correspondence-A-M, 1980
18Correspondence, 1981
19Correspondence, 1983
20Correspondence, 1984
21Correspondence, 1985
22Correspondence, 1986
23Correspondence-A-H, 1987
24Correspondence-J-Z, 1987
25Correspondence, 1988
26Correspondence-A-O, 1989
27Correspondence-P-Z, 1989
28Correspondence, 1990
29Correspondence, 1991
30Correspondence, 1992
31Correspondence, not dated
32Correspondence to American and Israeli officials, 1974-1978
33Correspondence for Jacob Birnbaum, 1968-1973
34Correspondence-Congregations, 1971
35Correspondence-Donations, 1980-1990
36Correspondence to David Drabkin, 1970
(written at the Torah Leadership Seminar of Yeshiva University)
37Correspondence to editors of New York Times, not dated
38Correspondence to Tzvi Fishman, 1966
721Correspondence-General, not dated
(includes bumper sticker)
2Correspondence-General, not dated
(includes photos of Shlomo Carlebach)
3Correspondence-General, 1964-1966
(includes poster)
4Correspondence-General, 1964-1968
5Correspondence-General, 1967-1969
6Correspondence-General, 1969
(includes postcard, sheet of seals, pin, membership/pledge card)
7Correspondence-General, 1970
8Correspondence-General, 1970-1971
(includes postcards, J. Birnbaum's business card)
731Correspondence-General, 1971
2Correspondence-General, 1972-1973
2ACorrespondence-General, 1979
3Correspondence-General, 1988-1989
4Correspondence-Handwritten, 1976-1976
5Correspondence-Handwritten, 1977
6Correspondence-Handwritten, 1978
7Correspondence-Handwritten, 1979
8Correspondence-Handwritten, 1980
9Correspondence-Handwritten, 1981
10Correspondence-Handwritten, 1982
11Correspondence-Handwritten, 1983
12Correspondence-Handwritten, 1984
741Correspondence-Handwritten, 1985
2Correspondence-Handwritten, 1986
3Correspondence-Handwritten, 1987
4Correspondence-Handwritten, 1988
5Correspondence-Handwritten, 1989
6Correspondence-Handwritten, 1990
7Correspondence-Handwritten, 1991
8Correspondence-Handwritten, not dated
9Correspondence-Hebrew, not dated
10Correspondence to organizations and officials, 1981-1987
751Correspondence-Outgoing, 1967-1968
2Correspondence-Outgoing, 1970-1971
3Correspondence-Outgoing, 1972
4Correspondence-Outgoing, 1973
5Correspondence-Outgoing, 1974
6Correspondence-Outgoing, 1975
7Correspondence-Outgoing, 1977
8Correspondence-Outgoing, 1979
9Correspondence-Outgoing, 1981-1983
10Correspondence-Outgoing, 1984-1988
11Correspondence-Outgoing, 1989-1990
12Correspondence-Outgoing, not dated
13Correspondence-Political, 1971
14Correspondence to President of the State of Israel, Zalman Shazar, not dated
15Correspondence to Prime Minister Golda Meir, 1970
16Correspondence from Refuseniks, 1980-1982
17Correspondence Regarding Photos, not dated
18Correspondence-Requests for Help from Russian Jews, 1979-1982
19Correspondence-Requests Regarding Publications, 1987
20Correspondence from Lenore Richter, 1968
21Correspondence (Russian), 1979
21ACorrespondence (Russian), not dated
22Correspondence, not dated
(Russian-copies of letters and postcards)
23Correspondence(Russian-handwritten), not dated
24Correspondence to Soviet officials, not dated
24ACorrespondence to Soviet officials (Russian), not dated
25Correspondence to Soviet officials, not dated
(translated from Russian)
761Correspondence to Soviet officials, 1970-1987
(translated from Russian)
2Correspondence from USSR (English, Russian), 1979
3Correspondence to the United Nations Organization, 1970
4Correspondence-Various, 1969
5Correspondence-Various, 1969-2001
6Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1973-1978
(reports, resolutions, summaries)
7Crackpots and the like, 1964-1987
(hate mail, bizarre mail)
8Customs Interference, 1990
9Darkai Haim (Israel), 1974-1976
10Moshe Decter, 1967
(includes article)
11Moshe Decter-Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews, 3/18/1966
12Moshe Decter (Jewish Minorities Research), 1963-1969
(includes articles on "The Pravda Man Hunt," pamphlets, paper "The Soviet Assault on Passover," conference paper)
13Delaware, 1965-1976
(includes draft of book Journey to Freedom for children)
14Duke University, 1970
15Nissan Engel (Israeli-French artist), not dated
16England (1), 1963-1978
771England (2), 1963-1978
(includes minutes, posters)
2England (3), 1967-1989
3England, 1978-1981
(includes minutes, posters, stickers)
4England-35's Bulletin, 1977-1978
5Envelopes, 1978-1990
6Envelopes, 1979
7Envelopes, 1980-1989
8Envelopes, 1986-1989
9Envelopes, 1986-1990
10Envelopes, 1989
11Envelopes (blank)-Brooklyn Coalition for SJ; Jewish Daily Forward, not dated
12Envelopes - Russia: Let My People Go!, not dated
13Envelopes, not dated
781Envelopes, not dated
2Envelopes, not dated
3Envelopes, not dated
4Envelopes, not dated
5Envelopes, not dated
6Envelopes, not dated
7Envelopes, not dated
8Envelopes, not dated
791Envelopes, not dated
2Envelopes, not dated
3Envelopes, not dated
4Envelopes, not dated
5[Europe (excluding England)], 1964-1980
(includes bumper stickers)
6Falashas, not dated
7Falashas, not dated
8Far Rockaway, 1967
9Farband, not dated
10Leonard Farbstein, 1965
(includes House Resolution, press releases, Congressional Record, pamphlets)
11Leonard Farbstein (letter to Birnbaum), 1967
801Florida, 1964-1978
2Florida, 1978-1989
3Florida-Miami-South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1969-1977
4Folders, not dated
5Folders, not dated
6Folders-Soviet Anti-Semitism, not dated
7Freedom of Communications, 1984-1985
8Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe, 1974-1980
9George Washington University (Washington, DC), 1964-1965
10Georgia, 1964-1989
11Gerald Gadlin, 1966
811"Gates of Brass" Film, 1985-1986
2Good Times, 1983
(publishers of special newspapers in simplified English)
3Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry (GNYCSJ), 1972
(includes posters)
4GNYCSJ (1), 1973
5GNYCSJ (2), 1973
(includes poster)
6GNYCSJ (1), 1974
7GNYCSJ (2), 1974
(includes photos)
821GNYCSJ, 1975
(includes minutes)
2GNYCSJ, 1976
(includes summary of meeting)
3GNYCSJ (1), 1977
4GNYCSJ (2), 1977
5GNYCSJ (3), 1977
(includes annual report, flyers, newsletters, press releases, papers by various people about various people, newspaper /clippings)
831GNYCSJ, 1978
2GNYCSJ (includes sticker), 1979
3GNYCSJ, 1980
4GNYCSJ, 1981-1985
(includes minutes)
5Hadassah, 1966-1983
(includes newsletters)
6William Haddad, 1965
7Harvard University, 1969-1970
8Hashomer Hatzair, 1973
9Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS), 1967-1976
10Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 1987-1990
11Hillel [see also: Bnai Brith], 1964-1977
841Hotels (includes list, newsletter), 1965
2House Resolution 74-condemning treatment of unofficial teachers, 1985
3Houston Action for SJ (includes profiles), 1986-1987
4Hunter College, 1965-1967
5Idaho, 1974
6Illinois, 1966-1977
7Illinois-Chicago, 1964-1974
8Illinois-Chicago, 1975-1990
9Illinois-Chicago-SSSJ, 1970-1978
10Indiana, 1967-1986
11Institute for Jewish Life, 1974-1975
12International League for Repatriation of Russian Jews (American League for Russian Jews), 1969-1979
(includes sticker; notes on conference held at Yeshiva University)
13International League for the Repatriation of Russian Jews, 1971-1973
14International League for the Rights of Man, 1964-1966
15International Synagogue, 1971
851Invitations, not dated
2Iowa, 1966-1972
3Israel, 1966-1976
4Israel, 1976-1990
5Israel (1), 1971-1975
6Israel (2), 1975-1977
(includes photos)
7Israel, 1978-1979
(includes photos)
8Israel (includes posters, copy of letter from Ariel Sharon), 1980-1990
9Israel-Maoz, 1966-1977
(includes flyers, pamphlets, bulletin, essays-"Russian Jews in Our Time", "How Aliya Is Being Killed", etc., petitions, list of Prisoners of Conscience)
861Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry, 1979, 1980(?), 1986, 1988, not dated
2Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-Let Our Parents Go: Sons and Daughters of Refuseniks in the USSR Who Have Been Separated From Their Parents; Profiles-Updated: 1986-1987, not dated
3Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-Soviet Jewish Refuseniks, 1979-1987
4Israel-Shamir, 1973-1979
(includes invitation, address labels, newsletters/magazine, booklets/pamphlets, notes on meetings, newspaper clippings)
5Israel-Shomer Achi Anochi-Shelach Et Ami, 1977-1978
6Israeli Government-Problems, 1967-1983
7Israeli prisoners and missing, not dated
8Senator Henry Jackson, 1974-1978
9Henry M. Jackson and the Struggle for Human Rights Commemorative Report, 1995
(see also Series XI: Video, Box 5 Item 129)
10JDL-Soviet Jewry, not dated
11JDL-Violence, not dated
12Condemnation of JDL, not dated
871Jewish Community "Mutual Aid", 1986
2Jewish Defense League, 1969-1978
3Jewish Demonstrations at South African Offices, 1987-1990
4Jewish Labor Committee, 1964-1974
5Jewish Liberation Project, 1970-1971
6Jewish National Fund, 1971
7Jewish New York , not dated
8Jewish New York -Categories-Directory of Resources #5, not dated
9Jewish New York -Community Guide Supplement, Organizational Questionnaires, 1973
10Jewish New York -Community Guide Supplement, Organizational Questionnaires, 1973
11Jewish New York -Community Guide Supplement, Organizational Questionnaires, 1973
12Jewish New York -Community Guide Supplement, Organizational Questionnaires, 1973
13Jewish New York -Correspondence, 1976-1978
881Jewish New York -Correspondence, 1977
2Jewish New York (outgoing corr.), 1976-1977
3Jewish New York -Editorial Advisory Board, 1976
4Jewish New York (fundraising), 1977-1978
5Jewish New York -Jewish Organizations Directory, not dated
6Jewish New York -Organizations, 1977
7Jewish New York -Organizations (envelopes), 1977
8Jewish New York -Organizations (letters), 1977
9Jewish New York -Organizations, not dated
10Jewish New York -Organizations (Addresses, details), not dated
891Jewish New York -Organizations (Addresses, details, comments), not dated
2Jewish New York -Organizations (Addresses, details), not dated
3Jewish New York -Organizations (Addresses, details), not dated
4Jewish New York -Organizations (Information), 1977
5Jewish New York -Organizations (Information), 1977
6Jewish New York -Organizations (Descriptions), not dated
7Jewish New York -Publicity, 1976
8Jewish New York -Requests for copies, 1976-1979
9Jewish New York -Requests for help, 1976
10Jewish New York -Resources & Services, not dated
11Jewish New York (respond to requests for copies), 1977
12Jewish New York -Stencil Masters, 1976
13Jewish Newspapers, 1966-1967
14Jewish Society of Americanists, 1966
15Jewish Theological Seminary, 1965-1978
901Jewish Youth Emergency Committee Demonstration, 4/12/1962
2Kansas, 1968-1973
3Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, 1977
4Kivie Kaplan (includes fact sheet), 1971
5Michael Kaufman, 1967-1968
(includes letter to him from J. Birnbaum)
6Edward Kennedy, 1974-1975
(newspaper clippings and copies, address by Sen. E. Kennedy)
7Kentucky, 1965-1984
8Keren Matzoh Fund for Russian Jews, 1975
(includes poster)
9Martin L. King and other Negro Leaders, 1966
(text of statement on Soviet Jewry by Dr. King; article from "The National Jewish Monthly" by Roy Wilkins)
10Bernard Lamport, not dated
11Latin America, 1970-1987
(newsletters, booklets, photo, petition? [in Spanish], bumper stickers, postcard)
12Leadership Conference of National Jewish Women's Organizations, 1971
13Letter from Avital Scharansky and Rivka Kogan, 1979
14Letter of Praise, not dated
15Lev (handwritten notes), not dated
16Lincoln Square Synagogue, 1987-1989
17Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1978-1989
18Louisiana, 1967-1975
19Machanaim-the Jewish Heritage Center for SJ, 1987-1989
20Maine, 1972-1989
21Maryland, 1965-1975
22Maryland-Baltimore, 1965-1990
23University of Maryland, 1965-1970
24Massachusetts, 1964-1986
25Massachusetts-Boston (1)?, 1964-1979
911Massachusetts-Boston (2)?, 1964-1979
2Massachusetts-Boston-Action for Soviet Jewry, 1976-1979
3Massachusetts-Boston-Medical Mobilization for Soviet Jewry, 1974-1978
(includes photo)
4Massachusetts-Boston-SSSJ, 1970-1975
(includes photos, minutes of Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Boston, JDL flyer, posters, bumper stickers)
5University of Massachusetts, 1966-1970
6Media, 1967
7Medical and Scientific Committee for Soviet Jewry-Refusenik profiles, 10/1980
8Memorandums, not dated
9Michigan, 1968-1985
10Michigan-Detroit, 1964-1986
11University of Michigan, 1969-1986
12Minnesota (1), 1967-1980
(includes transcripts of phone calls to USSR)
921Minnesota (2), 1967-1980
(includes transcripts of phone calls to USSR; also transcript of report by students who sat in at OVIR, Moscow)
2Minnesota (3), 1967-1980
3Minnesota-Dakotas Action Committee for SJ, 1989
4Miscellaneous Individuals, 1967
(letter to Mr. Theodore Bikel from J. Birnbaum, Mr. Wolf Pasmanik's business card)
5Mississippi, 1965-1975
6Missouri, 1965-1985
(includes copy of minutes of Jewish Community Relations Council)
7Mizrachi Hatzair, 1967-1969
8Picket the Moiseyev Dance Company [Pittsburgh], Sept. 1970
9Morristown (note card), not dated
10National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1965
11National Conference on SJ, 1971-1977
12National Conference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ)-(includes poster), 1972
[registration packet, newsletters, letters, list of member agencies, 1973, financial statement, news releases/photos, flyers, 1976-1979]
13NCSJ, 1973
(includes minutes, poster)
931NCSJ (1), 1974
(includes summary of meeting, stencil)
2NCSJ (2), 1974
(includes photo)
3NCSJ (1), 1975
(includes photos [including Israel Miller], poster)
4NCSJ (2), 1975
(includes summaries of meetings)
5NCSJ (1), 1976
(includes photos; copies of telegrams from Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford; refusenik list)
941NCSJ (2), 1976
(includes photos; also includes material re: Rabbi Meir Kahane in Brussels)
2NCSJ (1), 1977
(includes photos)
3NCSJ (2), 1977
(includes photo)
4NCSJ, 1978
(includes photos)
5NCSJ, 1979
(includes photos)
951NCSJ, 1980
(includes photo)
2NCSJ, 1981-1983;1986-1988
(includes minutes)
3National Conference on SJ, 1987-1993
4National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY), 1965-1990
(includes poster, bumper sticker)
5National Federation of Temple Youth, 1966-1973
6National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry, 1974-1978
7National [Jewish] Community Relations Advisory Council (N[J]CRAC), 1964-1973
961NJCRAC, 1974
2NJCRAC, 1975
3NJCRAC, 1976
4NJCRAC, 1977
5NJCRAC, 1978
6NJCRAC, 1979
7NJCRAC, 1980-1982;1986
8National Jewish Welfare Board, 1966-1968
9National Student Association, 1964-1966
10Nebraska, 1967-1976
11New Hampshire, 1967-1975
12New Jersey (1), 1964-1970
(includes transcript of a phone call)
13New Jersey (2), 1964-1970
(includes transcript of a phone call)
14New Jersey-Bergen County-SSSJ, 1972-1991
(includes posters)
15New Jersey-Perth Amboy-SSSJ, 1973-1976
(includes photo)
16New Mexico, 1965-1967
17New York Board of Rabbis, 1969-1970
971New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1969-1972
2[New York Conference on SJ]-American Communist Party Pickets, 1970-1971
3New York Conference on SJ-Hunter College [Committee for United Action for Russia Jewry?], 10/28/1964
(includes summary of meeting)
4New York Conference on SJ-Madison Square Garden, 6/3/1965
(includes text of message from Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson)
5[New York Conference on SJ]-Passover, 1971
6[New York Conference on SJ]-World Day for Soviet Jewry, 1970
7NY Intercollegiate Council, 1982-1983
(minutes, list of contacts, info on work-study programs)
8NY Jewish Community Relations Council Coordinating Committee for SJ, 1967-1968
9NY Jewish Community Relations Council Coordinating Committee for SJ, 1967-1968
10New York Jewish Community Relations Council; Coordinating Community for Soviet Jewry, 1967-1973
(formerly NY Conference on SJ)-(includes minutes)
11New York-Long Island (includes poster), 1964-1989
12New York-Long Island-Long Island Council for Soviet Jewry (LICSJ), 1964-1967
13New York-Long Island-LICSJ (reconstituted), 1976-1982
14[New York-Long Island]-Long Island Soviet Jewry (note card), not dated
15[New York-Long Island]-Long Island University, 1970-1971
16New York-Long Island (5 Towns)-SSSJ, 1970-1973
17New York-Long Island (Great Neck)-Great Neck Youth Council for Soviet Jewry, 1966-1967
(includes minutes)
18New York-Long Island (Nassau)-Nassau SSSJ, 1971-1973
19New York-Long Island (Suffolk)-Suffolk Council of Youth for Soviet Jewry, 1970-1974
20[New York-Long Island (Suffolk)]-Suffolk Council (letter/name list), 1971
981New York-New York City (entire), 1964-1973
2[New York-New York City]-City College and Baruch, 1965-1975
(includes text of Dr. Martin Luther King's letter to the New York Times re: Soviet Jewry, 1/16/85, and text of telegram from Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson to Robert F. Kennedy, read by RFK at New York Conference on Soviet Jewry 10/28/64)
3New York-New York City (Bronx), 1965-1977
(list of donors, flyers, newsletter)
4New York-New York City (Bronx)-Bronx Council for Soviet Jewry, 1966-1976
(newsletters, press releases, flyers, information cards-Bronx synagogues)
5[New York-New York City (Bronx)]-Bronx Council to Aid Soviet Jewry, 1965
6[New York-New York City (Brooklyn)]-(program, flyers), 1965
7New York-New York City (Brooklyn), 1965-1989
8New York-New York City (Brooklyn)-Boro Park SSSJ Action Center, 1969-1970
9[New York-New York City (Brooklyn)]-Brooklyn [Coalition for Soviet Jewry], not dated
10[New York-New York City (Brooklyn)]-Brooklyn College, 1964-1975
11New York-New York City (Brooklyn)-Brooklyn Jewish Community Council, 1966
12New York-New York City (Brooklyn)-Brooklyn SSSJ, 1970-1980
13New York-New York City (Brooklyn)-Shellbank Council for Soviet Jewry, 1973
14[New York-New York City Government], 1960-1965
991New York-New York City (Manhattan), 1964-1972
2New York-New York City (Manhattan), 1972-1985
(newsletters, press releases, flyers; includes Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach)
3New York-New York City (Manhattan), 1966-1991
(newsletters, press releases, flyers)
4New York-New York City (Manhattan)-Congregation Zichron Ephraim, 1965
5New York-New York City (Manhattan)-Washington Heights-Inwood Council for Soviet Jewry, 1971-1989
(includes minutes)
6New York-New York City (Queens)-(newsletters), 1964-1976
7New York-New York City (Queens)-1) Greater Bayside Committee 2) North Shore Protest Committee 3) Far Rockaway Jewish Community Council, 1964
8New York-New York City (Queens)-Intercounty Community for Soviet Jewry, 1965
9New York-New York City (Queens)-Jewish Community Council of Jackson Heights, 1965
10[New York-New York City (Queens)]-Queens College, 1965-1989
11New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for Soviet Jewry, 1966
(includes minutes)
12[New York]-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for Soviet Jewry-Forest Hills Stadium Rally, 5/22/1966
13New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1967
(includes minutes)
1001New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1968
(includes minutes)
2New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1969
3New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1970
4New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1971
5New York-New York City (Queens)-Queens Council for SJ, 1972-1978
6New York-New York City (Queens)-Vaad Horabonim and Kehillah of Queens, 1964
7New York-New York City (Queens), 1967-1990
8New York-New York City (Staten Island)-(letter from Richter), 1972
9New York-Rockland County, 1970-1971
(press releases, programs, flyers, felt armband)
10New York-State Legislatures (Senate Resolution), 1964
11New York University (Downtown), 1966-1987
(includes photos)
12New York-Upstate (bumper sticker), 1965-1979
13New York-[Upstate]-Buffalo-SSSJ, 1977-1989
(includes photos)
14New York-Upstate (Rochester)-(pamphlet), 1964-1965
15[New York-Upstate (Rochester)]-University of Rochester, 1965-1966
16New York-Upstate-Upstate Council of Youth for Soviet Jewry (1), 1966-1970
17New York-Upstate-Upstate Council of Youth for Soviet Jewry (2), 1966-1970
1011New York-Westchester County-[Westchester Conference on Soviet Jewry], 1964-1975
(includes newsletters, press releases, flyers)
2Newspapers, 1966-1971
(list of Jewish periodicals, correspondence, newspaper clippings, newspaper addresses)
3Noar Mizrachi (Noam), 1971
4North American Jewish Students Appeal, 1989
5North American Jewish Students Network, 1978-1980
6North American Jewish Youth Council, 1978-1980
7North Carolina (newsletters, photos), 1969-1990
8Ohio (newsletters, flyers, bumper sticker), 1965-1988
9Ohio-Cleveland-Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism, 1963-1977
(includes photo)
10Oklahoma, 1967-1971
11Oregon, 1965-1987
12Packages, 1976
(Imanta Parcel Service-parcels include clothes and food; other parcel companies)
13Paper-Organizations (blank), not dated
14Paper-Organizations (blank), not dated
15Paper-Organizations (blank), not dated
1021Pennsylvania, 1963-1989
(includes photos)
2Pennsylvania-Philadelphia (1)?, 1964-1981
(includes photo)
3Pennsylvania-Philadelphia (2)?, 1964-1981
(includes photo)
4Pennsylvania-Philadelphia-Greater Philadelphia Committee to Protest Soviet Anti-Semitism, R.E.S.C.U.E., 1964-1965
5University of Pennsylvania, 1967
6Periodicals, 1966-1967
7Philadelphia Student Struggle for SJ, 1980-1986
8Poale Agudath Israel of America, not dated
(correspondence, Congressional Record - 1953)
9Poland, not dated
10POC Pin, not dated
11Professional and Academic Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1967
12Proposition A, 1984
13Publications, 1966-1967
14Puerto Rico, 1974
15Queens Council for SJ, 1963-1974
16Queens Council for SJ, 1968
17Rabbinical Assembly of America, 1969
(membership list 1964-65; letter from G. Richter)
18Rabbinical Council of America, 1969
19Rabbis, 1967-1968
20Release Appeal (Reuben Arfa), not dated
21Rhode Island, 1965-1986
22Rhode Island-Providence-SSSJ, 1970-1973
23Rockland County, 1967
24Rutgers University, 1966-1977
(includes posters)
1031Howard Samuels, 1974
2Scientific Committee, 1967
3Pia Serban, 1976-1986
4Shalom Pak-Letters to Russian Jews, not dated
5Nathan D. Shapiro (includes copies of newspaper clippings), 1964
6Andrew Shitanyi (Hungarian producer-director; includes draft of "Buried Alive-The Wallenberg Mission, 1979
7Sister City Program, 1987
8Skouras, Spyros, 1967
9Slides, Films, Tapes, 1967
10[SMOG]-Organization of young Europeans-Headquarters Norway, 1967-1970
(includes press releases, newspaper clippings and copies, photos)
11South Africa, 1975-1985
12South Carolina, 1966-1973
13Southern California Council for SJ, 1990
14Southern California Council for Soviet Jewry & New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1969-1970
(includes J. Birnbaum's business card, memos, press releases, flyers, newsletters)
15Soviet Jewry Council-Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Philadelphia, 1989
16Soviet Jewry Week-University of Georgia, 2/24/1988-3/2/1988
17Soviet Mission to UN, 1967
1041State Department, 1964-1981
(position paper, press releases, papers on the situation of Jews in USSR, booklet from Public Information Series, confidential papers from [Speakers Bureau?])
2State of NY-Executive Chambers, 1979
3Stern College, 1965-1987
4Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jews, 1979
5Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jews, 1980-1989
6Student Activists for Soviet Jewry, 1971
7Student Miscellaneous Groups, 1966-1968
(includes newsletters)
8Student Zionist Organization, 1964-1967
9Summer Camps, 1965-1989
(includes letters to rabbis and camp directors)
10[Summer] Camps, 1969
(includes campers' names and addresses)
11Survivors (Fund), 1966-1967
12Synagogue Council of America, 1965-1975
13T'chiya, 1974-1975
14Tennessee, 1964-1987
15Texas, 1964-1987
16Tillem, Ivan, 1988
17Theodor Herzl Institute, 1964-1967
18Touro College, 1987
19Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1965-1976
1051Union of Councils for Soviet Jewry, 1973-1977
(includes photos, minutes, refusenik list)
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1976-1985
(includes lists of SJ)
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1978
(includes photos)
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1979
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1980-1985
6Union of Councils for SJ, 1984
7Union of Councils for SJ, 1985
1061Union of Councils for SJ, 1986
2Union of Councils for SJ (includes lists of SJ), 1986-1988
3Union of Councils for SJ, 1988
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
5Union of Councils for SJ, 1988-1990
(includes refusenik updates)
6Union of Councils for SJ (includes lists and profiles of SJ), 1989
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, III-IV/1989
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, V-VII/1989
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, IX/1989
1071Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, X/1989
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, XI/1989
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, XII/1989
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, XII/1989
5Union of Councils for SJ, 1989-1990
6Union of Councils for SJ, 1989-1990
7Union of Councils for SJ, 1/1990
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, I/1990
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, III-IV/1990
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, V /1990
1081Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, 1968-1976
2United Jewish Appeal, 1965-1976
(includes photo)
3United Nations, 1961-1972
4United Nations, 1972-1980
(includes photo, pamphlets, press releases, newspaper clippings, Congressional Records, Journal of the UN, agendas/report from CIA, pamphlets)
5United Nations Human Rights, 1967
(material about UN meeting in Geneva on Human Rights)
6United Synagogue, not dated
7United Synagogue Youth (USY), 1964-1987
8United Zionist Revisionist Organization of America, 1964-1965
9University Community for Soviet Jews, 1971
10University Community for Soviet Jewry, 1970-1971
(includes minutes)
11Utah, 1968
12Vermont, 1977-1980
13Virginia, 1964-1986
14Raoul Wallenberg, 1983-1991
15Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Anniversary Committee, 1968
16Washington Committee for SJ, 1986
1091Washington, DC, 1966-1985
(includes poster)
2Washington, DC, 1967-1968
(includes newspaper clippings/photocopies, poster)
3Washington, DC-Greater Washington Committee on the Plight of Soviet Jewry, 1965-1968
4Washington, DC-SSSJ (includes poster), 1969
5Washington, DC-Washington Committee for Soviet Jewry (1), 1969-1979
6Washington, DC-Washington Committee for Soviet Jewry (2), 1969-1979
(includes postcards)
7Washington (State), 1969-1979
8West Coast, 1967-1968
(includes correspondence of Harold B. Light, Glenn Richter, Jacob Birnbaum, Joseph L. Portnoy, Hank Silver; newsletters from West Coast organization)
9West Hempstead, 711 Dogwood Ave, W.H. 11552 (handwritten notes), not dated
10Westchester (handwritten notes), not dated
11White House-Washington, 1985
12Elie Wiesel, 1964-1967
(newspaper articles by and about him; articles in French and Yiddish)
13Elie Wiesel, 1966-69, 1986
14Elie Wiesel, not dated
15Wisconsin, 1966-1980
16University of Wisconsin, 1968-1971
17Workmen's Circle, 1964
18World Jewish Congress, 1965-1973
19World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)/S.O.S. Torture, 1988
1101World Union of Jewish Students (1), 1965-1972
2World Union of Jewish Students (2), 1965-1989
(includes postcard)
3World Zionist Organization, 1973-1979
4Yale University, 1964-1977
5Yavneh, 1963-1975
6Yeshiva High Schools, 1965-1975
7Yeshiva University, 1964-1988
(includes minutes of Yeshiva College Student Council)
8Yonkers, 1966
9Young Conservative Foundation, 1985
10Young Israel, 1965-1975
11Young Israel, 1967-1969
12Young Judaea, 1965-1984
13Youth Soviet Jewry Sub-Committee of NY Youth Conference for SJ, 1966-1967
(newsletters, copies from newspapers, letter to Mr. Birnbaum from Victor Weinman)
14Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), 1966-1973
15ZOA (handwritten notes), not dated

Series IV: Soviet Jews, undated, 1966-1991, 2017. Manuscript boxes 111-144 and 149-196, Record cartons 145-148, and Oversized Box 197

Series Description: This series consists of files on individual Soviet refuseniks and prisoners, and files on events and subjects relating to treatment of individual and groups of Soviet Jews. It also includes numerous photograph files.

The subseries on individuals generally includes fact sheets, flyers, photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reports. It appears that SSSJ attempted to obtain as much information as possible relating to each person's case, even following their release, since the files often include information on their emigration from the Soviet Union.

The subseries on events and topics covers a wide array of subjects relating to the experiences of individual and groups of Soviet Jews, and includes materials created by SSSJ as well as by other organizations. The Case Histories of Refuseniks (Boxes 132-135) were produced by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation's Community Relations Committee and the South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry. The Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Boxes 156-172), a product of SSSJ, consist of summary biographical and professional information about hundreds of Soviet Jews and their cases, and include many people for whom no individual file exists. Similar to these forms are the Refusenik Data Forms (Record cartons 145-148), computer-printed forms that contain much of the same type of information. It is not clear whether these forms were produced by a database maintained by SSSJ, or if they came from an entirely different source. Likewise, the Special Population Reports, (Boxes 175-179) also contain similar information, but most likely were produced by an organization other than SSSJ.

Two groups of records of interest produced by SSSJ are the Operation RISE files and the Trip Reports. Operation RISE was an employment service begun to assist Russian emigrants in the United States in finding jobs. Jacob Birnbaum, SSSJ's founder, attempted to get synagogues and other Jewish organizations to provide community support for this undertaking. The files consist of appeal letters, resumes, advertisements, and notes on job leads. The Trip Reports contain debriefings following various trips SSSJ members and others made to the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s, during which they attempted to make contact with Soviet Jews, and were often harassed by Soviet officials.

The photograph subseries consists of photos of individual and groups of Soviet Jews, as well as of places and events in the Soviet Union, and of items relating to Soviet Jews and the Soviet Jewry movement, such as anti-Zionist posters and cartoons. It also contains some photographs from SSSJ demonstrations; however, the bulk of photographs from SSSJ activities are in Series I, SSSJ Events. Of particular interest in this subseries are photographs taken by SSSJ members and others on trips to the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s. A small amount of correspondence also exists in the files in this subseries.

Arrangement: This series is arranged into three subseries: Within each subseries, the folders are arranged alphabetically
Subseries A: Refuseniks, Prisoners, & Activists. Boxes 111-131
1111Abezgauz, Yevgeny (Leningrad), 1975-1976
2Abramov, Moshe - Prisoner (Samarkand), 1984-1989
(includes photo)
3Abramovich, Pavel (Moscow), 1978-1985
(includes photos)
4Abramovich, Pavel, not dated
5Agursky, Mikhail, 1974-1975
6Ahrenberg, Dan - Prisoner, 1982, 1989
7Aizenberg, Evgeny (Kharkov) - Prisoner , 1985
8Aleshkovsky, Bella (Nizhni Tagil), 1978
9Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 1967
10Alexandrovich, Ruth, 1971
(includes photos)
11Altman, Anatoly, 1976-1979
(includes photos)
12Ashurov, Ashur, not dated
13Azbel, David (Moscow), 1974-1977
14Begun, Joseph - Autobiography, 1977
15Begun, Joseph - Prisoner (1), 1971-1989
(includes photos)
16Begun, Joseph - Prisoner (2), 1971-1989
1121Begun, Joseph, 1977-1987
(includes photos, poster)
2Begun, Joseph - The Case of Joseph Begun - analysis and documents, 1979
(by Dr. Jerome E. Singer)
3Begun, Joseph - The Struggle for Jewish Culture in the U.S.S.R., 1979
- a collection of documents
4Berenstein, Joseph - Prisoner, 1984-1987
(includes photo)
5Berkovsky, Yuri, 1974-1975
6Berkovsky, Yuri 1974-1976
7Berman, Dimitry - Prisoner , 1989-1990
8Berman, Grigory, not dated
(includes photos)
9Blumin, Gennady, 1966-1989
10Borovinsky, Semyon (Leningrad) - Prisoner, 1986
11Brailovsky, Victor (Moscow) - Prisoner, 1977-1986
(includes photos)
12Brodsky, Vladimir - Prisoner, 1985-1987
(includes photos)
13Butman, Hillel - Prisoner, 1970-1980
(includes photos)
14Butman, Hillel, 1974-1979
(includes photo)
15Butman Family, not dated
16Cherkasov, Anatoly (Kuybyshev) , 1986
17Cherniak, Alexander - Prisoner, 1984
(includes photo)
18Chenobilsky, Anna - Conversation with Anna Chernobilsky, not dated
19Chernobilsky, Boris - Prisoner, 1981-1987
(includes photos)
20Chernoglaz, David, 1973-1974
(includes photos)
1131Chernoglaz, David (Prisoner), 1973-1974
2Darashvili, Boris, 1974-1975
3Darashvili, Boris, 1975-1976
4David, Vladimir -Zade - Prisoner, 1979-1980
(in Israel)
5Davidovich, Yefim, Colonel, not dated
6Davidovich, Yefim (Minsk), 1972-1976
(and Lev Ovsisher, Naum Olshansky)
7Dymshitz, Mark, 1975-1979
(includes photos)
8Edelstein, Yuli - Prisoner, 1985-1987
(includes photos, poster)
9Edelstein, Yuli, not dated
10Elbert, Lev - Prisoner, 1983-1988
(includes photos)
11Eppelfeld, Rostislav, 1975
12Eppelfeld, Rostislav - Prisoner, 1975-1976
13Epstein, Ilia, Alla Fitingof, not dated
14Eskin, Avigdor (Moscow), 1979
15Essas, Ilya [Esses?] (Moscow), 1973-1987
(includes photos)
16Fedorov, Yuri, 1977-1986
(includes photos; also includes fact sheet for Iosif Mendelevich)
17Feldman, Alexander, 1976-1977
(includes photo)
18Feldman, Alexander (Prisoner), 1973-1977
19Finkelstein, Eitan (Vilnius), 1976-1979
(includes photos)
20Fishel, Sergiei, 1984-1989
1141Fradkova, Nadezhda - Prisoner, 1984-1986
2Frenkel, Yakov, 1962-1975
3Frolov, Oleg, not dated
4Galperin, Tamara, 1974
5Gendin, Lev (Moscow), 1974-1979
(includes photos)
6Gilyutin, Isaac - Prisoner, 1975
(includes photos)
7Glezer, Ilya (Prisoner), 1975-1979
8Glickman, Yevgeny, 1975
9Gluzman, Semion, 1972-1979
(includes photos)
10Goldina, Natalia, not dated
11Goldstein, Grigory, 1978-1982
(includes photo)
12Goldstein Family, not dated
13Goldstein Family (Tbilisi) - (1), 1973-1986
(includes photos of Goldsteins, Ida Nudel, and Vladimir Slepak)
1151Goldstein Family (Tbilisi) (2), 1973-1986
(includes photos)
2Goldstein Family (Tbilisi) (1), 1974-1986
(includes transcript of phone calls)
3Goldstein Family (Tbilisi) (2,) 1974-1986
(includes transcripts of phone calls)(includes flyers, newspaper clippings, press releases, memoirs, manuscript, correspondence, photos)
4Gragensky, Nadia's Story by Bettyanne Grey, 1980
5Groberman, Yankel, 1978
(includes photo)
6Guberman, Igor-Prisoner, 1979-1985
7Gudeva, Tenghiz and Edward, 1986
8Gulko, Boris (Moscow), 1982-1986
9Gurevich, Boris (Irkutsk), 1973-1975
10Kagan, Lazar Rulyov (Prisoner), 1984-1985
11Kalendarov, Boris-Prisoner, 1979
(includes photos)
12Kalman, Yuri (Donetsk), 1976
13Kaminsky, Lassal, 1974
(includes photos)
14Kandinov, Yaakov, 1978
15Kanevsky, Boris-Prisoner, 1983-1985
(also info on Valery Senderov)
16Katz, Natalia, Boris, and Jessica, 1978-1979
17Kaufman, Yakov, 1973 (?)
1161Kazachkov, Mikhail-Prisoner, 1975-1980
2Kazakov, Yasha [script], 1970
3Kazakov, Yakov (Yasha), 1970
(open letter, statements, flyers, copies of newspaper articles, press release)
4Kazakov, Yasha, 1964-1970
5Kazieva, Dina (Tashkent), 1973-1987
6Kemmelmacher, Edward and Family, 1973-1976
(includes photos)
7Kerbel, Mikhail, 1972-1974
8Khaimovitch, Elbert Lev , 1983
(includes prosecutor's memo, verdict, appeal)
9Khanokh, Leib-Prisoner, not dated
(includes photos)
10Khanokh, Leib, 1974-1979
(includes photos)
11Kholmiansky, Alexander-Prisoner, 1984-1987
(includes photos)
12Khvokstenko, Aleksei (Moscow), 1976
13Kilberg Family, 1988
14Kislik, Vladimir (Kiev), 1977-1979
(includes photos)
15Kislik, Vladimir, 1979
16Kislik, Vladimir (Kiev), 1979
17Klain, Alexander-Prisoner, not dated
18Klain, Alexander, 1975-1978
19Kochubiyevsky, Boris, 1968-1969
(includes photos)
20Kochubiyevsky, not dated
21Kochubiyevsky, Felix-Prisoner, 1982-1985
(includes photos)
22Koifman, Evgeny, 1985
23Koltunov, Albert (Prisoner), 1974-1977
24Korchnoi, Igor-Prisoner, 1981-1982
25Kordunov, Yankel-Prisoner, not dated
26Kordunov, Yankel, 1974-1975
27Korenblit, Mikhail, 1976
(includes photos)
28Korfeld, Ilya, Lydia, Ludmilla, Natasha, 1974-1976
29Korotukov, Alexander (Kiev), 1974
30Krichevsky, Yefim, 1974
1171Krizhak, Valery, 1974
2Kutchuk, Yechiel-Prisoner, 1974
3Kuznetzov, Edward, 1974-1979
(includes photo)
4Kuznetzov, Edward-Prisoner (Israel), 1978-1981
5Kuznetzov, Edward, not dated
(Prisoner of Conscience)
6Lapidus, Victor, not dated
7Lazaris, Vladimir, 1974-1977
8Leikina, Meta-Prisoner, 1976-1977
9Lein, Evgeny (Leningrad)-Prisoner, 1981-1987
(includes photos)
10Lemberg, Grigory, 1974-1975
(includes photos)
11Lerner, Alexander (Moscow), 1976-1988
(includes photos)
12Lerner Family, 1978-1979
(includes trip report)
13Levich Family: Benjamin, Tanya, Evgeny, Alexander (Israel), 1973-1979
(includes photos, transcripts of phone calls)
14Leviev, Mikhail-Prisoner, 1974-1976
15Leviev, Mikhail Y., 1975
16Levin, Yakov-Prisoner, 1984-1985
(includes poster)
17Levinov Family, 1987
(includes photos)
1181Levinson, Faina, 1973
2Levinson, Fanya [Faina]-Prisoner, 1975
3Levinson, Sender, 1977-1979
4Levitas, Boris (Kiev), 1974-1977
5Levush, Chaim (in Israel), not dated
6Lifschitz, Nechama, 1969
7Lifschitz, Nehama, 1969
(includes revised list of concerts)
8Lifshitz, Vladimir-Prisoner, 1981-1986
9Liubarsky, Lazar, 1973-1975
(includes photo; also includes book "The Lonely Course of Lazar Liubarsky")
10Lubman, Leonid-Prisoner, 1989
11Lubman, Leonid (Prisoner), not dated
12Lutskier, Mark, 1974-1975
(includes photos)
13Magarik, Alexi (Moscow)Prisoner, 1986-1989
(includes photos, poster)
14Magarik, Alexei, not dated
(Prisoner of Conscience)
1191Magarik, Vladimir, not dated
2Mager, Mikhail (Vinnitsa), 1973-1976
3Mager, Mikhail (Vinnitsa), 1976-1977
4Magidovich, Alexander-Prisoner, 1984
5Makhlis, Vladimir, not dated
(includes photos)
6Malkin, Anatoly, Prisoner, 1974-1978
(includes photos)
7Malkin, Anatoly, 1976-1978
(includes photos)
8The Family Markish- A Case Study in the Struggle of Soviet Jewry, not dated
9Markman, Vladimir, 1975
(includes photo)
10Markman, Vladimir (Prisoner), 1973-1975
11Mash, Vladimir, 1973
12Medvedkova, Olga, 1984
13Meilakh, Mikhail, 1983
14Mendelevich, Yosef-Prisoner, 1974-1985
(includes photos, poster, wedding invitation)
15Mendelevich, Yosef-Prisoner, 1976-1980
(includes photos)
16Mesh, Yakov-Prisoner, 1984-1985
(includes photo)
1201Mishener, Yosif (see Suzslensky), 1975-1976
(includes photos)
2Moroz, Valentine , 1975
3Murzhenko, Alexi, 1977-1986
(includes photos)
4Nashpitz, Mark (Moscow), 1973-1976
Prisoner (includes photo)
5Nashpitz, Mark, 1976-1983
6Nepomnischy, Mark, 1985-1986
Prisoner (includes photos)
7Nisanova, Lydia-Prisoner, 1976
8Nudel, Ida (Moscow)-Prisoner (1), 1974-1990
(includes photos; also photo of Vladimir Slepak; also includes sticker)
9Nudel (Moscow)-Prisoner (2), 1974-1990
(includes stickers)
10Nudel, Ida, 1979-1987
11Nudel, Ida (Russian), not dated
1211Ocheretyansky, Mark-Prisoner, 1984
2Orlov, Yuri-Prisoner (Dissident), 1984-1986
3Ovsisher, Lev, 1973-1980
4Panaryev, Alexander (Prisoner), 1983
(includes photos)
5Paritsky, Alexander-Prisoner, 1982-1988
(includes photos, poster)
6Panov, Valery and Galina, 1973-1974
7Panov, Valery and Galina, 1974-1978
8Penson, Boris, Prisoner(Israel)-(1), 1972-1978
(includes photos)
9Penson, Boris, Prisoner(Israel)-(2), 1972-1978
(includes photos, poster)
10Penson, Boris-(3), 1976-1986
(includes slides, photo)
11Pinkhasov, Piotr, 1973-1975
(includes photos)
1221Poch, Yuri, 1972-1974
(includes photos)
2Podrabinek, Alexander and Kiril-Prisoners, 1979-1984
3Polikovski, Semyon, 1976
(includes photos)
4Poltinnikov, Isaac, Irma And Victoria (1), 1973-1981
(includes photos)
5Poltinnikov, Isaac, Irma And Victoria (2), 1973-1981
6Prestin, Vladimir (Moscow), 1977-1978
(includes photos)
7Ramm, Arkady Davidovich-Prisoner, 1987
8Ravensky, Alexander (Prisoner), not dated
9Reines, Leonid (Leningrad), 1975-1978
Israel (includes photos)
10Rennert, Chaim (Out), 1974
(includes photos)
11Rigerman, Leonid, 1970-1972
12Rigerman, Leonid, 1971, not dated
13Roitburd, Lev-Prisoner (Israel), 1975
(includes photos)
14Roiz, Mikhail-Prisoner, 1978
(includes photos)
15Roizman, Alexander (Novosibirsk), 1974-1979
Israel (includes photos)
16Rom, Dmitry, 1973-1974
17Rosenberg, Shmil Pinkhasovich-Prisoner, 1980
18Rubenstein, Boris (Leningrad), 1974-1976
1231Rubin, Vitaly (Moscow)-Israel (1), 1972-1980
(includes photos)
2Rubin, Vitaly (Moscow)-Israel (2), 1972-1980
(includes Packet #2-Supplementary Info; Press Packet)
3Rubinov, Isaac-Prisoner, 1980
4Rulyov, Lazar-Kagan-Prisoner, 1984-1988
5Sakharov, Andrei (1), 1973-1987
(includes photo)
6Sakharov, Andrei (2), 1973-1991
7Samoilovich, Georgi, 1988
1241Schiglik, Dmitry-Prisoner, 1979-1980
(includes photos)
2Shachnovsky, Vladimir (Zev) (Moscow), 1977-1978
(includes photos)
3Shalolashvili, Betzalel-Prisoner, 1986
(includes photos)
4Shapiro, Dan (Moscow), 1985
5Sharansky, Anatoly (Moscow), 1974-1977
(includes photos, poster)
6Sharansky, Anatoly (1), [1976]-1977
(includes photos)
7Sharansky, Anatoly (2), 1977
(includes photo)
8Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner, 1978
Up to Trial (7/10/78)
9Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner-Trial and Post-Trial, 1978
(7/10 onwards) - (includes JDL clipping)
1251Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner, 1978
Trial and Post-Trial (7/10 onwards)(includes JDL clipping)
2Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner, 1979-1980
(includes poster)
3Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner, 1980
4Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner (1), 1981-1983
(includes sticker)
5Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner (2), 1981-1983
1261Sharansky, Anatoly-Prisoner, 1984
(includes sticker)
2Sharansky, Anatoly, 1985
3Sharansky, Anatoly (1), 1986
(includes photos)
4Sharansky, Anatoly (2), [1985]-1986
5Sharansky, Anatoly (Natan), 1987
6Sharansky, Anatoly, not dated
7Sharansky, Anatoly-Documentation (Russian), not dated
8Sharansky, Anatoly, not dated
(includes The Megillah of Anatoly Sharansky)
9Sharansky, Anatoly Natan-Newspaper clippings, 1983-1989
10Sharansky, Anatoly-Report, not dated
11Sharansky, Natan, 1988-1990
12Sharansky, Avital, 1978-1984
13Shashin, Mikhail-Prisoner , 1974
14Shefer, Lev, 1985-1986
1271Shkolnik, Isaac, 1972-1983
2Shipper, Moishe, 1978
3Shnirman, Simon-Prisoner, 1985
(includes photos)
4Shrayer, Leonid (Chernovtsy), 1986
5Shtern, Mikhail, 1974-1977
6Shtern, Mikhail, 1974-1975
7Shtern, Mikhail, 1975
8Shtern, Mikhail, 1976-1977
9Silnitsky, Alexander, 1975-1978
(includes photos)
10Skolnik, Isaac, 1985
11Slepak, Alexander, not dated
12Slepak, Vladimir(Moscow), 1975-1988
(includes photos)
1281Slinin, Alexander, 1976
(includes photo)
2Slinitsky, Alexander(Prisoner), 1976-1978
3Sokiriansky, Alexander, 1974
(includes photos)
4Sokiriansky, Alexander-Prisoner, not dated
(includes photo)
5Soroko, Basya(Kiev), not dated
6Spector, Kopel, 1976
(includes photo)
7Stolyar, Abe(Moscow), 1975-1989
(includes photos)
8Stonov Family, not dated
9Strugach, Mikhail(Leningrad), not dated
10Strugach, M.G.-Fifteen Days for Petty Hooliganism-Diary, 1974
11Superfein, Gavriel, not dated
12Suslensky, Yakov (and Meshener), not dated
13Svirsky, Grigory, 1976
14Tarnopolsky, Yuri-Prisoner, 1983-1986
(includes photos)
15Tiemkin, Alexander, 1978-1989
16Tiemkin, Alexander and Marina, 1973-1977
(includes photos)
17Tiemkin, Marina, [1974]-1975
1291Tiemkin, Marina, [1972]-1976
2Tiemkin, Marina, 1977
(includes JDL flyer; also letter from Chaim Herzog)
3Tiemkin, Marina, [1973]-1978
4Tiemkin, Marina, [1974]-1979
(includes photos)
5Tiemkin, Marina, 1979-1986
6Tiemkin, Marina, 1980-1991, 2017
(includes photos)
7Tsinober Family, not dated
8Tsytlyonok, Boris, 1976-1979
(includes photos)
9Tufeld, Igor, 1979
(includes photo)
10Tumerman, Aleksey, 1972-1987
1301Tvaladze, Emanuel-Prisoner, 1986
(includes photo)
2Uliman, Mikhail (Riga), not dated
3Veinman, Arkady, 1972-1975
(includes photos; also includes Leonid Veinman)
4Veinman, Leonid, 1972-1975
(includes photo)
5Veinman, Arkady & Leonid(Prisoners), not dated
6Vilig, Alexander-Prisoner, 1979
(includes photo)
7Vinarov, Yakov, 1975
(includes photos)
8Vinkovetsky, Aron, Yakov (Leningrad), not dated
9Virshuvsky, Natan-Prisoner, 1985
10Volvovsky, Leonid-Prisoner, 1985-1986
(includes photos)
11Vudka, Yurii, 1969-1976
(includes photo)
12Yagman, Lev, 1967-1970
(includes photos)
13Yakir, Alexander(Prisoner), 1984
(includes photos)
14Yampolsky, Mark & Eleanora, not dated
1311Yelistratov, Victor, 1979
2Yuriev, Eva-Prisoner, 1977
3Zalmanson, Israel, 1974-1979
4Zalmanson, Samuel-Prisoner, 1976-1979
5Zalmanson, Sylva, 1973-1979
(includes photos)
6Zalmanson, Wolf, 1978-1979
(includes photos)
7Zats, Moisei, 1979
8Zaturensky, Boris, 1975
9Zavurov, Amner, 1977
(includes photos)
10Zelichonok, Roald-Prisoner, 1985-1988
(includes poster, photos)
11Zisman, Leonid, 1974
12Zissels, Joseph-Prisoner , 1978-1987
13Zisels, Joseph Samuilevich-Imprisoned Soviet Jew, 1979
-Preparated by Harvard Jewish Law Students Association
14Zlotver, Isaac (Sverdlovsk), 1977-1979
(includes photos)
15Zubko, Stanislav, 1984
16Zunshein, Zachar, 1984-1987
Prisoner (Riga) (includes photos)
Subseries B: Events and Topics. Boxes 132-187
1321Academic Discrimination, Loss of Academic Degrees in the USSR, 1982, not dated
2Appeals, not dated
3Appeals (translated from Russian), 1973
4Appeals by families of Soviet Jews (in US or Israel), 1974-1989
5Appeals by Soviet Jews (translated from Russian), 1969-1970
6Appeals by Soviet Jews (translated from Russian), 1969-1989
7Case Histories of the Refuseniks, 8/1976
8Case Histories of the Refuseniks, 3/1977, 10/1977
1331Case Histories of the Refuseniks (duplicates), 3/1977, 10/1977
2Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. V- VI , 8/1978, 8/1979
3Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. VII-VIII, 10/1980, 9/1981
4Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. VII & IX (duplicates), 1980, 1982
1341Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. IX-X, 9/1982, 10/1983
2Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. XI-XII, 9/1984, 9/1985
3Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. XII (duplicates), 1985
4Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vols. XIII-XIV, 9/1986, 9/1987
1351Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. XV, 9/1988
2Case Histories of the Refuseniks, Vol. XV (duplicates), 1988
3Case Histories-Separated Soviet Jewish Families, 1976
4Complaints, not dated
5Complaints (Russian), not dated
6Data Conflict Forms (blank), not dated
7Diet in a Soviet "Strict Regime" Prison Camp at Nine Hours of Active Labor, not dated
8Documentation of Family Reunification Cases (blank), not dated
9"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel, 1975
10"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel, 1976
11"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel-2, 1976
1361Vienna Drop-Outs, 1976
2"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel, 1977
3"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel, 1978
4"Dropouts" from Vienna, Yeridah from Israel, 1979
5"Dropouts" from Vienna; Yeridah from Israel, 1980-1984
6"Dropouts", Emigration, Statistics, "Yeridah" from Israel, 1987-1989
7Emigration, not dated
8Eyewitness, 1971
9Eyewitness Accounts, 1966
10Eyewitness Reports, not dated
11Eyewitness Reports, 1969
(handwritten and printed in newspapers)
12Families Seeking Exit (Non-Activists), 1968-1976
(includes photos)
1371Family Stories, not dated
2Family Stories, not dated
3Family Stories, not dated
4Family Stories & Prisoners of Conscience, not dated
5Family Stories (Russian), not dated
6Hebrew Teachers, 1976-1980
1381History and Status Requests (Material Sent), 1967
2Ilyinka, 1979-1980
3Ilyinka, 1977-1988
(includes photo)
4Ilyinka (Russian), not dated
5Incomplete (Russian), not dated
6Information, 1975
7Internal Passport, not dated
(a facsimile of the identification card every Russian Jew must carry at all times)
8Interview with Leonid Koshevoy on Vladimir Lazaris, Moscow (English & Russian), 9/8/1976
9Jewish Prisoners, 1970-1990
10Jewish Prisoners of Conscience- A Collection of Case Histories , 1/1979
11Jewish Prisoners (lists, information sheets, comments), not dated
1391Jewish Prisoners- observant Jewish prisoners are systematically subject to extra punishment, not dated
2Jewish Prisoners - Reports, 1973-1974
3Jewish Prisoners-Anatoly Sharansky, Yosef Mendelevich, not dated
4Jews of Ilyinka, not dated
5Kishinev, 1971
6Legal Aspects of Soviet Jewry (1), 1965-1989
7Legal Aspects of Soviet Jewry (2), 1965-1989
8Leningrad Trial , 1970
9Leningrad Trial, 6/1970
10Leningrad Trial, 7/1970
11Leningrad Trial, 8/1970
1401Leningrad Trial, 9/1970
2Leningrad Trial, 9/1970
3Leningrad Trial, 10/1970
4Leningrad Trial, 11/1970
5Leningrad Trial, 11/1970
6Leningrad Trial, 11-12/1970
1411Leningrad Trial, 12/1-15/1970
2Leningrad Trial , 12/15-24/1970
3Leningrad Trial, 12/25-31/1970
4Leningrad Trial, 1970-1971
5Leningrad Trial, 12/1970-1/1971
1421Leningrad Trial, 12/1970-1/1971
2Leningrad Trial , 1-7/1971
3Leningrad Trial, 1-7/1971
4Letters from Soviet Jews, not dated
5List of Children (Russian), not dated
6List of Children of Soviet Jewish Refuseniks, 3/3/1983
7List of People Who Refused to Leave Russia (Russian), not dated
8List of Seruvniks 5-10 Years, 1989
9List of Soviet Jewish Refuseniks, Waitniks & Activists, 7/1989
10 Lists-Hebrew Language Teachers in Moscow; Students of Hebrew in Moscow; Names Active in Jewish Activity , not dated
11Lists of Refuseniks, 1988-1989
12Lists of Refuseniks-State Secrecy Refuseniks , 21/08/1989
1431Mailing Lists-Jews in Russia, not dated
2Materials for Prisoners of Conscience Booklet, 1974, not dated
3Miscellaneous, not dated
4Moscow Refuseniks-Meeting, 1980
5Non-Jewish POC's-Leonid Plyusch, [Prof. Piateskii-Shapiro], 1973-1975
Note: [Valentine]Moroz is not included in file
6Official Soviet Phone Numbers and Addresses, 1972-1978?
7Open Letters, not dated
8Open Letters (Russian), not dated
9Open Letters (translated from Russian), 1970-1973
10Other Prisoners, 1974-1978
11Petitions (Russian), not dated
12POC Brochure Materials (includes poster), 1975, not dated
13POCs Penal Code, 1975
14Poetry & Essays (Russian)-Vladimir Strosukov, Vladimir Solovyav, Vladimir Zuzov, Olga Zalogina, not dated
15Poor Relatives, not dated
1441Prisoners of Conscience, not dated
2Prisoners of Conscience, not dated
3Prisoners of Conscience-Photos, not dated
4Prisoner Profiles-Jewish Prisoners of Conscience in the Soviet Union, not dated
5Prisoners of the Soviet Secret Police, not dated
Photos (Yakov Levin, Roald Zelichonok, Evgeny Aisenberg)
6Prisoners / Trials, 1970-1971
7Psychiatric Repression in the USSR (1), 1974-1991
(includes poster)
8Psychiatric Repression in the USSR (2), not dated
9Refusenik Database, 1987
10Refusenik List I, 10/31/1979
11Refusenik List II, 10/31/1979
1451Refusenik Data Forms A, not dated
2Refusenik Data Forms B, not dated
3Refusenik Data Forms G, not dated
4Refusenik Data Forms H, I, J, not dated
1461Refusenik Data Forms K, not dated
2Refusenik Data Forms L, not dated
3Refusenik Data Forms M, not dated
1471Refusenik Data Forms N, O, not dated
2Refusenik Data Forms P, not dated
3Refusenik Data Forms R, not dated
4Refusenik Data Forms S, not dated
5Refusenik Data Forms T, not dated
1481Refusenik Data Forms U, V, W, not dated
2Refusenik Data Forms Y, Z, not dated
3Refusenik List, 6/12/1980
4Refuseniks-List (names, cities, no details), not dated
1491Refusenik List I, 1/5/1980
2Refusenik List II, 1/5/1980
3Refuseniks, not dated
4Refuseniks, 1988
(graphs, appeals, letters, profiles, reports, poor relatives newsletter)
5Refuseniks-List, 3/21/1986
(collected by Israel volunteer group)
6Refuseniks-Lists, not dated
7Refuseniks, Prisoners, Scholars -Lists, not dated
(handwritten or notated by Allan Miller)
1501Refuseniks of Russia, A Uniquely Jewish List (ADL of Bnai Brith), late 1980s
(also contains ADL pamphlet Trapped in the Soviet Union: Jewish Prisoners of Conscience and Refuseniks)
1511Refuseniks-Lists (names, addresses), 1979-1989
2Refuseniks-Lists-Poor Relatives, 4/15/88, 1988, not dated
Leningrad Secrecy Refusals
3Refuseniks (names, addresses, comments, refuseniks files), not dated
4Refuseniks (names, addresses, dates of application), not dated
5Refuseniks (newspaper clippings, correspondence, information sheets, profiles, appeals), 1980
6Refuseniks-Over 10 Years (lists), 5/21/1989
7Refuseniks-Profiles-Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 5/21/1989
8Refuseniks-Profiles-LICSJ, Cincinnati Council for SJ, not dated
9Refuseniks-Profiles Hebrew pamphlet published by Ha-Moetsah Ha-Tsiburit Le-Ma'an Yehudeh BR"M, 1970s
10Refuseniks (Russian), 1989
11Refuseniks (Russian), not dated
12Released POCs & Misc.-mostly T. Taylor Affidavits, 1974-1975
13Reports and Diaries from Labor Camps and Prisons, not dated
1521Reports and Diaries from Labor Camps and Prisons-Duplicates, undated
2Reports of Telephone Conversations, 1972-1988
3Research Centre for Prisons, 1977-1978
Psych Prisons and Forced Labor Concentration Camps of the USSR
4Resumes, not dated
5Romania, 1978
(correspondence regarding Jews who wish to leave Romania)
6Romania (list of Romanian individuals seeking to emigrate), not dated
7Romania (statements, reports), not dated
8Romanian Jewish Emigration to Israel, 1973-1980
9Romanian Jews, 1975
10Romanian Jews, 1975
11Romanian Jews, 1976
12Romanian Jews, 1977
13Romanian Jews, 1978
1531Romanian Jews, 1979
2Romanian Jews, 1980
3Romanian Jews, 1981-1992
4Russian Jews-General Correspondence, 1974-1975
5Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Correspondence, 1990-1991
6Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Job Search, not dated
7Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE Job Search, 1990-1991
8Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes, not dated
9Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes, not dated
1541Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes, not dated
2Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes, not dated
3Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes, 1990-1991
4Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes-Computers, not dated
5Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes-Drivers, Security, not dated
6Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes-Electrical Engineers, not dated
7Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes-Engineers, not dated
8Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE-Resumes-Enginers, 1990
9Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), 1988-1990
(envelopes, folders)
10Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), 1988-1990
(handwritten notes)
11Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), 1988-1990
(handwritten notes)
1551Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), not dated
(informations, letters, newspaper clippings)
2Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), 1990\
(informations, letters, resumes)
3Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE, not dated
4Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment (Operation R.I.S.E.), 1988-1990
5Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE, 1990-1991
6Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE, 1990
7Russian Immigrants Seeking Employment-Operation RISE, 12/17/1990
UJA-Federation Agency Professional Task Force on Immigrants and Refugees-Employment Conference
8Scientific Work (Russian), not dated
9Scientists, 1974-1975
10Scientists, 1976
11Scientists, 1977-1978
12Scientists, 1979
1561Scientists, 1980
2Scientists, 1981-1985
3Soviet Food Stamps, 1989
4Soviet Jewish Prisoners of Conscience-Profiles, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Addresses, 1971-1973
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms, 1988-1989
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms (blank), not dated
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Abovian, Akhaltsehe, Aktiubinsk, Alma-Ata, Andizhan, Angarsk, Artis, Azpute)
11Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Baku, Balta, Barnaul)
1571Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Baranovich, Batumi, Belaya Tserkov, Belgrod, Beltsky)
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Bendery, Berdichev, Beregovo, Bershad)
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Bezenchuk, Bobroysk, Bolgrad, Borisov, Brest, Bryanski)
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Bratslav, Budyonovsk, Buinaksk, Bukhara, Brovary, Bulduri, Bysk, Bykovo)
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Cheliabinsk, Cherkassy, Chernigov, Chervonograd, Cherno-Tisovo)
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Chernovtsy), not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Chirchik, Daugaupics, David-Gorododok, Derbent)
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Dilizhan, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Dolgoye)
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Drogobich, Druskeniki, Dubasar, Durleshty, Duchanbe)
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Dzhambul, Dzhalalabad, Dzhezkazgan, Edintzy, Elektrostal, Efremova, Eupatoria)
11Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Erevan, Fergana, Frunze, Gaisin, Gomel, Gorky)
1581Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Grodno, Grozny, Gulovschina, S. Ilnitsa, Ilyinka, Irkutsk, Irshawa, Ivan-Frankovsk, Izhevsk)
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Kakand, Kalarash, Kachmas, Kalinin, Kaliningrad, Karaganda, Kaunas)
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Kazan, Kedainia, Kegums, Kemerovo, Khatarchin, Khaturchi, Kherson)
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kharkov-A-K), not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kharkov-L-Z ), not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Khimki, Khemelnitsky, Khotin, Khust, Kirovsk, Kislovodsk, Klaipeda)
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kiev-A-E), not dated
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kiev-F-K), not dated
1591Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kiev-L-R), not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kiev-S-Z), not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kishinev-A-I), not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kishinev-K-R), not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Kishinev-S-Z), not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Kobuleti, Kohtla-Iarve, Kolomna, Kolomyia, Korosten, Korostyshev)
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Kotovsk, Krasnaya Sloboda, Krasnodar, Krasnogrosk, Krasnoyarsk, Krivov Rog)
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Kuba, Kubishev, Kulashi, Kursk, Kusary, Kutaisi)
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-A-B), not dated
1601Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-C-D), not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-E-F), not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-G), not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-H-K), not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-K-L), not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-M-O), not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-P), not dated
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-R), not dated
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-S), not dated
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-T-V), not dated
1611Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Leningrad-Y-Z), not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Lvov, Liepaya, Lahodehsky), not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Lytkarrino, Makhachkala, Matievo), not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Minsk-A-I), not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Minsk-K-Z), not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Mogilev-Padol, Mozdok, Mukachevo), not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-A), not dated
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-B), not dated
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-C-E), not dated
1621Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-F-G), not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-G), not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-I-K), not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-L-M), not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-M-P), not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-R), not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-S), not dated
1631Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Moscow-T-Z), not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms (Nalchik, Nevskaya, Dubrovka, Nizhn-Tagil, Novaya Ulianovka, Negrovetz), not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Novgrod, Novy Mitok, Novosibirsk)
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Oknista, Olaine)
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Omsk, Oni)
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Ordzhonikdze, Orenberg, Orehkhovo-Zuevo)
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Orgeyev, Oshmanye)
11Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Pavlov, Pavlovsk, Penza, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Piarnu, Piatigorsk)
12Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Plunge, Polotsk, Poltava, Ponevez, Pati, Pskov, Prjevalsk, Pushkin)
13Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Rechki, Ribnitze, Riga-A-F)
1641Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Rostov on Don, Rovno, Rustavi)
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Sakhere, Samarkand, Saratov, Scherbinka, Sevastopol)
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Shakhrisiabz, Shalanki, Shargorod, Shepetovka, Shiauliai, Simferopol, Slavuta)
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Sochi, Smolensk, Solenchegorsk, Soroki, Solotvino, Stantzia Khanskaya, Staobinetz)
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Suchumi, Sumgait, Surami, Svalyava, Starye Dorogi, Sverdlovsk, Tallin)
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Tartu, Tashkent)
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Tbilisi, Techevskoy, Termaz, Ternopol, Tiraspol, Tomsk)
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Tselinograd, Truskavets, Tskhinvali, Tula, Tyumen, Ufa, Ulianovka)
11Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Ungeny, Uman, Ungeni, Ushmiani, Uzhgorod)
1651Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Vani, Velikie Luki, Velikobichkovo, Vilnius-A-H)
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Vilnius-R-Z, Vinnitsa)
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Vinogradov, Vitebsk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vorkuta, Voronezh, Voskresensk)
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Yangier, Yedintsi, Yekabpils, Yelgava, Yurmala, Zagorsk, Zakarpatie)
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms, not dated
(Zhdanovo, Zaporoshye, Zhitomir, Zhmerinka, Zinkov)
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated, 1979
8Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-A, not dated
9Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-A, not dated
10Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-B, not dated
1661Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-B, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-B, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-C, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-D, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-E, not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-F, not dated
1671Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-F, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-G, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-G, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-G, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-H, I, J, not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-K, not dated
1681Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-K, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-K, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-K, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-L, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-L, not dated
1691Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-M, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-M, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-N, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-O, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-P, not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-P, not dated
7Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-R, not dated
1701Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-R, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-S, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-S, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-S, not dated
1711Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-T, not dated
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-U, not dated
3Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-V, not dated
4Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-V, not dated
5Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-Y, not dated
6Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated-Z, not dated
1721Soviet Jewry Data Forms-Emigrated or Permitted, 1985-1990
2Soviet Jewry Data Forms & Related Correspondence, 1987-1989
(includes lists of refuseniks, special population report-refuseniks, press releases, lists of Soviet Jews who arrived in Israel)
3Soviet Jewry, not dated
(information-names, addresses, comments)
4Soviet Jewry List I, 1970-1980
5Soviet Jewry List II, 1970-1980
6Soviet Jewry List III, 1970-1980
7Soviet Jewry, 1964-1970
(newspaper clippings, correspondence, photos)
1731Soviet Jewry Press Kit, Dec. 1970
(includes photos)
2Soviet Jewry, not dated
Soviet Olim in Israel (list)
3Soviet Jewry-in USSR, not dated
(addresses, names, comments)
4Soviet Jews-Arrived in Israel, 1970
5Soviet Jews in New York City, 1974
6Soviet Jews in New York City, 1975
7Soviet Jews in New York City, 1976
8Soviet Jews in New York City, 1977
9Soviet Jews in New York City, 1978
1741Soviet Jews in New York City, 1979
2Soviet Jews in New York City, 1980-1987
3Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1974
4Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1975
5Soviet Jews the in US (excluding NYC), 1976
6Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1977
1751Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1978
2Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1979
3Soviet Jews in the US (excluding NYC), 1980-1989
4Soviet Jews in New York City-Metropolitan NY Coordination Commission for Russian Jewish Immigration, not dated
(includes minutes)
5Soviet Letters to Americans, 1978-1979
6Soviet Officials & Institutions (& Camps)-Selected Lists, not dated
7Special Population Report-A, 1/25/1986
1761Special Population Report-B, 1/25/1983
2Special Population Report-B, 1/25/1986
3Special Population Report-C, 1/25/1986
4Special Population Report-D, 1/25/1986
5Special Population Report-E, F, 1/25/1986
6Special Population Report-G, 1/25/1986
7Special Population Report-G, 1/25/1986
8Special Population Report-I, 1/25/1986
1771Special Population Report-K, 1/25/1986
2Special Population Report-K, 1/25/1986
3Special Population Report-K, 1/25/1986
4Special Population Report-L, 1/25/1986
5Special Population Report-M, 1/25/1986
6Special Population Report-N, O, 1/25/1986
7Special Population Report-P, 1/25/1986
1781Special Population Report-R, 1/25/1986
2Special Population Report-S, 1/25/1986
3Special Population Report-T, 1/25/1986
4Special Population Report-V, Y, Z, 1/25/1986
5Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 2-145)
1791Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 146-290)
2Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 291-465)
3Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 466-639)
4Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 640-799)
5Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
(pages 800-975)
6Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 976-1160)
1801Special Population Report, 9/13/1987
Refuseniks (pages 1161-1425)
2Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration and Israel Absorption, through 1974
3Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration, Israel Absorption, 1975
4Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration, Israel Absorption, 1976
5Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration, Israel Absorption, 1977
(includes photo)
6Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration, Israel Absorption, 1978
7Statistics, Info on Soviet Emigration, Israel Absorption, 1979-1989
1811SSSJ Information from Israel, 1977-1978
2T. Taylor Documents, 1976
(includes list of Asirei Zion [POCs] in USSR; (also includes photos)
3Taylor Introduction & Legal Memos I, II, III, IV, 1974-1975
Cases: [Hillel] Butman, [Pinkhas] Pinkhasov, [Isaac] Shkolnik, [Yuri] Vudka, [Alexei Murzhenko]
4Telephone Conversations (Russian), not dated
5Texts in Russian, not dated
(handwritten & printed notes, newspaper clippings)
6Translations from Russian, 1970-1973
(letters, petitions, appeals, reports)
7Translations from Russian-Letters, 1973-1989
8Translations from Russian, 1973-74,1987-88
1821Trip Reports, not dated
2Trip Reports, not dated
3Trip Reports, 1973
(includes Mario Biaggi, John Lindsay)
4Trip Reports, 1978-1979
5Trip Reports, 1980
6Trip Reports, 1981
7Trip Reports, 1981
8Trip Reports, 1981-1982
1831Trip Reports, 1982
2Trip Reports, 1982
3Trip Reports, 1983
4Trip Reports, 1983
5Trip Reports-II, 1983
6Trip Reports, 1984
1841Trip Reports-II, 1984
2Trip Reports-III, 1984
3Trip Reports, 1985
(includes photo)
4Trip Reports, 1985
5Trip Reports-II, 1985
6Trip Reports, 1986
7Trip Reports, 1986
1851Trip Reports, 1987
2Trip Reports, 1987
3Trip Reports, 1987
4Trip Reports, 1987
5Trip Reports, 1987
(includes handwritten notes-SSSJ?)
6Trip Reports, 1988
1861Trip Reports, 1988
2Trip Reports, 1988
3Trip Reports, 1988
4Trip Reports, 1988
5Trip Reports, 1988
6Trip Reports, 1989
7Trip Reports, 1989
1871Trip Reports, 1989
2Trip Reports, 1989
3Trip Reports, 1990
4Ukrainians, not dated
5USSR Population Reports, not dated
(reports of the approximate number of Jews by city and republic)
5.5Reports - Analysis of the Demographic Characteristics of the Jewish Population of the USSR not dated
(with notations by Allan Miller)
6Vladimir & Camp Conditions-Perm, Potma, 1974-1975
7Writers & Poets-Russian, not dated
Subseries C: Photograph Files. Boxes 188-197
1881Lev (Boris) Blitshtein, not dated
2Anna & Ben Charny, Moscow; Alex Joffe, Moscow, 1978-1987
3Zev Dashefsky, not dated
4Avigdor Eskin, not dated
5Ilya Essas, Alexander Feldman, et al, 1983
6Yasha Gorodetsky, not dated
7Haim Kilov, 1981
8Lev Krasin, et al, not dated
9Ilya Leibzon, 1987
10Lomonosov family, 1982
11Alexei Magarik (& family?), not dated
12Mernski, 1979-1980
13Ida Milgrom, not dated
(mother of Anatoly Sharansky)
14Rakovsky family, 1982
15Alla Rusinek, not dated
16Gavriel Shapiro, not dated
17Leonid Sharansky, et al, not dated
18Sharansky Photos, 11/8/1982
(borrowed by Akiva Rudd for Ha-Or)
19Abe Stolar, 1985
20Abe Stolar, et al, 1982-1985, not dated
21Abe Stolar, Yuli Kosharovsky, Alexander Lerner, Ida Milgrom, not dated
22Mikhail Suslov, et al, not dated
23Varnavitsky family, Slepak family, et al, not dated
24Ilya Volk?, Riga, not dated
25Arriving in Israel, 1970s
26Borrowed by Hadassah Magazine, 1978-1980, not dated
(includes Pavel Abramovich, Yosef Begun, Vladimir Prestin, Yevgeny Yakir)
27Children of refuseniks (Shnirman, Weinfeld), 1984
28Children of Refuseniks & POCs, not dated
29Perhaps at a Conference. Tzvi Fishman, Buzzy Levin, David Nussbaum, Marty Koenig, not dated
30Copies of photos-Yasha Kazakov, Boris Kochubievsky, Georgian Haham, not dated
31Correspondence re: photos, not dated
32Demonstrations (for Yosef Begun?), not dated
33Demonstrations (by refuseniks?) at Lenin Library, Moscow, not dated
34Demonstrations (Leningrad), 1987
35Demonstrations (Moscow), not dated
(includes photos of list)
36 Demonstrations-Chain-in at US Mission to UN, 6/14/1971
37Demonstrations-at Felt Forum of Madison Square Garden against Soviet circus, 12/21/1975
38Demonstrations-In Rome during demonstrations against Waldheim's visit to Pope John Paul II, [1987]
39Demonstrations-with SSSJ Cage for refuseniks at Columbia University. Negatives appear to be from same, not dated
40Demonstrations-SSSJ "Freedom for Soviet Jews", not dated
41 Demonstration on Trubnaya Square with Ida Nudel; Yosef Begun in Siberian exile; et al, 1978-1979, not dated
42Demonstrations-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews meeting in Washington, DC., not dated
43Demonstrations-Photo taken in Washington, DC. n.d. Center-Glenn Richter; to his right, in blue, Larry Domnitch, not dated
44Unidentified, not dated
45Frisch High School Trip to Leningrad (MISSING), not dated
(includes photos of Ida Nudel's apartment; telegram from Andrei Sakharov to Ida Nudel; demonstration; wedding)
46Gathering in Israel, including Lil Hoffman of Denver, Shirley Goldstein of Omaha, Glenn Richter, 1988
47Gathering of Moscow (?) Jews in woods, not dated
(includes children of refuseniks; also includes Maria Slepak)
48Gathering (Soviet Georgia?), not dated
49Gathering of young Jews, perhaps not even refuseniks, in USSR, 1980s
50Group Shots: Refuseniks and POCs, not dated
(includes Pavel Abramovich, Joseph Begun; Victor Brailovsky, Boris Chernobilsky's children, Lev Elbert, Lev Gendin, Vladimir Kislik, Vladimir Lifshitz, Natan Malkin, Mark Nashpitz, Alexander Paritsky, Vladimir Prestin, Zev Shakhnovsky, Anatoly Sharansky, Dmitri Shiglik, Vladimir Slepak, Abe Stolar, Yuri Tarnopolsky, Boris Tsitlonak, Leonid Volvovsky, Evgenie Yakir)
51Ilyinka, not dated
52Wedding of Ilyinka Jews?, 1978
(includes Michael Sabin)
53KGB agents; Alexander Lerner at Moscow Book Fair; Purim; Simchat Torah; bat mitzvah, 1983-1985
1891Kishinev, not dated
2Kishinev Hunger Strikers, 1980
3Kishinev 9, not dated
(includes David Chernoglaz)
4Leningrad, not dated
(includes children's Purim shpiel; refusenik's funeral; Zachar Zunshain)
5Leningrad, 1974-1987
6Leningrad, 1987, not dated
(includes Rabbi Aaron Rakefet)
7At Memorial Stone (Babi Yar?), 5/3/1971
8Minsk, 10/1986, not dated
9Moscow, 1977-1987, not dated
10Moscow Gan (Purim or Chanuka?), not dated
11Hebrew Teachers, et al, not dated
12Palanker wedding in Erevan, 3/1985, not dated
13Purim et al.?, 1984, not dated
14Purim (Moscow), Shabbat (Leningrad), 1982
15Purim & Chanuka (Moscow), 1984-1986
(includes kids'dache) [Kaytanah-Day Camp]
16Refuseniks gathering with Israeli visitors during Moscow Book Fair for lecture and concert of Jewish songs; Minsk memorial for Jews killed in Holocaust, 1985, not dated
17Reproductions of photos elsewhere in SSSJ files, set up for print, of refuseniks, not dated
18Riga, 1980-1988, not dated
19"Second Generation", 1988, not dated
20Shavuot picnic in forest near Moscow, 1980
21Sukkoth in the forest, not dated
22Trip to Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow, 1975
23Trip to Kiev, Leningrad, Minsk, Moscow, & Vilnius, 7/1989
(includes Vilnius rally for George Belitsky, 7/20/89)
24Trip to Kishinev, Leningrad, Moscow, 1980
(includes Vladimir Slepak, Abe Stolyar, Vladimir Lifshitz, Leonid Reines; Rosh Hashana at Moscow synagogue; sign for new monument at Babi Yar)
25Trip to Kishinev, Moscow, & Odessa, 10-11/1987
26Trip to Leningrad?, not dated
(includes "teaching a Hebrew lesson with _____ ___ newspaper")
27Trip to Leningrad & Moscow, 6/1984
(includes Eliyahu (Ilya) Essas; also includes Havdala)
28Trip to Leningrad & Moscow, 1985
29Trip to Minsk, Moscow, Riga, Tallinn, & Vilnius, 5/1982
(includes Purim shpiels)
30Trip to Tbilisi, 1978
(includes Isai Goldstein)
31Unidentified, not dated
32Unidentified, not dated
33Unidentified, not dated
34Unidentified, not dated
35Unidentified, not dated
36Unidentified, not dated
37Unreliable & KGB Agents, 1975, not dated
38Various, 1974-1989, not dated
39Vilnius, 1987-1988
40Vinnitsa, 1977, not dated
41World University Games in Moscow, not dated
(includes Israeli athletes; refuseniks holding up banners, then being dragged down by KGB agents)
1901"A", not dated
2"B", not dated
3"C", not dated
4"D", not dated
5"E", not dated
6"F", not dated
7"G"-1, not dated
8"G"-2, not dated
9"H", not dated
10"I, J", not dated
11"K"-1, not dated
12"K"-2, not dated
1911"L", not dated
2"M", not dated
3"N", not dated
4"O", not dated.
5"P", not dated
6"R", not dated
7"S"-1, not dated
8"S"-2, not dated
9"T", not dated
10"U", not dated
1921"V", not dated
2"Y", not dated
3"Z", not dated
4Out of Russia-"A", not dated
5Out of Russia-"B", not dated
6Out of Russia-"C", not dated
7Out of Russia-"D", not dated
8Out of Russia-"E", not dated
9Out of Russia-"F", not dated
1931Out of Russia-"G", not dated
2Out of Russia-"H", not dated
3Out of Russia-"I, J", not dated
4Out of Russia-"K", not dated
5Out of Russia-"L", not dated
6Out of Russia-"M", not dated
7Out of Russia-"N", not dated
8Out of Russia-"O", not dated
1941Out of Russia-"P", not dated
2Out of Russia-"R", not dated
3Out of Russia-"S", not dated
4Out of Russia-"T", not dated
5Out of Russia-"U", not dated
6Out of Russia-"V", not dated
7Out of Russia-"Y", not dated
8Out of Russia-"Z", not dated
1951Anti-Zionist Posters, not dated
(photos, negatives, translations)
2USSR-Archipova Street synagogue, Moscow, not dated
3USSR-Babi Yar (Kiev) & cemetery in vicinity, 1977, not dated
(includes slides)
4USSR-Badge or printed symbol of 1988 memorial to Jews slaughtered by Nazis in Lithuania, 1988
5USSR-Cartoons, not dated
6USSR-Photos from Russia-envelopes only, not dated
7USSR-Photos of Reports, Letters, and Documents, not dated
8USSR-Photos of Reports and Letters, not dated
9USSR-Cemetery(unidentified), not dated
10USSR-Cemetery (destroyed), not dated
11USSR-Chovoska, not dated
12USSR-Irkutsk synagogue, 8/1986
13USSR-Kiev synagogue, 1977, not dated
14USSR-Leningrad synagogue, mikvah, special hospital, cemetery, 1973-1984, not dated
15USSR-Lithuanian Maccabi Association flag, 1980s
16USSR-Lists of refuseniks and of appeals, not dated
17USSR-Letters (Russian and English); Exhibit-"Sinagoga in USSR Today", 1987
18USSR-Letters in Russian, not dated
19USSR-Memorial at place of Nazi slaughter of Jews, Lithuania or Latvia, not dated
20USSR-Memorial to Ilya Gabay; Seder Plate, 1985
21USSR-Minsk synagogue; By[e]lorussia Holocaust memorial, 1981-1986, not dated
22USSR-Moscow synagogue, cemetery, 1977-1986, not dated
23USSR-for New Year Cards?, not dated
(includes synagogues, cemeteries, funeral)
24USSR-Panerai monument, 1976, not dated
25USSR-Petagorsk, RSFSR, not dated
26USSR-Ponary, Riga, & Vilna, 1989, not dated
(includes memorial for burned synagogue)
27Riga synagogue, not dated
28USSR-Rostov synagogue, 1977, not dated
29USSR-Samarkand (Uzbekistan) synagogue, 1986
30Photo-Simchat Torah in Leningrad, 1970
(includes photos of document)
31USSR-Tallinn, 10/1986
32USSR-Tbilisi synagogue, sukkah, 1985
33USSR-Unidentified, not dated
34USSR-Unidentified, not dated
35USSR-Unidentified, 1984
36USSR-Unidentified synagogues, not dated
37USSR-Vilnius synagogue, cemetery, 1976-1987
38Various-Photo from National Conference on SJ, not dated
center, Jerry Goodman, NCSJ director; right, Stanley Lowell, Greater NY Conference on SJ chairman
39Howard Samuels, not dated
40Various-Symbol of the Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry, not dated
41Various-[kever]-grave of Yechiel Shpeisman, not dated
1961Negative of Jacob Birnbaum and Rabbi Herschel Schachter, 1960s
2Negatives of Soviet anti-semitic posters, not dated
3Negatives of SSSJ rally, in Lafayette Park, White House, 1960s
4Negatives-Soviet Jews-Joseph Mendelevich, Anatoly Sharansky, Talya Richter, Demonstrations, not dated
5Negatives-Soviet Jews-Various, not dated
(includes Ida Nudel, et al.)
6Slides-Soviet Jews-Yevtushenko, not dated
7Slides-NYC-Unidentified, not dated
8Slides-USSR-Cemetery-unidentified, not dated
9Slides-USSR-Leningrad & Moscow (with list) Summer 1969, not dated
10Slides-USSR-Simchat Torah in Moscow, 1970, not dated
11Slides-USSR-Slides taken by Glenn Richter at absorption seminar in Israel, 1/30/1977-2/1/1977
12Slides-USSR-Glenn Richter & Avi Weiss trip to USSR, June, 1988
13Slides-USSR-Various-some identified , not dated
1979Natan and Avital Sharansky, 2/11/1986
10Copy of Photo-Leib Khnokh, not dated
11Copy of Photo-Edward Kuznetsov, not dated
12Copy of Photo-Yosef Mendelevich, not dated
13Copy of Photo-Ida Nudel, not dated
14 Copy of Photo-Vladimir Slepak, not dated
15Copies of Various Photos (for Allan Miller's photo book of refuseniks & POCs), not dated
16Soviet Jews, Unidentified (late 50s-early 60s?)
17Unidentified, not dated
18USSR-Cartoons, not dated

Series V: Documents, undated, 1972-1990. Boxes 198-208

Series Description: This series contains files entitled "Documents", "Loose papers", and "Handwritten notes". The Documents files, the bulk of this series, consist primarily of materials documenting the conditions of Jews in the Soviet Union and the attitude of the Soviet government toward them. More specifically, these files contain "open letters" from refuseniks to Soviet officials, summaries of coverage of Soviet Jewry in the Soviet Press, transcribed reports of phone conversations with refuseniks, and visits of Westerners to the Soviet Union, stories of former refuseniks, and summaries of current news events relating to Soviet Jewry, such as searches and arrests. These materials are all summaries and excerpts, and most state "translated from Russian" on them. It is not known who compiled the materials from the USSR, nor how SSSJ got them. While it seems that this set of files was meant to document conditions of Soviet Jews on an overall level, it does contain significant information about individual cases, even though the files are not indexed by individual. Detailed information about individual people is contained in Series IV, Soviet Jews.

The files entitled "Loose papers" and "Handwritten notes" contain very different material. "Loose papers" are primarily comprised of a broad variety of printed materials, and probably overlap with Series VII, Printed Materials. "Handwritten notes" consist mostly of fragments of paper with seemingly transient information on them. There are, however, some undated and unattributed drafts of articles and reports scattered amongst these files.

Arrangement: Arranged chronologically within each type of material.
Document files
1981Documents, 9 - 12/1972
2Documents, 1/1973
3Documents, 2/1973
4Documents, 3/1973
5Documents, 4/1973
6Documents, 5/1973
7Documents, 6/1973
8Documents, 7/1973
9Documents, 8/1973
10Documents, 9/1973
11Documents, 10/1973
12Documents, 11/1973
13Documents, 12/1973
14Documents, 1/1974
1991Documents, 2/1974
2Documents, 3/1974
3Documents, 4/1974
4Documents, 5/1974
5Documents, 6/1974
6Documents, 7/1974
7Documents, 8/1974
8Documents, 9/1974
9Documents, 10/1974
10Documents, 11/1974
11Documents, 12/1974
2001Documents, 1/1975
2Documents, 2/1975
3Documents, 3/1975
4Documents, 4/1975
5Documents, 5/1975
6Documents, 6/1975
7Documents, 7/1975
8Documents, 8/1975
9Documents, 9/1975
10Documents, 10/1975
11Documents, 11/1975
12Documents, 12/1975
2011Documents, 1/1976
2Documents, 2/1976
3Documents, 3/1976
4Documents, 4/1976
5Documents, 5/1976
6Documents, 6/1976
7Documents, 7/1976
8Documents, 8/1976
9Documents, 9/1976
10Documents, 10/1976
11Documents, 11/1976
12Documents, 12/1976
2021Documents, 1/1977
2Documents, 2/1977
3Documents, 3/1977
4Documents, 4/1977
5Documents, 5/1977
6Documents, 6/1977
7Documents, 7/1977
8Documents, 8/1977
9Documents, 9/1977
2031Documents, 10/1977
2Documents, 11/1977
3Documents, 12/1977
4Documents, 1/1978
5Documents, 2/1978
6Documents, 3/1978
7Documents, 4/1978
8Documents, 5/1978
9Documents, 6/1978
10Documents, 7/1978
2041Documents, 8/1978
2Documents, 9/1978
3Documents, 10/1978
4Documents, 11/1978
5Documents, 12/1978
6Documents, 1/1979
7Documents, 2/1979
8Documents, 3/1979
9Documents, 4/1979
10Documents, 5/1979
11Documents, 6/1979
12Documents, 7/1979
13Documents, 8/1979
14Documents, 9/1979
15Documents, 10/1979
16Documents, 11-12/1979
17Documents, 1-2/1980
18Documents, 3-4/1980
19Documents, 5-6/1980
20Documents, 11-12/1980
21Documents, 1-4/1981
22Documents, 5-7/1980
23Documents, 1- 6/1982
2051Documents, 1- 6/1983
2Documents, 7- 12/1983
3Documents, 1- 6/1984
4Documents, 7- 12/1984
5Documents, 1- 6/1985
6Documents, 7- 12/1985
7Documents, 1-6/1986
8Documents, 7 - 12/1986
9Documents, 1-6/1987
10Documents, 7 - 12/1987
11Documents, 1 -6/1988
12Documents, 7 - 12/1988
13Documents, 1 - 6/1989
Loose Papers
2061Loose Papers, 1985
2Loose Papers, 1987
3Loose Papers, 1988
4Loose Papers, 1989
5Loose Papers, 1990
Handwritten Notes
2066Handwritten Notes
7Handwritten Notes
8Handwritten Notes
9Handwritten Notes
10Handwritten Notes
11Handwritten Notes
2071Handwritten - Reports, Translations, Appeals
2Handwritten Notes (Russian) - Copies
7Notes (English / Russian) - Handwritten & Printed
2081Notes - Handwritten
2Notes - Handwritten
3Notes - Handwritten - Pocket Notebooks
4Notes; Memos - Handwritten
5Notes; Messages - Handwritten & Printed
6Notes; Messages - Handwritten & Printed, 1988-1989
7Notes - Printed

Series VI: SSSJ Printed Materials, undated, 1964-1991. Boxes 209-247

Series Description: This series contains printed materials produced by the SSSJ organization. (Printed materials produced by other organizations are contained in Series VII, Printed Materials.)

The bulk of the series consists of materials in folders entitled "All Materials Printed". These materials primarily consist of SSSJ press releases, flyers and other notices regarding events, and form letters to synagogues, Jewish camps, and other organizations to involve their constituents in the cause of Soviet Jewry. At times, SSSJ was producing almost daily press releases.

This series also contains the newsletter published by SSSJ during the 1970s, Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, as well as its predecessor publication, SOS Soviet Jewry (Boxes 219-220). These publications included information about Soviet Jews and conditions in the Soviet Union, as well as news of upcoming events and ways to participate in the Soviet Jewry protest movement. The series of files entitled "Information Sheets" contain printed bullet point updates of news relating to Soviet Jewry in the USSR and elsewhere, which may have been sent out by the national SSSJ headquarters to its local branches and related organizations. In addition to these materials, the series contains various reports, a series of books with photographs of Soviet refuseniks, The New Heroes, and ephemera items such as postcards, maps and posters. Additional ephemera items are in Series IX. The photos in this series are all duplicates or reproductions that were used in SSSJ mailings and information sheets.

Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by topic.
2091Ad Models, 1966
2Ad Samples, 1967
3Calendars (pocket size)
4Cards - published by SSSJ
5Cards - Pesach, Chanuka
6Cards - Soviet Jewry Greeting Cards
7Cards, Stickers - Mr. Gorbachev: Let the Children Go; Right to Identity; Soviet Jewry: Nine Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask (duplicates?)
8Cartoons - "Dry Bones, 1984
9Contributions, 1989
10Convent and Controversy at Auschwitz
11Convent and Controversy at Auschwitz, by Glen Richter (duplicates)
13Freedom Maze
14A Game of Escape from the Soviet Union, 1976
15Greeting Cards for Soviet Jewry
16 Hebrew - Blessings, Prayers, Calendars
2101Index Cards
2Information letters from SSSJ, 1968-1969
3Information sheets, 1965-1972
4Information sheets
5Information sheets, 1977-1979
6Information sheets, 1978-1980
7Information sheets, Jan.-July, 1980
8Information sheets, Aug.-Oct., 1980
9Information sheets, 1981-1982
2111Information sheets, 1983
2Information sheets, 1984
3Information sheets, Jan.-May, 1985
4Information sheets, May-July, 1985
5Information sheets, Aug.-Oct., 1985
6Information sheets, Nov.-Dec., 1985
7Information sheets, Jan.-Feb., 1986
2121Information sheets, March-May, 1986
2Information sheets, June-Sept., 1986
3Information sheets, Oct.-Dec., 1986
4Information sheets, Jan.-Feb., 1987
5Information sheets, March-July, 1987
6Information sheets, Aug.-Sept., 1987
7Information sheets, Oct., 1987
2131Information sheets, Nov., 1987
2Information sheets, Dec., 1987
3Information sheets, Jan.-Feb., 1988
4Information sheets, March-April, 1988
5Information sheets, May, 1988
6Information sheets, June, 1988
7Information sheets, July, 1988
2141Information sheets, Aug.-Sept., 1988
2Information sheets, Oct.-Dec., 1988
3Information sheets, Jan., 1989
4Information sheets, Feb., 1989
5Information sheets, March, 1989
6Information sheets, April-May, 1989
7Information sheets, June-Aug., 1989
8Information sheets, Sept.-Dec., 1989
2151Information sheets, 1990-1992
2Israeli News Bulletins - Information Sheets, 1988-1990
3Maps - New York, Israel, USSR
4Maps - World, USSR, Israel, Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad
5The New Heroes (Books II-V), 1974-1979
6The New Heroes - Book I, Book II, photos - Proof Sheets
7The New Heroes - Book III - Proof Sheets
8The New Heroes - Photo Supplement-Proof Sheets
9Offset Material - Cartoons from the Soviet Press
10Photos (copies) - Demonstrations
11Photos (copies) - Demonstrations
12Photos (copies) - Purim Party
13 Photos (copies) - Avital Sharansky
2161Photos (copies) - Soviet Jews
2Photos (copies) - Soviet Jews
3Photos (copies) - Soviet Jews
4Photos (copies) - Soviet Jews
5Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence
6Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence
7Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (children, school)
8Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (Ida Nudel, Avital Sharansky, Fanya Fradkin)
9Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (people)
10Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (plays, art)
11Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (protests, demonstrations)
2171Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (protest and demonstrations in Russia)
2Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (speeches)
3Photos (Duplicates) - Attachments to Information Sheets and Correspondence (Tisha B'Av)
5Postcards, 1990
6Postcards - If Not Now, When
7Postcards - Israel
8Postcards - Rosh Hashanah
9Postcards - with Songs (Hebrew, Russian)
2181Posters (small format)
2Posters (small format) - Duplicates
3Posters - Mikhail S. Gorbachev (small format)
4Posters (large format)
5Posters (large format) - Leonid Brailovsky's Russian Roulette; Some Russian Students Have to Work a Little Harder
6Posters - Yosef Mendelevich
7Posters - Prisoners
8Posters - Prisoners - Alexei Magarik, Vladimir Slepak, Anatoly Sharansky, Josef Mendelevich, Marina Tiemkin, Fanya Fradkin
9Posters (small format)
10Posters (small format)
11Posters (small format), 1966-1987
12Posters (small format), 1988
13Posters (small format), 1989
14Posters (small format), 1990
15Posters (small format)- Right to Identity; Save Soviet Jews
16 Press Releases, 1964-1968
17 Press Releases, 1980
2191Reports - SSSJ - The Conviction of Dr. Joseph Begun: An Aspect of Soviet Cultural Genocide; Express Your Concern; Corrections; Plight of Soviet Jewry Will Be Dramatized in March 11th Pageant at Madison Square Garden; Prisoners of Zion and Refuseniks; An SSSJ Checklist for Visitors to Refuseniks
2Reports - SSSJ - Marina and Miracles, Moscow and Fears - by Glenn Richter; Jewish Congress, Jewish Concern
2.5Reports - SSSJ - "The Prisoners of Conscience"; "How to Write to POCs" 1973, 1976, 1979
(with notations of Allan Miller)
3Reports - Summer Program handbook, 1965; Corporate Resolutions of Center for Russian Jewry, 1969; Program Handbook, 1966; SOS Soviet Jewry, 1970, 1965-1970
4Resource Material - Letters from a "Living Prison"; Exodus - A Jewish Underground Publication in the USSR, 1970; Songs of Hope for Russian Jews; I Am a Jew in Russia; Exodus Haggada for Soviet Jewry
5SOS Soviet Jewry, 1965-1973
6Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (a publication of SSSJ) 1982-1989
7Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates)
8Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1969
9Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1970
10Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1971
11Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1972
12Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1973
13Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1974
14Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1975
15Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1976
16Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1977
17Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1978
18Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter, 1979-1981
2201Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1969-1970
2Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1971-1972
3Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1973-1974
4Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1975-1976
5Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1977-1978
6Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter (duplicates), 1979-1980
7Sponsors - Cards & Forms, 1966-1967
9Stickers - Free Russian Jewish Prisoners
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1964
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1965
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1965
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1965
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1965
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1965
16SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1965
17SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1965
18SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1965
2211SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1965
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1965
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1965
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1965
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1966
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1966
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1966
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April-May, 1966
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June,1966
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug.-Sept., 1966
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1966
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov.-Dec., 1966
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March-April, 1967
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June-July., 1967
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1967
16SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept.-Oct., 1967
17SSSJ-All Materials Printed, November, 1967
18SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1968
19SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1968-1970
20SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1969
21SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1969
22SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1969
23SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1969
24SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1969
25SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1969
2221SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1969
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1969
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1969
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1969
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1969
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1969
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1969
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1969-1970
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1970
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1970
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1970
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1970
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1970
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1970
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1970
16SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1970
17SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1970
18SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1970
19SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1970
20SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1970
21SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1971
2231SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1971
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1971
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1971
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1971
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June. 1971
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1971
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August. 1971
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1971
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1971
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1971
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1971
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1971-1974
2241SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1972
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1972
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1972
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1972
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1972
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1972
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1972
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1972
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1972
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1972
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1972
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1972
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1973
2251SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1973
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1973
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1973
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1973
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1973
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1973
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1973
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1973
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1973
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1973
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1973
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1974
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1974
2261SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1974
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1974
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1974
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1974
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1974
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, August, 1974
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1974
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1974
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1974
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1974
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1975
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1975
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1975
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1975
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1975
2271SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1975
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1975
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1975
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1975
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1975
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1975
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1975
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1976
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1976
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1976
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1976
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1976
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1976
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1976
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1976
2281SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1976
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1976
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1976
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1976
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1976, 1979, 1981
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1977
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1977
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1977
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1977
2291SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1977
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1977
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1977
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1977
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1977
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1977
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1977
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1977
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1977
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1977
2301SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1977
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1978
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1978
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1978
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1978
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1978
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1978
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1978
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1978
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1978
2311SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1978
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1978
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1978
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1978
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1979
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1979
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1979
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1979
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1979
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1979
2321SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1979
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1979
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1979
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1979
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1979
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1979
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1979
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1979
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1979
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1980
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1980
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1980
2331SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1980
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1980
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1980
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1980
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1980
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1980
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1980
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1980
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1980
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1980
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1980-1981
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1981
2341SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1981
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1981
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1981
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1981
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1981
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1981
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1981
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1981
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1981
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1981
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1981
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1981
2351SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan, 1982
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1982
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1982
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1982
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1982
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1982
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1982
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1982
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1982
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1982
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1982
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1982
13SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1982
14SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1982
2361SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan, 1983
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1983
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1983
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1983
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1983
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1983
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1983
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1983
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1983
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1983
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1983
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1983
13SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1983
14SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1983
2371SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan, 1984
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1984
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1984
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1984
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1984
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1984
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1984
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1984
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1984
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1984
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1984
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1984
13SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1984
14SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1984
2381SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1985
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1985
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1985
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1985
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1985
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1985
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1985
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1985
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1985
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1985
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1985
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1985
13SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1985
2391SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1986
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1986
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1986
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1986
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1986
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1986
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1986
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1986
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, Sept., 1986
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Oct., 1986
11SSSJ All Materials Printed, Nov., 1986
12SSSJ All Materials Printed, Dec., 1986
2401SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1986
2SSSJ All Materials Printed, 1986
3SSSJ All Materials Printed, Jan., 1987
4SSSJ All Materials Printed, Feb., 1987
5SSSJ All Materials Printed, March, 1987
6SSSJ All Materials Printed, April, 1987
7SSSJ All Materials Printed, May, 1987
8SSSJ All Materials Printed, June, 1987
9SSSJ All Materials Printed, July, 1987
10SSSJ All Materials Printed, Aug., 1987
2411SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1987
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1987
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1987
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1987
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1987
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1987
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1988
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1988
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1988
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1988
2421SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1988
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1988
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1988
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1988
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1988
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1988
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1988
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1988
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, 1988
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1989
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1989
2431SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1989
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1989
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1989
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1989
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1989
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1989
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1989
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1989
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1989
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1989
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1990
2441SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1990
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed, March, 1990
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed, April, 1990
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed, May, 1990
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed, June, 1990
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed, July, 1990
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Aug., 1990
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Sept., 1990
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Oct., 1990
10SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Nov., 1990
11SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Dec., 1990
12SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Jan., 1991
13SSSJ-All Materials Printed, Feb., 1991
14SSSJ-All Materials Printed, undated
15SSSJ-All Materials Printed, undated
16SSSJ-All Materials Printed, undated
17SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Former Prisoners of Conscience now living in Israel or elsewhere,
18SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Handbooks, 1965-1968
2451SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Handbooks (duplicates), 1965-1966
2SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Key to the Kremlin
3SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Letters from Christipol
4SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Masada (play)
5SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Official Songs
6SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Project: Eyewitness
7SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Project: Soviet Jewry phone-in
8SSSJ-All Materials Printed - Selected long-term and hardship refuseniks, 9/16/1990
9SSSJ-All Materials Printed - SSSJ Summer Kit
10SSSJ-Biography forms - (blank - duplicates?)
11SSSJ Handbook - Loose sheets
2461SSSJ Handbooks - A Source Book on Soviet Jewry Activism; A Call to Action - Summer Program Handbook; Save Soviet Jewry Program Handbook
2SSSJ - Information Sheets
3SSSJ Information Sheets, Reports - Exit Visa; Two Soviet Jewry Simulations; Observant Jewish Prisoners Are Systematically Subjected to Extra Punishment; Kremlin Kingpins; Descriptions of a Disease; The Jews of Ilyinka; Soviet Jewish Prisoners of Conscience; The Hellhole Report
4SSSJ Newsletter - SOS Soviet Jewry, 1966-1968
5SSSJ - Prayer for Russian Jewry (duplicates?)
6SSSJ - Reports
7SSSJ - Reports - Letters from Leningrad: Today's Persecution of Jewish Culture; Observant Jewish Prisoners Are Systematically Subjected to Extra Punishment; Kristallnacht in Vienna: A New Day?; Jewish Emigration from Kharkov; Peaceful Protest at Auschwitz; A Message of Joseph Begun; Soviet Jewry - What Christians Can do; Summitry and Soviet Jewry
8SSSJ - Reports - Summitry and Soviet Jewry (duplicates); Russia Never Had a Better Scapegoat Than the Jews (duplicates?); The SSSJ Handbook (duplicates)
9SSSJ - Reports, Lists
10SSSJ - Soviet Jewry Freedom Report, 1985
11Tzedakah Box Labels
12Washington Lobby
13Graphic Material (clippings of Stars of David, Shofars, Menorahs, etc. and headlines - "Rescue Emergency Fund", "Letter Gram", "News Release", "Free", etc.,song sheets, flyers and flyer makings, newspaper clippings, photographs, newspaper clippings- pictures, headlines, articles, flyers) undated
probably used as samples for SSSJ publicity materials. Includes some published SSSJ materials.
14Graphic Material
2471Graphic Material
2Graphic Material
3Graphic Material
4Mats - Repro Proofs
5Mats - Repro Proofs

Series VII: Printed Materials undated, 1956-1993, 2009. Boxes 248-312 and Oversize Box 197, Folder 19

Series Description: This series contains printed materials produced by individuals or organizations other than the SSSJ. Printed materials produced by SSSJ are contained in Series VI, SSSJ Printed Materials.

The range of materials in these files is quite broad, and the bulk of it consists of newsletters, bulletins, information packets, form letters, brochures, copies of journal and newspaper articles, flyers, and reports. Some of this material overlaps with the contents of Series III, Correspondence, which also contains a significant amount of printed material. However, there also is a small amount of original correspondence throughout the series, as well as research papers, reports, and studies on topics related to Soviet Jewry. (Boxes 284-286).

Most of the material is identified by organization name or publication title. However, there are some folders identified by geographic location or topic, which seem to be general groupings for materials not extensive enough to require separate, named folders. In addition to these categories, the series contains several general categories, into which printed material of many organizations, publications, and subjects, were filed. These general categories are "All Materials Printed" (Boxes 249-250), "Newsletters" (Boxes 274-276), and "Reports" (Boxes 283-284). The contents of these folders are often a mixture of printed materials. Researchers may wish to consult these files if a specific title does not exist in the folder listing.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by organization name/publication title/geographic location/subject.
2481The Absorption of Soviet Emigres in the United States-Thesis (B.A.), 1978
2Action Information from Houston Action for Soviet Jewry [newsletter], 1987-1989
3Action for Soviet Jewry, 1984-1989
(includes an issue of Action for Post-Soviet Jewry, 2009)
4Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews, 1964-1966
5Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews, 1966
6Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews (A)-Studies, Testimony, Left Wing & Communist Protest, not dated
7Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews (B)-Studies, Testimony, Left Wing & Communist Protest, not dated
2491Addresses and Statements in the House of Representatives and the Senate, 1980
2Adopting a Refusenik-a documentation of efforts of the students at the University of Pennsylvania to obtain release of Leonid Brailovsky from USSR, not dated
3Al Tidom, not dated
4Alef-the only Jewish Weekly in Russian, 1987-1989
5All Materials Printed, 1964
6All Materials Printed, 1964-1969
7All Materials Printed, 1968-1971
8All Materials Printed, 1970-1971
9All Materials Printed, 1970-1974
2501All Materials Printed, not dated
2All Materials Printed, not dated
2.5Amcha/Coalition for Jewish Concerns, 1989-2003
3American Association for the Advancement of Science-Scientists in Exile-Issues and perspectives on the refugee experience, 1986
4American Jewish Committee, 1966-1971
5American Jewish Congress, 1973, 1977
6The American Jewish Response to the Crisis of Soviet Jewry, not dated
7American Scientists Senatorial Trip, 1978
8The American Zionist, 1968
9Amnesty International, 1979
10Anti-Semitism in the USSR, 1990
11Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public, 1983-1989
12 Anti-Zionist Material from Soviet Press, 1985-1987
13Arizona Action for Soviet Jews, 1987
14Arizona Action for Soviet Jewry, not dated
15Association for the Dissemination of Hebrew Language in the USSR-Ha-Ivrim, not dated
16Association of Jewish Book Publishers-Books Exhibited at the First International Book Fair in Moscow, 9/6/1977-14/1977
17Australia, 1966
2511Babi Yar, 1967
2Babi Yar, 1977-1991
(see also Series X: Audio, Item 606 for recording of libretto)
3Babi Yar: A Kaddish (duplicates?), 1977
4A Ballad About Jerusalem the Crown of Israel, by Grigory Vinokur, 7/6/1982
5Baltimore-copy from Yellow Pages, not dated
6Bay Area Council on Soviet Jewry, 1976
Catalogue (black & white; color); "12 from the Soviet Underground"
7Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews-Prosecution of Jewish Emigration Activists in the USSR, not dated
8Bay Area Council on Soviet Jews-Twelve from the Soviet Underground, 1976
9Berkshire Council for Soviet Jewry, not dated
10Berkshire Council for Soviet Jewry, 1989
11 Between the Lines-published by Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jewry in conjunction with the European Union of Jewish Students, not dated
12Biographies (newspaper articles), 1966-1968
13Gary Blair-Senior thesis (UCLA)-Application and appraisal: Graham T. Allison's conceptual model of bureaucratic politics and the Jackson-Mills-Vanik Freedom of Emigration amendment to the Trade Act of 1974, not dated
2521Yehuda Z. Blum-Ambassador-statements, 1980
2B'nai B'rith, 1967
3B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, not dated
4B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation-Campus Action for Soviet Jewry, not dated
5B'nei B'rith International Council-Survey-Special Report, not dated
6Bnei Akiva, 1969?, 1975
7Bnei Akiva of North America-Misrad Chinuch, Summer 1979
8Boston-remarks by Richard Cardinal Cushing, 1966
9Briefing Kit for Travelers to USSR, not dated
10Canadian Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1978-1980
11Cards-with songs, not dated
(published by association "Tarbut")
12Cartoons-"Dry Bones", 1984
13The Caucasus Network, 1987-1988
2531The Caucasus Network, 1987-1991
2The Caucasus Network, 1988-1989
3The Caucasus Network, 1989-1990
4The Caucasus Network-family stories,
5Center for Democracy in the USSR, 1989
6Center for Holocaust Studies, not dated
7Chassidic Groups, 1965
(2 issues of "Talks and Tales")
8Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry-Refusenik, 1979-1989
9A Chronicle of Current Events, 1975-1978
10A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR-No. 1-4, 1973
11A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR-No. 10-12, 1974
12A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR-No. 13-18, 1975
13A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR-No. 19-22, 1976
14 A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR-No. 38, 4/1980-6/1980
2541Cincinnati Council for Soviet Jewry, 1979-1989
2Cincinnati Council for Soviet Jews, 1988
3Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism, 1966-1971
4Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism, 1967
5Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism-Handbook-Protests Soviet Anti-Semitism not dated
6Coalition to Free Soviet Jews, 1986-1990
(includes Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1990)
7Coalition to Free Soviet Jews, 1989
8Collection of Newsletters and Bulletins on Soviet Jewry, 1970-1972
9Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry, 1988
10Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry, 1989
11 Commission of Inquiry on the Rights of Soviet Jews, 1971
(incomplete Commission documents)
2551Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1977
2Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1978-1980
3Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1979
4Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1988
5Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1989
6Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1990
7Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-CSCE Digest, 1987-1989
8Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-CSCE News Release, not dated
9Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Cultural Forum Budapest-List of participants, 10/28/1985
10Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Documentation of Family reunification cases: Eugenia Emmanuilova Lipmanova, not dated
11Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Documents of the Public Groups to Promote Observance of the Helsinki Agreements in the U.S.S.R., 1977
12Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Documents of the Soviet groups to establish trust between the US and the USSR, 5/22/1984
13Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Fourth semiannual report by the President to the commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe on the implementation of the Helsinki Final Act, 12/1/1982-5/31/1983
14Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-The Geneva CSCE experts meeting on national minorities; Report of the Helsinki Commission on the US Congressional delegation visit to Vienna, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, Armenia, and Moscow; Report of the CSCE meeting of experts on national minorities, 1991
15Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, 1979
2561Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Profiles: The Helsinki monitors; Soviet law and the Helsinki monitors, 6/6/1978
2Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Report on the elections in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic; Charter of Paris for a New Europe, 1990
3Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Reports of Helsinki Accord monitors in the Soviet Union; Documents of the public groups to promote observance of the Helsinki Agreements in the USSR, volumes one and two, 1977
4Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Reports of Helsinki Accord monitors in the Soviet Union, 11/7/1978
5Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Reports of Helsinki Accord Monitors in the Soviet Union, 11/7/1978
6Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Reports, 1985-1987
7Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Statements, testimony, 1977
2571Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism-Newsletters, 1988
2Committee of Concerned Scientists-Documentation on Soviet refusenik scientists and engineers, 1979-1986
3Committee of Concerned Scientists, 1981-1986
4Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Bahrain, 1988
5Committee on the Judiciary-United States Senate-Humans used as guinea pigs in the Soviet Union, 3/30/1976
6Committee for Soviet Jewry-Ontario region, 1980
7Communities (miscellaneous), 1967
8Conference of Presidents, 1967
9Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, 1968
10Conference on the Status of Soviet Jews (1), 10/12/1963
11Conference on the Status of Soviet Jews (2), 10/12/1963
12Congress, 1966-1968
13Congress-Lists-(1), not dated
2581Congress-Lists-(2), not dated
2Congressional Record, 1963-1989
3Congressional Research Service-Library of Congress-Soviet-American Relations in 1976: A chronological summary and brief analysis, 7/26/1977
4Copies-books, magazines, 1959-1965
5Copies of books, not dated
6Copy of a book (Russian), not dated
7Creeping Counter Revolution, 1975
(by Vladimir Y. Begun)
9Cultural Genocide (duplicates?), not dated
2591Daily News, 2/1971
2Dance for Freedom II, 3/1983
3Department of State, 1971-1981
4Department of State, 1986
5Department of State, 1987-1990
6Department of State-The Belgrade Followup Meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Fourth Semiannual Report by the President to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1978
7Department of State-Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Final Act; Bulletin reprint-Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Final Act, Helsinki 1975, 1975
8Department of State (duplicates?), 1975
9Department of State-Guide to the Bureau of Public Affairs; background notes; recent releases-selected information materials, 1976
10Department of State - The United States and Latin America; Program - National Foreign Policy Conference for Leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations; Second Semiannual Report to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Letter; International Considerations of the President's Proposed Energy Policy; Human rights policy, 1977
11 Dialogue For Today-Newsletter, 1969
12Dictionaries-vocabulary of prisoners and taxi drivers (Russian), not dated
13Directories, 1968-1970
14Directories-Media, Congressional, not dated
2601Duplicates-information letters, appeals, protests, not dated
2Elegy for the Soviet Yiddish Writers, by Chaim Grade, not dated
3Emergency Action Committee for Israel, not dated
4Emigration-Reports-Aliyah and Yerida; The Current State of Jewish Emigration from the USSR; Questions and Answers about Soviet Jewish Emigration; A New Soviet Jewry Plan; The Emigration of Jews from the USSR and the Emigration Policy of the Soviet Authorities; A New Aliyah from USSR-Illusion or Reality, 1975-1976
5Essays (Russian), 1988
6Estonian Events, not dated
7Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Being the Chairman of Your Soviet Jewry Committee-Handbook, 1981
8Facts on US-USSR Trade, 1982-1986
9Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, not dated
10 Focus Soviet Jewry-a News Bulletin, 1980-1989
11Focus Soviet Jewry-a News Bulletin-Duplicates, 1986-1989
2611For Your Information, 1979-1981
2For Your Information, 1989
3Free Trade Union News-Plight of the Jews in the Soviet Union, 1962
4French, not dated
5French-Magazines, Bulletins, not dated
6Friedman Family Circle, Inc.-50th Anniversary Jubilee, 11/29/1958
7Freud and His Work-Russian
8General Protest-protests, newspaper clippings, 1967
9Glasnost Magazine, 1987-1989
10Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, not dated
11Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1973-1974, 1979-1980, 1982-1983, 1985
12Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry-Soviet Jewry Camp Kit, 1977, 1979
13A Guide to Jewish Living 5748, 1987
14Hadassah-The Women's Zionist Organization of America, 1973, 1979-1987
2621Handbooks, not dated
2Hebrew Books for Russians, not dated
3Hebrew, not dated
4The Helsinki Forum and East-West Scientific Exchange-Joint Hearing, 1/31/1980
5The Helsinki Monitor-Basket Three, 1977-1978
6HIAS-Issues and Action, 1989
7Hospital Entertainers-interfaith nonprofit corporation, not dated
8Human Rights Bulletin-The International League for Human Rights, 1978-1988
9Human Rights Information Center, not dated
10Implementation of the Helsinki Final Act, 10/1/1988-3/31/1989
11Information Bulletin of the Union of Hebrew teachers in the USSR-Russian, English, 1988-1989
12Information Bulletins, 1980
13Information from Press and Radio-Anti-Semitism, Israel, Zionism, Israeli-Arab conflict, 1968-1978
2631Insight Soviet Jews, 1982-1988
2Insight (London) (newsletter), not dated
3Institute of Jewish Affairs-Eastern Europe and Middle East Conflict, 1967
4Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1970-1989
(includes a Jewish underground publication in the USSR)
5Institute of Jewish Affairs-Leningrad Hijack Plot, not dated
6Institute of Jewish Affairs-Periodic Reports on the Jewish Position, 1963-1964
7Institute of Jewish Affairs-Periodic Reports on the Jewish Position, 1964
8Institute of Jewish Affairs-Soviet Jewish Affairs-a Journal on Jewish Problems in the USSR and Eastern Europe, 2/1986
9Intellectuals in the Soviet Union, 1966-1969
(pamphlet, poems, newspaper article by Stanley Kunitz, newspaper clipping, CBS Transcript "The Ordeal of Anatoly Kuznetsov")
10International Coalition for the Rescue of Jews of Yemen, 1989-1990
2641International League for Human Rights-Annual Review, 1976-1977
2International League for Human Rights-Report of the conference on implementing a human rights commitment in United States foreign policy, 3/4/1977
3International League for the Repatriation of Russian Jews, 1977, undated
4International League for Human Rights-USSR Political Prisoners: A Comparison of Current Lists, 1989
5Israel Discount Bank-Annual Reports, 1985
6Israel Ministry of Immigrant Absorption-Immigrant Absorption Report, 1977
7Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletins, 1974-1975
8Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletins, 1976
9Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletins, 1977
10Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletins, 1978
2651Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletins, 1978-1980
2Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-Young Jewish Refuseniks, 1988
3Israeli Crisis Action, 1967
4Jewish Athletic Club of Brooklyn (JACOB), 1979
5Jewish Book World, 1987-1989
6Jewish Boston, 1973-1974
7Jewish Center Publications, 1971
8JCC Association-Personal Reporter, 1990
9Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, not dated
10 Jewish Demos at South African Offices, 1986
11Jewish Education Committee, 1967
12Jewish Film, not dated
13Jewish Guide to the Upper West Side, 1984-1985
14Jewish Holidays (Russian), not dated
15Jewish Holidays (Russian)-Information sheets, not dated
16Jewish Labor Committee-The Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union, not dated
2661Jewish PACs, 1983-1985
2Jewish Poetry from the USSR, not dated
3Jewish Prisoners, not dated
4Jewish Publications in Russian, 1990-1991
5Jewish Singles Social Action, not dated
6Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1966-1988
7Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1989-1990
8Jewish Telegraphic Agency-Anti-Semitic Cartoons, not dated
9Jews in Eastern Europe-a Periodical Survey of Events Affecting Jews in the Soviet Bloc, 1960-1964
10Jews in Eastern Europe-a Periodical Survey of Events, 1971
11Jews in the Soviet Press, 1959-1970
2671Jews in the Soviet Press, 1963-1965
2Jews in the Soviet Press-Duplicates, not dated
3Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-26, 1974
4Jews in the USSR-No.27-52, 1974
5Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-26, 1975
6Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.27-51, 1975
2681Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-27, 1976
2Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.29-52, 1976
3Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-24, 1977
4Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.25-51, 1977
5Jews in the USSR (newsletter, published in England), 1978
6Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, 1978-1980
7Jews in the USSR-a Monthly Information Bulletin, 1978-1990
8Jews in the USSR-Information Bulletin, 1979
2691Jews in the USSR-Information Bulletin, 1980
2Jews in the USSR-Information Bulletin, 1980
3Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, 1981
4Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No. 2-24, 1982
5Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.26-47, 1982
6Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-24, 1983
7Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.24-48, 1983
8Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-23, 1984
9Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.24-47, 1984
10Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-24, 1985
2701Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.25-48, 1985
2Jews in the USSR-Information Bulletin, 1985
3Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-24, 1986
4Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.25-48, 1986
5Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-23, 1987
6Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.25-48, 1987
7Jews in the USSR-Bulletin, No.1-43, 1988
8Jews in the USSR-Bulletins, 1989
9Jews in the USSR-Bulletins, 1990
10Keddushath Levi, not dated
11Ktav-Kol-Israeli Hebrew ulpan through correspondence and cassettes; information sheets; workbooks, not dated
units 1-10; cassettes and workbook copies in Ephemera, Boxes 366-368
12Ktav-Kol-Israeli Hebrew ulpan through correspondence and cassettes; workbooks, not dated
units 11-20; cassettes and workbook copies in Ephemera, Boxes 366-368
13Labor Unions, 1966
2711Labor Zionist Order-Farband (newsletter), 1964
2Leningrad Jewish Almanac (Russian), 1987
3Live Language (Russian)-(duplicates?), not dated
4LICSJ-Adopt-A-Family Program, 1982-1990
5LICSJ-Adopt-A-Family Program, 1988
6LICSJ-Adopt-A-Family Program-Profiles, not dated
7LICSJ - information sheets, profiles, lists, not dated
8LICSJ-Pen-Pal List, 1965-1976
9LICSJ-Profiles-Adopt-A-Family Program, Bar/Bat Mitzva Twinnings, not dated
10LICSJ-telephone conversation reports, reports, Adopt-A-Family profiles, 1988-1989
11Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry (LICSJ), not dated
2721Long Island-Roslyn, 1967
2Matzah of Hope, not dated
3Medical Assistance, not dated
4Medical Mission to Czechoslovakia-A Report by Helsinki Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, 7/1988
5Medical Mobilization for Soviet Jewry, 1983
6Medical Registry, not dated
7Message from Moscow-reports; project of Union of Councils for Soviet Jews and SSSJ, 1976-1980
8Message from Moscow II, 1976
9Midstream-a Monthly Jewish Review, 6/1988-7/1988
10Moscow Story-Part I (Russian), not dated
11Moscow Story-Part II (Russian), not dated
12Movement for Liberation of Soviet and Other Oppressed Jewry-statements, reports, testimonies, 1973
19719Names to Be Put in Potential Donors List, 1983
27213National Community Relations Advisory Council For Soviet Jewry-Guidelines for Community Action, 1967
14National Conference on Soviet Jewry [NCSJ]-Bulletins, 1973-1975
15National Conference on Soviet Jewry [NCSJ]-Bulletins, 1976-1979
2731National Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1973-1986
2National Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1988-1989
3National Conference on Soviet Jewry-Newsbreak, 1989-1991
4National Conference on Soviet Jewry-Plaintiffs Against Intourist, 1986
5National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Union, 1978-1980
6National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Union, 1984-1988
7National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, 1966-1988
8National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, 1989
9National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council-NJCRAC Plenary Sesson, 2/14/1988-17/1988
2741National Jewish Welfare Board, 1967-1968
2New Leader-Jews in the Soviet Union, 1959-1964
3New York Association for New Americans, Inc.-NYANA Talent Bank; NYANA Resources for Job Hunting in America, not dated
4New York City, 1968
5New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1964
6New York Legal Coalition for Soviet Jewry-Reports-Facing the Belgrade Meeting-Helsinki-Two Years After; Allegation of Noncompliance with Implementation of Helsinki Final Act, 1977, 1977
7New York Legal Coalition for Soviet Jewry-Reports (duplicates), not dated
8New York Medical Committee on Soviet Jewry-The Trial of Dr. Mikhail Shtern, not dated
9NYS Department of Social Services - Annual Report, 1967
10New York Youth Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1966
11News from YIVO, 1968-1971
12Newsbreak, 1985-1991
13Newsletters, 1959-1976
14Newsletters, 1963-1966
2751Newsletters, 1967
2Newsletters, 1968
3Newsletters, 1970-1975
4Newsletters, 1978-1980
5Newsletters, 1978
6Newsletters, 1979
7Newsletters, 1980-1981
8Newsletters, 1984
9Newsletters, 1985-1986
2761Newsletters, 1987
2Newsletters, 1988
3Newsletters, 1989
4Newsletters, 1989
5Newsletters, 1990-1991
6Newsletters, not dated
7Newsletters - Concern-Information from Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jews, 1979-1989
8Newsletters-Hebrew, 1988-1989
2771Newsletters - Israel Panorama (Russian), 1983
2Newsletters - Outcry-Newsletter of the Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews, 1979-1989
3Newsletters, Publications, 1957-1972
4Newsletters, Publications, 1981-1990
5Newsletters-Russian, 1988-1989
6Newsletters-Shavim: The Returnees, 1985-1989
71991 Watch-publishes a regular bulletin in which it measures Soviet performance against the checklist for freedom for Soviet Jews, not dated
8Our Torah-stories (Russian), not dated
9Pamyat on International Arena (Russian), not dated
10Passover, not dated
2781Passover Seder Companion-Recollections and documents linking past, present and future (duplicates?), not dated
2Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations, not dated
3Pesach, not dated
4Pesach-Haggadah, not dated
5Pesach-Jewish Liberation Hagada, 1971
6Pesach (materials and information sheets-duplicates?) The Matza of Hope; Soviet Jewry Passover Seder Companion, not dated
7Pesach-Matza of Hope, 1967-1968
8Pesach (Russian), not dated
9Plays, not dated
10[Plays], not dated
11Plight-a Bimonthly Publication, 1968
12The Plight of Soviet Jewry-thesis by Deborah Rosenberg, 1988
2791Poems, not dated
2Poems (duplicates), 1990
3Postal Zipcode Directories, 1963-1964
4Prayers on Behalf of Soviet Jewry (Hebrew-English), not dated
5Press Releases, 1968-1971
6Press Releases, 1969-1971
7Printed Material-Various, not dated
8Printed (Russian)- Letter-far-close friend; Difference between exile and exile about Jews; Speech by President Itzchak Navon; Attorney Yechezkel Freedman returned to kibbutz; Stories, not dated
9Priority 1-the aim of Priority 1 is to act as a stimulus for promoting, expanding, and creating outreach programs throughout the USA, 1987-1988
2801Problems with Refusals-copy of the book (Russian), 1988
2Professional News and Opportunities for New Americans: Scientists and Specialists-a Bnai Zion Soviet-American Scientists Division publication, 1991
3Protests, not dated
4Protest Cards to Prosecutor-General Roman A. Rdenko Regarding Igor Guberman, not dated
5Protest; Reports, 1964-1972
6Protests; Reports-Communist, 1964-1967
7Psalms (Hebrew-English), not dated
8Public Action for Soviet Jews, 1989
9Public Council For Soviet Jewry-(2)-Duplicates, 1974-1975
2811Publications, 1956-1968
2Publications-The Impact of Psychotherapy on Theological Thought, 1960; The Crimes of the Pol Pot Regime, 1984; Emergence-Undergraduate Jewish Voices, 1989; American Jews and Israel in the Bush Era, 1989, 1960-1989
3Publications-Israel vs. Soviet Jewry, 1979; Souls Upside Down: The tragedy of Soviet Jewry, 1979, not dated
4Purim-the Soviet Jewry Purim Joke Book, not dated
5Purim Soviet Jewry Joke Book, not dated
6Queens, not dated
7Queens Council for SJ, 1968
8Questionnaires from Department of State (blank), 1982
9Reagan, Ronald-Realism, Strength, Negotiation: Key Foreign Policy Statements of the Reagan Administration, 5/1984
10Recommended Reading on Soviet Jewry, not dated
2821Reference Articles, 1959-1967
2Reference Articles, 1965-1973
3Reference Articles-Duplicates, not dated
4Reform and Human Rights-The Gorbachev Record, 5/1988
5Reform Judaism, not dated
6Religion in Communist Dominated Areas, 1969-1970
7Report of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc., 8/1985-7/1988
8Report of the Soviet Jewry Law Project-Denial of Due Process: Soviet Failure to Provide for Appeal of Emigration Refusals, 1988
2831Reports, 1964-1967
2Reports, 1970-1976
4Reports, 1971-1977
5Reports, 1973
6Reports, 1978
7Reports, 1979
8Reports, 1980
9Reports, 1983
10Reports, 1985
11Reports, 1986
12Reports, 1987
13Reports, 1988
14Reports, 1989
15Reports, 1990-1991
16Reports, not dated
2841Reports, not dated
2Reports, not dated
3Reports, not dated
4Reports-All Union "Round-Table" Meeting on the Problems of the Soviet Jewish Population-Draft Resolution, Final Document; Some Parallels or an Attempt to Warn USSR, 1989
5Reports-AJCongress Mission to Soviet Union, 1989; Jews in USSR, 1990; Arab Reaction to Soviet Jewish Immigration to Israel, 1990; "Glasnost": Good or Bad for Soviet Jews?; List of Special Jurist Group from the Association of Soviet Lawyers, 1985; Anti-Semitism in the USSR, 1990; Founding Meeting of Advisory Council Mini-Conference on Older Euro-Americans, 1980, 1980-1990
6Reports-The American Jewish Response to the Crisis of Soviet Jewry; Encountering an Anti-Semite; The Legal Position of the Jewish Community of the Soviet Union: An Inquiry; Religious Liberty in Lithuania; Synagogues in the Soviet Union; The Soviet Assault on Passover; The Status of Jews in Soviet Education; Jewish Communists on Soviet Policy: 1956-1966; A Russian Jewish Emigrant Speaks on the Experiences of Jews in the Soviet Union, 1978; Trade Agreement, Lend Lease Settlement, Reciprocal Credit Arrangements, Joint US-USSR Commercial Commission, not dated
7Reports-An American Response to Soviet Anti-Semitism; The Situation of the Jewish Community in the Soviet Union, 1965
8Reports-The Anti-Zionist Campaign in the USSR (according to the Soviet press and radio); Judasim in USSR (according to Soviet press and radio, including material on other religions in the USSR); Israel in Soviet Press and Radio; Jews in the USSR and Abroad according to materials from the Soviet Press, 1985-1986
9Reports, Articles-The Jews of Ilyinka, Part III; The Study of Hebrew-A Dangerous Task for a Jew in the Soviet Union, 1986; Articles of the Criminal Code Under Which Soviet Jews May Be Tried in Leningrad, Riga, & Kishinev, 1986, not dated
10Reports-Bicentennial Conference on Religious Liberty; "Jerusalem is Jewish"-Facts, Reality and Policy-Prof. H. R. Huttenbach; Network Commitments Regarding Igor Tufeld's College Campus Tour; A Service in Solidarity with Jews in the Soviet Union, not dated
11Reports-A Call to the Jewish Youth of America for Action on Behalf Of Soviet Jewry, 1964; Reunion with Families from Russia, 1967; We Understand, Rabbi Levin, 1968, 1964-1968
12Reports-the Camp David Agreement-A US Plot; Israel in the Soviet Press and Radio, 1985
13Reports-The Case of the Jewish Kolkhozniks of Ilyinka, 1981;US-Soviet Commercial Relations in a Period of Negotiation, 1989; Spying Cases and Treatment of Jonathan Pollard in Prison, 1988; Moscow Imposes Tighter Controls on Foreigners, 1981; The Forced Labour Camps in the USSR: An Unrecognized Example of Modern Inhumanity, 1973, 1973-1989
2851Reports-Chebrikov on KGB Role, Control, Human Rights; Current Human Rights Abuses in the USSR; Searches, Arrests, Harassment and Imprisonment of Hebrew Teachers and Jewish Activists in the Soviet Union, 1985
2Reports-Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-Congress of the United States; Meeting Between Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush, 1989; SSSJ at Columbia University-Handbook on Soviet Jewry, 1986; Light Their Way to Freedom: A Resource Manual on Soviet Jewry, 1984-1985; International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Clashes with the KGB in Tbilisi, 1984-1989
3Reports-Department of Mathematics, 1978-1980
4Reports-Duplicates?-Kremlin Kingpins; Project: Soviet Jewry Phone-In; Our Future Here Is Spiritual Assimilation at the Best; Human Rights Agreements and Declaration; "No Pepsi, Please"; The Daily Life of a Refusenik; Cultural Genocide, not dated
5Reports from Eastern Europe-Comments on the Soviet Union's World Anti-Jewish Campaign; Academic and Professional Committee on Soviet Jewry; Anti-Jewish Excerpts from the Russian Press; Polish Jewry-The Final Agony; Russian Jewry After the Six Day War; Kitchko Rides Again; Czech Jews Come Alive; New Danger Threatens Polish Jews; Anti-Semitism in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1967, not dated
6Reports-The Final Document of All-Union "Round-Table" Meeting on the Problems of the Soviet Jewish Population; Strategic Questions of the Jewish Life in the USSR; International Symposium "Freedom of Movement For All", Abstracts of the Lectures and Reports, 1989
7Reports-First Purim Celebration for Many Russian Jews, 1980; President Imposes Economic Sanctions on the USSR and Poland, 1982; Anti-Zionist "White Book" Given Wide Publicity, 1985; The Helsinki Process-Alive and Well, 1980; Scholarly Resources for the Study of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union in the New York Metropolitan Area, 1986; Kristallnacht in Vienna: A New Day, 1986; Ad Hoc Committee to Revitalize the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry; Zionists Control the Means of Mass Media (book review), 1980-1986
8Reports-Foreign Citizens-Moscow Imposes Tighter Controls on Foreigners; USSR Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the USSR, 1981, not dated
9Reports and Guides-Guide to Preparing a Resume; How to Find a Job in New York City; Personnel Services Newsletter; Garment Industry Development Corporation-Annual Report, 1989-1990
10Reports and Handbooks (Immigrants)-Immigrants and Refugees: Some Considerations for Training the Workforce of the Future; "Pathway to Success"-A Comprehensive Job Search Guide; The Newcomer's Guide; JCC Association Personnel Reporter, 1990-1991
2861Reports-Harassment Against Vladimir Kislik, 1977; Soviet Jewry News from USSR, 8/18-25/85; Jewish Emigration as a Surrogate of the General Problem of the Emigration from the USSR; Let's Learn About Soviet Jewry, 1977-1985
2Reports-Highlights of Sylva Zalmanson's Fast for Freedom; Yosef Kuzkovski, not dated
3Reports-Human Rights Report: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Soviet Jews and the Illusion of Glasnost, 1988
4Reports-Implementation of the Helsinki Accord, 1979; Members of Helsinki Agreement-Watchdog Terms for Soviet Jewry, 1979
5Reports-Incomplete, not dated
6Reports-Incomplete, not dated
7Reports, Information sheets, not dated
8Reports, Information sheets, not dated
9Reports, Information sheets (reports, programs, news releases, notes), not dated
10Reports-Institute of Jewish Affairs-The Leningrad "Hijack Plot", 1970; Exodus-A Jewish Underground Publication in the USSR, 1970; Soviet Jewry in the Census of 1970, 1971, 1970-1971
11Reports-Institute of Jewish Affairs (duplicates), not dated
2871Reports-International and Regional Organizations; Adopt-A-Prisoner-Soviet Jewry Co-Adoption Project; How to Run a Soviet Jewry Organization; Soviet Jewry Sensitivity Presentation, not dated
2Reports-Interview with Julie Hertz, President of Reform Judaism, 1991; Tikkun for Yom Yerushalayim; An Educators' Summer Seminar in the USSR, 1985, 1985-1991
3Reports-An Interview with a Soviet Jewish Family in Ladispoli, Italy, 1989; General Description of the Jewish Community of Minsk, 1988; An Approach to the Direct Flights Issue, 1987; The Soviet Synagogue Today; Terror Attacks with Casualties in Israel and the Administered Areas, 1987; Public Protest and Soviet Jewry, 1987-1989
4Reports-Israel in the Soviet Press and Radio; Excerpts from a Letter by Yakov Levin, Prisoner of Zion; Statement by Boris Deviatov of Leningrad, 1985
5Reports-Jewish Women Against Refusal; Women Refuseniks Struggling for Leaving the USSR; Statement of Women's Group with Reference to World Conference of Women Meeting; Jewish Women for Emigration and Survival in Refusal, 1987-1988
6Reports-The Jews in Moldavia; Paternalism in the Human Rights Movement: The Case of Soviet Jewry; Objecting to Direct Flights on the Basis of International Law, 1987
7Reports-The Jews in Moldavia; Jews in USSR; Desecration of the Jewish Cemetery in Leningrad; No "State Anti-Semitism" in USSR: Rally Against Pamyat Futile; Terror Attacks with Casualties in Israel and the Administered Areas, 1987
8Reports-Jews in the Soviet Union; Anti-Sovieteers in the Dock; Soviet Jews as They Are; The Life and Work of Jewish Youth in "Yugoslavia"; Uncle Shin Beyt's Consultation at the Leningrad Trial; The Character and Aims of the Morning Freiheit, 1965-1971
9Reports-Jews in the USA Through the Eyes of Americans; Poison of Zionism, 1985-1987
10Reports on Jews in the USSR, 1984-1985
11Reports-Judaic Studies to Return to Soviet Union, 1988; A Simmering Threat to the Jews, 1989, 1988-1989
12Reports-A Letter from Russia to Russia: What to Do When You Are Summoned by KGB; Soviet Jewry: The Analysis of Contemporary Situation; Message from Moscow; Soviet Jewish Affairs: The Russian Press in Israel, 1970-1976
13Reports-Lists: Refusenik List, 1975; Nominal List of Citizens Who Desire to Leave for Israel or US, 1975; List of Soviet Jews Needing Contact and Material Aid, 1975
14Reports-Meeting with the PLO-Implications and Consequences, 1979; Address to the Opening Plenary Session, Hamburg, 1980, 1979-1980
15Reports-Memorandum on East-West Trade and Soviet Jewry, 1972; Everyone Knows Where-Now We Know What, 1973; American Jewish Year Book, 1972-1973
16Reports-NATO and the Warsaw Pact-Force Comparisons, 1984; Soviet Acquisition of Military Significant Western Technology: An Update, 1985, 1984-1985
2881Reports-New Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the USSR, 1981; The Plight of Soviet Jewry, 1985; Refuseniks Report on Jewish Religious Life In Russia, 1987; International Physician's Commission for the Protection of Prisoners, 1987; 12th World Festival of Youth and Students, 1985; The Soviet Jews' Adjustment to the United States, 1982, 1981-1987
2Reports-A New Wave of Soviet Anti-Semitism, 1967-1979; Statement of the Black Leaders, 1979; Soviet Jewry-A Look Toward Tomorrow, 1979; Immigrant Rabbi Teaches Russian Newcomers about Rosh Hashana; Hails Them As "Heroes"-All of You, 1979
3Reports-The 1989 Book Fair in Moscow; Again About "Zemlyachestvos", 1989
4Reports-Our Auction of Ideas; Again About "Zemlyachestvos";The Case of Dimitri Berman; Against Anti-Semitism; The Holiday on the Jewish Street, 1988-1989
5Reports-Our Prayerbook and the Plight of Soviet Jewry; The World Is Enormous and Simple; The Russian Ethnic Bilingual Bicultural Educational Association; The Pilgrims of Ilyinka; A Response to Adolf Shayevich; The Jews of Georgia; Convent and Controversy at Auschwitz, not dated
6Reports-Patterns of Iteration over Time: Soviet Immigrants in Israel, 1975; Immigrants from the Caucasus: A Survey of Their Needs, 1976; Rutgers Jewish Review, 1978, 1975-1978
7Reports-Places of Confinement in the USSR and the Different Regimes There; The Israeli Government's Inner Cabinet Accepts US Secretary of State Baker's Five Point Proposal; Seaboard Region USY; The Conviction of Dr. Joseph Begun: An Aspect of Soviet Cultural Genocide; A Letter from Chistipol; Arab Racism: The Historical Record and Present Day Realities, 1984-1985
8Reports-Police Department; Demonstrations, 1971-1973
9Reports by the President to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-First Semi-annual report, 12/1976; Second Semi-annual Report, 6/1977; Third Semi-annual Report, 12/1977, 1976-1977
10Reports by the President to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (duplicates), not dated
2891Reports-Project Outreach Progress Report to Division Heads, 1978; Heads of Agreement Between the Romanian Government and American Jewish Organizations Regarding Jewish Emigration from Romania, 1979; Senators being seen by the Student Coalition for Soviet Jews, 1979; Harvard Law School Bulletin-Human Rights, 1979, 1978-1979
2Reports, Protests-Statements on the Status of Soviet Jews, 1966; The New Soviet Version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", 1967; Greater New York Report, 1968; An Appeal of Conscience for the Jews of the Soviet Union, 1964; Protest Against the Treatment of Soviet Jews, 1964-1968
3Reports-Psychological and Social Problems of Refusal; Strategic Questions of the Jewish Life in the USSR; The Soviet Union and the Jews: Perestroika, Policy, Promise, Peril; Presentation of Mr. Tom Simons-Conference on Eastern Europe, 1989, 1988-1989
4Reports, Publications-Joseph Mendelevich's Inside Story of Life in the Gulag, Vladimir Prison; Nohim Meiman, Case Study of a Refusenik in His Own Words; Soviet Jewry: Range of Repression, by Erich Goldhagen; The Movement's Credo Under the Test of Gorbachev's Regime, N. Levanon, 1988; Let's All Together, by Roman Spector, 1988, not dated
5Reports, Publications-History of Soviet Jewry, 1970; The Jew in Russia, 1971; Human Rights in USSR, 1974, 1970-1974
6Reports-RFE-RL(Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty)-Article by Anti-Semitic Author Stirs Up Protests; Soviet Brochure Says Jews Are Responsible for Deterioration in East-West Relations, 1984
7Reports-Reports of Helsinki Accord Monitors in the Soviet Union; Documents of the Public Groups to Promote Observance of Helsinki Agreements in the USSR, 1977
8Reports-Repressions Against Refuseniks in Kiev-end of 1984, beginning of 1985; General Situation in the USSR, 5/1985, 1985
9Reports-Resolution of the International Council of the World Conference on Soviet Jewry; Judaism in the USSR According to the Soviet Press and Radio, 1984
10Reports-Resolutions-1983 Biennial Convention-United Synagogue of America; Scientists Deprived of their Advanced Degrees Following Their Application for Emigration; Some Unprecedented Events Reported in the Soviet Press; Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1984, 1983-1984
11Reports (Russian), 1978-1979
12Reports (Russian), 1989-1990
13Reports (Russian)-Goldstein, 1977-1979
14Reports-Sakharov Hearings to Open in Washington; Soviet Jewry Report, 2/6-16/79, 1979
2901Reports-The Scientist and Religion, 1968; A Tourist Meets Some Soviet Jews After June War, 1968; We Have Written Off Soviet Jewry, 1968; New Stirrings in Soviet Jewry, 1969; My Evolution as a Jew, 1970, 1968-1970
2Reports-The Short Story of the Long Death - Y. Avishai Maor, not dated
3Reports-Soviet Anti-Semitism: an Exchange; The Plight of Soviet Jews; The State of Soviet Jewry; Exodus, 1964-1970
4Reports-Soviet Human Rights Chronology: 1/1983-11/1984; Searches, Arrests, and Imprisonments, 1984-1985,
5Reports-Soviet Jewish Emigration-David A. Harris; Soviet Jewry Programming; Russian Jewry, 1988
6Reports-Soviet Jewry Weekend Special Edition, 3/22-24/68; Annex II-Address by Marc Schreiber, United Nations Division of Human Rights, on "International Year for Human Rights"; The Russian Jewry Community, Past Present and Future; Problems of Soviet Jewry-Questions and Answers; The Recent Ferment in Poland, 1968
7Reports-Speech made by Lev Ovsischcher in Minsk, 1976; Let My People Go-But Where: The Dilemma of Soviet Jews, 1977; Justice In Leningrad, 1977; Women and Children in Soviet Concentration Camps, 1978; Survey of the Soviet Press and Radio for November 1978, 1975-1978
8Reports-Statistical Abstract-Issued by Division of Research & Statistics-Midyear Report, 1976; List of Reported Nazi War Criminals Residing in the US; Let Us Go to the Land of Our Forefathers; Dramatic Interview with a Young Russian Jew; Letters from Potma, 1976, not dated
9Reports-The Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union, 1962; Judaism Without Embellishment, 1963; Contemporary Judaism and Zionism, 1964; Report of an International Socialist Study Group on the Situation of Jews in the USSR, 1964; Jews in the USA and Role of Jewish press, 1962, 1962-1964
2911Reports-The Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union, 1963 (duplicates); Dissent: A Culture in Torment, 1966 (duplicates), 1963-1966
2Reports-The Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union, 1963; Dissent: A Culture in Torment, 1966; Travels in the Soviet Union, 1966; New Stirrings in Soviet Jewry, 1969, 1963-1969
3Reports-Survey of Events, Nov. 1984; Situation of the Jews in the USSR According to Materials of the Soviet Press & Radio, 10/1985; The Soviet Press on the Summit Conference in Geneva, 11/1985; The Jewish Siege on a Catholic Convent, not dated
4Reports-Treasurer's Report (includes handwritten notes), 1966-1968
5Reports-Two Opposing Trends Noted in US Trade Policy; Interview with Avraham Shifrin, Director of Research Centre for Prisoners and Concentration Camps in the USSR-Israel; Excerpts from a letter to Naum Alshansky; The Star of David on top of the Spassky Tower; Soviet Anti-Semitism: Special Report, 1978-1979
6Reports-The Unbooked Tour of Russia, 1978; First Encounters in the USSR, 1985, 1978-1985
7Reports-United States Senate-Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee on the Judiciary; Hearing on the Prosecution of Demonstrations Outside the Soviet Embassy, 5/15/1986
8Reports-US-Soviet Trade and Emigration; Senator Dennis Deconcini's Involvement with the Soviet Jewish Emigration Problem Since 12/1978; Speech of Leonard W. Schroeter at Convention of Union of Councils for Soviet Jewry, San Francisco, 1979
9Reports-Will Soviet Jewry Survive? (by Elie Wiesel), not dated
10Reports-Why I Am a Jew-The Case for a Religious Life; The Controversy over Refugee Status of Soviet Jewish Emigres, 1986
11Reports-World Conference of Jewish Communities on Soviet Jewry, 2/23-25/71; Christian Reactions to the Leningrad Trial of Soviet Jews, 12/1970; Document dealing with the plight of Soviet Jews, 12/1969; Not All Soviet Jews Come from Minsk, 1971; The Hillel Foundation Committee for Soviet Jewry in Conjunction with the Model UN at the University of Texas, 3/14-16/68, 1968-1971
12Reports-World Zionist Organization-Youth & Hechalutz Dept.-List of Shlichim; A short information about Professor Jacov. L. Al'pert; A Short History of Modern Israel; Forced Labour of Prisoners in the Military Industry of the USSR; Jewish Emigration Movement in the Soviet Union-Survey: 1978-1979, 1978-1979
13Reports-Zionism and Israel as Presented in Soviet Books; Iran-The Zionism Intervention; Emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel as Presented in the Soviet Press & radio; Hebrew in the Soviet Union; Working at Teshuva in a Soviet Prison Camp, 1980
2921Research Department of Radio Free Europe, 1968
2Research Institute on Soviet Jewry, 1971
3Response-Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1985-1989
4Russian Travel Bureau, not dated
5Samizdat Bulletin, 1979-1980
6Salute to Israel Parade, 1979
7Scientists Committee of the Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletin, 1973
8Scientists Committee of the Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry-News Bulletin, 1978-1980
9Scientists for Orlov and Sharansky, 1978-1980
10Scrapbook-Newspaper Clippngs, not dated
11A Selection of Jewish Poetry from the USSR, not dated
12A Shareowner's Manual for Church Committees on Social Responsibility in Investments, 1977
13Sh'ma-a Journal of Jewish Responsibility, 1979-1990
14Shofar-the International Jewish Student Magazine, 1987-1990
15Should Britain Attend a Human Rights Conference in Moscow, 1990
2931The Slepak Report, 1989
2Songs, not dated
3Songs (Hebrew-Russian), not dated
4Songs of Hope for Russian Jews, not dated
5Songs-Texts, not dated
6SOS Torture-World Organization Against Torture, 1988
4Source Material-General, 1961-1967
5South African Apartheid: Protests, Sanctions, Facts, 1984-1985
2941South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1977-1979
2South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1980-1989
3Southern California Council for Soviet Jews, 1970-1990
4Southern California Council for Soviet Jews, 1975
5Soviet Book That Shook the Communist World, not dated
6Soviet Harassment of Foreign Tourists Violates the Helsinki Final Act, 2/1982
7Soviet Helsinki Movement and Members-Update on the 33 Imprisoned Members of the Soviet Helsinki Groups; Update on the Soviet Helsinki Movement, 1979
8Soviet-Israel Dual Citizenship, 1985-1986
9Soviet Jewry-Backgrounder, 1970
10Soviet Jewry Education & Information Center (SJEIC), 1984-1988
11Soviet Jewry Kit-Union of Jewish Students, not dated
12Soviet Jewry Law Project, 1988
2951Soviet Jewry News Bulletin (Canada), not dated
2Soviet Jewry-Notes and Digest (Canada), 1973
3Soviet Jewry Report, 1978-1990
4Soviet Jewry Reports-A Declaration of Rights for Soviet Jewry, 1966; White Paper on Soviet Jewry, 1968; Soviet Jewry Today, 1965; Soviet Jewry Booklet; Council of Europe-Report on the Situation of the Jewish Community in the Soviet Union, 1965; Facts on Jewish Persecution in the Soviet Union, 1965-1968
5Soviet Jewry Research Bureau-Jewish Emigration from the USSR: A Basic Fact Sheet; The Oldest Cases Waiting for Exit Visas-More Than Six Years, 1980
6Soviet Jewry Since the Death of Stalin-A 25-Year Perspective, 1978
7Soviet Jewry-Soviet Jewry, Israel, Soviet Union, 1965-1973
8Soviet Jewry-Soviet Jewry, Israel, Soviet Union (Hebrew), 1965-1973
9Soviet Jewry-What Christians Can do, not dated
10Soviet Jews-Information sheets-The Jews of Russia; Is the Soviet Union Sensitive; Soviet Jewry-A Brief Historical Background; Judaism as Compared with other Religions in the Soviet Union Today; Soviet Jews Struggling to Keep Cultural Identity, not dated
11 Soviet Jews-Public Meeting to Save Soviet Jewry; Soviet Jewry: Eight Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask; Newspaper Clippings, not dated
12Soviet Technology and Engineering Digest-a collection of articles on power generation, technical licenses and a wide variety of Russian industrial products and equipment, 1979
13The Spotlight-a Newsletter of Anti-Jewish Policies of the Soviet Union, 1967
2961Statements, 1968-1990
2Statements, 1979-1987
3Statements by Ambassador Robert H. Frowick, 1987
4Statements by Ambassador Samuel G. Wise, 1987
5Statements by Ambassador Warren Zimmerman, 1987
6Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jews-Soviet Jewry Kit, 1989
7Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1979
8Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1985-1989
9Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1987
10Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1989
11Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1989-1990
12Students and Education in USSR-Reports, not dated
13Students/International, 1966
(newsletter Soviet Jewry News and Action) [published by World Union of Jewish Students]
14Tarbut-Association for Jewish Self-Education in the USSR, not dated
(Russian book, English information sheets)
15Tarbut-Association for Jewish Self-Education in the USSR, not dated
16Tarbut (Russian), not dated
2971Telephone Conversation with Pavel Abramovich, not dated
2Testimonies, 1978-1989
3Testimony on the Living Condition and State of Health of Prisoners of Zion in the Soviet Prison, 1979
4They Came to Stay-The Soviet Jewish Experience in Israel, 1977
5Vladimir Titov (Russian)-Anti-Semite, not dated
6Toldot-the Journal of Jewish Genealogy, 1977
7Toronto, 1967
8Translations from Newspapers-Yiddish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, 1959-1968
9Translations from Russian Newspapers, 1974-1977
10Translations from Russian Newspapers, 1978
11Translations from Russian Press, 1976-1980
12Translations from Russian Press, 1979
13Translations from Russian Press, 1980-1989
2981Translations from Soviet Press, 1963-1968
2Translations from Soviet Press, 1981-1988
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1972-1973
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1978-1980
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1985
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4-8/1985
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9-11/1985
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 12/1985
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1986
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1986
11Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1986
2991Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1986
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1986
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1986
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1986
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1986
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 7/1986
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1986
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1986
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 11/1986
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 12/1986
3001Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1986-1989
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1987-2/1987
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1987
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1987-5/1987
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1987-7/1987
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1987-9/1987
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1987
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 11/1987
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 11/1987-12/1987
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1987
3011Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1987-1988
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1988-2/1988
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1988
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1988
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1988
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1988-6/1988
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1988
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 7/1988
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1988
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1988-10/1988
11Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1988-11/1988
12Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
3021Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988-1989
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1989
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1989-4/1989
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1989
3031Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1989
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1989
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 7/1989-8/1989
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1989
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1989
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1989
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1989
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1989
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1989
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1989
3041Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 11/1989
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 12/1989
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1990-2/1990
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1990
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1990
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1990
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1990
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3-4/1990
3051Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1990
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1990
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1990
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 7/1990
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1990
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1990
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1990
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 11/1990
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1990
3061Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1991
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1991-2/1991
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1991
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1991
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1991
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1991-5/1991
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1991-7/1991
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1991
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 9/1991
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1992
3071Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1/1992
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1992
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1992
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1992
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 6/1992
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 8/1992
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 10/1992
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 12/1992
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 2/1993
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 3/1993
3081Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 4/1993
2Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 5/1993
3Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1996(?)
4Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Alert, 1978-1979
5Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Alert, 1980
6Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Alert, 1980-1986
7Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Annual Meeting, 1980
8Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Assessment of Soviet Compliance with the Vienna Concluding Document, 5/1990-6/1990
9Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Commission of Inquiry on Soviet Human Relations Violations-Public Hearing, 1/23/1987
10Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-How to Run a Council: Hints and Guidelines, 1979
11 Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-The Idea Book: A Guide to Soviet Jewry Programming, 9/1980
12Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-Revenge-A Record of an Encounter with Soviet Repression, not dated
13Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-UCSJ Annual Meeting, 9/18-21/81, Washington Sheraton Hotel, Washington DC, 1970-1981
14Union of Councils for Soviet Jews-UCSJ Quarterly Report, 1986
3091United Nations-Human Rights, 1966
2United States East European Trade-Considerations Involved in Granting Most-Favored-Nation Treatment to Most Countries of Eastern Europe, 1972
3United States Senate, not dated
4USSR News Brief (Human Rights), 10/1988
5USSR Press Reports, 1966-1967
(reports about news items that were reported in newspapers in the USSR. Topics include: Israeli-Arab Relations, Israel, Image of a Jew)
6Update-News & Analysis, National Zionist Affairs Department of Hadassah, not dated
7Vestnik-Biweekly, 1/14/1992
8The Vienna Meeting-Draft Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of representatives of the participating states of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held on the basis of the provisions of the Final Act relating to the follow up to the Conference, 1986
9Voices of Freedom-Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner, not dated
10Washington Committee for Soviet Jewry, undated, 1973-1978, 1987
11White Paper on Soviet Jewry (duplicates?), 4/1968
12Who Needs What, 1984
3101The Wilberforce Council for Human Rights, 1980
2Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry, 1979
3Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's), 1980
4Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's), 1987
5Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's), 1987-1989
6Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's), 1988
7Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry, 1990-1991
8Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's), not dated
9Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1977-1978
10Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1981
11Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1982
3111Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1983
2Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1983-1986
3Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1984
4Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1984
5Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1985
6Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1985-1988
7Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1986
8Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1987
3121Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1988
2Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins, 1989
3Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry (35's)-Bulletins and other printed material, 1990, 1993, undated
4Women's Social Service, 1987
5Working with a Surrogate Community on Behalf of Oppressed Jews in the USSR, 8/1984
6Workmen's Circle, 1987
7World Jewish Heritage Foundation-Information Kit, 1980
8World Union of Jewish Students, 1989-1990
9World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1989
10Yemenite Jews, not dated
11Zionism Like Revolution (Russian), 10/1980

Series VIII: Newspaper Clippings, undated, 1964-1998. Boxes 313-354A, 382

Series Description: This series contains articles from newspapers and other periodicals on Soviet Jewry, as well as on some related topics such as Ethiopian Jews (Falashas), Arab-Israeli relations, and the Holocaust. While most of the clippings are from the national Jewish press, items from the general press are also well represented. The folder titles were taken from the original SSSJ folders, which labeled some as "Newspaper Clippings" and others as "Press Clippings". However, there is no discernible difference between the material based on the folder title.

The first six boxes of the series consist of clippings identified by specific topic. The remainder (and bulk) of the series, however, are clippings merely chronologically arranged, perhaps indicating that it became too time-consuming for the organization to manage its growing files of clippings by maintaining the topical arrangement. Regardless, researchers should be aware these two sections of the series exist and most likely contain some overlapping material.

Included in the series is a group of files SSSJ maintained specifically on coverage of their own organization in the printed press. (Box 317, Folder 12 - Box 318, Folder 15)

Most of the clippings are in English, however material from the Yiddish and Russian language presses are also in the series.

Arrangement: The first six boxes are arranged alphabetically by topic. The remainder of the series is arranged chronologically.
3131Newspaper Clippings-Ruth Agar, 1967
(newspaper clippings by her from Jewish Chronicle)
2Newspaper Clippings-America & Soviet Union, not dated
3Newspaper Clippings-Auschwitz, 1989-1993
4Newspaper Clippings-The Auschwitz Convent (Rabbi Weiss), not dated
5Newspaper Clippings-Babi Yar, not dated
6Newspaper Clippings-Canada, 2/1967
7Newspaper Clippings-Canada & Soviet Union, 1967
8Newspaper Clippings-Eastern European Countries, 1966-1968
9Newspaper Clippings-Exodus, 1970-1972
(published by Soviet Jewry Action Group, San Francisco, CA)
10Newspaper Clippings-Exodus, 1973-1974
(published by Soviet Jewry Action Group, San Francisco, CA)
11Newspaper Clippings-Exodus, 1974-1978
(published by Soviet Jewry Action Group, San Francisco, CA)
3141Newspaper Clippings-Exodus-duplicates, 1974-1979
(published by Soviet Jewry Action Group, San Francisco, CA)
2Newspaper Clippings-Falashas, 1985
3Newspaper Clippings-Falashas, not dated
4Newspaper Clippings-Falashas, not dated
5Newspaper Clippings-50th Anniversary of Bolshevik, 1967
6Newspaper Clippings-Ha-Shahar (Russian), 1988-1989
7Newspaper Clippings-Heschel, Avraham (Yiddish), 1964
8Newspaper Clippings-Internal Soviet Jewry News, 1966-1969
9Newspaper Clippings-International Protest Campaigns, 1966-1967
10Newspaper Clippings-Israel, 1989-1990
3151Newspaper Clippings-Israel & S.U., 1967
2Newspaper Clippings-Morris Katz, 9/16/1967
(newspaper clipping with his picture-Great Neck Tribune)
3Newspaper Clippings-Leningrad Trial, 12/1/1970-12/15/1970
4Newspaper Clippings-Levinson, Eleanor, not dated
5Newspaper Clippings-Lists-Landsmanschaften Associations, etc, 1966-1967
6Newspaper Clippings-Local Protest, 1966-1967
7Newspaper Clippings-Magazines, 1964, 1967, 1972, undated
8Newspaper Clippings-Magazines, 1987, 1989
(includes some Russian and Romanian language items)
9Newspaper Clippings-McGill University, 1969
[newspaper clipping only]
10Newspaper Clippings-Mid-East War, 1967
11Newspaper Clippings-National Protest Campaigns, 1967
12Newspaper Clippings-Nevada, 1971
[newspaper clipping only]
13Newspaper Clippings-Non-Soviet Communist Reaction, 1966-1967
14Newspaper Clippings-Photocopies, 1957-1965
15Newspaper Clippings-PLO, 1989-1990
16Newspaper Clippings-Queens Council for Soviet Jewry, 1966
17Newspaper Clippings-The Record-The Jewish News-The Jews of Russia: A Question of Human Rights, 7/3/1980
18Newspaper Clippings-The Record-The Jews of Russia: A Question of Human Rights, 7/3/1980
3161Newspaper Clippings-Russian, 1977-1979
2Newspaper Clippings-Russian, 1982-1988
3Newspaper Clippings-Russian, 1989
4Newspaper Clippings-Russian, 1990
5Newspaper Clippings-Science-Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1978-1979
(photocopies of excerpts)
6Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Ideological Trends, 1966-1968
7Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry Videotapes, 1985
8Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 6/1964
9Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 7/1964
10Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 8/1964
11Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 9/1964
12Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 10/1964
13Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 11/1964
14Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 12/1964
15Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 1/1965
16Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 2/1965
17Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 3/1965
3171Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 4/1965
2Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 5/1965
3Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 6/1965
4Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 7/1965
5Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 9/1965
6Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Jewry, 8/1966
7Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Life Articles, 1964-1976
8Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Literary Trends, 1965-1967
9Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Reactions, 1966-1967
10Newspaper Clippings-Soviet U. & other countries, 1966-1977
11Newspaper Clippings-Soviet Union, refuseniks, 1983-1990
3821Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 5/1964
31712Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 6/1964
(See also Box 382, Folder 2)
13Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 7/1964
14Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 9/1964
15Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 10/1964
16Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 11/1964
17Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 12/1964
3823Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, various, 1964
3181Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 1/1965
2Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 3/1965
3Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 4/1965
(See also Box 382, Folder 4)
4Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 5/1965
5Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 6/1965
6Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 8/1965-11/1965
(See also Box 382, Folder 5)
7Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 12/1965
(See also Box 382, Folder 6)
8Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 1/1966
9Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 3/1966
10Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 4/1966
11Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 5/1966
(See also Box 382, Folder 7)
3828Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, Various, 1966
31812Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 7/1967
3829Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 10/1967
10Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 1968
11Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 1969
31813Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, undated
(See also Box 382, Folder 12)
14Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ, 10/1967
15Newspaper Clippings-SSSJ (Yiddish), 8/1964
16Newspaper Clippings-Student Rally in Straus Sq., 1964
(See also Box 382, Folder 13)
17Newspaper Clippings-UN Human Rights, not dated
18Newspaper Clippings-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1985
19Newspaper Clippings-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1987
20Newspaper Clippings-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
21Newspaper Clippings-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
22Newspaper Clippings-Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, 1988
23Newspaper Clippings-US-USSR Cultural & Other Exchanges, 1986-1989
24Newspaper Clippings-World Over-a Magazine for Youth, 1966-1971
25Newspaper Clippings-Yevutushenko, not dated
26Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1964
27Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 4/1965
3191Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 5/1965
2Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 6/1965
3Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 7/1965
4Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 8/1965
5Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 9/1965
6Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 10/1965
7Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 11/1965
8Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 12/1965
9Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1965
10Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1/1966-6/1966
11Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 7/1966-12/1966
12Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1967
13Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1968
14Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1969
15Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1970
16Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1971
17Newspaper Clippings-Yiddish, 1972
18Newspaper Clippings, 1960-1962
19Newspaper Clippings, 4/1963-12/1963
20Newspaper Clippings, 1/1964-3/1964
21Newspaper Clippings, 4/1964-5/1964
22Newspaper Clippings, 6/1964-12/1964
3201Newspaper Clippings, 1964
2Newspaper Clippings, 1964-1967
3Newspaper Clippings, 1964-1967
4Newspaper Clippings, 10/1965
5Newspaper Clippings, 11/1965
6Newspaper Clippings, 12/1965
7Newspaper Clippings, 1965
8Newspaper Clippings, 1965
9Newspaper Clippings, 1/1966
10Newspaper Clippings, 2/1966
11Newspaper Clippings, 3/1966
12Newspaper Clippings, 4/1966
13Newspaper Clippings, 5/1966
14Newspaper Clippings, 6/1966
15Newspaper Clippings, 7/1966
16Newspaper Clippings, 8/1966
3211Newspaper Clippings, 9/1966
2Newspaper Clippings, 10/1966
3Newspaper Clippings, 11/1966
4Newspaper Clippings, 12/1966
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1967
6Newspaper Clippings, 2/1967
7Newspaper Clippings, 3/1967
8Newspaper Clippings, 4/1967
9Newspaper Clippings, 5/1967
10Newspaper Clippings, 6/1967
11Newspaper Clippings, 7/1967
12Newspaper Clippings, 8/1967
13Newspaper Clippings, 9/1967
14Newspaper Clippings, 10/1967
15Newspaper Clippings, 11/1967
16Newspaper Clippings, 12/1967
3221Newspaper Clippings, 1/1968
2Newspaper Clippings, 1/1968-3/1968
3Newspaper Clippings, 2/1968
3Newspaper Clippings, 3/1968
4Newspaper Clippings, 4/1968
5Newspaper Clippings, 4/1/1968-4/26/1968
6Newspaper Clippings, 5/1968
7Newspaper Clippings, 6/1968
8Newspaper Clippings, 7/1968
9Newspaper Clippings, 8/1968
10Newspaper Clippings, 9/1968-10/1968
11Newspaper Clippings, 11/1968
12Newspaper Clippings, 12/1968
13Newspaper Clippings, 1968
14Newspaper Clippings, 2/1969
15Newspaper Clippings, 3/1969
16Newspaper Clippings, 4/1969-9/1969
17Newspaper Clippings, 10/1969
18Newspaper Clippings, 11/1969
19Newspaper Clippings, 12/1969
20Newspaper Clippings, 1969
21Newspaper Clippings, 1969
22Newspaper Clippings, 1969
23Newspaper Clippings, 1/1970
24Newspaper Clippings, 3/1970
25Newspaper Clippings, 4/1970
26Newspaper Clippings, 5/1970
27Newspaper Clippings, 6/1970
28Newspaper Clippings, 7/1970
29Newspaper Clippings, 8/1970
30Newspaper Clippings, 9/1970
31Newspaper Clippings, 10/1970
32Newspaper Clippings, 11/1970
33Newspaper Clippings, 12/1/1970-12/14/1970
3231Newspaper Clippings, 12/15-31/1970
2Newspaper Clippings, 1970
3Newspaper Clippings, 1970
4Newspaper Clippings, 1970
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1/1971-1/15/1971
6Newspaper Clippings, 1/1/1971-1/15/1971
7Newspaper Clippings, 1/16/1971-1/31/1971
8Newspaper Clippings, 2/1/1971-2/15/1971
9Newspaper Clippings, 2/16/1971-2/28/1971
10Newspaper Clippings, 3/1/1971-3/15/1971
11Newspaper Clippings, 3/16/1971-3/31/1971
12Newspaper Clippings, 4/1/1971-4/15/1971
13Newspaper Clippings, 4/16/1971-4/31/1971
14Newspaper Clippings, 5/1/1971-5/15/1971
15Newspaper Clippings, 5/16/1971-5/31/1971
16Newspaper Clippings, 6/1/1971-6/15/1971
17Newspaper Clippings, 6/16/1971-6/30/1971
18Newspaper Clippings, 7/1/1971-7/15/1971
19Newspaper Clippings, 7/15/1971-7/31/1971
20Newspaper Clippings, 8/1/1971-8/15/1971
3241Newspaper Clippings, 8/16/1971-8/31/1971
2Newspaper Clippings, 9/1/1971-9/15/1971
3Newspaper Clippings, 9/16/1971-9/30/1971
4Newspaper Clippings, 10/1/1971-10/15/1971
5Newspaper Clippings, 10/16/1971-10/31/1971
6Newspaper Clippings, 11/1/1971-11/15/1971
7Newspaper Clippings, 11/16/1971-11/30/1971
8Newspaper Clippings, 12/1/1971-12/15/1971
9Newspaper Clippings, 12/16/1971-12/31/1971
10Newspaper Clippings, 1971
11Newspaper Clippings, 1971
12Newspaper Clippings, 1971
13Newspaper Clippings, 1/1/1972-1/15/1972
3251Newspaper Clippings, 1/16/1972-1/31/1972
2Newspaper Clippings, 2/1/1972-2/15/1972
3Newspaper Clippings, 2/16/1972-2/29/1972
4Press Clippings, 3/1/1972-3/15/1972
5Press Clippings, 3/16/1972-3/31/1972
6Press Clippings, 4/1/1972-4/15/1972
7Press Clippings, 4/16/1972-4/30/1972
8Press Clippings, 5/1/1972-5/15/1972
9Press Clippings, 5/16/1972-5/31/1972
10Press Clippings, 6/1/1972-6/15/1972
11Press Clippings, 6/16/1972-6/30/1972
12Press Clippings, 7/1/1972-7/15/1972
13Press Clippings, 7/16/1972-7/31/1972
14Press Clippings, 8/1/1972-8/15/1972
3261Press Clippings, 8/16/1972-8/31/1972
2Press Clippings, 9/1/1972-9/15/1972
3Press Clippings, 9/16/1972-30/1972
4Press Clippings, 10/1/1972-15/1972
5Press Clippings, 10/16/1972-31/1972
6Press Clippings, 11/1/1972-11/15/1972
7Press Clippings, 11/16/1972-11/30/1972
8Press Clippings, 12/1/1972-12/15/1972
9Press Clippings, 12/16/1972-12/31/1972
10Newspaper Clippings, 1972
11Newspaper Clippings, 1972
12Press Clippings, 1/1/1973-1/15/1973
13Press Clippings, 1/16/1973-1/31/1973
14Press Clippings, 2/1/1973-2/15/1973
15Press Clippings, 2/16/1973-2/28/1973
16Press Clippings, 3/1/1973-3/15/1973
3271Press Clippings, 3/16/1973-3/31/1973
2Press Clippings, 4/1/1973-4/15/1973
3Press Clippings, 4/16/1973-4/30/1973
4Press Clippings, 5/1/1973-5/15/1973
5Press Clippings, 5/16/1973-5/31/1973
6Press Clippings, 6/1/1973-6/15/1973
7Press Clippings, 6/16/1973-6/30/1973
8Press Clippings, 7/1/1973-7/15/1973
9Press Clippings, 7/16/1973-7/31/1973
10Press Clippings, 8/1/1973-8/15/1973
3281Press Clippings, 8/16/1973-8/31/1973
2Press Clippings, 9/1/1973-9/15/1973
3Press Clippings, 9/16/1973-9/30/1973
4Press Clippings, 10/1/1973-10/15/1973
5Press Clippings, 10/16/1973-10/31/1973
6Press Clippings, 11/1/1973-11/15/1973
7Press Clippings, 11/16/1973-11/30/1973
3291Press Clippings, 12/1/1973-12/15/1973
2Press Clippings, 12/16/1973-12/31/1973
3Newspaper Clippings, 1973
4Press Clippings, 1/1/1974-1/15/1974
5Press Clippings, 1/16/1974-1/31/1974
6Press Clippings, 2/1/1974-2/15/1974
7Press Clippings, 2/16/1974-2/28/1974
8Press Clippings, 3/1/1974-3/15/1974
9Press Clippings, 3/16/1974-3/31/1974
3301Press Clippings, 4/1/1974-4/15/1974
2Press Clippings, 4/16/1974-4/30/1974
3Press Clippings, 5/1974
4Press Clippings, 6/1974
5Press Clippings, 7/1974
6Press Clippings, 8/1974
7Press Clippings, 9/1974
3311Press Clippings, 10/1974
2Press Clippings, 11/1974
3Press Clippings, 12/1974
4Newspaper Clippings, 1974
5Press Clippings, 1/1975
3321Press Clippings, 1/1975
2Press Clippings, 2/1975
3Press Clippings, 3/1975
4Press Clippings, 3/1975-6/1975
5Press Clippings, 4/1975
6Press Clippings, 5/1975
7Press Clippings, 6/1975
8Press Clippings, 7/1975
9Press Clippings, 7/1975
3331Press Clippings, 8/1975
2Press Clippings, 8/1975
3Press Clippings, 9/1975
4Press Clippings, 10/1975
5Press Clippings, 10/1975
6Press Clippings, 11/1975
7Press Clippings, 12/1975
8Press Clippings, 12/15/1975-12/31/1975
9Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1979
10Press Clippings, 1/1/1976-1/15/1976
11Press Clippings, 1/16/1976-1/31/1976
12Press Clippings, 2/1/1976-2/15/1976
3341Press Clippings, 2/16/1976-2/29/1976
2Press Clippings, 3/1/1976-3/15/1976
3Press Clippings, 3/16/1976-3/31/1976
4Press Clippings, 4/1/1976-4/15/1976
5Press Clippings, 4/16/1976-4/30/1976
6Press Clippings, 5/1/1976-5/15/1976
7Press Clippings, 5/16/1976-5/31/1976
8Press Clippings, 6/1/1976-6/15/1976
9Press Clippings, 6/16/1976-6/30/1976
10Press Clippings, 7/1/1976-7/15/1976
11Press Clippings, 7/16/1976-7/31/1976
12Press Clippings, 8/1/1976-8/15/1976
13Press Clippings, 8/16/1976
14Press Clippings, 9/1/1976-9/15/1976
3351Press Clippings, 9/16/1976-9/30/1976
2Press Clippings, 10/1/1976-10/15/1976
3Press Clippings, 10/16/1976-10/31/1976
4Press Clippings, 11/1/1976-11/15/1976
5Press Clippings, 11/16/1976-11/30/1976
6Press Clippings, 12/1/1976-12/15/1976
7Press Clippings, 12/16/1976-12/31/1976
8Press Clippings, 1/1/1977-1/15/1977
9Press Clippings, 1/15/1977-1/31/1977
10Press Clippings, 2/1/1977-2/15/1977
11Press Clippings, 2/15/1977-2/28/1977
12Press Clippings, 3/1/1977-3/15/1977
13Press Clippings, 3/16/1977-3/31/1977
14Press Clippings, 4/1/1977-4/15/1977
3361Press Clippings, 4/16/1977-4/30/1977
2Press Clippings, 3/1/1977-3/15/1977
3Press Clippings, 3/16/1977-3/31/1977
4Press Clippings, 6/1/1977-6/15/1977
5Press Clippings, 6/16/1977-6/30/1977
6Press Clippings, 7/1/1977-7/15/1977
7Press Clippings, 7/16/1977-7/31/1977
8Press Clippings, 8/1/1977-8/15/1977
9Press Clippings, 8/16/1977-8/31/1977
10Press Clippings, 9/1/1977-9/15/1977
11Press Clippings, 9/16/1977-9/30/1977
12Press Clippings, 10/1/1977-10/15/1977
13Press Clippings, 10/16/1977-10/31/1977
14Press Clippings, 11/1/1977-11/15/1977
15Press Clippings, 11/16/1977-11/30/1977
3371Press Clippings, 12/1/1977-12/15/1977
2Press Clippings, 12/16/1977-12/31/1977
3Press Clippings, 1/1/1978-1/15/1978
4Press Clippings, 1/15/1978-1/31/1978
5Press Clippings, 2/1/1978-2/15/1978
6Press Clippings, 2/16/1978-2/28/1978
7Press Clippings, 3/1/1978-3/15/1978
8Press Clippings, 3/16/1978-3/31/1978
9Press Clippings, 4/1/1978-4/15/1978
10Press Clippings, 4/16/1978-4/30/1978
11Press Clippings, 5/1/1978-5/15/1978
12Press Clippings, 5/1/1978-5/15/1978
13Press Clippings, 6/1/1978-6/15/1978
14Press Clippings, 6/16/1978-6/30/1978
15Press Clippings, 7/1/1978-7/15/1978
16Press Clippings, 7/16/1978-7/31/1978
3381Press Clippings, 8/1/1978-8/15/1978
2Press Clippings, 8/16/1978-8/31/1978
3Press Clippings, 9/1/1978-9/15/1978
4Press Clippings, 9/16/1978-9/30/1978
5Press Clippings, 10/1/1978-10/15/1978
6Press Clippings, 10/16/1978-10/31/1978
7Press Clippings, 11/1/1978-11/15/1978
8Press Clippings, 11/16/1978-11/30/1978
9Press Clippings, 12/1/1978-12/15/1978
10Press Clippings, 12/16/1978-12/31/1978
11Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1981
12Press Clippings, 1/1/1979-1/15/1979
13Press Clippings, 1/16/1979-1/31/1979
14Press Clippings, 2/1/1979-2/15/1979
15Press Clippings, 2/16/1979-2/28/1979
16Press Clippings, 3/1/1979-3/15/1979
17Press Clippings, 3/16/1979-3/31/1979
18Press Clippings, 4/1/1979-4/15/1979
19Press Clippings, 4/16/1979-4/30/1979
3391Press Clippings, 5/1/1979-5/15/1979
2Press Clippings, 5/16/1979-5/31/1979
3Press Clippings, 6/1/1979-6/15/1979
4Press Clippings, 6/16/1979-6/30/1979
5Press Clippings, 7/1/1979-7/15/1979
6Press Clippings, 7/16/1979-7/31/1979
7Press Clippings, 8/1/1979-8/15/1979
8Press Clippings, 8/16/1979-8/31/1979
9Press Clippings, 9/1/1979-9/15/1979
10Press Clippings, 9/16/1979-9/30/1979
11Press Clippings, 10/1/1979-10/15/1979
12Press Clippings, 10/16/1979-10/31/1979
13Press Clippings, 11/1/1979-11/15/1979
14Press Clippings, 11/16/1979-11/30/1979
15Press Clippings, 12/1/1979-12/15/1979
16Press Clippings, 12/16/1979-12/31/1979
17Newspaper Clippings, 1979
18Newspaper Clippings, 1979
19Press Clippings, 1/1/1980-1/15/1980
20Press Clippings, 1/16/1980-1/31/1980
21Press Clippings, 2/1/1980-2/15/1980
22Press Clippings, 2/16/1980-2/29/1980
23Press Clippings, 3/1/1980-3/15/1980
24Press Clippings, 3/16/1980-3/31/1980
25Press Clippings, 4/1/1980-4/15/1980
3401Press Clippings, 4/16/1980-4/31/1980
2Press Clippings, 5/1/1980-5/15/1980
3Press Clippings, 5/16/1980-5/31/1980
4Press Clippings, 6/1/1980-6/15/1980
5Press Clippings, 6/16/1980-6/30/1980
6Press Clippings, 7/1/1980-7/15/1980
7Press Clippings, 7/16/1980-7/31/1980
8Press Clippings, 8/1/1980-8/15/1980
9Press Clippings, 8/16/1980-8/31/1980
10Press Clippings, 9/1/1980-9/15/1980
11Press Clippings, 9/16/1980-9/30/1980
12Press Clippings, 10/1/1980-10/15/1980
13Press Clippings, 10/16/1980-10/31/1980
14Press Clippings, 11/1/1980-11/15/1980
15Press Clippings, 11/16/1980-11/30/1980
16Press Clippings, 12/1/1980-12/15/1980
17Press Clippings, 12/16/1980-12/31/1980
18Newspaper Clippings, 1980
19Newsclippings, 1980
20Press Clippings, 1/1/1981-1/15/1981
21Press Clippings, 1/16/1981-1/31/1981
22Press Clippings, 2/1/1981-2/15/1981
23Press Clippings, 2/16/1981-2/28/1981
24Newspaper Clippings, 2/1981-9/1981
25Press Clippings, 3/1/1981-3/15/1981
26Press Clippings, 3/16/1981-3/31/1981
27Press Clippings, 4/1/1981-4/15/1981
28Press Clippings, 4/16/1981-4/30/1981
29Press Clippings, 5/1/1981-5/15/1981
30Press Clippings, 5/16/1981-5/31/1981
31Press Clippings, 6/1/1981-6/15/1981
32Press Clippings, 6/16/1981-6/30/1981
33 Press Clippings, 7/1/1981-7/15/1981
3411Press Clippings, 7/16/1981-7/31/1981
2Press Clippings, 8/1/1981-8/15/1981
3Press Clippings, 8/16/1981-8/31/1981
4Press Clippings, 9/1/1981-9/15/1981
5Press Clippings, 9/16/1981-9/30/1981
6Press Clippings, 10/1/1981-10/15/1981
7Press Clippings, 10/16/1981-10/31/1981
8Press Clippings, 11/1/1981-11/15/1981
9Press Clippings, 11/16/1981-11/30/1981
10Press Clippings, 12/1/1981-12/15/1981
11Press Clippings, 12/16/1981-12/31/1981
12Press Clippings, 1/1/1982-1/15/1982
13Press Clippings, 1/15/1982-1/31/1982
14Press Clippings, 1/1982-2/1982
15Press Clippings, 2/1/1982-2/15/1982
16Press Clippings, 2/16/1982-2/28/1982
17Press Clippings, 3/1/1982-3/15/1982
18Press Clippings, 3/16/1982-3/31/1982
19Newspaper Clippings, 3/1982-9/1982
20Press Clippings, 4/1/1982-4/15/1982
21Press Clippings, 4/16/1982-4/30/1982
22Press Clippings, 5/1/1982-5/15/1982
23Press Clippings, 5/16/1982-5/31/1982
24Press Clippings, 6/1/1982-6/15/1982
25Press Clippings, 6/16/1982-6/30/1982
26Press Clippings, 7/1/1982-7/15/1982
27Press Clippings, 7/16/1982-7/31/1982
28Press Clippings, 8/1/1982-8/15/1982
29Press Clippings, 8/16/1982-8/31/1982
30Press Clippings, 9/1/1982-9/15/1982
31Press Clippings, 9/16/1982-9/30/1982
32Newspaper Clippings, 10/1982
33Press Clippings, 10/1/1982-10/15/1982
34Press Clippings, 10/16/1982-10/31/1982
35Newspaper Clippings, 11/1982
36Press Clippings, 11/1/1982-11/15/1982
37Press Clippings, 11/16/1982-11/30/1982
38Newspaper Clippings, 12/1982
39Press Clippings, 12/1/1982-12/15/1982
40Press Clippings, 12/16/1982-12/31/1982
3421Newspaper Clippings, 1982-1984
2Newspaper Clippings, 1/1983
3Newspaper Clippings, 1/1983
4Press Clippings, 1/1/1983-1/15/1983
5Press Clippings, 1/16/1983-1/31/1983
6Newspaper Clippings, 2/1983
7Newspaper Clippings, 2/1983
8Press Clippings, 2/1983
9Newspaper Clippings, 3/1983
10Press Clippings, 3/1983
11Newspaper Clippings, 4/1983
12Newspaper Clippings, 4/1983
13Press Clippings, 4/1983
14Newspaper Clippings, 5/1983
15Newspaper Clippings, 5/1983
16Press Clippings, 5/1983
17Newspaper Clippings, 6/1983
18Newspaper Clippings, 6/1983
19Press Clippings, 6/1983
20Newspaper Clippings, 7/1983
21Newspaper Clippings, 7/1983
22Press Clippings, 7/1983
23Newspaper Clippings, 8/1983
24Newspaper Clippings, 8/1983
25Press Clippings, 8/1983
26Newspaper Clippings, 9/1983
27Newspaper Clippings, 9/1983
28Press Clippings, 9/1983
29Newspaper Clippings, 10/1983
30Newspaper Clippings, 10/1983
31Press Clippings, 10/1983
32Newspaper Clippings, 11/1983
33Newspaper Clippings, 11/1983
34Press Clippings, 11/1983
35Newspaper Clippings, 12/1983
3431Newspaper Clippings, 12/1983
2Press Clippings, 12/1983
3Newspaper Clippings, 1983
4Newspaper Clippings, 1983-1985
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1984
6Newspaper Clippings, 1/1984
6ANewspaper Clippings, 1/1984
7Newspaper Clippings, 2/1984
8Newspaper Clippings, 2/1984
8ANewspaper Clippings, 2/1984
9Newspaper Clippings, 3/1984
10Newspaper Clippings, 3/1984
10ANewspaper Clippings, 3/1984
11Newspaper Clippings, 4/1984
12Newspaper Clippings, 4/1984
12ANewspaper Clippings, 4/1984
13Newspaper Clippings, 5/1984
14Newspaper Clippings, 5/1984
14ANewspaper Clippings, 5/1984
15Newspaper Clippings, 6/1984
16Newspaper Clippings, 6/1984
16ANewspaper Clippings, 6/1984
17Newspaper Clippings, 7/1984
18Newspaper Clippings, 7/1984
18ANewspaper Clippings, 7/1984
19Newspaper Clippings, 8/1984
20Newspaper Clippings, 8/1984
20ANewspaper Clippings, 8/1984
21Newspaper Clippings, 9/1984
22Newspaper Clippings, 9/1984
22ANewspaper Clippings, 9/1984
23Newspaper Clippings, 10/1984
24Newspaper Clippings, 10/1984
24ANewspaper Clippings, 10/1984
25Newspaper Clippings, 11/1984
26Newspaper Clippings, 11/1984
26ANewspaper Clippings, 11/1984
27Newspaper Clippings, 12/1984
28Newspaper Clippings, 12/1984
28ANewspaper Clippings, 12/1984
3441Newspaper Clippings, 1984
2Newspaper Clippings, 1984
3Newspaper Clippings, 1984
4Newspaper Clippings, 1/1985
4ANewspaper Clippings, 1/1985
5Newspaper Clippings, 2/1985
5ANewspaper Clippings, 2/1985
6Newspaper Clippings, 3/1985
6ANewspaper Clippings, 3/1985
7Newspaper Clippings, 4/1985
7ANewspaper Clippings, 4/1985
8Newspaper Clippings, 5/1985
8ANewspaper Clippings, 5/1985
9Newspaper Clippings, 6/1985
9ANewspaper Clippings, 6/1985
10Newspaper Clippings, 7/1985
10ANewspaper Clippings, 7/1985
11Newspaper Clippings, 8/1985
11ANewspaper Clippings, 8/1985
12Newspaper Clippings, 9/1985
12ANewspaper Clippings, 9/1985
13Newspaper Clippings, 10/1985
13ANewspaper Clippings, 10/1985
344A1Newspaper Clippings, 11/1985
2Newspaper Clippings, 11/1985
3Newspaper Clippings, 12/1985
4Newspaper Clippings, 12/1985
5Newspaper Clippings, 1985
6Newspaper Clippings, 1985
7Newspaper Clippings, 1/1986
8Newspaper Clippings, 1/1986
9Newspaper Clippings, 1/1986
10Newspaper Clippings, 2/1986
11Newspaper Clippings, 2/1986
12Newspaper Clippings, 2/1986
3451Newspaper Clippings, 3/1986
2Newspaper Clippings, 3/1986
2ANewspaper Clippings, 3/1986
3Newspaper Clippings, 4/1986
4Newspaper Clippings, 4/1986
4ANewspaper Clippings, 4/1986
5Newspaper Clippings, 5/1986
6Newspaper Clippings, 5/1986
6ANewspaper Clippings, 5/1986
7Newspaper Clippings, 6/1986
8Newspaper Clippings, 6/1986
8ANewspaper Clippings, 6/1986
9Newspaper Clippings, 7/1986
10Newspaper Clippings, 7/1986
10ANewspaper Clippings, 7/1986
11Newspaper Clippings, 8/1986
12Newspaper Clippings, 8/1986
12ANewspaper Clippings, 8/1986
13Newspaper Clippings, 9/1986
14Newspaper Clippings, 9/1986
14ANewspaper Clippings, 9/1986
345A1Newspaper Clippings, 10/1986
2Newspaper Clippings, 10/1986
3Newspaper Clippings, 10/1986
4Newspaper Clippings, 11/1986
5Newspaper Clippings, 11/1986
6Newspaper Clippings, 11/1986
3461Newspaper Clippings, 12/1986
2Newspaper Clippings, 12/1986
2ANewspaper Clippings, 12/1986
3Newspaper Clippings, 1986
4Newspaper Clippings, 1986
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1/1987-1/15/1987
6Newspaper Clippings, 1/16/1987-1/31/1987
7Newspaper Clippings, 1/1987
7ANewspaper Clippings, 1/1987
8Newspaper Clippings, 1/1987-8/1987
9Newspaper Clippings, 2/1/1987-2/15/1987
10Newspaper Clippings, 2/16/1987-2/28/1987
11Newspaper Clippings, 2/1987
11ANewspaper Clippings, 2/1987
12Newspaper Clippings, 3/1/1987-3/15/1987
13Newspaper Clippings, 3/16/1987-3/31/1987
14Newspaper Clippings, 3/1987
14ANewspaper Clippings, 3/1987
3471Newspaper Clippings, 4/1/1987-4/15/1987
2Newspaper Clippings, 4/16/1987-4/30/1987
3Newspaper Clippings, 4/1987
4Newspaper Clippings, 5/1/1987-5/15/1987
5Newspaper Clippings, 5/16/1987-5/31/1987
6Newspaper Clippings, 5/1987
6ANewspaper Clippings, 5/1987
7Newspaper Clippings, 6/1/1987-6/15/1987
8Newspaper Clippings, 6/16/1987-6/30/1987
9Newspaper Clippings, 6/1987
9ANewspaper Clippings, 6/1987
10Newspaper Clippings, 7/1/1987-7/15/1987
11Newspaper Clippings, 7/16/1987-7/31/1987
11ANewspaper Clippings, 7/1987
12Newspaper Clippings, 8/1/1987-8/15/1987
13Newspaper Clippings, 8/16/1987-8/31/1987
13ANewspaper Clippings, 8/1987
347A1Newspaper Clippings, 9/1/1987-9/15/1987
2Newspaper Clippings, 9/16/1987-9/30/1987
3Newspaper Clippings, 9/1987
4Newspaper Clippings, 9/1987-12/1987
5Newspaper Clippings, 10/1/1987-10/15/1987
6Newspaper Clippings, 10/16/1987-10/31/1987
7Newspaper Clippings, 10/1987
8Newspaper Clippings, 11/1/1987-11/15/1987
3481Newspaper Clippings, 11/16/1987-11/30/1987
2Newspaper Clippings, 12/1/1987-12/15/1987
3Newspaper Clippings, 12/16/1987-12/31/1987
3ANewspaper Clippings, 12/1987
4Newspaper Clippings, 1987
5Newspaper Clippings, 1987
6Newspaper Clippings, 1/1988
7Newspaper Clippings, 1/1988
7ANewspaper Clippings, 1/1988
8Newspaper Clippings, 2/1988
9Newspaper Clippings, 2/1988
348A1Newspaper Clippings, 2/1988
2Newspaper Clippings, 3/1988
3Newspaper Clippings, 3/1988
4Newspaper Clippings, 4/1988
5Newspaper Clippings, 4/1988
6Newspaper Clippings, 4/1988-5/1988
7Newspaper Clippings, 5/1988
8Newspaper Clippings, 5/1988
9Newspaper Clippings, 6/1988
10Newspaper Clippings, 6/1988
11Newspaper Clippings, 6/1988
12Newspaper Clippings, 7/1988
13Newspaper Clippings, 7/1988
14Newspaper Clippings, 7/1988
15Newspaper Clippings, 8/1988
16Newspaper Clippings, 8/1988
17Newspaper Clippings, 8/1988
348B1Newspaper Clippings, 9/1988
2Newspaper Clippings, 9/1988
3Newspaper Clippings, 10/1988
4Newspaper Clippings, 11/1988
5Newspaper Clippings, 11/1988
6Newspaper Clippings, 11/1988-12/1988
7Newspaper Clippings, 12/1988
8Newspaper Clippings, 12/1988
9Newspaper Clippings, 1988
10Newspaper Clippings, 1988
2Newspaper Clippings, 1988
3Newspaper Clippings, 1988
4Newspaper Clippings, 1/1989
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1989
6Newspaper Clippings, 1/1989-2/1989
7Newspaper Clippings, 1/1989-7/1989
8Newspaper Clippings, 2/1989
9Newspaper Clippings, 2/1989
9ANewspaper Clippings, 2/1989
10Newspaper Clippings, 3/1/1989-3/15/1989
11Newspaper Clippings, 3/1/1989-3/17/1989
12Newspaper Clippings, 3/16/1989-3/31/1989
13Newspaper Clippings, 3/18/1989-3/31/1989
14Newspaper Clippings, 3/1989
14ANewspaper Clippings, 3/1989
349B1Newspaper Clippings, 4/1/1989-4/15/1989
2Newspaper Clippings, 4/16/1989-4/30/1989
3Newspaper Clippings, 4/1989
4Newspaper Clippings, 4/1989
5Newspaper Clippings, 5/1989
6Newspaper Clippings, 5/1989
7Newspaper Clippings, 5/1989
3501Newspaper Clippings, 5/1989-6/1989
2Newspaper Clippings, 6/1989
3Newspaper Clippings, 6/1989
3ANewspaper Clippings, 6/1989
4Newspaper Clippings, 7/1989
5Newspaper Clippings, 7/1989
6Newspaper Clippings, 7/1989
6ANewspaper Clippings, 7/1989
7Newspaper Clippings, 7/1989-8/1989
8Newspaper Clippings, 8/1989
8ANewspaper Clippings, 8/1989
9Newspaper Clippings, 8/1989-12/1989
10Newspaper Clippings, 9/1989
11Newspaper Clippings, 9/1989
11ANewspaper Clippings, 9/1989
12Newspaper Clippings, 10/1989
13Newspaper Clippings, 10/1989
14Newspaper Clippings, 10/1989
15Newspaper Clippings, 11/1989
16Newspaper Clippings, 11/1989
17Newspaper Clippings, 12/1989
18Newspaper Clippings, 12/1989
19Newspaper Clippings, 12/1989
3511Newspaper Clippings, 1989
2Newspaper Clippings, 1989
3Newspaper Clippings, 1989
4Newspaper Clippings, 1989
5Newspaper Clippings, 1989
6Newspaper Clippings, 1989
7Newspaper Clippings, 1989
8Newspaper Clippings, 1/1990
9Newspaper Clippings, 5/1990-12/1990
3521Newspaper Clippings, 1/1990
2Newspaper Clippings, 2/1990
3Newspaper Clippings, 3/1990
4Newspaper Clippings, 4/1990
5Newspaper Clippings, 5/1990
6Newspaper Clippings, 6/1990
7Newspaper Clippings, 7/1990
8Newspaper Clippings, 8/1990
9Newspaper Clippings, 9/1990
10Newspaper Clippings, 10/1990
11Newspaper Clippings, 11/1990
3531Newspaper Clippings, 12/1990
2Newspaper Clippings, 1990
3Newspaper Clippings, 1990
4Newspaper Clippings, 1990
5Newspaper Clippings, 1/1991
6Newspaper Clippings, 2/1991
7Newspaper Clippings, 3/1991
8Newspaper Clippings, 4/1991
9Newspaper Clippings, 5/1991
10Newspaper Clippings, 6/1991
3541Newspaper Clippings, 7/1991
2Newspaper Clippings, 8/1991
3Newspaper Clippings, 9/1991
4Newspaper Clippings, 10/1991
5Newspaper Clippings, 11/1991
6Newspaper Clippings, 12/1991
7Newspaper Clippings, 1991
8Newspaper Clippings, 1/1992
9Newspaper Clippings, 2/1992
10Newspaper Clippings, 3/1992
11Newspaper Clippings, 4/1992
12Newspaper Clippings, 5/1992
13Newspaper Clippings, 6/1992
14Newspaper Clippings, 7/1992
15Newspaper Clippings, 8/1992
16Newspaper Clippings, 1992
17Press Clippings, 1/1993-2/1993
18Press Clippings, 3/1993-4/1993
19Press Clippings, 5/1993-6/1993
20Press Clippings, 7/1993-8/1993
21Press Clippings, 9/1993-10/1993
22Press Clippings, 11/1993-12/1993
23Press Clippings, 1993
24Press Clippings, 1/1994-2/1994
25Press Clippings, 3/1994-4/1994
26Press Clippings, 5/1994-6/1994
27Press Clippings, 7/1994-8/1994
28Press Clippings, 9/1994-10/1994
354A1Press Clippings, 11/1994-12/1994
2Press Clippings, 1/1995-2/1995
3Press Clippings, 3/1995-4/1995
4Press Clippings, 5/1995-6/1995
5Press Clippings, 7/1995-8/1995
6Press Clippings, 9/1995-12/1995
7Press Clippings, 1/1996-3/1996
8Press Clippings, 4/1996-6/1996
9Press Clippings, 7/1996-9/1996
10Press Clippings, 10/1996-12/1996
11Press Clippings, 1/1997-12/1997
12Press Clippings, 1998
13Press Clippings, 1998
14Newspaper Clippings, 19??

Series IX: Ephemera, 1960s-1990s. Boxes 355-378, 380, 383-384

Series Description: This series contains a broad variety of ephemera, most of which are items used at SSSJ demonstrations and other events. It consists of both printed materials, such as posters, maps and office signs, as well as non-printed physical objects, such as buttons, flags, prisoners uniforms. Included are samples from SSSJ's widely-popular campaign of "Prisoner of Conscience" bracelets and necklaces, whereby individuals purchased and wore bracelets and necklaces with the name of specific refuseniks.

Digital versions of posters in this series can be viewed here.

Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by subject.
355EAreivim - posters, board members
356Bags (plastic) - Freedom for Soviet Jews
357Banners - Run for Freedom; Free the Goldstein Brothers Now on Hunger Strike; Protest on Soviet Religious Persecution; Cvoboda
358Bear's Mask
(includes AMCHA/CJC bracelets for Jonathan Pollard and Israeli MIAs)
355FCalendars (large format)
363Caps - Soviet Jewry Freedom Team SSSJ
364Cvoboda and Queens Council for Soviety Jewry Flags
355GGerald Ford
383Glass bottle (Pepsi Cola in Cyrillic alphabet)
384Glass bottle (Stolichnaya Vodka)
365Identification Cards (pins) - from conferences, meetings, exhibitions
356Key Holders - Tfilat Haderekh; Liberation of Jerusalem
366Ktav-Kol - Israeli Hebrew ulpan through correspondence and cassettes -- cassettes
367Ktav-Kol - Israeli Hebrew ulpan through correspondence and cassettes -- workbook copies, units 1-14
368Ktav-Kol - Israeli Hebrew ulpan through correspondence and cassettes -- workbook copies, units 15-20
355EMap - Map of Moscow; Index to Streets of Central Moscow
356Necklaces - Let My People Go: The Isaac Poltinnikov Family; Sylva Zalmanson - USSR Prisoner of Conscience; Mikhail Kornblit - USSR Prisoner of Conscience
364Office Signs - SSSJ; CRJ
365Pens (Center for Russian Jewry; Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry)
364Petition - Mr. Brezhnev: Free Soviet Jews
355EPostcards (proofs)
370Posters (Handwritten)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
America, it's on Your Conscience to free Sharansky, Prisoner of Conscience
SSSJ - Gorbachev: Free J. Udalova, J. Bernstein
KGB - Bolshoi Oppression
Bolshoi: Soviet Jews have Nothing to Sing About
Undivided Jerusalem; Capital of Israel
Dismantle the White House East Wing!
Soviet Jews Hunger Strike for Exit Visas
Brezhnev Andropov Chernenko, Heavenly Punishment for Tyrants
Gorbachev: Turn a New Leaf - Free Prisoners
KGB's Imposed Darkness - Our Light of Freedom!
Shervardnadze: The "Phantoms" Are for Real!
Gorbachev - - Why is Music "Subversive"?
Kremlin - Stop Murder of Jewish Souls!
Solidarity with Mass U.S.S.R. Hunger Strike
Even His Ring
Kremlin Ghouls Celebrate
Syria Stop Terrorism Now
Moscow Chamber Orchestra Plays Scharansky Burns
Scharansky's Black Anniversary
Détente with Honor - Save Soviet Jews!
Soviets Seek "Final Solution" Against Jews
Limit Missiles Not Freedom
Hell No PLO
France - Après Moi a Pogrom?
France : Liberte for Terror ? Egalite for PLO? Fraternite with Jews?
France to Jews: "Let Them eat Bullets!"
It's Tisha B'Av Every day in the Gulag!
Days of Rage is Financed by Arab $
Days of Rage is an Outrage
Channel 13 the P.L.O. ♥ you!
Days of Rage is Financed by Arab $
Tisha B'Av for Prisoners & Refuseniks in U.S.S.R.
Stop Kremlin - PLO Terror
355CPosters (Handwritten)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
Hussein - PLO Game! Not Israel's Blame
Jerusalem, Heart of Israel
UN: End Your Hypocrisy
U.N. and Bush Take a Moral Stand
Don't Sell Out Israel!
UN-just UN-fair
Israel Must Defend Its Holiest Site
Send Rosh Hashana Cards to Soviet Jews!
Jews and Jerusalem Are One
New Gorby Decree: Less Freedom!
Send Rosh Hashana Cards to Soviet Jews $1.00
Peace and Human Rights for Soviet Jews
Print the Truth About the Convent (the same in Polish)
Cvoboda for Scharansky
371Posters (Handwritten)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
SSSJ - Is Sharansky Still Alive (English and Russian)
SSSJ - Call to Conscience
Rocks Kill
AARJ - Pamyat = KGB, Gorbachev Who Are You With ?
The same in Russian
KGB: Stop Persecution Unofficial Hebrew Teachers !!
PLO - Even Your "Friends" Don't Want Terrorists
Soviet Circus
370Posters (Printed) - Cartoons
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
"The Web of Zionist Intrigue", from Soviet Book "The Poison of Zionism" (Published in 200,000 Copies)
"Tel Aviv " with Bomb And Ax, Chopping Up Arabs, In Swastika Lockstep With Skeleton Of Hitler, from "Zionism is Fascism of Today", (Poster Distributed Throughout the U.S.S.R.)
From "Peretz", Soviet "humor" magazine
355DPosters (Printed) - folded
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jews hosting Human Rights Conference - Denying Human Rights to Soviet Jews.
Soviet Jewry Education & Information Center
International Association of the Victims of Communism Gulag -MVD -Geographical Distribution of Concentration Camps and Special Psychiatric Hospitals, 1976
372 Posters (Printed) - Prisoners of the Soviet Secret Police
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
Anatoly Sharansky
Alexander Kholmyansky
Evgeny Aisenberg
Victor Brailovsky
Vladimir Slepak
Joseph Berenstein
Joseph Begun (2)
Ida Nudel
Yakov Levin
Zachar Zunshein
Grigory Geishis
Grigory Goldstein
Vladimir Kislik
Semyon Gluzman
Kim Fridman
Evgeny Lein
Yankel Groberman
Igor Guberman
373Posters (Printed) - Refuseniks - Trapped in Russia
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
Grigory Wasserman
Yuli Kosharovsky
Evgeny Palanker
Alexander Lerner
Victor Brailovsky
Roald & Galina Zelichonok
Elena Sheiba
Vladimir Slepak
Alexi Magarik
370 Posters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
Let My People Go! (3)
The Jews of Russia - Let Them Go!
Some Unrefreshing Facts About Pepsi
Concerned Americans Raise Their Voices
A Dream Fulfilled for Some
The Jewish Spirit Remains Alive
It's a Tough Place to Live, It's A Tougher Place to Leave
Speak Out For Silent Soviet Jewry
Yosef Mendelevitsch: Give Back Our Brother - Last Prisoner of Leningrad Trials
Soviet Jewish Prisoners Of Conscience And Their Children
The Lies Continue - Free Sharansky Now! (UCSJ)
355APosters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
SSSJ 1984 - Big Brother is Watching Them. Our Brothers Are Waiting For Us
Fly Them To Freedom. Direct Flights To Israel
One of Anti-Semitic Cartoons from the Recent Soviet Book, "Poison of Zionism"
Soviet Jewry Freedom Menorah
Murdered by KGB: Col. Yefim Davidovich, Soviet Jew
Kidnapped! Marina Tiemkin: Soviet Jewish Teenager
Fanya Fradkin isn't Laughing Neither Are Russia's Other 2,999,999 Jews
America: You Have to Kill Someone to Get 12 Years in Prison. In Russia You May Just Teach Hebrew
Protest Oppression of the Jewish Community in the Soviet Union
Amnesty international: New York Unites for Human Rights
Mikhail Shirman - 1954-1987
Refusenik Pavel Abramovich Applied to Emigrate:1969
Yuly Edelshtein
Next Year in Jersalem - Cover of the Book by Avital Shcharansky with Ilana Ben Joseph
374Posters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
SSSJ Fly Them to Israel, Direct Flights to Israel
SSSJ Pamyat, Stop Soviet Anti-Semitism
SSSJ Mr. Gorbachev - Let All Our People Go!
Gorbachev Who Are You With ?
SSSJ - Let My People Live! No Pogroms !
Gorbachev Stop the Anti-Semites !
SSSJ - Welcome Anatoly Sharansky
375Posters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
We Won't Bend to Arab Threats
Stop Arab Plot Against Israel!
From Moscow to Jerusalem now !
The Bush Jerusalem Plan: A Half "Bakered" Idea!
Say Nyet to Pamyat
President Bush: Jerusalem Is One!
Victims of Arab "Peace": Kurds Gassed, Lebanese Slaughtered, Soviet Jews Next
We Take Threats Seriously !
Direct Flight Now
We urge you President Bush: Speak Out For Soviet Jewry !
Be Part of the Washington Lobby - Feb. 23, 1984
371Posters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
No trade, No Aid Till Soviet Jews Are Free
Remember Soviet Jews Every Day
Sylva Zalmanson's Final Testimony At Her Trial
Map Of Israel
Brothers and Sisters: To The Prisoners Sentenced To Labor Camps For Their Desire to Go To Israel
Some Unrefreshing Facts About Pepsi
Soviet Jews Today: A Personal Account
In The Soviet Union Hebrew Teachers are the Ones Who are Taught a Lesson
Let My People Go!
Boris Kochubiyevsky
376-376aPosters (Printed)
Click here to view digital versions of many of these posters.
- The Jews Of Russia - Let Them Go
- It's A Tough Place to Live, It's a Tougher Place to Leave
- Yosef Mendelevitsch - Give Back Our Brother Last Prisoner of the Leningrad Trials
- The Ironies of Soviet Jewish Life
- Once Alive and Vibrant, Soviet Jewish Culture is Being Destroyed
- Soviet Anti-Semitism
- Let My People Go
- Anti-Semite Is Our Class Enemy (Russian with English Translation)
- Let My People Know!
- Stop! (On Hand) Israel (Russian)
- Zionism Is the Fascism of Today (Russian)
- You Must Answer For Your Evildoings - The Evildoings of the Israeli Military in Lebanon Are Equal to the Crimes of the Fascists. (Russian)
- You Cannot Escape Retribution (on Small Figure) Begin Clique (Russian)
- Shame on the Criminals (on Gun) Israel, (Next to Child - Lebanon). (Russian)
- Boris Penson: Art of A Soviet Prisoner
- No Trade, No Aid Till Soviet Jews Are Free
- Link US - USSR Trade with Emigration
- Refusenik - Trapped in Russia
- Soviet Jews
- Prisoner of the Soviet Secret Police
- Speak Out - For Silent Soviet Jewry
- Yuli Edelshtein (Hebrew)
377Prisoner Outfit
378 Prisoner Outfit
355B Proofs - Prisoner of the Soviet Secret Police
355FSoviet Jewry Action Newsletter (proofs)
unboxedSSSJ Exhibit Panels (13 wooden boards)
365Stamps - Remember Soviet Jews (English, Hebrew, Russian); Save Soviet Jewry; Stop KGB Interception of Mail to Marina Tiemkin, Forcibly Retained in USSR; Extra Bonus! A Portion of Your Order Will Assist the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry's Support of Unofficial Jewish Educators in the USSR
356Stamps - Via Air Mail
363T-shirts - Help Save Soviet Jewry; Olympics Day, Moscow Nyet!
380 Tzedakah Boxes
356 Whistle - Sound the Alarm for Ida Nudel
Artwork - Drawings (2 pieces)
Refuseniks Data Forms - Blank
Map of Moscow, Index To Streets of Central Moscow
Soviet Jewry Action Newsletter - Proofs
Areivim Posters, Board Members
Postcards - Proofs

Series X: Audio Material, undated, 1964-1994, 2006. Approximately 625 individual recordings

Series Description: This series contains audio recordings of SSSJ events from 1964-1994. The organization taped its rallies and demonstrations in New York and Washington, DC, including a speech by civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1966. SSSJ members conducted interviews with Soviet refuseniks via telephone from New York or in person after the arrival of a former Prisoner of Conscience in the United States. Anatoly Sharansky and Sylva Zalmanson are notable among these. A visitor from New York surreptitiously recorded a Simhat Torah holiday celebration in Moscow, and SSSJ routinely debriefed members who went to the Soviet Union. Attorney Alan Dershowitz spoke on Soviet Jews and Soviet law. United States political leaders such as Elizabeth Holtzman, Stephen Solarz, Charles Rangel, and Henry Jackson figure prominently in the collection. In addition, SSSJ documented meetings of its local chapters such as those in Queens and on Long Island as well as the organization's national conferences. The series also includes recordings of non-SSSJ events in which SSSJ members participated, as well as programs relevant to the Soviet Jewry movement radio and television news coverage and musical programs.

The original recordings consist of standard cassette tapes, microcassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, and records. Except for the records and some commercial tapes, all recordings numbered 1-589 have been reformatted onto CD.

Few, if any, of the recordings were professionally made; rather, they were mostly achieved by a participant holding a compact tape player during a demonstration or interview. Many tapes were reused, and therefore contain portions of several, unrelated events. Descriptions of recordings were mostly taken from labels on the items, which were often written in abbreviated form, and therefore may be difficult to understand in some cases. Some of the recordings are unidentified.

Arrangement: The processing and numbering of items seems to have been done by format, therefore there is no single arrangement for the series. Some portions are arranged either chronologically or alphabetically, which will be noted in the item listing. Note, however, that these arrangements are based on the description of only a given item's first recording, which, as noted above, frequently contains several recordings. Researchers are therefore advised to review the entire listing to find specific item(s) of interest.The recordings are presented in straight numeric order. There may be some gaps for items which were found to be blank.
Chronological listing, 1965-1990. Items 1-209
1Cliff Trolin on USSR visit, 1965
2Rabbi Levin, RCA Convention - Fallsburg, NY, 6/25/1968
3SSSJ "Leningrad 8" Rally at Soviet UN Mission in Manhattan, 6/22/1970
4SSSJ "Leningrad 8" vigil at Isaiah Wall opposite the UN, 6/25-26/1970
5SSSJ "Independence week for Soviet Jews": (1) SSSJ Greeting of Moiseyev Dancers at plaza of Metropolitan Opera House, NYC, with counter-show, "Let My People Go!" (7/7/70). (2) UN World Youth Assembly Vigil, with letter on Boris Kochubiyevsky, in Russian & Yiddish, read by Meir Kanyevsky (7/9/70)
6World Day for Soviet Jewry - Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, near U.N., 9/26/1970
7Account of sit-in by 18 students at Soviet UN Mission in Manhattan, 11/29/1970
8(1) End of Kol Yisroel Tisha B'Av Soviet Jewry Program. (2) Truncated interview with Fred Podbielak (sp?) re: July 1970 meeting Dekatov & Skovoronsky. (3) Bronx Borough Pres. Robert Adams describing recent trip to USSR, summer 1970. Recorded at home of Rabbi Haskel Lookstein. (4) [11/8/70 Action] ?
9Rigerman - WMCA, 3/2/1971
10Rivka Alexandrovich - Lincoln Square Synagogue, Manhattan, 5/23/1971
11Babi Yar Memorial Rally - Cong. Kehilath Jeshurun, NYC: Senator Henry Jackson, Prof. Michael Zand, 11/26/1971
12(1) "Greeting" of delegation of Soviet "official" Jews, headed by Gen. David Dragunsky - JFK Int'l Airport (10/20/71). (2) Demonstration at opening night of "Fiddler on the Roof" film - Rivoli Theater, NYC (11/3/71)
13(1) Judy Silver, debriefing of Dec. '71 - Jan '72 Russia trip (1/72). (2) Ruth Alexandrovich (12/71).
14(1) Gil Bloom, NY; Vladimir Slepak, Moscow (12/28/71). (2) NY Conference (1/19/72).
15(1) Marlen Mertz visited USSR, Dec. 1971 (1/31/72). (2) Demonstrations - Leningrad trials (12/70).
16Phone calls to Gavriel Shapiro (Moscow) from Judy Silver (Washington, DC), 4/10/1972
17(1) Statement of US Mission to UN to Ramaz High School students (5/72). (2) SSSJ - NY Conference on SJ: Berta Roshkovsky (Slepak's mother-in-law). (3) Ishai Branover meeting with US Mission to UN (5/24/72). (4) Berta Roshkovsky calls to Slepak relatives in Moscow (late 5/72). (5) Judy Silver from London to Glenn Richter in NY before entering USSR (6/2/72).
18(1) Judy Silver - Shapiro press conference at JFK Airport. (2) Phone call to Nashpitz family following press conference. (3) Discussion with Judy. (4) WABC TV coverage of press conference., 6/13/1972
19(1) Judy Silver - Shapiro press conference, Americana Hotel (6/26/72). (2) Judy Silver - Shapiro press conference, AJ Committee office (7/7/72).
20(1) SSSJ testimony before National Democratic Platform Committee, NYC. (2) Gavriel Shapiro case - phone calls. (3) Phone calls re Gavriel Shapiro: Ed Mainland, State Dept. - Glenn Richter (7/17/72). Same, (7/13/72). Glenn Richter - Winston Lord, Kissinger Staff, Western White House (7/12/72).
21(1) Solidarity Day - TV reports (4/30/72). (2) Gavriel Shapiro phone calls (7/72).
22Gavriel Shapiro case: phone calls, 6/72 - 7/1972
23(1) Confrontation with Nixon campaign headquarters staff re: Nixon "deal" (8/17/72). (2) Channel 5 news report (8/17/72). (3) Report of Rabbi M. Sacks with Herman Branover. (4) Conversation with Craig Thorn (sp?) (8/18/72).
24WBAI, "3:45 - 5:00": The Crime of Joseph Brodsky, 4/8/1973
25New London Conn. to Dr. Alex Levitch, Moscow, 5/20/1973
26Roundtable w/ kids who sat in at the Moscow OVIR on April 20, 1973: Kornbluth, Klein, Leventhal, Schwartz, Fogel. Tape 1, 7/1973
27Roundtable w/ kids who sat in at the Moscow OVIR on April 20, 1973. Tape 2, 7/1973
28Discussion with members of the group that sat in at OVIR in Moscow on April 20, 1973: Rivkie, Jules, Phil Kornbluth, Yossi, 7/19/1973
29Sasha Levich phone call to Moscow with Yossi Klein, Summer, 1973
30Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg (AJ Congress President) speaking against Jackson Amendment at Network Conference, 12/25/1973
31(1) Kemmelmacher call to Judge Furtzeva, Moscow (1/8/74) (2) [Ann Shenkar (12/74)] ?
32(1) SSSJ demonstration at closing of Schonau (10/1-2/73) (2) Report on Soviet labor camps - NBC-TV (1/27/74). (3) [Reading 1:30 (5/15/73)] ?
33SSSJ call with David Azhil. Vitaly Rubin of Moscow, USSR hunger strike, 2/15/1974
34Kiril Khenkin at SSSJ's New York Metropolitan area Campus Action Conference on Soviet Jewry - held at Columbia University's Beit Ephraim, 3/3/1974
35SSSJ's New York area Campus Action Conference on SJ (Beit Ephraim of Columbia University): afternoon reports of committees, 3/3/1974
36Kiril Khenkin press conference - Biltmore Hotel, NYC. Sponsored by SSSJ & L.I. Committee for Soviet Jewry , 3/7/1974
37Brad Sherman of WINS interviews Kiril Khenkin, 3/10/1974
38Union of Councils - SJ: Richard Perle; Murray Seeger (LA Times). Gramercy Inn, Washington DC., 9/8/1974
39Union of Councils: Richard Perle. Gramercy Inn, Washington DC., 9/8/1974
40Rick Hartzman - Debriefing of trip to USSR: Tbilisi, Irkutzsk (sp?), Leningrad, & Moscow, 10/14/1974
41Brooklyn Coalition - SSSJ greeting of Sylva Zalmanson, Yeshiva of Flatbush High School, 11/4/1974
42Greeting of Sylva Zalmanson, recently released Prisoner of Conscience. Lincoln Square Synagogue, NYC, 11/5/1974
43Marina Tiemkin press conference; Cong. Solarz, Scheuer, Lincoln Square Synagogue, Manhattan, 12/13/1974
44Conversation of Mrs. Lillian Hoffman, Denver, Colorado, with Mrs. Ann Shenkar, Tel Aviv: (1) Problems of Absorption of Soviet Jews into Israel. (2) Relations between Soviet Jewry activists and Israel's Foreign Ministry Soviet desk, 12/1974
45Alan Dershowitz - Soviet Jews & Soviet Law. Boston, 1/5/1975
46Golda Meir at meeting of American Zionist Youth Foundation, Central Synagogue, NYC. Includes Soviet Jewry question asked by Israel Fridman, 1/11/1976 (?)
47Gil Freund recounts his attempt, with Eli Joseph of London, to offer themselves as hostages in exchange for POC Dr. Mikhail Stern in Moscow on Jan. 17, 1975. Taped in SSSJ office, 1/17/1975
48NY Coordinating Committee for Russian Jewish Immigrants. Lincoln Square Synagogue, Manhattan, 1/27/1975
49Danny Blutz (Assn. of Imm.). Samuel Adler (Ministry of Absorption). Yerachmiel Felzenstein (Kharkov), 3/11/1875
(Tape 1 of 16 [next #416])
50August Stern, 3/12/1975
Tape 8 of 16 [previous #418; next #243]
51USSR trip & expulsion - Joel & Adele Sandberg, Miami Beach, May, 1975
52Mark Levitt on USSR trip of July 31 - Aug. 14, 1975. Tape A, July-August, 1975
53Mark Levitt on USSR trip of July 31 - Aug. 14, 1975. Tape B, July-August, 1975
54001-084 - Slepak. (044 - message). 084-091 - Synagogue. (Rosh- Hashana) 091 - Abe Stolyar. 111 - Militia. 123 - , September, 1975
55Vitaly Rubin Teach-In, Columbia University, 10/28/1975
56Former Prisoner of Conscience Shimon Grilius (1969 -1974) speaks on life in Soviet labor camps at SSSJ meeting in SSSJ office, 11/10/1975
57(1) Joel Michaels call to Lina & Arkady Rabinovich. Leningrad (12/2/75). (2) GNYCSJ [Greater NY Conference for SJ] Leadership session, Park Ave Synagogue: Nachum Alshansky, Eugene Gold, workshop reports (12/7/75).
58(1) Abe Stolar - Union of Councils for Soviet Jews. (2) Anatoly Scharansky - Rosh Hashanah, 1975
59(1) Tiemkin press conference, NYC (1/14/76). (2) Conversation with Marina Tiemkin & Pioneer camp officials (4/4/73).
60Interview with Fred Pierce, leader of group of students who sat in at office of Health Ministry in Moscow on Feb. 18, 1976, for Dr. Mikhail Stern. Interview conducted at SSSJ office , 2/24/1976
61Ten Mile Passover Soviet Jewry Walkathon, Brooklyn, 4/11/1976
62National Conference on Soviet Jewry Leadership Assembly (Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC): Board, Gov. Jerry Brown, Alexander Luntz, Gessia Penson, Robert Kaiser. Tape 1 of 2, 5/16-17/1976
63National Conference on Soviet Jewry Leadership Assembly (Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC): Robert Kaiser cont'd; Arthur Hartman (Asst. Sec. of State for European Affairs); response of Dr. Luntz & others; Cong. panel. Tape 2 of 2, 5/16-17/1976
64(1) Joan Schwachman & Moscow message (7/25/86) (2) Yechezkel Pulierevich & Shlomo Carlebach, Israel TV (7/30/76). (3) Benny Deborin on USSR Hebrew teachers, Jerusalem (8/7/76). (4) Prof. Alexander Luntz, Mevaseret Zion Absorption Center (8/8/76).
65(1) Prof. Alexander Luntz cont'd, (8/8/76). (2) Ann Shenkar & Prof. Alexander Tiemkin at Shenkar home, Givataim (8/10/76).
66(1) Ann Shenkar & Prof. Alexander Tiemkin, cont'd, (8/10/76). (2) Dr. Erma Cherniak, Tel Aviv (8/15/76).
67(1) Erma Cherniak, cont'd, (8/15/76). (2) Debriefing of Dr. Larry Bryskin & wife on USSR trip of July 25 - Aug. 13 to Moscow, Samarkand, Bukhara, Tashkent, Tibilisi, Sochi, Kiev, Vilnius, & Leningrad, (8/25/76). Tape 1 of 4.
68Debriefing of Dr. Larry Bryskin & wife, cont'd. Tape 2 of 4, 8/25/1976
69Debriefing of Dr. Larry Bryskin & wife, cont'd. Tape 3 of 4, 8/25/1976
70Debriefing of Dr. Larry Bryskin & wife, cont'd. Tape 4 of 4, 8/25/1976
71Reception for Vitaly Rubin at Columbia University, 9/9/1976
72WKCR - program on Vitaly Rubin, produced by Nathan Lebwohl of SSSJ. (Saga of V. Rubin), 9/9/1976
73Rita Laufer, USSR Trip, Sept. - Oct. 1976: Tibilisi, Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow. Tape 1 of 2, September-October, 1976
74Rita Laufer, USSR Trip, Sept. - Oct. 1976: Tibilisi, Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow. Tape 2 of 2, September-October, 1976
75Peggy Stockton interviews Leonid Shtilman & Alexander Mizruchin (Kiev), Naum Salansky (Vilnius), Benor Gurfel (Tallin). Sunday News Closeup: Russian Jews Denied Exit Visas. Aired on WNEW Radio, NYC, 10/10/1976
76Demonstration at Yeshiva of Flatbush Pres. Ford Campaign Speech; TV reports that evening, 10/12/1976
77(1) Yosef Zalmanson message (10/21/76). (2) Moses Mendelevich (Riga) message (10/20/76)
78"Drop-outs" session, 11/11/1976
79(1) Stu W. report on Jan. 24 & 25 meetings (1/26/77). (2) Ida Grauer, Lazar Liberman, Zelik Gafanovich, & Naum Olshansky (1/27/77). Tape 1 of 20.
80Naum Olshansky, cont'd; Shraiber family; Mark Abramovich, Vladmir Zlotver; Evgeny Abezgauz; Wanda Osnis; Esther Lazaris. Tape 2 of 20, 1/26/1977
81(Mager house). Yosef Mishiner; Yosef Shechtman; Aliyat Israel; Anatoly Galperin; Vinkovietsky (Sverdlovsk); Irma Dekhovich. Tape 3 of 20, 1/26/1977
82Genya Mager; "Drop-out" discussion including A. Israel, Y. Mishner, & Joe Edelman; Batya Tsitlonak; Paul Appelbaum describes Jan. 12-14, 1977 Shamir conference. Tape 4 of 20, 1/26/1977
83(Shamir). Tzilia Levenson; Dr. Emanuel Neifach; Misha Steglitz; Vitaly Rubin; general discussion. Tape 5 of 20, 1/27/1977
84Vitaly Rubin; Eva Butman; A. Luntz message; Mark Lutskier; relatives of Joseph Abs - Alexander Karnovsky; Elaine Dubow - summaries on Klitah; Bella Rom. Tape 6 of 20, 1/27/1977
85Bella Rom cont'd; Dov Rom; Boris Einbender; Grisha Feigin; Prof. Moshe Gitterman; Dr. Mikhail Zand (NCSJ meeting with Ass. of Russian Olim). Tape 7 of 20, 1/27-28/1977
86(NCSJ meeting). Dr. Alexander Tiemkin; Moshe Gitterman; Prof. Vitaly Bayevsky; Grisha Feigin; general discussion. Afternoon session: Prof. Edward Trifonov; Leonid Reines; Genreitta Fridman; Mrs. Helen Trifonov; German Shapiro. Tape 8 of 20, 1/28/1977
87German Shapiro, cont'd (1/28/77). Benny Deborin & mother, Debra Samulovich (1/29/77). Golda Meir (1/30/77). Tape 9 of 20.
88Golda Meir, cont'd; Menachem Sherman; Eva Butman; Questions; Dr. Rivka Bar-Yoseph. Tape 10 of 20, 1/30/1977
89Dr. Rivka Bar-Yoseph, cont'd; Y. Goralnik; S. Shenhar; Dr. Z. Katz; Questions & answers. Tape 11 of 20, 1/30/1977
90Questions & answers, cont'd - including Victor Polsky, Moshe Gitterman, Alex. Voronel, Morris Brafman, & Glenn Richter. Tape 12 of 20, 1/30/1977
91Questions & answers, cont'd - including Abe Silverstein, Rabbi Israel Miller, Prof. Z. Katz, & Dr. E. Ahiram. Soviet immigrants: D. Yafit, Emanuel Shenkar, Prof. Moshe Gitterman, S. Venovsky. Tape 13 of 20, 1/30/1977
92Soviet immigrants: I. Bulkarov (Bukharian; Mountain Jews); Questions & answers (1/30/77). Yehuda Dominitz; Shmuel Adler; Questions & answers (1/31/77). Tape 14 of 20
93Questions & answers, cont'd; summary by Dr. Y. Peres; Prof. Y. Shuval; Dr. Yehuda Marcus. Tape 15 of 20, 1/31/1977
94Prof. Y. Shuval; Questions & answers - including Prof. Herman Branover, Dr. Alvin Schiff, Glenn Richter, & Dr. Victor Polsky. Tape 16, 1/31/1977
95Questions & answers, cont'd - including Joseph Edelman, Eugene Gold, & Emanuel Shenkar (1/31/77). Dr. Y. Ilam, Dr. Arik Cohen. (2/1/77). Tape 17 of 20
96Chanah Avidor; Questions & answers - including Rabbi Israel Miller, Glenn Richter, Dr. Y. Ilam, Dr. Y. Peres, Leon Jick, Moshe, 2/1/1977
97Questions & answers; former POC David Chernoglas; summaries; Dr. E. Ahiram (employment); Dr. Y. Peres (housing & vulnerable groups); Prof Y. Shuval; June Jacobs. Tape 19 of 20, 2/1/1977
98Jerry Goodman; Eugene Gold; telegram from Yitzchak Rubin; Yosef Almogi (2/1/77). Kiryat Gat - Dr. Yitzchak Flaksman (2/2/77). Hillel Levine wedding (2/3/77). Alexander Levich (2/6/77). Tape 20 of 20.
99Washington briefing: Leonard Garment; Vladimir Bukovsky. Helsinki Commission hearings. Tape 1 of 3, 2/23/1977
100Washington briefing: Bukovsky cont'd; Cong. Elizabeth Holtzman; Representative of Congress Steph. Solarz; Congs. Jonathan Bingham, Charles Rangel, Paul Simon, & Millicent Fenwick. Tape 2 of 3, 2/23/1977
101Washington briefing: Cong. Millicent Fenwick cont'd; Cong. Charles Vanik; Mel Levitsky (State Dept.); Cong. John Buchanan. Tape 3 of 3, 2/23/1977
102Debriefing of Michael Samter - April 1977 trip to Moscow, Odessa, Lvov, & Chernovitz, 4/13/1977
103"Washington Wednesday" w/130 students from East coast colleges: (1) American U. Rally (2) Congressmen Robert Drinan & Ed Koch (3) R. Spencer Oliver of Helsinki Commission (4) Lobbying response. Tape 1 of 2, 4/20/1977
104"Washington Wednesday": (1) R. Spencer Oliver (2) Melvin Levitsky, State Dept (3) Irene Manekofksy (4) Reactions to lobbying. Tape 2 of 2, 4/20/1977
105(1) Alexander Yampolsky - Leningrad (4/24/77) (2) [Sharansky demonstration, cont'd (5/24/81)] ?
106(1) Demonstration at Aeroflot, then march down Fifth Ave. for rally and guerilla theater on steps of Public Library for Anatoly Sharansky. Sponsored by SSSJ, AJ Congress, & GNYCSJ (6/10/77) (2) "Hostages for Sharansky" demonstration (6/27/77)
107Soviet-American live debate on human rights, NBC TV network. Copy #1, 6/12/1977
108Soviet-American live debate on human rights, NBC TV network. Copy #2, 6/12/1977
(same as Item 107)
109NCSJ Nat'l Leadership Assembly (International Inn, Washington DC): (1) Robert Lipshutz, pres. advisor (2) Senator Robert Packwood, Oregon (3) Binyamin Shudofsky (4) Eugene Gold (5) Questions & answers on separation of children from family (6) Cong. Chris Dodd. (7) Cong. John Buchanan (8) Lazar Lubarsky (9) Summary - Ted Comet, 6/13/1977
110Robert Toth of LA Times on his recent interrogation by KGB about Anatoly Sharansky. NCSJ special meeting at B'nai B'rith, NYC, 6/28/1977
111LA Times' Robert Toth on Anatoly Sharansky (NCSJ meeting), NYC, 6/28/1977
112Sylva Zalmanson press conference for her POC husband Edward Kuznetsov, 1/16/1978
113And Again - Smith Music Hall, 3/3/0/1978
114UCSJ Israel Conference: (1) Irene Manekofsky (2) Prof. Zev Katz (3) Rafael Nudelman Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. Tape 1 of 4, 4/4/1978
115UCSJ Conference: (1) Rafael Nudelman, cont'd (2) Boris Rubinstein (3) Nechemiah Levanon. Tape 2 of 4, 4/4/1978
116UCSJ Conference: (1) Nechemiah Levanon, cont'd (2) Questions & answers. Tape 3 of 4, 4/4/1978
117UCSJ Conference: (1) Nechemiah Levanon (conclusion). (2) Michael Sherbourne. Tape 4 of 4, 4/4/1978
118(1) Mikhail Kornblit, Georgy Sokiriansky, Avraham, Vigdorson, Batya Tsitlonak, Amnor Zavurov, Ida Nashpitz, Ilya Glazer (4/5/78) (2) Reports on refuseniks in different cities (4/6/78) (3) [British Caucus (2/18)] ?
119 Cultural Panel, 4/5/1978
120High School "Washington Wednesday": (1) Len Willens (2) Cong. H. Waxman. (3) Cong. Benjamin Gilman. (4) Diane Blagman. (5) Irene Manekofksy. Tape 1 of 2, 5/10/1978
121High School "Washington Wednesday": (1) Irene Manekofsky, cont'd. (2) Winslow Wheeler - aide to Senator Javits (3) Cong. Mario Biaggi (4) Spencer Oliver - Director of Helsinki Commission. Tape 2 of 2, 5/10/1978
122Opening night of "The Cup of Fury," play based on interrogation & trial of Anatoly Sharansky. Presented by American Jewish Theater in association with SSSJ. First part live phone message from Avital Sharansky, 12/7/1978
123Leaving Mother Russia, 1978
124High School "Washington Wednesday": includes Cong. Elizabeth Holtzman, Mario Biaggi, Benjamin Gilman, Jonathan Bingham, aide Mike Rosenberg, & Helsinki Commission's Meg Donovan, 2/28/1979
125Rally with Avital Sharansky at Park East Synagogue & Soviet UN Misson. Includes Rabbi Avi Weiss, Sherwood Goffin, Cong. Ted Weiss & William Green, Avital & brother Mikhail Steglitz, 3/18/1979
126Tiemkin - Interview with Olga Zernitskaya, Boston. Tape 1, 9/27/1979
127Tiemkin - Interview with Olga Zernitskaya, Boston. Tape 2, 9/27/1979
128SSSJ Congressional Forum: Cong. Norman Leut, Marvin Feuerworker (sp?), Cong. Lester Wolff, Oscar Klyatt, Cong. Ted Weiss, Cong. Jonathan Bingham. Tape 1, 1980
129SSSJ Congressional Forum, cont'd: Cong. John Buchanan. Tape 2, 4/28/1980
130Mendelevich - airport: Sharansky Demonstration, 5/24/1981
131USSR: (1) Mila Kaganova & Tanya Yaganson - "Kochol V'Lavan" (2) Alla Aberson (3) Joseph Radomyselsky (sp?), 2/1982
132Avital Sharansky press conference to deny Anatoly ended hunger strike, 1/25/1983
133Avital Sharansky press conference, 3/11/1983
134SSSJ Washington High School trip: Goodman (State), Bill Green, Ferraro, Gejdenson, Ron Macnamara, 5/10/1983
135(1) Avital Sharansky on "Today" Show (6/7/83). (2) Jewish Union of Russian Immigrants press conference, to counter "Anti- Zionist Committee of Soviet Public" Moscow press conference claiming that almost all Soviet Jews who want to exit have left, 6/7/1983
136(1) Chaim Mularis, Kaunas (11/28/83). (2) [Soviet Residence Rally (3/3/84)] ?
137L.S. [Lincoln Square ?], 2/9/1984
138SSSJ - Prayer Service at Russian Residence, 2/12/1984
139Begun Tribunal. Tape 1 of 4, 3/4/1984
140Begun Tribunal. Tape 2 of 4, 3/4/1984
141Begun Tribunal. Tape 3 of 4, 3/4/1984
142Begun Tribunal. Tape 4 of 4, 3/4/1984
143Soviet Jewry Freedom Seder, 4/15/1984
144The Pros & Conn (WOR Radio): "Freeing Jews from Soviet Bloc Nations." Host: Steve Conn. Guests: Glenn Richter, Marina Ginsberg, Cyrus Abbe, & Avital Scharansky, 7/8/1984
145UCSJ - Tel Aviv, 2/9/1985
146SJ Freedom Reports, etc., 7/7/1985
147Barbra Streisand - The Broadway Album ? [unidentified cassette inside of Barbra Streisand tape jacket], 1985
148SSSJ Dinner - Lincoln Square Synagogue, 3/29/1986
149Dimitry Vasiliev addresses Pamyat meeting, Leningrad (see translation of speech in 12/86 document file). Tape A, 12/1986
150Dimitry Vasiliev addresses Pamyat meeting, Leningrad (see translation of speech in 12/86 document file). Tape B, 12/1986
151Ruth Bevin / Roxanne Levine - Moscow, Leningrad. Tape A, 1/24/1987
152USSR Interviews: (1) Mila Volvovsky - Gorky, cont'd (2) Mikhail Fuchs-Rabinovich (Moscow) (3) Mishka Fuchs-Rabinovich (Moscow) (4) Igor & Ina Uspensky (Moscow). Tape 2 of 3, 1/1987
153USSR Interviews: (1) Igor & Ina Uspensky (Moscow) cont'd. (2) Vili & Evgenia Palanker (Erevan). Tape 3 of 3, 1/1987
154Debriefing of David Harbater, NYC, on his trip to Kiev, Chernovtsy, Kishinev, & Moscow, 4/26/1987
155Farber Show - 1A-2A, 9/30/87
156Farber Show - Mid-1A, 9/30/87
157Zachar & Tonya Zouchein - Lincoln Square Synagogue, 9/1987
158Drs. Raphael Levine, Richard Rosenbluth, & Richard Andron describe Moscow-Leningrad / Nov. 8th-16th medical visit to refuseniks by 7 American doctors, 11/19/1987
159News Conference of Physicians just returned from USSR trip examining refuseniks in Moscow & Leningrad. Lincoln Square Synagogue, 11/20/1987
160Natan Sharansky at Columbia University, 12/1/1987
161Suki & Ding Present: The Road Home (Meyer Linden), 1987
(commercial tape)
162Helsinki Agreement review conference in Vienna's American delegation, with others, hold briefing for human rights groups. State Department, Washington, DC. Speakers include Rozanne Ridgway, Richard Schifter, Walter Zimmerman, & Steny Hoyer, 1/19/1988
163Interviews with former refuseniks, Jerusalem, 2/24/1988
164UCSJ Meeting, Jerusalem, 1/24-25/1988
165Natan Sharansky: Soviet Jewry 1917-1967, 3/15/1988
166An Evening with Natan Sharansky - SSSJ Fundraiser, 3/17/1988
167Natan Sharansky: Soviet Jewry 1967-"Glasnost", 3/17/1988
168Natan Sharansky: Soviet Jewry under "Glasnost", 3/22/1988
169Freedom Day Rally. Soviet UN Mission, 5/1/1988
170Dr. Joseph Begun at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5/4/1988
171Annual SSSJ High School Lobby Trip. Washington, DC, 5/12/1988
172Tisha B'Av Mincha prayer service at Soviet UN Mission. Speakers include Rabbi Avi Weiss, Rabbi Moshe Morduchowitz, Lynn Singer, Vladimir Magarik, Suri Kasirer, Naomi Mark, & Rabbi Kenneth Brander, 7/24/1988
173Lincoln Center Demonstration at American-Soviet Youth Orchestra performance. Includes Rabbis Avi Weiss & Kenneth Brander describing threat by LC security officer to beat them, 8/7/1988
174High Holiday Music - Cantor Sherwood Goffin, 9/1988
175UCSJ Meeting, Washington, DC. Tape 2 of 3, 10/16-17/1988
176UCSJ Meeting, Washington, DC, 10/16/1988
177NCSJ Annual Conference: Dr. Deborah Lipstadt - USSR trip (10/30/88). Direct Flights; Richard Rice, Al Chernin, Elena Dubianskaya, Richard Wexler, Shmuel Shinhar, Karl Zuckerman. Qs & As (10/31/88). Tape 1 of 3.
178NCSJ Annual Conference: Qs & As cont'd. US-Soviet Relations: Gov't Contacts - Michael Mandelbaum, Molly Raymond, Denis Braham. Jewish Identity in USSR - Jerry Shiran (10/31/88). Helsinki Process - Morris Abram. US- USSR Trade - Allen Moore (11/1/88).
(tapes 2 & 3 of 3 (?). There is no tape numbered 179; It appears to have been combined with #178)
180Chaverim Hebrew performance group, Leningrad, Fall, 1988
181Riverdale Parlor Meeting with Avi & Ludmilla Volvovsky, former POC & unofficial Hebrew teacher released March 1988, living in Israel. At home of Rabbi Avi Weiss, 11/5/1988
1823000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 1, 10/17/1988
1833000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 2, 10/24/1988
1843000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 3, 10/__/1988
1853000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 4, 11/7/1988
1863000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 5, 11/14/1988
1873000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 6, 11/21/1988
1883000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 7, 11/28/1988
1893000 years of Jewish Music: Sherwood Goffin Part 8, 12/5/1988
190National Conference on SJ governing board. Washington, DC, 2/1/1989
191Cantor Sherwood Goffin: History of Jewish Folk Music. Tape 1, 2/13/1989
192Cantor Sherwood Goffin: History of Jewish Folk Music. Tape 2, 2/27/1989
193Cantor Sherwood Goffin: History of Jewish Folk Music. Tape 3, 3/6/1989
194UJA Federation "Passage to Freedom" Fundraising Rally. Cong. Kehilath Jeshurun, NYC. With Natan Sharansky as main speaker, 3/23/1989
195Cantor Sherwood Goffin: History of Jewish Folk Music. Tape 4, 3/27/1989
196Cantor Sherwood Goffin: History of Jewish Folk Music. Tape 6, 4/10/1989
197Tisha B'Av Mincha prayer service at Soviet UN Mission, 8/10/1989
198Poland #3, 7/1989-8/1989
199Poland #4, 8/1989
200Mark Migdal (Leningrad), Helen Cherniak (Leningrad) - anti-semitism. Misha Ginsberg, of Gesher, & Ilya Maizel (both Moscow) on Jewish prisoners in USSR, 9/1989
201Carmella Raiz at Columbia University SSSJ Meeting, 12/6/1989
202WUJS Conference (Ashkelon, Israel): includes head of Georgian Israel Society, Isi Liebler, Simcha Dinitz, Yisrael Wolf (P.R. director for Shamir), Natan Sharansky. Tape 1 of 3, 1/2-3/1990
203WUJS Conference (Ashkelon, Israel): Natan Sharansky; Soviet Jewry discussion; reading posters; Evgeny Malkin from Tartu; Chaim Herzog; presentation to Glenn Richter (1/3/90). Alexander Kogan of Moscow (1/4/90). Tape 2 of 3, 1/3-4/1990
204(1) WUJS Conference (Ashkelon, Israel): Alexander Kogan cont'd; Irwin Cotler; Victor Nardi (1/4/90). (2) Soviet Jewry panel at Network Canada Conference in Jerusalem: includes Elena Keisskuna, Helene Mai, Lev Shapiro, Evgeny Yakir, Hillel Uspensky, Oscar Mendeleev, & Glenn Richter (1/5/90). Tape 3 of 3, 1/4-5/1990
205Natan Sharansky. At home of Dr. Bernard Kabakow, NYC, 1/24/1990
206Washington Lobby, 2/8/1990
207"Evacuate Soviet Jews Now" Rally at Soviet UN Mission, 2/14/1990
208"Rescue Them Now" Rally at Soviet UN Mission, 2/24(25?)/1990
209Interview with Ivan Schick, 12/1990
Alphabetical listing, undated and various dates. Items 210-249
210Nachum Alshansky, Aaron Zevin, 3/11/1975
(tape 3 of 16. [previous #416; next #211])
211Alshansky - Zevin cont'd, 3/11-12/1975
Tape 4 of 16 [previous #210; next #417]
212Anya Chernobilsky; Leah Lukatsky; Pimelstein, undated
213Aviva Klein, A. Tiemkin, Yuli Tartakovsky, Moshe Cooperstein, Josh Needelman, Levitas family, 3/13/1975
Tape 10 of 16 [previous #243; next # 227]
214"Babi Yar: Lessons of History" (Soviet film - audio), undated
215Be Jewish - Be Proud: Laza Jewish Youth Groups.Tape no. 1, undated
216Be Jewish - Be Proud: Laza Jewish Youth Groups. Tape no. 2, undated
217Begun's Tape, undated
218Yosef Begun. Rabbi Hershel Billet (?), undated
219Brown, Sandler, undated
220Carmela Raiz on L' Chayim, undated
221Carl Glick - Fundraising, undated
222Carl Glick, Bob Goldman, undated
223Russian Jews - Martin Jacobs, undated
224(1) "The Jewish Week" (2) "Columbus and all that", undated
225"Kan Israel" broadcast, including Canadian Broadcasting Co. tape of Montreal Star correspondent David Levy from Moscow, 10/1969
(same as #325a; apparently excerpted from #457. Reel to reel tape)
226"Live from Leningrad," starring: Slepaks, Varnovitskys, Izbinsky, & Poliwa Epelman with special guest stars Benjamin & Rosenblum. Eretz Yisroel; Otpusti Narod Moi; Shalom Aleichem; Kahol V'Lavan, undated
227Meeting with Tiemkin, Tartakovsky, Cooperstein, Klein, & Levitas. Levitas story; Kiev story; Gendin story; Tiemkin story; Sylva story, 3/13/1975
(Tape 11 of 16 [previous #213; next #348])
228Milgram #3, undated
229"Let My People Go" - Mordechai Ben David, undated
(commercial tape)
230Pilmenstein (cont'd), Lachman, undated
231Mickey Posnick sings the SSSJ song "Speak out", undated
(reel to reel tape)
232Rabbi Michael Rosen, undated
233"In Remembrance of a Miracle," presented by Modi'in Productions, undated
234Vitali Rubin Teach-In, undated
235Soviet Roundtable Press Conference. Interview with Vladamir Slepak and Alan Margolies, 5/15/1978
236Soviet Roundtable Press Conference. Interview with Vladamir Slepak and Alan Margolies, 5/15/1978
237Ella Rabinovich on Tiemkin, undated
238Gavriel Shapiro, undated
239Gavriel Shapiro, undated
240Songs of Hope - Goffin, undated
241Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: Arrival of Russian Immigrants at LOD Airport. Interview with Alla Rusinek. At the Western Wall with Soviet Immigrants. Copy #1, undated
242Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: Arrival of Russian Immigrants at LOD Airport. Interview with Alla Rusinek. At the Western Wall with Soviet Immigrants. Copy #2, undated
243August Stern cont'd, Ann Shenkar, 3/12-13/1975
(tape 9 of 16 [previous #50; next #213])
244"Tarbut": Bible Stories for Children - Exodus. Copy #1, undated
245"Tarbut": Shabbat. Copy #2, undated
246Answering machine message (?), undated
247"Voices of Dissent in USSR" - CBS-TV & Radio, undated
248Avi Weiss, Sheldon Engelmayer, & (Stripped) Nun (in Austria) on Barry Farber Show, undated
249"Children's Tale" - Soviet Jewry Information & Education Center, undated
(cassette and slides)
Chronological listing, 3/5/1985-3/27/1988. Items 250-312
250Operation Redemption IV, Soviet UN Mission, 3/5/1985
251Operation Redemption, 3/24/1985
252(1) Operation Redemption, Soviet UN Mission, cont'd (4/24/85). (2) Columbia University Rally (4/25/85).
253Trenton Assembly Resolution for SJ - Frisch School & SSSJ, 4/29/1985
254Operation Redemption VI, Soviet Residence, Riverdale, 4/14/1985
255SSSJ Annual High School Washington Lobby, 5/7/1985
256Operation Redemption IX, Soviet UN Mission - 1st time with legislators, 6/7/1985
257"Freedom Concert" at Soviet UN Mission, 8/1/1985
258(1) Arrest of Glenn Richter & others at Soviet Embassy, Washington, DC (8/29/85). (2) Tisha B'Av Rally, Soviet UN Mission (7/28/85)
259(1) Presentations of Summit petitions to Al D'Amato (2) Rally w/Avital Sharansky following march to Soviet UN Mission (11/10/85) (3) Rally concluding Run for Freedom to Soviet UN Mission with Harrison Goldin (11/17/85) (4) Operation Redemption X, Soviet UN Mission (11/19/85)
260(1) End of WUJS Soviet Jewry Conference in Jerusalem, w/Josef Mendelevich & Avital Sharansky (1/5/86) (2) Dorit Hoffer on twinnings (3) David Stahl at Rachel's Tomb naming baby (1/6/86)
261Public Demonstrations for SJ - debate between Rabbis Avi Weiss & Pinchas Teitz, at The Jewish Center, NYC. 2nd tape, 1/22/1986
262Dialogue on: Public Demonstrations for SJ - Helpful or Harmful? with Prof. Herman Branover & Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, at Suburban Torah Center, Livingston, NJ, 2/3/1986
263(1) Celebration of Sharansky's release at Stern College (2/11/86). (2) Rabbi David Oler of "Maccabee 5" from Petersberg, VA prison, on Shifra Hoffman radio show, WNYM (12/85)
264Annual Washington College Lobby: Cong. Hamilton Fish, Israeli SJ Consul Yehoshua Pratt, Leonid Feldman. Adas Israel Congregation, Washington DC
265UCSJ Jerusalem Conference: includes Israeli citizenship issue, Avraham Burg, Joseph Mendelevich, Shlomo Galizan & father (?), 3/17-20/1986
266UCSJ Jerusalem Conference cont'd: includes Israeli Policy, Avital Sharansky (3/19/86). Activism in USSR (3/20/86).
267UCSJ Jerusalem Conference cont'd, 3/_/1986
268SSSJ Dinner honoring Jacob Birnbaum & Glenn Richter & wives, Lincoln Square Synagogue. Tape A, 3/29/1986
269SSSJ Dinner honoring Jacob Birnbaum & Glenn Richter & wives, Lincoln Square Synagogue. Tape B, 3/29/1986
270Soviet deputy permanent representative Victor Zvezdin at Columbia University, under C.J.O. Tape A, 4/16/1986
271(1)Victor Zvezdin at Columbia University cont'd (4/16/86). (2) SSSJ/HIR Freedom Seder at Soviet Residence, Riverdale (4/20/86).
272(1) Greeting Anatoly Sharansky - Goldstein brothers at JFK. (2) 1st meeting of Soviet Jewry organizational leaders with Anatoly Sharansky, home of Marvin Josephson. Avi Weiss, Jacob Birnbaum, Mark Epstein, Morris Abram, Jerry Goodman, Ken Blaikin, Alan Pesky, Zeesy Schnur, Glenn Richter, Alex. Luntz, Avi Maoz, 5/6/1986
273(1) Meeting with Anatoly Sharansky at Josephson home, cont'd (5/8/86) (2) Sharansky at Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, following Rally at USSR diplomatic compound (5/10/86) (3) Sharansky at YU (5/12/86).
274Boris Gulko News Conference - Manhattan Chess Club, 7/29/1986
275Congressional interns for Soviet Jews. Washington, DC, 8/1/1986
276(1) Congressional interns for Soviet Jews - Hearings cont'd (8/1/86). (2) ABA convention, Diane Roskies (8/10/86). (3) ABA House of Delegates debate on ABA-ASL Declaration of Cooperation (8/11/86)
277(1) ABA House Delegates debate cont'd (8/11/86). (2) ABA Assembly - includes Patience Huntwork & Alan Dershowitz (8/12/86).
278ABA Assembly cont'd., 8/12/1986
279(1) ABA Assembly cont'd (8/12/86). (2) Tisha B'Av prayer service (8/14/86)
280(1) Josef Mendelevich, American Zionist Federation, NYC (9/15/86) (2) Elie Wiesel, Shimon Peres (9/18/86).
281NYC Human Rights Subcommittee Hearings on Intro 603, City Council hearing room. Includes Cathy Cossman, Yakov Gorodetsky, & Jacob Birnbaum, 9/22/1986
282(1) NYC Human Rights Subcommittee Hearings, cont'd, (9/22/86) (2) Yakov (Yasha) Gorodetsky, former Leningrad activist, at Stern College (3) UCSJ conference - John Schmidt, State Dept. (9/29/86).
283Jay Hayman on Moscow trip, 10/28/1986
284(1) Vladimir Magarik news conference (10/30/86). (2) Elie Wiesel on Simchat Torah visit to Moscow (11/6/86).
285Bobby Brown on USSR Trip - Odessa, Kishinev, Chernovtsky, 11/6/1986
286Ellen Goldstein on USSR Trip - Moscow, Leningrad, Erevan, 11/11/1986
287Morris Abram, Malcolm Hoenlein on trip to Rumania, Helsinki review meeting in Vienna (at Jewish Agency, NYC)., 12/16/1987
288(1) Jerusalem Theater SJ Rally: Louis Sherby, Anatoly Sharansky (12/28/86) (2) WUJS Conference - Aryeh Dulzin; SJ Session - Martin Gilbert, Dr. Vladimir Magarik (12/30/86).
289Frisch, 1/14/1987
290NCSJ Meeting: Natan Sharansky & discussion on strategy, 1/27/1987
291NCSJ Meeting with Sharansky cont'd, 1/27/1987
292Natan Sharansky speaking via phone to Washington Lobby. Dr. Vladimir Brodsky on medical condition of prisoners, 2/26/1987
293Pres. conference / NCSJ meeting on "agreement" with Soviets. Principal speaker - Morris Abram. Tape 1 of 2, 4/1/1987
294Pres. conference / NCSJ meeting cont'd. Tape 2 of 2, 4/1/1987
295NCSJ meeting: discussion of Jackson-Vanik, direct flights to Israel, etc. At ZOA, Manhattan, 4/9/1987
296UCSJ meeting: Saul Singer, Richard Schifter. Washington, DC, 4/27/1987
297UCSJ meeting: Richard Schifter cont'd; Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski; Franklin Vargo (Dept of Commerce), 4/27/1987
298UCSJ meeting: Franklin Vargo cont'd, 4/27/1987
299(1) High School Washington Lobby. (2) Capitol Rally, Kathleen Lang, State, 5/14/1987
300Discussion on h.r. [human rights ?] conference in Moscow & "secrets." With Natan Sharansky, Yuri Stern, Tsila Godrov, Misha Shipov, Lynn Singer & others, 5/18/1987
301LICSJ Jerusalem meeting - discussion of absorption. Tape 1, 5/18/1987
302Absorption discussion cont'd. Tape 2, 5/18/1987
303Debriefing of Mrs. Rifki Helft; in Moscow & Leningrad, May 1987, 6/9/1987
304NYC Council Hearings, chaired by Councilman Noach Dear, includes Vladimir Rabinovich, Inna Begun, Terlitsky, & Joseph Begun. Tape 1 of 2, 7/7/1987
305NYC Council Hearings. Tape 2 of 2, 7/7/1987
306Coalition of Concern demonstrations in Miami, at Papal visit: News conference (9/9/87). Rabbis at airport; establishment news conference (9/10/87). Teach-In (9/10/87),
307(1) Miami cont'd: Papal Teach-In (9/10/87). Demonstration at Dade Cultural Center (9/11/87). (2) Fritz Ermarth, NSC staff, White House. Washington, DC (9/14/87).
308(1) UCSJ Meeting, Washington, DC cont'd (9/14/87). (2) Voice of Israel last SJ broadcast with Sara Manobla (9/15/87).
309Sharansky's Rally at Isaiah Wall, UN., 9/22/1987
310(1) Vienna - Stephansplatz demonstration; Gestapo hdq. action (11/9/87). (2) Vienna - Heldenplatz demonstration (11/10/87).
311Demonstration at Soviet Embassy, Washington DC, after Supreme Court ruling on 500 ft. law, 3/24/1988
312"Freedom" Seder, 3/27/1988
Alphabetical listing, undated and various dates. Items 313-342
313American Conference for Soviet Jewry: (1) Rabbi Miller (2) Mr. Shechtman (3) Question & answer period (4) Analysis by Eliezer Littman, undated
314American Conference on Soviet Jewry - Israel Communications: Gazzara; Bikel; Moreno; Schary; Adler, undated
315Jacob Birnbaum - Interview on the WEVD Ruth Jacobs show, 4/1970
316Boris Sperling - Seminar for Leadership, undated
317(1) CBS Radio Interview with student protest fast - SSSJ (June 9-14, 1964) [see also: #339, 439.] (2) WMCA Radio - Barry Gray Show: ADL men speak on recent trip to USSR & Jews (July 11, 1965) (3) NBC News Report on N.J. Youth March (Feb. 22, 1965) (4) NBC News Report on SSSJ Jericho March (April 4, 1965) (5) ABC News Report on Menorah March (Dec. 19, 1965) (6) WINS - David Levy from Moscow on Russian Jews' Simchas Torah (Oct. 3, 1969) [see also: #225, 325a, 457.]
318Mr. Moshe Decter's talk to invited audience about Soviet Jewry. West Side Jewish Center. "A man should share the action and passion of his time at the peril of being judged not to have lived", 11/1/1964
[unsure whether quote is from recording.]
319(1) Decter at YU. (2) WMCA's Barry Gray Show: Dr. Erich Goldhagen; Shad Polier - AJ Cong; Jack Baker - ADL, 7/27/1965
320Barry Farber Show: Discussion - Leonard Rigerman. Rabbi Steven Riskin, Daniel Greer, Richard Josilit, 11/10/1970
321[Eugene] Gold to [Vladimir?] Slepak, 2/22/1972
322Jericho Ride - State Dept., 5/1965
[note: Track 1, identified as "Jericho March - SSSJ (April 4, 1965)", does not seem to be on this recording; see #333b instead.]
3231) Jews of Russia - radio show. (2) Songs of Freedom, undated
324Martin Luther King, 12/1/1966
(transcript of recording exists)
325aKan Israel" Program - including CBC Broadcast of Simchat Torah Celebrations in Moscow, 10/1969
[note: same as #225; apparently excerpted from #457].
325bPhone call to Gavriel Shapiro, broadcast on student radio at the University of Connecticut, during which Mr. Shapiro dictated two letters to be sent to the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. Insert says: "When denounced his Russian citizenship & accepted Israeli citizenship, he was only practicing rights of human being to choose the place he wanted to live and the situation he wanted to live under." 10/1969
[This tape was unlabeled. Unsure whether quote on insert is from this recording. Also includes insert with different information.]
326American Jewish Youth Con: Decter, D. Miller, Q & A, campus workshop, 12/20/1964
327Lorel Pollack (at Madison Hillel) phone call to Lydia Korenfield (Moscow), 10/23/1972
328Queens Council for Soviet Jewry Rally. Copy - Tapes 3 & 4, 5/22/1966
329Queens Council for Soviet Jewry Rally. Copy - Tape 5, 5/22/1966
330Reskin - Rally, 67/ Lex. Cong. Lowenstein, Koch, Farbstein, Praeger & Marinbach, 11/23/1969
331aVitali Rubin Teach-In. Columbia University, Tape 1 of 4, 10/28/1975
(different information on jacket)
331bVitali Rubin Teach-In. Columbia University, Tape 2 of 4, 10/28/1975
(different information on jacket)
331cVitali Rubin Teach-In. Columbia University, Tape 3 of 4, 10/28/1975
(different information on jacket)
331dVitali Rubin Teach-In. Columbia University, Tape 4 of 4, 10/28/1975
(different information on jacket)
332Russian on WINS, 1/30/1971
333a(1) Gavriel Shapiro (of Moscow, Russia) - two tapes of two telephone conversations. (2) Unrelated material. Tape 1 of 2, undated
(only one phone call seems to be on this recording)
333bJericho March - SSSJ, 4/4/1965
(includes Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach introducing his version of Am Yisroel Chai for the first time)
334Judy Silver phone call to Gavriel Shapiro, undated
(Hebrew, Russian, & English)
335Simchat Torah in Moscow. Recorded by Rabbi Aaron Krauss, Atlantic City, NJ, 1970
336Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: "Arrival of Russian Immigrants at LOD Airport.", undated
337Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: "Interview with Alla Rusinek", undated
337.5Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: "At the Western Wall with Soviet Immigrants", undated
338Soviet Jewry in Israel with Arnold Foster: "Interview with Mikhil Zand", undated
339Speakers' Bureau Training Tape: (1) Dr. Moshe Decter, (2) Mr. David Miller, Russian correspondent for NY Herald Tribune (3) Questions & answers (4) Rabbi Meir Felman, Rabbinical Council of America (5) CBS Interview with SSSJ [see also: #317, 439.] (6) SSSJ Songs - Speak Out, Am Yisroel, How Long?, There's a Fire Burning, Yigal Kamayim. Copy D1. [see also: #447, 449, 450], undated
340Queens Council for Soviet Jewry. (1) [probably:] Meeting of steering committee, guest speaker Al Chernin of National Council for Soviet Jewry, on subject: relationship of Queens Council to National Council (7/28/66). (2) Guest speaker Rabbi Arthur Schneier, introduced by Rabbi Jacob Polish. Also includes votes on Queens County mass protest rally (5/22/66?), formation of steering committee, et. al.
[This tape was labeled "Speakers' Bureau Training Tape", but that appears to be incorrect.]
341(1) Nancy Waldman - "Otpusti Narod Moy" ("Let My People Go") [undated]. (2) DP [probably Dennis Prager debriefing continued, 1969] (see also #451 for first part, and #342 for summary report)
342(1) DP Report [probably Dennis Prager summary report; see also #451 and #341 for full debriefing]. (2) Jacob Birnbaum - WEVD FM interview with Perry Cohen (11/17/69).
Unarranged recordings, undated and various dates. Items 343-589
343Interview with Russian re: Glasnost & other issues, undated
344Answering machine tape, undated
345Discussion of Soviet-Jewish issues, 3/12/1975
Tape 6 of 16 [previous #417; next #418].
346Discussion of Soviet-Jewish issues by Israelis 3/16-17/1975
Tape 15 of 16 [previous #419; next #420].
347Discussion of Soviet-Jewish issues: Baruch Einbender, Dan Roginsky, Valery Krizhak, 3/15/1975
Tape 13 of 16 [previous #348; next #419].
348Discussion of Soviet-Jewish issues, re: aliyah, 3/13-14/1975
Tape 12 of 16 [previous #227; next #347].
349Russian-Jewish music show (radio?), undated
350Russian-Jewish music show (radio?), undated
351Russian-Jewish music show (radio?), undated
352Torah Tapes #1 - Shabbos, undated
[353-358 are duplicates of this recording by Rabbi Peter Abelow of the Jewish Living Laboratory at the Joseph Shapiro Institute of the Lincoln Square synagogue, New York City].
359Conference, summary re: aliyah for Soviet Jews, 1/30/1986(?)
360Speech (Hebrew) re: release of N. Sharansky, undated
361Teaching Hebrew, undated
362Meeting, undated
363Ulpan tapes for Russians, undated
364Discussion re: Convent at Auschwitz, undated
365Music & songs (Hebrew, English & Russian) - (concert?), undated
366Interview of a Russian (in Riga?), undated
367Beth Nivim re: trip to Poland & Russia, undated
368Re: Sharansky (1984), undated
[duplicate of tape #382?]
369Blank - answering machine tape
370aInterview of the Russian Lifschitz family, undated
370bFamily subjected to persecution, undated
371Letter from President Nixon to Jews re: concern for Soviet Jewry, undated
372Estonian Jewish Cultural Association, undated
373Answering machine messages, undated
374Interview re: foreign policy, undated
375Parlor meeting (?), undated
376Yasha Dorgetski [Gorodetsky ?], 6/17/1986
377Conversation (Russian), undated
378Jewish music, undated
379Washington conference, 2/23/1983
380Jewish music (violin), undated
381Conversations (talk show?), undated
382Re: Sharansky, undated
[duplicate of tape #368?]
383Answering machine, undated
385Leningrad - Jewish music & song, 1985
[see tape #389]
386(Mock) conference, undated
387Answering machine messages and interview, 1986
388Interview, undated
389Leningrad - Jewish music & song, 1985
[see tape #385]
390Glenn Richter (SSSJ), R. Chaim Friedman, Vladimir Parchenkoff (sec. USSR mission to US), undated
391Glenn Richter phone conversations, undated
392Hebrew songs & Russian speeches, undated
393Sponsors meeting (?), speeches, undated
394Answering machine messages and interviews, undated
395(Phone) conversation, undated
396Hebrew radio (news and music) show, undated
397Answering machine, undated
399Phone conversation between Sasha & Yatsu re: situation at Academy of Science, undated
400Latin radio, undated
401Conversation with Captain Pechugen, Head of Dept. of Labor of Corrective Administration, undated
402Teaching Judaica in Russian, undated
403Addressing children re: situation in Soviet Union (emigration, etc.), undated
404(Russian), undated
405(A) Rebirth Conference (includes Joseph Gluze). (B) speaking to B. Kilman, 12/24/1989
406Music concert. N. Schmit; Questions & Answers with various Jewish organizations, 12/20-21/1989
407Concert of Hebrew & Yiddish music, undated
408Answering machine messages to Moshe B, undated
409Torah Tapes #1 - Shabbos, undated
(duplicate - see tapes 352-358)
410SSSJ - Talk at Columbia University re: Soviet Jewry. Discussion of Jewish immigration; someone reading article about its decline during the 80's, undated
411Conversations with Russians re: Soviet policy, undated
412Answering machine tape, undated
413Phone conversation, undated
414(A) Forum (?); Anti-Jewish demonstration & counter- demonstration by Russian students. (B) Interview from Moscow, 12/20/1989(?)
415Conversation re: Russian society, undated
416Interview - Russian, 3/11/1975
(Tape 2 of 16 [previous #49, next #210])
417Interview: Fana Boazava, Tzvi Netzer, 3/12/1975
(Tape 5 of 16 [previous #211, next #345])
418(Few seconds of conversation), 3/12/1975
(Tape 7 of 16 [previous #345, next #50])
419Interview - Russian, 3/16/1975
(Tape 14 of 16 [previous #347, next #346])
420Interview - Russian, 3/17/1975
(Tape 16 of 16 [previous #346])
421Jewish music, Russian speaking, undated
422Torah Tapes #1 - Shabbos, undated
(duplicate - see tapes #352-358)
423Various American radio broadcasts, 3/1981-4/1981
424(A) Radio broadcasts re: Begin, Wallenberg, missiles in Lebanon. (B) Radio broadcasts in Israel, Begin & Sadat, re: bombing of Iraq's nuclear plant, Jones, Percy, Reagan, 1981
426Derbent I, Parts 1 & 2, undated
427Georgia, Parts 1 & 2, undated
428Leningrad II, Parts 1 & 2, undated
429Moscow I, undated
430Moscow II, Parts 1 & 2, undated
431Moscow II, Part 3, undated
432Moscow III, Parts 1 & 2, undated
433Moscow IV, Parts 1 & 2, undated
434Odessa I, Parts 1 & 2, undated
435Riga I, Part 1, undated
436Ukraine I, Parts 1 & 2, undated
437Vilna I, undated
438Vilna II, Part 1, undated
439(1) CBS Radio Interview with student protest fast - SSSJ (June 9-14, 1964). [see also: #317, 339] (2) SSSJ songs: Speak Out, sung by Mickey Posnick; How Long; Am Yisroel Chai (3) High Holidays music (?), 1964, undated
440(1) The Price of Silence, a 28-min. documentary film on the plight of Soviet Jewry. Featuring Edward G. Robinson, Arthur J. Goldberg, Jacob Javits, & Jan Peerce. Produced by the Jewish Chautauqua Society in cooperation with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Audio portion only. (2) Unrelated material, 1965
[This tape was unlabeled; description of (1) was provided by Hebrew Union College.]
441Lo Amut. Shlomo Carlebach at Ohio University B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Winter, 1970
[This tape was unlabeled, but appears to match an empty case label]
442SSSJ songs: (1) Lo Amut (2) Let My People Go (3) Speak Out (4) Am Yisrael Chai, undated
443Passover UN Vigil, 4/29-30/1967
[The label on this tape was only partially legible]
444Bill Jay: WINS interview of Allen Fishman after Soviet Jewry Vigil of 4/2/1966, 4/3/1966
(Middle header divides the 2 different broadcasts used alternately on Sunday. Tape copy courtesy of Allen Fishman, WNYC.
445Unidentified Russian speaker, apparently referring to SSSJ demonstration against Moiseyev Dance Co.'s appearance at NYC Metropolitan Opera, undated
[in Russian.] [This tape was unlabeled.]
446[same as #445], undated
447Speakers Bureau Tape. (1) Decter. (2) Miller. (3) Q & A. (4) Rabbi Meir Felman [cuts off.], undated
[This tape was unlabeled; see also: #339, 449, 450.]
448Debriefing of unidentified woman after trip to Kiev, Tbilisi, Tashkent, & Moscow (from Rosh Hashanah through the end of Sukkot, undated
[This tape was unlabeled.]
449Speakers Bureau Tape. Side 1: Dr. Moshe Decter, Mr. David Miller, Q & A. Side 2: Q & A cont'd, Rabbi Meir Felman, CBS interview, SSSJ songs, undated
[see also: #339, 447, 450.]
450Speakers Bureau Training Tape. Complete D-1 tape. Cliff Trolin on USSR visit. undated
[see also #1, 339, 447, 449.]
451Side 1: (a) DP [probably Dennis Prager - first part of SSSJ debriefing after his trip to Moscow, Baku, & Leningrad in Sept. 1969 (trip was not sponsored by SSSJ) (b) Avi Weiss - Soviet Jewry songs. (c) DP. Side 2: DP - Dennis [Prager?], 1969, undated
[After Side 2 of this recording, debriefing is apparently continued on #341; see also #342 for summary report.]
452Rally at Queens Jewish Center. Inc. Rabbi Meir Felman, undated
453Shlomo Carlebach - Lo amut ki ehyeh. Nancy Waldman - Otpusti Narod Moy, undated
454Taping: (1) 0-34: Va-yegal ka-mayim mishpat (M) . (2) 36-72. (3) 74-124: There's a Fire (M & G?). (4) 130-186: The Time Has Come Again (G). (5) 189- 252: I Once Met a Man (G). (6) 254-323. (7) 325-376: The Time Has Come (M). (8) 380-443: There's a Fire (M). (9) There's a Fire (M, G, & S). (10) Va-yegal ka-mayim mishpat (M, G, & S). (11) Charles Jordan demonstration - NBC, ABC, CBS (Aug, 4). (12) Polish Mission demonstration, Tisha B'Av. (13) Sherwood Goffin. 6-53: The Time Has Come I. 60-105: The Time Has Come II. 108-155: The Time Has Come III. 170-205: How Long I. 210-252: How Long II. 255-302: Am Yisrael I. 308-371: Am Yisrael II. 380-453: The Time Has Come IV. Baruch Bokser, Penn Dorms #235, 37th & Spruce Sts, Philadelphia, PA 19104, undated
[note: The Time Has Come is not the same song as The Time Has Come Again, but instead appears to be the song elsewhere called Speak Out.]
455[on front]: Report on Freedom [on back]: Subject: Local 89 for 8/26/62, 1969; 1962
456NY - Simchat Torah, 10/9/1969
457Toronto Star: Haklatat he-katav shel Toronto Star. Nyu York - me-hagigat Simhat Torah. Israel Broadcasting Authority - Transcription Service. Misrad ha-huts: Ha-katavah ha-golemit she-higiyah be-kave telefon el ulpane ha-B.B.C. be-London le-maharat Simhat Torah me-et katav "Montreal Star" be-Moskvah, David Levy, 10/23/1969
[apparently excerpted for CBC broadcast: see #225, 325a.]
458Milgram tape, undated
[see also: #228]
460Announcement cassette
461Side 1: 2/5/85 A. Side 2: 2/5/85 B
462Side 1: 2/5/85 C. Side 2: 2/5/85 D, 2/6/85 A
463Side 1: 2/6/85 B. Side 2: 2/6/85 C
464Side 1: 2/6/85 D. Side 2: 2/6/85 E, 2/7/85 A
465Side 1: 2/7/85 B. Side 2: 2/7/85 C
466Side 1: 2/7/85 D. Side 2: 2/7/85 E, 2/9/85 A, 2/10/85 A
468Sharansky cont'd (12/30/86). "Flames of Hope" Rally, Soviet UN Mission (1/4/87). WB #1 report on rally (1/4/87)
[see also: #288]
469Side 1: 6/24/88. Side 2: 6/27/88
4703 NCSJ 4, undated
480Sir Martin Gilbert lecture on Soviet Jewry, Yeshiva University, 12/11/1986
483Unidentified rally, undated
488SSSJ Queens College, Drs. Goldstein upon their release, undated
491Rally at Russian Dance Group Performance undated
497Audio of video tape: Interviews by Dr. Robert Friedman, Albany N.Y., undated
-Dr. Alex Joffe, Moscow
-Dimitry Joffe, Moscow
-Miriam Furman, Leningrad
-Lev Furman, Leningrad
-Boris Taukelevich, Leningrad
-Mila Voluorsky, Gorky
499Hebrew Ulpan, undated
500Hebrew Ulpan - Part I, undated
(11 tapes) [Contains multiple duplicates.]
501Hebrew Ulpan - Part II, undated
(5 tapes)
502Smooth Ball - T.I.M.E., undated
[Commercial tape- not reformatted]
503The Visit of Alexander Temkin to the Camp "Orlenok" in which Marina was jailed, 4/4/1973
504 Hearings of the New York City Parks Committee in Introduction 1053, naming of the Sharansky Steps at the Isaiah Wall, 8/27/1981
505Spivakovsky, Svechinsky, Spivakovsky's Wife, undated
506SSSJ Freedom Vigil at Soviet UN Mission with Yoseph Mendelevich, 12/7/1981
507Kimberly Pattirson Trip Report, Lerner, 7/1979
508NC55 - 1, 6/13/1989
509Kolos - Music, 1988
510Unidentified, 1/26/1985
511Unidentified, 1/26/1985
512Phil Donahue Show, Refuseniks, 2/11/1987
513National Conference on Soviet Jewry, "The Challenge of Change", 1/9/1987
514Kenneth Haber, Debriefing of trip to Russia , 8/1987
515Ruth Bevin, Roxanne Levine, Debriefing of trip to Moscow, Leningrad, 1/24/1987
516Sharansky Celebration on Norm Laster radio show, undated
517Natan Sharansky - WFMU, 9/2/1987
518Purim Spiel From Leningrad, undated
519Joseph Mendelevich - MBJC, 2/27/1984
520The Barry Farber Show Interview with Yosef Mendelevich, 5/12/1982
521Jews in Danger - Halacha, undated
522Unidentified interview re: demonstration at signing of cultural agreement with Soviet Union, undated
523SSSJ Reception for Joseph & Kati Mendelevich at Home of Jane & Jerome Stern, 12/12/1981
524Dr. Pesach Schindler - Beth Israel, 11/11/1985
525Phone Call to Russia; Rabbi Polonski, 3/28/1980
526Singer, Daczin Torczyner, Hollywood, FL, 12/1985
527Torczyner, undated
528Sharansky Steps Dedication, 11/1/1981
529Good Times, 1983
530Fundraising, undated
531Tarbut - Bible Stories for Children - The Forefathers, undated
(Stories from the Bible Adapted for Children Accompanied by Songs and Sound Effects)
532Tarbut - Music in the History of Jews, undated
(The development of Jewish Music and a Selection of Jewish Melodies)
533Tarbut - Bible Stories for Children, undated
(Stories from the Bible Adapted for Children Accompanied by Songs and Sound Effects)
534Tarbut - Shabbat (The Ancient Ceremony and Symbolism and Its Meaning for Modern Jews), undated
535Tarbut - A Bouquet of Jewish Melodies, undated
536Tarbut - Nil Desperandum, Nil Desperandum (Short Stories), undated
537Tarbut - Salute the Breaking Dawn (Short Stories), undated
538Tarbut - Pesach (The Story and Ceremony in Word and Song, From Ancient to Modern Times), undated
539Tarbut - Lest We Forget (Short Stories), undated
540Tarbut - Yesterday, Today and Always (Short Stories), undated
541Tarbut - The Black Book (Testimonies of Russian Jewish Holocaust Survivors) - original, undated
542Tarbut - The Black Book (Testimonies of Russian Jewish Holocaust Survivors) - copy, undated
543Tarbut - The Modern Hebrew (Texts and Reading Exercises from a Beginner's Hebrew Textbook, undated
544Side 1: Havkin (?), Side 2: Toller (?), undated
545SSSJ. Side 1: The New Slaves Side 2: TThere's a Fire, Yigal Kamayim Mishpat, undated
[Transferred from Item 575. (One orginal and one copy)]
547Interview with people denied visas for Israel, undated
549Hebrew language instruction, undated
552Pro-Israel demonstration; interview re: Russian trip, undated
553Vladimir Kishlik (?) at Columbia University, undated
556NCSJ Conference, NYC, 6/7/1987
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein; Morris Avram; Yehoshua Dratt; Steve Spiegel-UCLA
557LICSJ / SEIC Rally, American Embassy, Tel Aviv, 1/6/1986
558Rabbi David Oler - From Federal Correction Institution, Radio Interviews WNER, WFMU, 12/1985
559Soviet Res.[cue] Rally, 3/31/1984
560Unidentified, 12/8-10/1987
561Jewish March - High Park, 2/28/1984
562Tisha B'av Prayer Service-Soviet UN Mission; Sharansky News Conference Isaiah Wall, Sept.-Oct./1987
563Tape 2 (?), 6/7/1987
565High School/Lobby Trip to Washington D.C, 5/4/1984
List of Records (most not reformatted). Items 566-576, 597
566The New Slavery, 1971
(three originals; 1 reformatted to CD)
567Silent No More - Jewish Underground Songs from Soviet Russia based on Tapes Smuggled out by "Ben Tsion", 1971
(eight originals; 1 reformatted to CD)
568Nefesh by Someone Like You, undated
(four originals)
569From The Mouths of Children - Junior Congregation Sabbath Service, undated
570Mikhail Alexndrovitch - Jewish Folk Songs, undated
571Side 1: Slawa Przybylska Sings Jewish Folksongs, Side 2: Central Artistic Ensemble, undated
(two originals)
572Michail Alexandrowitz - Jewish Folk Songs, undated
573The Workmen's Circle - Association of Jewish Book Publishers, undated
574Russian, undated
575Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry - Side 1: There's a Fire Side 2: Yigal Kamayim Mishpat, undated
(four originals)
576The All-Party Parliamentary Committee for the Release of Soviet Jewry - A Bar Mitzvah Gift For Leonid Slepak, undated
(seven originals)
597The Day Will Come/Am Yisrael Chai by the Chai Duo, undated
(20 originals; record sleeve has "Support Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry" on it)
Unarranged, continued. Items 577-596
Note: (Most have not been reformatted)
577Leaving Mother Russia, undated
585-588Empty cassette boxes
589Dr. Adam Ferziger, Modern Orthodoxy & the Soviet Jewry Movement. At Edah mini-conference, Jewish Community Center, West 76 St., New York City, 6/18/2006
(first 5 minutes of event are missing)
590Channels 5 and 11 news coverage of demonstrations at Soviet U.N. Mission 3/7/1971 and 3/10/1971
591News coverage of SSSJ demonstration at Communist Party Headquarters, New York, N.Y. 3/30/1971
592Unidentified interview
593Tisha B'av mincha prayer at Isaiah Peace Wall opposite United Nations for Soviet, Ethiopian, Syrian, Yemenite and other Jews in danger sponsored by SSSJ and CJC, 7/21/1991
594Rally at Isaiah Wall and march to US Mission to UN to protest President Bush's statements on loan guarantees for Israel sponsored by SSSJ, CJC and West Side shuls, 9/15/1991
595Coalition for Jewish Concerns "Prayer Vigil vs. Bigotry" across from Cardinal John O'Connor's residence as he hosts Poland's Cardinal Joseph Glemp, 10/6/1991
596SSSJ's second mass gathering, Congregation Ansche Chesed, Manhattan, 5/11/1964
(includes Rabbis Steven Riskin, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and David Hill; Art Green, Barry Dov Schwartz, and Yaakov Birnbaum; SSSJ song "Speak Out and Save Them")
598aGlenn Richter & Morey Schapira - USSR trip, 11/24/1971-12/1/1974
(consists of 1:Leonid Reines 2:Glenn Richter & Morey Schapira 3:Prof. Alexander Lerner & Dr. Alex Voronel 4:Radio Moscow, 11/27/1974. See also Box 12/Folder 12)
598bGlenn Richter & Morey Schapira - USSR trip - guide, 11/24/1971-12/1/1974
599Avital Sharansky TV or radio interview in Israel, 1978
(in Hebrew)
600Pre-Simchat Torah hakafot for SSSJ's unofficial dedication of Anatoly Sharansky Steps at Isaiah Wall opposite the UN, 10/20?/1981
(Includes Emcee David Stahl, speakers Rabbi Avi Weiss & Ruth Messinger, and singers Cantor Sherwood Goffin & Dov Shurin)
601Avital Sharansky with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein on WCBS radio, 6/7?/1983
(may be a duplicate of part of Item 135)
602Avital Sharansky on the Today Show, 5/5/1983
603Dr. Allan Ross on Anatoly Sharansky's heart condition, 6/21/1983
604Avital Sharansky on WNBC radio's Al Angeloro Show, 8/21/1983
(with translation help from David & Shifra Stahl)
605a(1) Rabbi Telushkin - Why Antisemitism (8/30/1983).(2) Avital Sharansky discussion with Helsinki Commission Director R. Spencer Oliver & columnist Robert Novak on CNN News, Part I. Includes caller David Stahl (8/31/1983)
605bAvital Sharansky on CNN News, Part II, 8/31/1983
606Premiere performance of Kaddish for Babyn Yar. Composer: Yevhen Stankovych. Libretto: Dmytro Pavlychko. Orchestra of the Kyiv Opera & Ballet Theatre. Volodymyr Kozhukhar, Conductor, 10/5/1991
(See also printed libretto "Babiy Yar 1941-1991: Requiem" stored in Series VII: Printed Material, Box 251/Folder 2)
607(1) Coalition for Jewish Concerns (CJC) rally for Israel at Republican National Convention at the Astrodome, Houston, TX (8/16/1992). (2) CJC memorial for Yankel Rosenbaum, Crown Heights (8/19/1992). (3) Yahrzeit siyum for Yankel Rosenbaum, Chabad headquarters. Speakers: Rabbi Jacob Spiegelman, Shmuel Butman (9/8/1992)
608Meeting between Russian foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev & representatives of human rights groups, Russian UN Mission, NYC, 9/25/1992
609Rabbi Avi Weiss (CJC/AMCHA): Making the case for Jonathan Pollard on the Patrick Buchanan show, 12/30/1993
610Kaunas - meeting at JCC: Prof. Aaron Gutman & son, Dr. Racil Gluzman, Prof. Edward Gutman, Asa Guterman, Glenn Richter, Henry Gerber, 5/27/1994
611Sofia Zibotskine, Vilnius, 5/30/1994
612Radio - Lechayim - Sharansky, undated
David Stahl's mother-in-law Mrs. Stein, married to David Stein

Series XI: Video Material, undated, 1964-1997. Video Boxes 1-5, Box 381

Series Description: This series contains video recordings of SSSJ events and other programs relevant to the Soviet Jewry movement such as demonstrations, meetings, and interviews with former refuseniks. It also includes copies television news segments and other programs relating to SSSJ, Soviet Jews and conditions and life in the USSR.

The recordings consist primarily of VHS tapes. There are also some film recordings, and some non-VHS video formats. Most of the items have been reformatted onto DVD.

Few, if any, of the recordings were professionally made. Many tapes contain several, unrelated events. Descriptions of recordings were mostly taken from labels on the items, which were often written in abbreviated form, and therefore may be difficult to understand in some cases.

Arrangement: The VHS recordings, which comprise the bulk of the series, are arranged chronologically, followed by an alphabetical listing for undated ones. There is also an unarranged group of VHS recordings received at a later date. Note that the arrangements are based on the date or description of only the first item on a given recording, which, as noted above, may contain several events. Researchers are therefore advised to review the entire listing to find specific item(s) of interest. Non-VHS recordings are listed at the end of the series.
Chronological listing
11"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Dennis Prager interviews Marvin & Renee Herskowits, who just returned from visiting Moscow, Leningrad, & Kiev, 9/13/1973
Tape 1
2"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Glenn Richter interviews Dr. Chaim Branover, Soviet physicist activist on religious awakening of Jews in USSR and his organization's (S.H.A.M.I.R.) projects of "spiritual absorption" of Russian Jewish Olim, 10/1/1973
Tape 3
3The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Dennis Prager interviews Miriam Sternberg, head of "T'Chiya" ("Revival"), a group of American student volunteers working in Israel on the "spiritual absorption" of Soviet Jews, 10/4/1973
Tape 4 [for Tape 5 of series, see Item #9]
4"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Glenn Richter interviews Rabbi Jonathan Porath, who has been to Russia 7 times and has led Jewish youth groups there 5 times, about his experiences with emphasis on the "hidden Jews" of the Soviet Union. Also description of Porath's new book, "The Jews of Russia", a high school text, 11/8/1973
Tape 6
5The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Asher Sebrow sings new songs he composed about Soviet Jewry and explains their origins. Host - Glenn Richter, 11/8/1973
Tape 7
6"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Glenn Richter interviews Prof. Moshe Gitterman, former Moscow activist, about resistance among Russian Jewish scientists, 11/23/1973
Tape 9
7"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Dennis Prager interviews Vadim Belotserkovsky, member of the Soviet dissident movement with connections to the Jewish movement, who recently left the USSR, about the nature of the Soviet democratic movement and its relationship with Jewish resistance, 1/3/1974
Tape 10
8"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Dennis Prager interviews Joseph Telushkin, a recent visitor to the USSR, about his experiences with the Jews of Moscow and distant Novosibirsk, and his discussion with Prof. Andrei Sakharov in Moscow, 1/3/1974
Tape 11
9"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Stan Gruen interviews Hon. Howard Samuels on his view of the Soviet Jewry movement, effects of the Arab oil squeeze on Soviet Jews, and the effect of US-USSR trade on Russian Jews, 1/15/1974
Tape 5
10"The Plight of Soviet Jewry": Glenn Richter interviews Boris Einbender, Moscow activist just released from USSR, about current situation of Soviet Jewish resistance and Soviet oppression; incl. description of his own imprisonment, 2/21/1974
Tape 12
11"Hirelings and Accomplices": Soviet film shown on Leningrad TV, 11/13/1984
Copy 1
12"Hirelings and Accomplices": Soviet film shown on Leningrad TV, 11/13/1984
Copy 2
13Nazi & Soviet Propaganda Films. Excerpts from "The Eternal Jew" - Nazi documentary 1939, and "Mercenaries and Accomplices" - Soviet TV, Nov. 1984. Introduction by David Bar-Ilan, 1939, Nov. 1984
Copy 1
14Nazi & Soviet Propaganda Films. Excerpts from "The Eternal Jew" - Nazi documentary 1939, and "Mercenaries and Accomplices" - Soviet TV, Nov. 1984. Introduction by David Bar-Ilan, 1939, Nov. 1984
Copy 2
15TV news clips of Avital Sharansky demonstration at the UN (9/24/85); "Hello Jerusalem" TV program on Soviet Jewry (6/86)
16Message from Anatoly Sharansky, 3/26/1986
17SSSJ Dinner at Lincoln Square Synagogue, 3/29/1986
18An evening with Anatoly Sharansky at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5/10/1986
19Sharansky / Penzias: full interview (with introduction) , 6/15/1986
Copied at UC Berkeley on 7/25/86.
20Public Broadcasting Corp. TV series, "Comrades," on life in USSR, 7/1986-8/1986
21ABA - ASL, 8/1986
22Yosef Mendelevich at American Zionist Federation, 9/15/1986
23Glenn Richter (at Jonathan Wolf's) interviewing Yakov Gorodetsky, former Leningrad activist, 9/21/1986
24Subcommittee on Human Rights, NYC Council (City Hall), 9/22/1986
Tape 1 of 2
25Subcommittee on Human Rights, NYC Council (City Hall), 9/22/1986
Tape 2 of 2
26Erev Yom Kippur - demonstration at the Soviet Embassy, 67th St. & 3rd Avenue, 10/12/1986
27Andrey Lifshitz Family Shabbat (10/24/86). Moscow Synagogue, Simchat Torah (10/26/86), 10/24-26/1986
(Letter enclosed with cassette)
28Refusenik Andrei Lifshitz, Moscow (10/86). Moscow & Leningrad refuseniks (4/87), 10/1986; 4/1987
29Alexei at Frisch. [1 - Vladimir, Chana Magarik. 2750 - UJA, "Zion's Captives"] ?, 12/2/1986
30Natasha Ratner interview, 12/1986
31Interview with Michael Shirman. Erev Succot, 1986
32Debriefing of Rabbi Stewart Zweiter & Mrs. Sylvia Bellehsen, Frisch School, on USSR school trip, 1/14/1987
Tape 1 of 2
33Debriefing of Rabbi Stewart Zweiter & Mrs. Sylvia Bellehsen, Frisch School, on USSR school trip, 1/14/1987
Tape 2 of 2
234Interviews with refuseniks - by Dr. Robert Friedman, Albany, NY, 1/1987
35Interviews with refuseniks in USSR, 1/1987
(duplicate of items 33/34)
36Russian Interviews - Moscow, Leningrad, Yerevan: Alex Joffe (M), Dimitre Joffe (M), Miriam / Lev Furman (L), Ann Lifshutz (L), Boris Tankelevitch (L), Ludmilla Volvovsky (Gorky), Mikhail & Marina Fuchs Rabinovitch / son Mishka (M), 1/1987
Tape 1
37Russian Interviews: Igor Uspensky & Ina (Alex Joffe's sister) talk about Joffe's hunger strike (M). Willi & Evgenia Palanker (Yerevan), 1/1987
Tape 2
38Interview with Abe Bayer for Project Eyewitness, 2/3/1987
39Phil Donahue program on refuseniks, "official" Jews, 2/4/1987
40Demonstration at Soviet Mission, 2/16/1987
41Demonstration at Soviet Mission in NYC with Anatoly & Avital Sharansky, 2/19/1987
42Press conference Natan & Avital Sharansky at the Soviet Mission to UN, 2/20/1987
43Divided Families, Soviet Jewry Press Conference at NYU Medical School: WABC-TV coverage, 3/20/1987
44CBS network "60 Minutes" segment on Soviet Jewry, 3/22/1987
45Shlomo Carlebach, Sherwood Goffin, & Sandy Shmuely, 4/8/1987
Tape 1
46Shlomo Carlebach, Sherwood Goffin, & Sandy Shmuely, 4/8/1987
Tape 2
47Leningrad, Kishinev, & Moscow. Leningrad - at Zelichanek's house: Sergei Markov - Lifshitz, Taratuta, Furman, Gilbo, Taratuta. Kishinev - Alex Kogan, Leiberzon, Lukshen. Moscow - Charney, Magarek, Begun, Uspensky. (Elliot Milgram), 7/1-14/1987
Tape 1
48Moscow - Uspensky, Lurie / Schwartzman Yusufovich, meeting at Slava Schiffrin. (Milgram), 7/1-14/1987
Tape 2
49Kishinev - Alexander Kogan, Shaul Liberzon, Osip Lokshin, Alla __, Alexander Lifshitz, 7/1987
Transcript enclosed with cassette
50Moscow - Dr. G. Rosenstein & Dr. Shimon Yontovsky - Synagogue Exhibit. (Milgram), 7/1987
51Moscow - Anna Charney, Joseph & Ida Begun, Benjamin Charney, Natasha Ratner Magarik, Igor Uspensky & family, 7/1987
52Tape of Refuseniks, from Feldman trip: (1) Marina, Lev, Aliyah Furman (2) Misha, Boris, Lilya, Devorah Fridman (3) Vladimir, Anna, Boris, Masha Lifschitz, 9/28-30/1987
53Demonstrations at Bolshoi; Pope in Miami; Summit, 9/1987-12/1987
54Wax-Spector trip to USSR: Wax wedding; interviews with refuseniks, 10/25-29/1987
55Interviews with Moscow refuseniks, recorded by Stu Wax & Lenny Spector, 10/26-28/1987
56Interviews in Jerusalem with recent arrivals from USSR: Semyon Yantovsky & Erlina Matlina; Mikhail Elbert; Mikhail Kara-Ivanov & Irina Dashevsky; Marina Kitrovsky. Interviews by Mike Jaffe & Paul Holm at SJEIC, 11/15/1987
Tape A
57Interviews continued: Mikhail Kholmyansky; SJEIC spokesman; Dr. Yuri Stern. Interviews by Mike Jaffe & Paul Holm, 11/15/1987
Tape B
58"Free at last!" Semyon Yantovsky & Erlina Matlina, Mikhail Elbert, Mikhail & Irina Kara-Ivanov, Marina Kitrosky, Mikhail Kholmyansky, & Yuri Stern, 11/15/1987
Taped in Jerusalem. Duplicate of Items 56/57.
59Moscow. New York City Council mission to USSR to visit refuseniks, led by Councilman Noach Dear (former SSSJ activist). Tape 1, 11/25/1987
60Moscow. New York City Council mission to USSR to visit refuseniks, led by Councilman Noach Dear (former SSSJ activist), cont'd. Tape 2, 11/25/1987
61Moscow. New York City Council mission to USSR to visit refuseniks, led by Councilman Noach Dear (former SSSJ activist), cont'd. Tape 3, 11/25/1987
62Freedom Sunday Pre-summit Rally, Washington, DC, 12/6/1987
Copy 1
63Freedom Sunday Pre-summit Rally, Washington, DC, 12/6/1987
Copy 2
64Interviews with refuseniks by Frisch High School Mission, Moscow & Leningrad, 12/1987-1/1988
Tape 1 of 2
65Interviews with refuseniks by Frisch High School Mission, Moscow & Leningrad, 12/1987-1/1988
Tape 2 of 2
66Debriefing of Rabbi Nati Helfgott, Judy Bamberger, & students of Frisch School on 12/23/87 - 1/4/88 trip, 1/7/1988
367Begun at Ben Gurion Airport (1/19/88) & at Kibbutz Maagen Michael (1/20/88), 1/19-20/1988
68Union of Councils for Soviet Jewry. Recently arrived refuseniks Evgeny Aisenberg (Kharkov); Vili & Evgenia Palanker (Erevan); Joseph Radomyselsky (Leningrad) interviewed by Glenn Richter at reception at Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem, 2/5/1988
Camera - Amy Kronish
69Natan Sharansky at Ehrman home; SSSJ Fundraiser, 3/17/1988
70Glasnost and Nationality: Dr. Yuri Stern. Manhattan, 3/28/1988
71Valery Pevzner, former Odessa refusenik leader, interviewed by Bob Frauenglas, 4/18/1988
72SSSJ Rally - 67th & Lex, NYC, 5/1/1988
73CNN coverage of Moscow summit, including SSSJ demonstration in Red Square, 5/30/1988
74Tisha B'Av at 67th St. & Lex. SSSJ & Yeshiva of the West Side, 7/1988
75Habshosh family (8/13/88). Ilya Kapustiansky - Orenberg (8/17/88). Sergei Mukeytchian (sp?) - Poor Relatives (8/17/88). Elena Dubianskaya - JEWAR, part 1.
76Enid Wurtman interviews Elena Dubianskaya of Moscow - Tel Aviv (8/17/88). Chaya Brill interviews Alexander Kholmyansky & Yuli Edelstein, Natan & Rachel Sharansky clip - Jerusalem (8/18/88).
77Etka Leibowitz interviews Vladimir Farber, Baku (8/18/88). Interviews of David & Chana Shechter, Odessa; Meir Levinov about in-laws Lein family of Leningrad; Slava Shifrin of Moscow (8/21/88). David Bedein of Israel Resources. Jerusalem.
78Interview of Reuvim, Aaron & Joseph Kozhokin of Ilyinka, with assistance of Yasha Gorodetsky. Gilo Absorption Center, Jerusalem, 8/21/1988
79SSSJ Protest for Gogi, cancer victim locked in USSR. SSSJ & four doctors at Soviet Mission (?), 67th St & 3rd Ave, NYC, 9/18/1988
80SSSJ activity - Celebration of Solidarity with Soviet Jewry & Israel. Isaiah Peace Wall, opposite UN, Manhattan, 10/2/1988
81"Shvut Ami", 10/1988
82(1) Tail end of SSSJ UN demo as Gorbachev spoke with arrestees put in paddy wagons. (2) Coalition (with SSSJ support) rally immediately following. Dag Hammersjold Plaza, Manhattan, 12/7/1988
83David Shuker, Chairman, Israel Public Committee for Yemenite Jewry. Translator - Jon Wolf. Taped by SSSJ, 12/29/1988
84A Refusenik Story: The Liberation of Vladimir & Maria Slepak.", 1988
85Naum Rabinovich, refusenik from Zaporazhne, Ukrainian in USSR, speaking in Moscow, 1988
Taped by his son Vladimir, visiting from USA
86[0-1660:] Home Address Israel. [1690-2485:] Moscow Book Fair, 1988
87Lincoln Square Synagogue youth visit to USSR, Tallinn, 4/1988
1 of 2
88Lincoln Square Synagogue youth visit to USSR, Tallinn, 4/1988
2 of 2
89Day of Solidarity Soviet Jews: Rally / March - 67th & Lex, Manhattan, 5/7/1989
90Tisha B'Av: SSSJ Demonstration - 67th & Lex., 8/10/1989
91John McLaughlin's One on One: "Auschwitz Convent", 8/25/1989
92The McLaughlin Show: Rabbi Avraham Weiss, 9/11/1989
93The Last G[o]ulag, BBC 2. Property of Joyce Simson, 10/1989
94"The Eleventh Hour", Channel 13, focuses on Soviet Jewry, 1989
95"One Generation More" - Jews in Estonia, 1989
96SSSJ "Rally & Civil Disobedience" - 67th & Lex, 2/25/1990
97Tisha B'Av Prayer Service at Soviet UN Mission, 7/31/1990
98Rally at UN re: resolution condemning Israel, 10/14/1990
98a"Catching the Wave", 1990
Alphabetical listing - undated material
498b"Capital to Capital" (ABC TV)
99Holidays in Moscow (Intourist)
100Jews of Moscow, 1985
101"Lights: A Hanukah video about then and now." Gesher / Jerusalem Productions
102Boris Lifschitz & Evgeny Yakir, 1987
103"Home Address Israel" program, 1988
104Ida Nudel. (Copy)
105Prisonland, 1978. Interviews with Avraham Shifrin on 700 Club (ed) & John Birch Society, 1983. No place to hide. Car bomber clip. PLO & Israel. Soviet Russia inside out. Frontline ex V. E. Day
(For review only. Rose Broadcasting Inc)
107"Refuseniks - An Issue for All Humanity." Albany PBS
108Refuseniks: Who and Why? By Su Brodsky
109Rubin (1 of 2)
110Russia. Copy I
111Russia. Copy II
112Russia - HAFTR: After change of Guard. Tape 1
113Russia - HAFTR: Moscow. Tape 2
114Russia - HAFTR: Marina, Grisha, Koslarovsky. Tape 3
115Russia - HAFTR: Lenin - 1. Tape 4
116Russia - HAFTR: Leningrad - 2. Tape 5
117"The Sabbath: A Gesher Video Learning Kit."
(set of four award-winning mini-films focusing on the Jewish Sabbath)
118Anatoly Sharansky: Channel 2 News
119Shalome Sesame: Episodes 101-105 (CTW).
120Sharansky in NYC. 5/9 - TV 2-4. 5/11 - Solidarity March & TV 4-2.
121Mark Shifrin, Spezman, Penina Kozenovich, Sergio Markov, Alexander & Sara Chudrovsky, Shainen, Denin, Vilna, Gorenstein, Singer, Belitsky, Shechter, Feldman, Meshkov mtg, Karasik
122[The Swan Lake]. Interviews of Moscow refuseniks by Stu Wax & Leonard Spector. Tape A (1 of 2) 10/26-28/1987
[See also Tapes #54-55.]
123Wedding, etc. Tape 1
124Rabbi Stewart Zweiter, Mrs. Bellehsen, Frisch School Trip to Russia - interviewed upon return. 1/14/1987
[See also Tapes #32-33.]
125Interviews of refuseniks. Some footage of Russian shuls
126Yakov Gorodetsky, former Leningrad activist, interviewed by Glenn Richter at Richter's home, on efficacy of Western pressure on USSR. 1987 or 1988
Video taken by Ken Bossewitch. 2 hours, 5 minutes.
127"Anatomy of a Demonstration" - Moiyseyev Dance Company at Felt Forum, NYC, 11/25/1986
128Unidentified (Russian language?)
5129Dedication of Henry Jackson Square, Jerusalem, 1/10/95
(video - Glenn Richter. See also Series III: Correspondence, Box 86 Folder 9)
130"Re-Remembering" - Chicago Action for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, 2002 (Clerestory Productions)
131Rally for Jonathan Pollard at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, New York City, 6/21/92
(video - Ken Bossewitch)
132"The Last Gulag" (BBC), 1989
133"From Toledo to Jerusalem" with Yehoram Gaon - Olim Return to the Promised Land, 1992
134Vladimir Pozner: Not Your Average Russian, 6/17/87; Soviet delegation with Mayor Ed Koch 11/20/88; Edgar Bronfman of WJC
(all taped by Danny Burstein)
135Yitzhak Perlman in Moscow, 1991
136"Truth to Power" preview video of Amcha/CJC protests at Auschwitz, 1/1995
137SSSJ "Freedom Express" rallies in Washington, DC, 3/8/1990
(video - Glenn Richter)
138Rally for Jonathan Pollard with Rabbi Avi Weiss, Vancouver, Canada, 4/4/1993
139Amcha/CJC protests at Birkenau, Auschwitz, visit to Sobibor, protests at Theresienstadt, Dachau, 8/16-20/1994
(video - Glenn Richter)
140Amcha/CJC protests in Warsaw, Auschwitz at 50th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz, 1/24-28/1995
(video - Glenn Richter)
141"Freedom to Hate", 1991
(documentary on Soviet Jewry with Dan Rather)
142"To Leave or Not To Leave" (part 3), 9/9/1990
(documentary on Soviet Jewry. 2 copies)
143Keren Klita - Jerusalem Aid for Russian Olim, 1991 or 1992
144"The New Nazis", 1991
(produced by Granada TV for World in Action)
145Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 7/4/1986-6/17/1987
(index in cassette jacket. Taped by Allan Miller)
146Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 2/7/1987-6/25/1987
(index in cassette jacket. Taped by Glenn Richter)
147Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 8/2/1987-6/3/1988
(index in cassette jacket. Taped by Glenn Richter)
148Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 6/27/1988-12/23/1990
(index in cassette jacket. Taped by Glenn Richter)
149Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 4/1/1990-7/27/1990
(index in cassette jacket. Compiled by Allan Miller)
150Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 12/30/1990-1/22/1995
(index in cassette jacket. Taped by Glenn Richter)
151Television news clips on Soviet Jewry, 1991
(index in cassette jacket. Compiled by Allan Miller)
152Television news clips of SSSJ and Amcha/CJC actions, 1987-1991
(compiled by Bernard Glickman)
153"Chaim She'ke'eleh" (This is Your Life"), 5/12/1997
(Israel TV. Featuring Natan Sharansky)
154Post-Soviet Jewry and Amcha/CJC television news clips, 11/1995-2/2000
(index in cassette jacket. Compiled by Glenn Richter)
155"Kaddish" featuring Yossi Klein, 1984
(by Steve Brand)
156Television coverage of Pope-Waldheim demonstrations in Rome; SSSJ Bolshoi Ballet demonstration at Lincoln Center, 6/24-30/1987
157Natan Sharansky at Stern College for Women, 3/22/1988
(video - Glenn Richter)
158Ida Nudel in Siberia, 1978
159Congressional delegation visit to Perm 35 labor camp, 8/1989
160"HIAS Means Freedom", 11/1992
(promotional recording)
161News clips of Solidarity Day with Natan Sharansky, 5/12/1986; Sharansky at Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5/10/1986; Sharansky at SSSJ fundraiser, 3/17/1988; SSSJ demonstration in Red Square at Reagan-Gorbachev summit, 5/30/1988,
162aUnion of Councils for Soviet Jewry Annual Meeting, 10/1989
(1 of 2)
162bUnion of Councils for Soviet Jewry Annual Meeting, 10/1989
(2 of 2, at Babi Yar and Kiev)
Film and other formats
3811 All - Faith Prayer Service At National Democratic Convention, 8/25/1964
21st SSSJ Protest - Soviet U.N. Mission, 5/1/1964
3Jericho March - To U.N. from Soviet U.N. Mission, 4/4/1966
4Straus Square Rally in Front of Forward Building, 10/18/1964
5Tribute to Sylva Zalmanson. Return to Freedom.
Master - 1 hour. [Memorex Video Tape (Croma 80-8c, ½" X 2400']
6Various events & protests on DVD
News Clips, 11/1995
Soviet Jewry TV News Clips, 1986-1987
To Leave or Not to Leave (3 Parts), undated
Last Gulag, undated
Video news Clips, 12/30/1990-1/22/1995
News, 1987
Finland/Soviet Union/Austria - News & Clips, 5/1988-12/1990
Video News Clips - Soviet Jewry, Israel, Holocaust, 4/1/1990-7/27/1990
CNN Coverage of Moscow, Summit - Including SSSJ Red Square Demo, 5/30/1988
News, 1987-1988
Congressional Delegation to Perm Labor Camp, undated
Ida Nudel - Dedication of Henry Jackson Square, Jerusalem, 1/10/1995
SSSJ Pope-Waldheim Demonstration, 5/24-25/1987
Bolshoi Ballet Demo at Lincoln Center, 6/30/1987
Babi Yar, undated
USSR New Immigrants Housing in Israel, etc., 1991
Keren Klita Jerusalem Aid For Russian Olim, 1986
Sharansky at Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5/10/1986
Solidarity Day Rally, 5/11/1986
"Freedom Express" Rallies in Washington D.C., 3/8/1990
"This is Your Life" Featuring Sharansky, Israel TV, 5/12/1997