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'Orthodox Judaism United States' in subject Synagogues -- New York (State) -- New York in subject 
Jewish day schools -- New York (State) -- New York in subject 
Jewish lawyers -- New York (State) -- New York in subject 
Tradition in subject 
Jewish camps -- United States in subject 
Women in Judaism--United States in subject 
Jewish college students --United States --Societies, etc. in subject 
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Agunahs (1)
Jewish camps -- United States[X]
Jewish college students --United States --Societies, etc.[X]
Jewish day schools -- New York (State) -- New York[X]
Jewish lawyers -- New York (State) -- New York[X]
Jewish youth -- Religious life -- United States (1)
Jewish youth -- Societies and clubs (1)
Jews -- United States (1)
Orthodox Judaism -- United States (1)
Rabbinical courts -- United States (1)
Schools of Social Work -- New York (State) -- New York (1)
Synagogues -- New York (State) -- New York[X]
Women in Judaism--United States[X]
Creator:  Kobrin, Lawrence A.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Lawrence Kobrin Papers  
 Dates:  1886-1914, 1940-2019 
 Call No:  2012.018 
 Abstract:  Lawrence A. Kobrin, a New York attorney born in 1933, is a leading Jewish communal figure who has dedicated much of his life to Jewish causes and to the work of a variety of Jewish organizations. The collection documents a broad spectrum of Kobrin's activities on behalf of the Jewish community. 
 Size:  6.5 Linear feet 
 Subjects:  Agunahs | Jewish camps -- United States | Jewish college students --United States --Societies, etc. | Jewish day schools -- New York (State) -- New York | Jewish lawyers -- New York (State) -- New York | Jewish youth -- Religious life -- United States | Jewish youth -- Societies and clubs | Jews -- United States | Orthodox Judaism -- United States | Rabbinical courts -- United States | Schools of Social Work -- New York (State) -- New York | Synagogues -- New York (State) -- New York | Tradition | Women in Judaism--United States